Chapter 16 Hello we are venom

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At the training ground where class 1-A was doing quirk evaluation

Everyone stares in aw as they see Mina covered in venom and her checking herself out like she is the new fresh piece of meat on the block (she notices how sexy she looks).

Venom mina: ohhhh this feels so nice.

Meanwhile in minas head

Minas head: AHHH what the hell is happening to me.

Venom: I'm bonding with you

Mina head: YOUR WHAT

Venom: I'm the suit your wearing right now sorry to barge in but I needed a host to survive.

Mina head: what are you

Venom: UGH I don't want to explain this again so ill just directly put the information and everything you need to know in your head ok? Great here we go.

Mina tries to object because she has no idea what is going on but is cut off as venom literally downloads everything that has happened to Izuku Midoryia since the beginning of their relationship.

Mina head: Wait you're going to wha-AHHH THAT'S A LOT OF INFO AND THIS IS SO WEIRD.

Venom then finishes the download into her brain and then tries to tell mina his plan.

Venom: OK now that your caught up I'm going to use your body to get back to Izuku.

Mina: I uh um ok? Do I even have a choice?

Venom: nope.

Back at the real world

Mr. Aizawa worries over his pink skinned student as he has no idea what venom is if he is a threat and what venom is doing to mina.

Mr. Aizawa: PRESENT MIC get ready to attack again... if it got rid of it once it can do it again.

All might finally jumps in though stopping Present mic.


Mr. Aizawa: All Might GET OUT OF THE WAY we don't know what that thing is and if it's dangerous.

All Might: I can assure you it is not going to hurt anyone.

Suddenly though they see Midoryia fall to the ground and starts to sweat intensely and starts having spazes. Everyone in Class 1-A and the teachers surround him while Venom Mina stays in a defensive position.

Ochako: Oh my god what's happening to Midoryia

Ilda: Midoryia are you alright.

???: This isn't good what do we do

Ochako: Idk Kaminari

All Might then cut in though as he knows why this is happening.

All Might: Mr. Aizawa I will explain everything later, but Venom needs to bond with Midoryia. There connection is now so strong that Izukus body relies on venom now.

Mr. Aizawa: Bond?

Mr. Aizawa looks at Izuku with a facial expression that saids "dammit I have no choice". He then looks at Mina who is covered in venom. She then speaks to Aizawa.

Mina venom: Young Aizawa please let me save him I will not harm you and we will explain everything to our class mates and to you.

Mr. Aizawa hesitates to answer and saids it with disappointment.

Mr. Aizawa: *Sigh* Fine do whatever you must to save him.

Mina venom then walks up to Izuku and puts him up on his 2 feet. Mina venom then grabs his shirt and pulls him up close to her... very close to her. Her hands begin to bond and move into Izuku chest and Izuku is suddenly back to normal and is a lot livelier, but Mina is still bonded to venom.

Mina venom: Welcome back Izuchy

Mina saids seductively and then right when he was back into reality and can perceive his world the unthinkable happens.

Izuku: Venom what are y-

Mina venom still in her monster form kisses Izuku and then venom slowly begins to go back into Izuku. As the more of venom is absorbed into Izuku the less it shows on Mina and Mina then begins to turn back to normal in her usual pink self with her P.E. clothes. However, when venom is finally back with Izuku fully Mina still kisses Izuku.

Class 1-A as a whole: AHEM

Mina then looks up blushing still grabbing onto Izukus shirt while Izuku has a nose bleed and is in a daze at what just happened.

Izuku: What in the w-world was t-that hehe.

Venom then comes out of Izuku and then starts to tell secretes that are not his to tell.

Venom: WELL I figured since I showed mina all our secrets and memories that I should investigate her mind to and I found that she really likes public affection and also thinks your super-hot and cute so since she helped me bond to you I figured I give her this.

Mina stood there as a blushing mess matching a color close to purple because of her pink skin. She was completely embarrassed at what just happened. How ever at the same time she wasn't denying any of it and was still enjoying the faint taste of his lips and what it felt like, also the way his chest felt it was so sturdy and hard, and also his tongue when she was kissing him. She was drooling a little about just the whole experience in general. However so was everyone one else who was wishing they were Mina right now because apparently everyone wanted a piece of Izuku and thought he was hot. If it wasn't from before when they saw him shirtless they did now seeing him kiss. Though the one who was the most jealous was Ochako Uraraka. She was not only jealous that Mina kissed him first and got to feel his muscle but was furious that even though she has seen him shirtless and almost naked twice (thanks venom) she didn't get to kiss him first. Though at the same time she got off at the sight of Izuku kissing even if It wasn't her. The class 1-A girls were Quickly snapped out of it though when Mr. Aizawa spoke up loud and angry.


In the class room at U.A.

