Chapter 14: A Plan Of Action

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~Somewhere underground~

A hooded figure wearing a cloak ran down the dark tunnel, only the quiet sound of their footsteps could be heard. At the end of the tunnel, there as a large stone door that was slightly opened. Upon approaching the door, the figure pulled back their hood to reveal a 20-year-old girl with long brown hair and skin covered in white and purple scales.

She entered through the door and was instantly greeted by the countless quiet hisses of the creatures that lived there. Round, dirt huts lined one side of the massive cavern while multiple streams and farms lined the other. Some of the residents stopped what they were doing to stare at the new arrival.

The brunette strode past them, ignoring the stares she was getting and instead looking straight at the larger dirt hut at the far end of the path. She saw a figure outside and she narrowed her red eyes to better see who it was.

Waiting outiside the gap serving as the door was a tall Venomari. But this was no ordinary Venomari, it was the leader.

21-year-old Venom had his arms crossed in an impatient manner. His dark green scales glistened in the dim lighting and his four, slitted, yellow eyes were half lidded. The end of his long tail swished from side to side like a cat.

"You're late, Ana." He told the brunette as she came within earshot.

"Better late than never," was Ana's reply as she adjusted her gray hoodie before bending down to rid her jeans and black sneakers of dust. Unlike the other Serpentine, Ana looked more like a human with scales rather than a humanoid snake. And as far as every Serpentine know, she was the last of her tribe.

Venom shook his head before slithering through the door with Ana following behind. The inside was pretty bare, only containing a large, round table, some cabinets to hold weapons and a few old maps pinned to the walls.

Standing around the table were the three other Serpentine leaders. The first one was a 22-year-old female Constrictai named Diamond. Although she looks small and frail, she is one of the strongest Constrictai to ever lead.

The second was a 21-year-old Fangpyre named Ruby. While all the past leaders of the Fangpyre had two heads, she only has one and her long fangs that poked out of her mouth make her almost look like a saber tooth tiger.

The last Serpentine was none other than 24-year-old Skales Junior, the leader of the Hypnobrai and King of the Serpentine. He wore his crown proudly on his head and has followed the path his late father wanted for their kind; a peaceful life to nurture the next generation.

"You're late." Junior said as Ana and Venom joined them. Ana rolled her eyes amd waves her hand dismissively.

"Cut the lecture, Jun. Let's just get this over with." Junior sighed at this response. She still acts like a child, he thought. I guess it's expected of someone who has no tribe to lead.

"Alright. So, I called this meeting to discuss the unusual sightings of shadow figures our scouts have been reporting." Junior began before pointing to a place on the map on the table. "The most recent sighting is at Ninjago City. Most specifically, the house of the former Master of Fire."

Diamond slammed her hand on the table, making Ruby and Venom flinch. "Why must we care what goes on with the surface dwellers? We are only endangering ourselves more by getting involved with their problems!"

"We could care less of the surface dwellers," Venom spat. "But Ninjago is our home as well. If the land gets destroyed or taken over by dark forces, then we will suffer alongside the surface dwellers."

Ruby shook her head. "You are both wrong," she said as calmly as she can. "The humans, although not of our own kind, are still part of Ninjago and the balance. Our fathers before us have made peace with them, so we must-"

"There you go again with your whole speech about 'peace and equality'." Diamond snapped. "'Peace with the humans' here, 'part of the balance' there. All you ever talk about is how things would be better if humans and Serpentine work together."

"That's because it will be better!" The Fangpyre leader slightly raised her voice.

"How exactly?" Venom asked, crossing his arms in a challenging way. "All they've ever done to us was turn our kind away like trash. It is as if they blame us for the Shadow War."

At the mention of that, Ana lowered her head while Junior visibly flinched. But the other leaders didn't notice the two's reactions.

"Do not dare to mention the war, Venom!" Ruby spat with a slight hiss. "You could at least be considerate."

Venom let out an offended hiss. "Oh, so now you're calling me inconsiderate!?"

"Why not?" Ruby taunted. "You love to swim in acid so much it probably messed with your brain."

Diamond looked about ready to pounce on the taller female. "You're one to talk, mosquito mouth!"

With that, the three continued to throw insults back and forth between each other. Ana looked up to see Junior trying his best to stop the argument, but the brunette knew he can't with the emotions swirling in his mind at the moment.

With one swift movement, Ana pulled out her snake themed dagger and stabbed it on the table between the three bickering leaders. They instantly became silent and turned to look at her as she sheathed her weapon.

"All this bickering is making you three look like fools!" The red eyed female scolded. She then pointed to the spot her dagger had stabbed, which was the exact location Junior was pointing at earlier. "Now, the shadow sighting was unlike the other times. I was there, and they were no ordinary shadows."

