Chapter 2 The meeting of 2 worlds

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Flashback to this morning before izuku went to class in another area.

There was a meteoroid falling from the sky into a field near Izuku's home town. There then was a black substance that came out of the meteoroid. It started to move, and it began to then move to the city and from then on into the Midoryias neighborhood. It then found a cat and jumped onto the cat. The black substance then bonded to the cat and took control of the cat. The cat then walked around the area trying to find something or someone. As he was doing this he saw a boy from a window and he looked tired like he had just gotten up. He then jumped to the window as a cat and this caught the boy's attention.

Izuku: what brings you here little guy.

He then opened the window and began to pet the cat. Unknown to Izuku though was that the black substance from before then unbonded from the cat and onto the boy. There was then a voice that sounded dark and scary but also with a bit of sinistery and comic relief that nobody but izuku could hear. (Basically the venom voice in the movie venom).

????: Perfect.

Izuku: huh?

Izuku thought he heard something but just shrugged it off and thought that he was just still wakening up. The cat then ran off and he closed his window. The boy then ate breakfast got dressed and went on through the rest of his day like it was any other.

Returns to before when izuku was walking home after his very very very hard day at school.

Izuku was walking home with his head down in sadness due to how shit his day was but sadly had to admit that this is normal for him. Because he wasn't looking he bumped into some thugs and that made them mad.


Izuku: ahh i-im s-sorry I didn't mean to b-bump into you guys.

Thug 2: yeah you better watch were your going or else somebody is gonna get hurt.

Izuku: I said I-I was s-sorry.

Thug 1: you know what just because of that you need to pay up now

Izuku had a confused look on his face at first. He then heard a click and looked down to see one of the thugs holding a gun point blank at him. Izuku then put his hands up in the air. He then heard a dark voice though. (Imagine the venom voice from the venom movie).

???: What are you doing

Izuku: who is that

???: your embarrassing us

Izuku: how am I embarrassing you I'm doing the sensible thing putting my hands in the air and again who is that.

???: stop that.

Izuku then put his arms down with a confused look on his face as he felt like his body had a mine of its own. The thugs were also confused though because while all this was happening they could only hear izuku talk to himself like he was crazy while he kept putting his arms up and down.

Izuku: what no?

Puts his arms up

???: Yes

Puts his arms down

Izuku: NO

Puts his arms up

???: YES

(it just goes back and forth with the movement so follow along with the dialogue)

Izuku: NO

???: YES

Izuku: NOOO

??? then tricks izuku and pulls a bugs bunny saying no instead.

???: NOOO

Izuku: YES

Izuku then looked up confused and saw the thugs were still there looking at him confused to.

???: HA got you


Izuku's hand then turns into a black goo and then grabs the gun the thugs held and through them. He then proceeded to beat up the thugs, but it didn't feel like he was doing anything almost like his body was moving on its own and he was along the ride. His body then started to grow a black fist and punched one of the thug into a wall. The other thug then tried to attack izuku in the back but instead got punched by a black gooy tendril that shot out of izukus back. The 1st thug then hit izuku in the face though making izuku drop on the floor. The first thug was smart and decided to book it but the second thug was getting cocky as he stood over izuku with a bruise on his eye. the second thug then spoke up in a mocking tone.

Thug 2: Guess you aint so tough now huh you little brat.

He is then grabbed by the neck though by a black hand bigger than izukus body and covered in a black goo. Izuku's body then started to get pushed up by the black goo and it began to cover izukus body as well. Then new black suit around went over his face and that black goo then created a face over Izukus with white eyes and sharp white teeth and a long nasty tongue. It then began to speak to the thug.

(In this story I call the Venom from the movie his monster form so when I say his monster form I mean the venom from the movie.)

???: eyes, lungs, pancreas, so many snacks so little time.

Izuku then in his monster form tried to eat the thug.


