Chapter 6 The shocking truth

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zuku: I'm quirk less or was quirk less until recently my abilities finally kicked in but when people did know I was quirk less all people ever did was make fun of me. I was bullied beaten up and greeted with a kill yourself instead of a hi. Nobody believed in me, but I wanted to be a hero so badly and now I can, but I have to ask you something or 2 somethings I guess. What makes a hero and if I never have gotten my quirk if I was still quirk less... COULD I EVER HOPE TO BE SOMEONE LIKE YOU.

As izuku looked up he saw a skinny guy with blond hair in the same clothes as all might.

Both izuku and Venom: What happened to All might.

All Might: well you see I am All migh-agh.

Blood then spewed from his mouth as he tried to say he was All Might, but all it did was freak out izuku even more as he just figured out All Might is actually a pretty skinny guy.

Venom: ew its like his mouth is on a period or something.

Izuku: how can this be All Might is a giant of a man who is 3 times my size.

All Might: you know how people flex at the pool to look bigger and broader. I'm like that.

Izuku: WHHHAAATT THIS CANT BE REAL. All Might is a fearless giant who saves everyone with a smile.

All might looks down: trust me kid there is a lot of fear behind that smile.

All might then lifts up his shirt to reveal a nasty bruise on his stomach which made Izuku and even Venom cringe.

All Might: Nice huh. I got this about five years back. My respiratory system was basically destroyed, and my stomach has a giant whole in it and is a lot smaller because of it now. I'm only able to do hero work for around 3 hours so the rest of the time this is what I look like.

Izuku: Wait 5 years so your fight with the toxic chainsaw.

Venom: How the hell do you even remember something like that.

All might was also surprised that young Midoryia even knew that.

All Might: Wow you really know your stuff kid but no not even he could bring me down. Its actually a fight I tried to hide from the public and nobody knows about it. Now im trusting that you wont go posting anything online or telling anyone

Izuku: Oh of course I won't tell anyone

Venom: I will keep my mouth shut to if you answer Izukus question from before.

All Might: Ok but first tell me what exactly your quirk is

In izukus mind / Venom: So, what do we tell him

Izuku: I think its ok if he knows after all we know his secret so it's fair he knows one of ours.

Back to the real world / Izuku: Well he's not exactly my quirk and in fact I'm quirk less.

After a very long review of everything that has happened and even with a description of his powers and even his weaknesses All Might speaks.

All Might: So let me get this straight you Izuku Midoryia are quirk less but Venom Is a alien symbiote who can bond with a host and give them certain powers or enhancements and does this for you and can give you some mild shape shifting increased speed strength agility webs and even a radar that senses danger.

Venom and izuku: Yeah basically

Venom: now answer his question

Izuku: Its really fine if you can't I understand.

All might: NO it is all right young Midoryia. Now you asked me what it means to be a hero well I'm sorry, but I don't think I can give you a answer you will like because well there is no right one because its different for everyone. Some think a hero is a career choice only used for money. Some see it as a way to hold up the law and society. While others think that heroes are just thrill seekers doing it for the rush. So the question you should be asking though is not what a hero is but what type of hero you want to be.

Izuku: W-well I want to help people. I want people to see my smile and feel like everything is going to be ok and be a symbol of hope. Just like you do.

All might stood in aw as he answered the question with such determination such enthusiasm and such.... Hope it made him think. "Maybe he is the one."

All might: Also, to answer your question from before you can't be a hero with out a quirk it sounds harsh but its true you need to be able to fight for others as a hero and to do that you need a quirk.

Izuku: O-oh I-I see well I guess it's a good thing I have you then right venom.

Venom: yep don't worry Izuku you will be a hero in no time with my help.

How ever that is not the answer Izuku was looking for and stared down at the ground. He then looked up to all might and apologized for finding out his secret and making him revert to his weak form. All Might assured him saying that its all alright. Izuku then walks off the roof into the stairs and leaves the building. All Might then gets ready to leave to but feels that his pockets are empty. He looks down realizes that he dropped the bottles of the sludge villain.

All might: Oh, shit what have I done.

Hey again thank you for reading this far im actually surprised I had 10 views (in total of this whole series) already even though it probably seems close to nothing compared to others who have 10k views but to me it really means a lot so thanks for reading.... OK BYE

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