Chapter 22: U.S.J. Part 2

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Izuku in his monster form was holding the man with hands all over his body by his neck.

(Just going to call his monster form venom and in his hero suit he is still Izuku for conveyance and simplicity).

Izuku/ Venom: Hmmm on second thought.

Venoms mouth than started to unhinge and his jaw became more spacious for the villain's head.


The Nomu than let go of Aizawa and attacked Venom at incredible speeds sending him flying back and letting go of the man he was choking. The puple mist man than made a portal to get him away from Venom and the fight.

??? 2: Are you ok Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: I'm fine get us out of here Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: What about the Nomu.

Shigaraki: Nomu can handle himself but in case he can't I don't want to be anywhere near whatever that kid.

The man made of purple mist than teleported himself and Kurogiri out of the fight and somewhere else. Meanwhile Venom and Nomu were dukeing it out with each hit made to kill. Nomu was delivering powerful blows to Venom but he just took it. Venom did the same and kept hitting him as hard as he could but Nomu just took the hits.

Izuku in their head: How the hell is this thing taking all of our hits.


Izuku in their head: I think this is how they were going to kill All Might. By using whatever the hell this thing is.

Venom: Good thing were not All Might.

Venom than started to slash at Nomu stomach making it gash.

Venom: Oh, were sorry. Did we hurt you.

The Nomu just got back up though. When he stood up his wound completely healed like nothing even happened.

Venom: OH, you have got to be shiting me. He can heal to.

Izuku in their head: What kind of quirk does this thing have.

Nomu than launched at Venom and punched him up into the sky. Nomu than followed him and jumped into the sky and then punched him Midair and into the entrance of the exam where some of his other class mates were.

(Class mates at entrance are same as canon)

Venom than crashed into the floor in front entrance door making a crater and the Nomu was facing some of Izukus class mates. The Nomu didn't say anything but instead looked at the class. The stair he gave was like one when a predator is about to kill its prey.

Izuku in their head: WE NEED TO HELP THEM.

Venom than got up and jumped from the crater and at Nomu.


Venom than punched Nomu to the ground and stood above Nomu and held his face to the ground and with his back exposed. He then started to stab and slash Nomu multiple times at his back. It did nothing though as Nomu just healed it off. He then elbowed Venom in the face and Venom was knocked to the ground. Nomu than jumped on top of Venom and repeatably started to punch him over and over. Nomu than screeched into the air while on top of Venom who was beaten in a crater. The screech sounded like it was nails on a chalk board while a broken break was being used.

Venom: Shit this isn't good.

Izuku in their head: Cmon we need to get up.

Venom: I don't know if we can.

The Nomu than grabbed onto Venoms head and face and lifted his body up. He then grabbed his body and slowly he started to try and rip his head off of his body.


You could than see Venoms face and black tar like body slowly being ripped off and slowly see Izukus face in the center of the black tar.

(like this but replace Riot with Nomu)

Nomu than ripped more and more of Venom off of Izuku until suddenly Venom was completely off of Izuku and just a black moving slime.

His class watching: NOOOOO STOP

His class mates could only watch as their friend was slowly being killed by Nomu. Though if it wasn't Nomu that would kill him it would be the withdrawal effects from being unbonded with Venom. Since there bond was made to be permanent Izukus body could no longer support itself and needs Venom now.

Izuku: v-venom?

The Nomu had Venom in one hand and then Izuku in another. Nomu than threw Venom who was now just a moving ball of black slime out of the way. Nomu than threw Izukus body away and into the ground with Izuku tumbling and rolling over while he hits the ground.

Ochakos head: No, I can't lose him now. Not like this. I have to save him. I....... I haven't even told him yet.

Ochako than saw the black ball of slime and knew what she had to do. She then jumped on top of the ball of slime and soon Venom started to wrap around her entire body.

With Izuku

Izuku was extremely pale and shaking. His body was so weak, and it couldn't survive without Venom. Meanwhile Nomu was walking towards him ready to give the final blow and kill him.

Izukus head: I guess this is it than huh?

Nomu was now right on top of Izuku with his fist pulled back in the air ready to give the final blow. Just as he was though a black tentacle wrapped Nomus arm. Than a demonic voice that was more feminine spoke.


Izuku could barely see but he then saw Venom, but Venom looked more feminine.

(Like from the movie Venom)

The She-Venom than pulled on the tendril attached to Nomus arm and launched herself at Nomu. She than placed a hand on Nomu with all of her fingers and suddenly Nomu became weightless.

