Chapter 1

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*Two young fishermen named Daniel and Marcus are in a boat*

Marcus: They say that something lurks below...right underneath the bay

Daniel: Really? this again?

Marcus: With pointy claws and sharpened teeth...they'd kill you right away!

Marcus: They'd drag you down to the dark below and away you'd go...

Daniel: You really believe in these sea monsters? they're just legends!

Marcus: I've heard there was a sighting here...shadows in the water now and then

Marcus: I've seen people jump in here and they're never seen again!

Marcus: With one fell swoop, they could send you to your death!

Daniel: Well, thank god they're only myths

*Then we go to the small town of portorosso where the villagers live*

The villagers: In the tiniest town of portorosso

The villagers: We go 'bout our days the way we know

The villagers: We each have a job, we all play a part

The villagers: With no need to ask why!

The villagers: We all need to open and close everyday

The villagers: We all have our families, we all drink caffe!

The villagers: Familar faces we see on our way

The villagers: As we try to get by

The villagers: Though we're living world apart!

*Then daniel sees something in the water*

Daniel: A sea monster! let's go before it catches up to us!

*Daniel and marcus paddle the boat away*

*In the water*

*In a sea pasture, a young sea monster named Luca was sitting on a rock with some goat-fish, looking up at the surface*

Luca: Mom told me they come in boats and lure you in with bait

Luca: They cook you, fry you, boil you whole

Luca: Soon, you're what's on their dinner plate

Luca: And they'd cut you up as you lay dead

Luca: At least that's what mom said...

Luca: I wonder what it's like up there

Luca: She says "It's safer out at sea"

Luca: Maybe it is too dangerous

Luca: But maybe there's someone like me

Luca: And I'm waiting and waiting for my life to start, but we're still just worlds apart!

The Sea villagers: In the tiniest town next to the pier

The Sea farmers: We're farmers!

The Sea shepards: We're shepards!

The Sea villagers: Great harvests this year!

The Sea villagers: We each have a job, we all play a part

The Sea villagers: With no need to ask why!

The Sea villagers: We all have our work so that we can provide

The Sea villagers: For our town, for our families, for our own kind!

The Sea villagers: And always remember to hide

The Sea villagers: As we try to get by!

The Sea villagers: As we're living worlds apart!

The villagers and the Sea villagers: In the tiniest town of portorosso, We go 'bout our days the way we know (Maybe one day we'll find away) We each have a job, we all play a part with- (We have-)

The villagers and the Sea villagers: No need to ask why!

The villagers and the Sea villagers: We all need to open and close everyday, We all have our families, we all drink caffe! Familar faces we see on our way- (We must provide for our own kind-) 

The villagers and the Sea villagers: As we all try to get by!

The villagers and the Sea villagers: And that's where our adventure starts

The villagers and the Sea villagers: As we're living worlds apart!

*In Portorosso, on the rooftops*

*A girl named Luna was asleep on a pile of newspapers, but this wasn't just any girl...this was an ali-human, which was basically a human with pegasus wings and a unicorn horn*

???: Psst, luna...wake up

*Luna opened one of her eyes and saw her older sister, Beatstar*

Beatstar: It's a new day sis, time for a morning song

Luna: *yawns* Well why didn't you say so?

*Luna stands up and gets ready to start the day*

Luna: 7 am, the usual morning line-up;

Luna: Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean

Luna: Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up

Luna: Sweep again and by then it's like 7:15

Luna: And so I'll read a book or maybe two or three

Luna: I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery

Luna: I'll play guitar and knit, and cook and basically

Luna: Just wonder when will my life begin?

Beatstar: What do you mean? This is our life! living on the rooftops

Luna: I know sis but I mean something bigger!

Luna: Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking

Luna: Papier-mâché, a bit of ballet and chess

Luna: Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making

Luna: Then I'll stretch

Luna: Maybe sketch

Luna: Take a climb

Luna: sew a dress!

Luna: And I'll re-read the books if I have time to spare

Luna: I'll paint the walls some more, I'm sure there's room somewhere

Luna: And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair

Luna: Stuck in the same place I've always been

Luna: And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin' and wonderin' and wonderin'

Luna: When will my life begin?

Luna: *Looks over portorosso* And now tonight...the stars will appear...just like they do, in this town, each night...what is it like? down there where they swim?

Luna: Now that I'm older...perhaps I'll just...go and see

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