Izuku: NOOOO

Izukus arm then just punched the thug out of his other hand. Then the black substance proceeded to retract back into Izuku. The thug from before then started to shoot at Izuku but suddenly before the shot could even make a sound Izuku felt a sudden urge to jump as high as he could. He dodged the shots and jumped 5 stories high onto a roof and then jumped to other roofs to get away from the thugs or anyone else. Izuku then stopped and just sat down on a roof. He then started to talk to himself.

Izuku: what the hell is in me

???: ME

Izuku: AHHH who are you

Izuku started to hear that same dark voice again but he knew he was alone so where was it coming from. The voice then introduced himself to Izuku.

???: I am venom

Izuku: and what are you

Venom: I am ... well I guess on this planet I am an alien but to be more specific I am a symbiote.

Izuku: why are you here then? Are you going to take over the planet? Why did you try to eat that guy? Will you eat me to? Oh no will you eat other people to?

Izuku then began his muttering and then venom snapped him out of it using his izuku's hand to hit him.

Venom: Will you be quite so I can answer your questions already.

Izuku: OW and how did you do that.

Venom: Ok first of all to answer your previous questions. I'm here just because I landed here I'm not here for any specific reason. No, I'm not really that interested in taking over the world. Its fuel in the tank for us. No, I will not eat you because if you die I die. And possibly (snickers). And for your last question I am a symbiote I form a bond with my host and once I form that bond it is almost near to impossible to break this bond allows me to control them if I want you, but I don't want to control you I just want a host who I can live in.

Izuku: oh, um ok.

Venom: are you ok with this?

Izuku: well I am I mean you did save me from those thugs, so I guess I owe you won and also, I have a feeling that if I said no you wouldn't listen and just hijack my body.

Venom: yeah, your right about that but I do come with benefits though.

Izuku: Benefits?

Izuku was very confused at what venom had just said.

Venom: well because I'm a symbiote I can give you ability's and help you protect yourself.

Izuku face then lit up with hope and joy and almost was on the brink of crying. He then asked venom the question that could give him the one thing he always wanted the one thing he could never have but now can.

Izuku: y-you can give me a-a QUIRK

Venom: what's a quirk?

Both venom and Izuku but izuku just froze more at venoms question. Venom thought what the hell is a quirk and then izuku thought how the hell does he not know what a quirk is.

Izuku: How do you not know what a quirk is?

Venom: give me break kid I'm from another planet.

Izuku: well a quirk is basically a power you were born with and on this planet almost 80% of the population has a quirk. These quirks could be anything. Some give you the ability to shoot fire or give you super strength or make you have weird body parts like tentacles or extra arms. These quirks could really be anything and everybody has them.

Venom: what's your quirk then

Izuku froze and he struggled to give venom an answer. He was afraid if he said that he didn't have a quirk venom would leave him for a better host.

Izuku: well um that's the thing there is a smaller part of the population who are not born with quirks which is about 20% of it and.... I'm part of that 20% ...I don't have a quirk.

Venom could sense how this bothered izuku and felt like he actually knew exactly how he felt. Venom then said something that cheered izuku up .... a little.

Venom: So you're basically a loser compared to everyone else

Izuku put his head down in shame and said

Izuku: yeah basically

Venom: so you really are like me then.

Izuku looked up a little confused and surprised at what venom just said.

Izuku: Wait huh?

Venom: well you see on my planet I'm also kind of well .... a loser... like you

Izuku: BUT HOW you took down those thugs like it was nothing.

Venom: well just like you everyone else is a lot more powerful where I come from.

Izuku: Wow i guess we really arent that different after all. OH and im Izuku Midoryia.

Venom: I know im in your head remember.

Izuku: Oh um uh hehe r-right.

And with that izuku mood brighten up a little and he walked back to his home. He then opened up his door to a world of hurten and a worried mother .

Hi it's me again so thank you for reading and once again please leave comments if you want to and constructive criticism would be nice to thank you 😁

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