Izukus head: Wait...... Is that....... OCHAKO?

While Nomu was flying She-Venom punched Nomu and suddenly Nomu started to fly into the air. She than shot a black webline at Nomu and pulled on it. She than started to spin Nomu around in a circle over and over building up Momentum.

Ochako/ Venom: BYE BYE BITCH

She than let go of the web line and launched the Nomu back to the center of the U.S.J. She than looked back and saw Izuku looking like Casper the ghost and sweating a lot. Venom than started to retract back into her and she made her way to Izuku.

Ochako: IZUKU.

She than got to him and put his head on her lap.

Ochako: Nonononononono please be ok.

Venom in her head: I need to bond with him.

Ochako: Ok?

She than has a flash back of what Mina did to transfer him back at the quirk tests when Izuku and Venom first unbonded.

Ochako than put her hand on his face and then slowly she kissed him, and venom started to transfer from Ochako back into Izuku.

Venom in her head: You know you could have just touched his face.

When she stopped kissing him Izukus face began to get some color back and slowly he was healing.

Ochako: Well I uh um......

Venom in her head: HAHAHA don't worry I get it (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Izuku than started to get up from Ochakos lap.

Izuku: Wow y-you saved my life. Thank you Ochako.

Ochako: *blushing* Oh uh um y-yeah it was nothing.

Izuku: Hey uh I don't know if I'm imagining stuff but did... did you...... did you happen to kiss me while I was unconscious?


Ochako: *BLUSHING RED AS BLOOD* W-well uh you were in n-need of help and Mina saved you like that, s-so I thought I-I had to do it like that t-to.

Izuku: *Blushing hard as well* Oh, uh y-yeah, I guess you're right.


When they were having a very awkward and embarrassing moment though they could hear Nomus monstrous screech again. Than a tentacle head came out of Izukus body.

Venom: We still have to beat that thing.

Izuku: How? That thing was made to fight All Might.

Venom than had an idea and retracted back into Izuku.

Venom in his head: I think I might know a way to stop him.

Izukus head: Wait really how?

Venom in his head: Well this thing was made to fight All might, right? And you have his power. We can fight this thing, but we are just going to have to use your power plus mine.

Izukus head: BUT EVEN STILL it was made to fight All Might's power. If he can't even take it on what chance do we have.

Venom in his head: Hmmmmm probably 0.






Izukus head: *Sigh* Alright let's do this.

Izuku: Im going back to fight that thing.

Ochako: Ok I'm coming with you.

Venom: NO, she can't come with us. She will just get hurt.

Izuku: What she can fight.

Ochako: Yeah, I can fight.

Izuku than transformed into Venoms true monster form.


Venom than started to run into the center of the U.S.J. again and getting ready for his biggest fight yet leaving an angry Ochako behind.

Ochako: OH, THAT'S BULL.

At the center of the U.S.J.

Venom finally made his way to the center where Aizawa was being held down by Nomu. He was pretty banged up and was bleeding a lot from his head and his arms looked broken. Shigaraki was also in the middle next to the purple mist man known as Kurogiri.

Shigaraki: Ahhhh back for more I see.

Venom: Guess WE just really wanted our lunch.

Shigaraki: You won't be having lunch what ever you are. You can watch though as I kill all your friends and the symbol of peace.

Venom: NO, we won't let you.

Shigaraki: Oh, please stop playing the hero. You act like your so noble and just when really your just as bad as the villains. Your society-

He was cut off though by Venom yawning and it just pissed him off.


Shigaraki: Are...... ARE YOU YAWNING.

Venom: Well yeah, you're really boring.


Venom: You can try but we will kick your ass.


Venom: Oh, really and how will he do that.

Shigaraki: He is as strong as All Might and can regenerate not to mention has shock absorption. He was made to kill All Might so you'll never stand a chance.

Venom: Oh, thanks for telling us how to beat him.


Nomu than charged at Venom ready to throw a punch.

Izuku in their head: This is it.

Venom: DO IT.

(This fight is going to be a lot like canon but just with venom and different dialog)

Izuku than started to charge his body up with One for All making Venom fill with more power. Venom than charges at Nomu as well and the 2 collide with their fist. The giant strike at each other let alone sends gusts of wind out knocking them back.

Shigaraki: WERENT YOU LISTENING. One of his powers is shock absorption.

Veom and Izuku were now one and were in complete synchrony.