"Shadow Warriors," Junior breathed. The other three leaders showed looks of surprise and confusion.

Ana nodded. "They were plenty in numbers, most probably to guarantee a succesful attack." She explained. "But when they left, the Fire and Amber Masters were gone."

"Why would they kidnap them?" Ruby asked.

Diamon scoffed and crossed her arms. "What else? To take him and his wife down. It's what they were created for in the first place." She said.

Junior looked at all three leaders. "Have your scouts from outside the city reported anything yet?" He asked, his mind running with different theories.

"One of mine reported that a bunch were spotted at the Birchwood Forest." Ruby explained.

Diamond gave a nod. "Mine reported as well, but they were spotted at the Sea of Sand."

Junior looked to Venom, who blinked once before speaking. "A Venomari scout returned this morning and reported that probably all of the Shadows were spotted flying to the direction of the Dark Island."

"That must be where their base is," Ana said. "We should send some scouts over there to see what those freaks are up to. There are no news reports yet, but I'm certain the Ninjas have been taken."

Junior nodded absentmindedly. "That is a good thought," he said. "I want to know why they took the Ninjas."

"But why now?" Venom suddenly asked. "If whoever is in charge of the Shadows wants the Ninjas out of the picture, wouldn't they have done it some time ago?"

The five Serpentine were quiet as they let the question sink in. After a minute of silence, it was Ana who spoke.

"Do the Ninjas have kids?" She asked. Junior gave her a confused look.

"Well, there's Luke... but I don't see how-"

"I'm not talking about Luke," Ana said with a slightly bitter tone. "Surely the Ninjas have other kids, because I saw two kids run out the back of the Fire Master's house."

"Even if they do, why is it important?" Ruby asked.

"If none of you remember, Elemental powers are passed down from one generation to another," Ana explained. "So if the Ninjas have other kids, their powers were most likely got passed down to the kids. So..."

"So...?" Venom urged for Ana to continue.

Ana sighed. "There are numerous spells that require certain Elemental powers to be used," she said. "If the Shadows would take the Ninjas, it'd most likely be to take their powers. And we obviously can't let them do that or else we'll be doomed."

"But if the powers were passed down to the children, wouldn't taking the Ninjas be useless?" Diamond wondered.

"Unless whoever is controlling the Shadow Warriors doesn't know that the Ninjas have children." Ruby said. "Because if we didn't know, surely those freaks don't either."

"Well they'll probably know soon if we don't do something," Junior said with a thoughtful expression. Diamond was about to say something but Junior cut her off. "And yes, we are meddling with the surface dwellers' problems. I doubt they even know they have one."

The three leaders looked at each other with unsure looks, but they agreed nonetheless.

"What do we do then?" Venom asked.

Junior slightly smiled. "For now, we send scouts to investigate the Dark Island while some look for the descendants." He explained. "When we find them, one of us must tell them what we know and offer our help."

Ana raised her hand. "I'll do it. I'm the only one who can walk around without people freaking out. I can also help with the scouting anyway." She said.

Junior gave a solemn nod. "Alright. I expect reports by the end of the week. Meeting adjourned."

The three leaders slithered out of the dirt hut to fulfill their duties. Ana, on the other hand, stayed behind. She watched as Skales Junior silently put away the map on the table.

"You ok, Jun?" She asked. Junior sighed as he closed the cabinet door.

"It still hurts," was all the older snake said. But Ana knew what he was talking about.

The brunette placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a comforting squeeze. "I know," she said quietly.

The Hypnobrai gave a thankful nod before exiting the hut, leaving the white scaled female alone. Ana pulled out her dagger, her mind wandering back to when it was given to her. By her father.

She sighed sadly before exiting the hut as well.


Ooh! The Serpentine are taking action!

Hey guys! I'm back! Man, I missed writing this. Anyways... we'll see how the descendants are doing with their attacker next chapter. Also, don't worry, we'll see how the Ninjas, Luke and Mira are doing in Chapter 16 (if my memory is correct).

Anyways... I hope you guys enjoyed seeing the new Serpentine leaders, Ana and lil' ol' Skales Jr.

Question for this chapter:

Who do you ship between the characters and what do you call that ship? (If you'd like to include the Ninjas, be my guest)

My answer:
I ship a lot of 'em and I have the weirdest names for it;

Leyla x Frost = YoungLove
Jason x Raven = Thunder
Luke x Mira = DarkVine
Ana x Junior = (I don't really have a name for this)
Luke x Ana = Bittersweet (you'll know why soon)
Ruby x Venom = (I don't have one for this yet)

(I saw some writers do this and I wanna try it. Pls tell me if you want me to continue doing it.)

Can anyone think of better ship names? I suck. :p

See ya! ♥

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