Chapter 11: Change

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Footsteps echoed throughout the hallways as Luke ran towards his room. He pushed open the door and hurriedly went in and shut the door.

Luke tried to calm his racing heart. He tried to forget what he just did, but he can't. No matter how much he tried, there were still parts of his old self left.

The cries of his father still echoed in his head, even though he had left the dungeon several hours ago. He had felt like running to his father and apologizing for everything he's done, but a part of him felt happy for seeing his father like that.

"Argh! What's wrong with me?!" Luke slammed his fist on the door. He pressed his forehead on it and closed his eyes tightly.

Nothing is wrong with you. You are just lonely. Misunderstood.

Luke felt power flow to his hand. He raised his hand and found it surrounded in a faint green glow, slightly lighting up the dark room. He then heard a voice in his head. A voice that wasn't his own.

You have great power in you. You can be more powerful than your father. You can make him pay. Make him feel the pain that you've felt for three years. Make him suffer.

Luke shook his head. "No. I won't do it. I won't hurt him or anyone!" He growled. "He may not be the perfect father, but I'm not a perfect son. I won't use my power to hurt anyone!"

Deep down, you know just how powerful you are. Who needs family, when you can be all powerful?

"But... Mira said..."

Mira knows nothing of power! She was a fool to refuse it and even more a fool to use it for good! But... if you get rid of her now, she won't be a problem.

"No! I won't hurt her! She thought me how to use my power. She was the one who gave me company when the war was going on!" Luke practically screamed. He shook his head again to try and get rid of the dark thoughts.

How many times were you almost killed during the war? How many lives were lost during the war, murdered and sacrificed just for it all to be for nothing? With your power, you can stop that. No one will die, no poor boy will ever feel the paim you felt.

The glow surrounding Luke's hand glowed dimmer and then brighter. But when it glowed brighter, it had a tinge of purple in it.

"No one?" He whispered.

Yes, no one. Everyone will be happy. But they can't be happy if those so-called 'protectors' keep on bringing trouble to the land. Never even bothering to clean up their mess.

Luke closed his hand into a fist. "How do I do that?" He asked the voice. There was a faint chuckle before it answered.

All you have to do is-

He gasped when there was a knock on the door and he quickly turned to the door. The glow on his hand disappeared, leaving his room once again covered in shadows.

Luke opened his door to see a black haired girl standing on the other side, a dark purple cloak covering almost all of her torso.

"Uh... How can I help you?" Luke slowly said, trying to act like nothing happened but failling.

"May I come in?" The girl simply asked, ignoring the blonde's question. Luke opened the door wider and the girl walked in, the heels of her black boots clicking on the stone floor.

The girl looked around Luke's room and frowned. "It's so dark. How about we shed a little light?" She asked.

Not giving Luke the time to answer, the girl flicked her wrist and a purple flame burst from her hand. Another flick of her wrist sent the purple flame flying into the nearby fireplace, giving the room an eerie purple glow.

"What do you want, Mira?" Luke asked, rolling his eyes at her antics. "I know you're not here just to say 'hello'."

Mira turned to face him, the light of the fire making her deep purple eyes glow in the dim room.

"The guards told me what happened," she said. "What was that about?"

Luke leaned on the wall, trying to look as casual as he could. "What was what about?" He asked.

Instead of getting annoyed like he thought she would, Mira only sighed. "Why did you do that? You know how much he cares for you." She said calmly.

He has never cared for you. All he cared about was his friends and the glory he got as a ninja. The voice said again and Luke smirked at that.

"Pfft! Cares for me. Like he ever did that." He scoffed. "He's lucky I haven't done anything to him or his friends yet. They're the only ones he pays any attention to anyways." Mira looked mad. She stomped over to him and grabbed his shirt collar.

"Listen to me, Luke. This isn't you. You say you don't care, but I know you do." She growled. "The Luke I met all those years ago would never even dream of hurting his family. This isn't the real you, Luke! Don't be like my father! Don't be someone you'll soon regret! Please, Luke, don't be like him. Don't be a monster!" Mira was crying now, tears streaming down her face and her eyes glowing brighter.

Luke could only stare at her, his face now showing surprise. Mira let go of him and sat down on his bed, burrying her face in her hands.

The master of Nature sat down beside her. "Mira, I'm sorry." He said, his voice almost a whisper.

"You don't mean that," was her reply, her voice dry from crying.

"I do mean it. I really am sorry." Luke said. He held her hand in his. She looked up at him, face stained with tears and eyes red from crying. He sighed. "I don't know what got into me."


But I do. He's already controlled you.

Mira didn't know anymore. She didn't know what to do or say. The young man sitting beside her right now wasn't the boy she met years ago, but the monster that has killed more lives than anyone else has.

"It's just that," Mira looked up at him when he began to speak. "Ever since the war, he's been distant. He's barely home and when he is, he doesn't spend time with me. Heck, I think he was avoiding me."

Avoiding you? Mira wanted to ask. But Luke kept talking.

"I felt jelous of his friends cuz they're the only ones he pays any attention to. And when I started having nightmares about your father, he didn't even talk to me." Luke's grip on her hand tightened, but Mira paid no attention. "Mom was the same, but at least she talks to me every once in a while. The only person I ever really talked to was my little sister, but she was too young to understand anything I said."

"Luke, revenge isn't going to change anything. It'll only make things worse." Mira said softly as she stared at his hand holding hers. "You've been apologizing for the way you act for a while now, but you still don't change. I love you, but..."

Mira took a deep breath before standing up and slowly walking away. Luke's hand held onto hers until she was too far for his reach. Once she opened the door, she turned to look back at him.

"I can't be with someone who is on his path to being a monster," she said quietly. It was hard for her to say, but it had to be done.

Luke couldn't believe what he heard. Was Mira dumping him? Was he really becoming a monster? "Mira..." he whispered. She turned away from him, trying hard not to let her tears spill.

"I'll still help you, Luke. But if you still won't change, then it's goodbye forever." Mira sighed. As she closed the door, she said, "I'm sorry."

Then she closed the door and the purple flame disappeared, leaving the blonde master of Nature in the dark.


Whew! That was hard to write. So sorry for the delay. I've been busy with school and Episode 81 was so amazing that all I did for the past few days was watch it over and over again. Anyways... I hope you liked the chapter! See you guys soon!

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