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A girl of 24yrs walking on a railway track bear foot tears were continuously flowing from her eyes ...she lay down on the track and looking at the sky

***Girl point of view***

I Swara i don't have any surname because everyone says my mom was a prostitude ...whose blood is flowing from my nerves God only knows...but it's not true my mom is not that ...and my father is that Shekhar Gagodia who back off when my mother needs him the most. ..Later my Dadi(Grandmother) used to abuse me and my Mom school and college people stare me like an auspicious thing and comment on me I got peace in my Mom's lap ...when I think about my Mother's pain my pain is nothing....she is facing everything alone it's most difficult for a lady who is unmarried and Mother of a child...people see them lustly or bad mouth about her all this that jerk is living a happy married life and have a daughter Ragini...I am not jealous of her but have lot of complaints with her Father........

God I hate God very much he did injustice only now he snatched my only happiness my Mother also no one help me to do her rituals...I some how managed myself then Laksh came to my life he shown me many dreams but on marriage day destiny again played with me he ditch me in front of everyone...he said I don't have pure blood and I would be characterless like my Mom .....I understood he played with me along with Parvati Gagodia.'s enough I can't bear more I am coming Mom...

***Swara point of view end***

Swara hears train coming sound and turn to other side. ....but she see a man around 27 wearing milliatry type jeans and black baniyan runningly comes towards her

Swara-why God can't you let me die peacefully

But to her surprise he jumped from above her and ran towards the train

Man-God I am coming to you

Swara-he is gone mad

Swara gets up and run towards the man and in nick of time Swara pulls the man to other side and train pass on...both gets up

Swara-are you mad...what are you doing? Before doing it didn't you thought about your love once ....if they are not their but they where seeing you from somewhere doesn't it will pain to them .....listen life is very beautiful if not for others live for your self no problem is their which have no solution...

That man is looking smilingly towards Swara

Man- By the way I am Sanskaar.....I can say these same things to you but it won't get in your head so I acted to do are very brave we need gutts to save others by risking our life............. and it's need courage to end our with this gutts and courage why can't you face the world.....

Saying so he goes from there...

Swara sit on the ground and thinks everything. .......... . .

Swara-yes I will fight for my Mother's respect .....Mom it's my promise I will fight for your respect I will prove to this entire world that you are not characterless ....I have nothing to lose now. ...... . . . . . . .

Next day in mm

Raglak reception is going on everyone is happy and enjoying. ...............focus light falls on a girl standing in entrance wearing royal blue saree .

Laksh -Swara

Swara comes forward

Swara-so the great Laksh maheshwari didn't forget the name of this characterless girl. ....great ...and what you said to return your gifts etc

Swara takes out many cards and gifts and photos from her purse and throws on Laksh face

Laksh -Swara

Swara-make your voice low and rest keep it with yourself. ......and yeah Ragini be careful the man who can exchange girl in mandap for him replacing wife is not big thing. ..still I have some thing for you ... (takes out a Ganesh ji idol )it's for are going to start for new life
Dadi()-eh manhus chori(Ohh auspicious girl) .why are you spoiling our grand daughter reception

Swara-don't increase your bp ...I am going. ..

Turn to go but stops and turn towards Laksh and gives tight slap

Swara-if I didn't do this ....then it's shame to me for being a girl and daughter of my mom our chapter is close

While going Swara see Sanskaar who is smilingly seeing Swara and raise a toss (expression of saying well done )

Next -Swara in Gagodia mansion

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