Story Rp I: Into the Digital World, Rise of the New DigiDestined

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Alright guys. It's Weeksjmj29. Now, we get to the Storyline rps. This could be group or individual. Whether it's a group or individual rp, it's up to you. Now, this story chapter is mainly for those who chose Tamers. Now, onto to the Story Description.:)

Into the Digital World, Rise of the New Digidestined

The world goes on as it normally does. Men and Women going to work, Kids going to school, people doing whatever they wish. Life just keeps going on. Boring as usual. But in the past, it wasn't.

In past, mystical creatures called Digital Monsters or Digimon, came into the real world and fought alongside the mythical DigiDestined. The DigiDestined, a group of kids, became Tamers who are the partners of digimon. Together, they fought against the evil that threatened the Digital World and the Real World. But that was 30 years ago, and digimon became a figment of the imagination or a myth.

Meanwhile, Genju Juraba and Vicki Watson and their friends go to the Shenlao Academy for boys and girls. And today is the last day of school. And they planned on going on a large Camping trip, unaware that the past is about to repeat itself. It will begin the Rise of New DigiDestined.

(The last day of school is the start point.)

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