Nomu and Venom than started throw punches at each other faster and harder with every hit. The shear force of the fight was causing wind to blow everywhere. Venom than took a hit straight to the gut making them wince in pain.

Venom/ Izuku: GAHH .... GGRRRAAAAHHH.

Venom than started to over power Nomu and slowly push him back while throwing punches at his head chest and stomach.


Venom than blasted Nomu away with a giant right hook making Nomu dig into the ground concrete going backwards. Venom than jumped towards Nomu and jumped on top of him.


Nomu than tried punching Venom again but Venom made a shield and blocked it and then punched Nomu into the air. Venom than jumped at Nomu and while airborne Venom grabbed on to Nomus arm and started to spin in the air holding onto Nomu.

Venom/ Izuku: WE

Venom than swung Nomu into the ground making a giant crater. Nomus body bounced on the ground and Izuku landed right in front of Nomu.

Venom/ Izuku: ARE

Venom than started to pull his fist back getting ready for one last final punch. The finishing move. Izuku put everything he had into his arm from One for All and Venom used that energy to give the final blow. His fist even began to steam up when it started to move forward.


Venom than punched the Nomu straight in the gut with so much power and force that it sent Nomu flying through the air. It even blew Nomu into the roof of the dome facility and into the sky making clouds blow away when Nomu passed by one. Nomu was blasting off again like team rocket and literally the whole facility was shaking.

With Tokoyami at rain zone

Tokoyami: What is that everything is shakeing

With Ojiro fire zone

Ojiro: What was that

With everyone else at the entrance

Sero: Am I going crazy. Or did I see a villain fly by.

Sato: It was that brain guy.

Ochako: That's Venom and Izuku for you. They really are the most powerful on out of us all.

Everyone else couldn't help but feel joy and relieved at the sight.

At the center of the U.S.J.

Venom and Izuku were breathing heavily and were ready to just collapse.

Venom in his head: HOLY SHIT that was a lot. I want tater tots, chocolate, and cheese burgers.

Izukus head: Its not over yet. Shigaraki is still there.

Venom in his head: UUGGGHHHH FINE.

Shigaraki was completely shocked at what just happened. He was scratching his neck angrily frustrated at the new turn of events.

Shigaraki: Dammit how the hell did he beat Nomu. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE STRONGER THAN ALL MIGHT.

Izuku/ Venom: Well aren't spoiled little brat.


Izuku/ Venom: hehehehhahahahaHAHAHAHA HA HA HA HA HAAAA. Do you really think that?

This just shook Shigaraki to the core. The aura surrounding Venom was just....... Cold and dark.

Izuku/ Venom: Well? C'mon then. You going to take your shot.

Shigaraki: ....... Kurogiri lets go home.

Kurogiri: Wait Shigaraki look at him.

Kurogiri was right to wait. Venom could barley stand and was shaking a little.

Kurogiri: The fight with Nomu weakened him. If we fight him now we can kill this so-called Venom.

Shigaraki: ...... Yeah...... yeah, your right. We can still get something out of this.

Shigaraki than started to charge at Venom with his hands forward ready to use his quirk on him.

Shigaraki: GOODBYE VENO-ack.

Venom than shot a tendril at Shigaraki neck and pulled him in and held him up by his neck choking him.

Izuku/ Venom: What did WE tell you would happen if you ever tried hurting another soul again.

Shigaraki: H-how are you still standing. You were shaking.

Venom was actually faking being weak. Because he wanted to have a little fun with his next meal.

Izuku/ Venom: We like to toy with our food. Now we are a man of our word so what culinary delight on your body should we start with first.

Venom than started to lift up Shigaraki body by his foot above his mouth.

Izuku/ Venom: Oh there are so many options...........The legs............ The arms.

Venom than started to lower Shigaraki body while its upside down closer to his mouth.

Izuku/ Venom: Oh, we know how about we start with THE HEAD.

Venom than started to unhinge its jaw making it open 3 times as wide than a jaw should be able to go. He then almost lowered Shigarakis entire head into his mouth.................. Until.


Before Venom could chomp on his head Kurogiri warped him and Shigaraki out of the U.S.J. and escaped.

Izuku/ Venom: Hmmf pussies.

HEY sorry if it may have been awhile. Just got busy working on other stories and not to mention school but here you go anyways. If you have a comment, please leave one. If you liked the story vote and as always, I hoped you enjoyed............ OK BYE.

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