Izuku walks up to the class to explain everything that has happened. Although while everyone else treated it like a class introduction to their student like any other Aizawa treated it as a interrogation in court. With him as the judge and then the class as the jury. When Izuku makes his way to the front of the class room venom comes out of Izuku.

Mr. Aizawa: Ok Midoryia its your turn to introduce yourself to the class and you can start with your quirk or I guess your ... venom since I KNOW for a fact he is not a quirk.

Izuku: Hi my name is Izuku Midoryia.

Venom: And I am Venom.

Izuku: I'm technically quirk less and was born without a quirk.

Venom: I landed here in a meteor from another far away universe. My race is called Klyntar and are planet is called the same thing. We can bond to a host and give it as you would say upgrades to their physical ability to help survive.

Izuku: When venom found me, he bonded to me and helped me escape from some thugs who were going to hurt me or even probably kill me. Ever since then we stayed bonded and he became my quirk as you would say.

Venom: Questions?

Everyone raised their hands because everyone was so confused and even amazed that Venom even exist. The first to raise their hand was Ochako.

Ochako: What are all your powers.

Once she asked though this started a frenzy with other people asking questions.

Ilda: How does the bond you and Izuku share work exactly.

Kaminari: Is there others like you if so where can I get one.

Mina: what's your planet like and what's your life like there.


A girl with black hair in a ponytail named Momo: How does your biology work? Do you breathe oxygen? What do you eat.

Everyone shut up though once they heard Mr. Aizawa speak.

Mr. Aizawa: alright class that's enough one at a time. I do have a question for you though.

Venom and Izuku then looks at Mr. Aizawa.

Izuku: Hm?

Mr. Aizawa: Before when you asked to rebond with Izuku why did you call me Young Aizawa?

Venom: Well compared to me you're a kid. In fact, to compared me your planet is very new to the universe.

Aizawa stood there shook though as just the sheer fact that Venom is older than the earth itself. This kind of scared him though. Not because he felt threatened it's because he realized that he is very small in the giant universe he lives in.

Mr. Aizawa: I uh well anyways you can answer everyone questions now.

Izuku then picks Ochako since her hand was up first before.

Izuku: hmm you.

Ochako: Ok well what can you guys do like what are your powers.

Izuku: Well we can climb on walls shoot web like stuff from my body. We have increased strength speed agility and stamina. We can summon tendrils or do mild shapeshifting and also Venom can heal me a little. Its not a whole lot reattach a severed arm, but he can fix my bones or stop some major bleeding and even fight of diseases if need be.

Venom: WE can also do this.

Venom then surrounds Izuku and he turns into his hero costume.

(Incase you forgot this is what it looks like now)

The class looks in aww and amazement as they see Izuku change into new clothes right in front of their eyes.

Tsyu: Man, that must save you lots of time when you need to change.

Izuku: Yeah it does.

Venom: We also have another form that I favor and is my true form.

Venom then turns into his monster form.

Class 1-A look in a bit of horror. They have seen it before when Venom lost a little control and decided to scare Bakugo which led to the fight but to just see it up close and personal is just... SCARY. Izuku then turns back to normal and picks on another student who had a question.

Ilda: How does your bond with Izuku work and not to mention what do you even mean by bond.

Venom: As you know I am a symbiote. I need a host to survive so I feed off of my host and in return offer tools for them to use. When a symbiote bonds with someone we become one with our host both physically and even mentally as Mina Ashido has experienced.

Everyone looks at her and she immediately blushes and turns a shade of purple due to her skin color because it reminds her of that kiss. She starts day dreaming again wishing it lasted longer or she could do it again. Her legs start rubbing each other on their own and begins to get a strange feeling in her lower abdomen. How ever it is cut short by Venom continuing to explain how a bond works.

Venom: Like I said when we bond we can see into their minds and know what they have done or seen. We can even take on some personality traits from out host. Though if a bond is strong enough it could make it to be the host is completely reliant on the symbiote as Izuku is now. Even over time the longer the bond stays strong the harder it is to break it and separate the host from the symbiote.

Mina then raises her hand and asks Venom a question.

Mina: Hey what's your planet like and what were you like there.

Venom: hmmm

Venom didn't really want to answer that as he was kind of a loser on his planet although he didn't want to lie either plus izuku was kind of not giving him a choice of lying.

Venom: *sighs* if you must know I was well kind of a loser on my planet because I was one of the weakest. On my planet the strongest were in charge and it was always survival of the fittest. Although that is what makes me love this planet so much. Here we can do anything we want to, and we don't have to take shit anymore.

Bakugo cuts in though.

Bakugo: WHY THE FUCK do you keep saying WE

Venom: Because we are one. We are VENOM and if he dies I die.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright class enough questions lets move on to class. Now present mic will be your English teacher good bye.

Present mic then slides open the door and into the room like from Risky business.


Everyone: UGH.

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