~Find Your Way Home!~

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A\N : Next request from SkipTheZurroDragon !!! Hope you like it! She said it doesn't matter which ocs I use so this is gonna be a Broppy story with Sapphire and Forest! Also surprise! This'll be the first ever story I'll add a song into! I'm not gonna add all the lyrics in here because this is my last day of no school so I'm tryna finish this and put my best effort into it at once. Feel free to listen to the full song above if you'd like.💖💖💖💖💖😇😇😇😇😇 Oh and child ages may vary from story to story. On with the show!💖💖

Another usual day in Trollstopia. Poppy and Branch's now nine year old twins, Forest and Sapphire were walking around with nothing to do. They were getting very bored very quick. "Isn't there anything to do?" Forest groaned as they continued walking in some woods close to Trollstopia. Their parents said they could go in the woods, but told them not to go far.

"I'm sure there's something we can do out here." Sapphire started looking around. She looked in between some trees. "Hey we can go over here to see what's between those trees?"

Forest shrugged. "Yeah why not." The twins started walking over to the trees when something suddenly jumped out at the them! It pounced right on Sapphire and started licking him. She started laughing. "Stop it that tickles!"

The strange animal stood up, happily wagging it's tail. "Hey Skip I think I found some help!" She called out and another animal ran over. "Woohoo!! Okay which one of you can swim?"

Neuther of the trollings raised their hands. "I'm learning?" Forest said. Skip face pawed. "Great."

"Wait before we answer anymore questions, I have one." Sapphire said. Who are you and what are you doing here?" Skip crossed his paws and started pacing. "We are here to tell you....THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!!"

"WHAT?!" Both trollings were terrified. Skip laughed. "Kidding!"

Both children looked at him like 'really'.

"I'm just gonna get to the point." Piper said. "But first of all..." She held out her paw for both of the confused trollings to shake. "Hi!!! I'm Piper and I LOVE making new friends!! Oh and the friends I already have..." Her voice went dark. "Don't hurt them!"

Forest had had enough. "Okay that does it! Either you tell us what your doing here or we go back and get our parents to take care of you!"

Skip tilted his head. "Take care of us? You mean like help us?? Great PLEASE go get them! We really need some help!"

Piper whispered in his ear what Forest meant by 'take care of'. Skip's eyes went wide. "How dare you!"

Forest rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "So what's it gonna be?" Skip sighed. "Fine. I need your help to get back home to the ocean."

Forest started getting excited. "You mean you need...an inventor??!!"

Sapphire face palmed. "Here we go..."

"I'll be right back!" Forest ran off.

Skip and Piper just stood there. "Where's he going?" Piper asked. "He'll be back in 3...2...1." Sapphire finished counting and her brother showed back up.

"Got everything I need for inventing!" He dumped everything out. Skip pulled some type of strange gear from the pile. "What does this thing do?" He started tapping it. "No! Don't tap that thing!" Forest quickly grabbed it.  "Why not?" Piper started rummaging through the stuff. "Okay stop touching my stuff! There's a place for everything and everything in it's place." Forest pulled out a blue print. "Okay so how deep in the ocean do you live?"

"That's not the problem." Skip answered. "The problem is I got separated from the ocean and I don't know where it is."

"Wait that's all you need help with?" Sapphire asked him. The zurro dragon nodded.

"I've got an idea!" She ran off.

"Where's she going?" Skip asked. "Beats me." The teal troll shrugged. "Well while she's gone that'll give us some time to get to know you!" Piper grinned excitedly. "Luckily I carry around games for potential friends!" She dump out a bag full of games.

Forest hardly planted himself on the dirt. "Oh put me out of my misery now."

"Hey that's no way to act!" Piper said. "Now," she showed him the games. "Which one do you wanna start with?"

*At Their House*

Sapphire bursted into to the door, much to the confusion of her mom. "What are you doing Saph?"

"Do we have a map of the woods outside Trollstopia?" Sapphire asked her mom. Poppy thought for a second. "Yeah we do. Why do you need one?"

The light pink troll started grinning nervously. "Uh no reason. Just wanna go exploring outside with Forest."

Poppy looked suspicious, but pulled a map out of her hair. "Don't go too far."

"We won't!" Sapphire ran out the door, accidentally bumping into her dad. "Sorry Dad!" She called as ran off.

Poppy and Branch stared at each other with wide eyes and confused faces.

*Back In The Woods*

"Oohh...interesting." Piper pulled another card out of a deck. "Oh okay ask another question!" She looked at Forest's bored face. "Okay Forest when is your birthday?"

"May 25." The magenta haired troll mumbled.

"Oohh!! Interesting!" Piper answered. "Okay your turn to pick a card."

By that time Sapphire finally showed up. Forest planted on the ground. "Thank you!" He ran up to hug his sister. "Thank you for being you!" Sapphire was confused. "Your welcome? Anyway I got a map so we can find your home!" She spreaded a large map on the forest floor. Forest's mouth went wide. "For the love of all things trolly, how big is this forest?! It's gonna take us forever to find Skip's home!"

"Found it!" Skip pointed at the map. "Well that was surprisingly quick." Forest said. Sapphire looked at the map. "Yeah finding it on the map was the easy part, but how are we gonna get there from here? It's over Slippery Slope, so we can't walk there."

"Leave that to me!" Forest pulled out a strange looking object from his invention pile. "What does that do?" Skip tried touching it. Forest pulled it out of his reach. "Don't even think about it." Skip started to pout. "Frosting."

The teal troll opened the gear and pressed a few buttons, finishing off by turning a piece on the gear clockwise. "Okay now we wait, but you might wanna stand behind the tree over there. When it appears it's gonna be huge!"

"When what appears?" Skip asked as they all went to go stand by the tree. "You'll see." Was Forest's only reply. Within a few seconds an odd looking flying object appeared in front of them. "What the troll is that thing?!"

Forest walked over and pulled the door on it opened. "You remember when Mom and Dad took us to see Uncle Cooper's home on that space ship?"

"No." Skip answered. The teal troll face palmed. "Not y'all! I'm talking to Sapphire."

"Yeah I do. We were seven years old and as we were leaving you told me, Mom, and Dad that you were gonna build your own space ship." The light pink troll answered. "Well say hello to the ship I have been working on for months!" He grabbed everyone with his hair and pulled them in through the door.

Skip, Piper, and Sapphire were put into comfortable seats and buckled up by a machine. Forest sat down into the pilot seat and pressed a few buttons. He punched something into the GPS and the ship started flying off! All three passengers in the back were shocked, especially Sapphire.

"When did you build this??" She asked her brother as the ship flew smoothly above the forest. "You see after we got home from visiting Uncle Cooper, I went outside and started grabbing every gear I saw that no one was using. Then I made a special spot behind my closet and went there to start putting it together when I was sure no one was watching me. I finally finished it a month ago and gave a test drive to see if it worked. It did, but today's the first time I actually get to use it!"

"Okay then. What does this thing have anyway?" Piper asked.

"Just a few things." Forest answered modestly. "Heated seats, vending machines, perfect GPS settings, radio that can play any tribe song, y'know all the basics."

"Woah. You've been busy!" Skip said. He and Piper stood on two paws to look out the window. "Woah. The world looks so cool and beautiful from up here." Sapphire looked out with them. "Yeah."

"Okay who has the map so we know where we're going?" Piper asked. "No need for a map. I punched in our location now and the place that we wanna go to, so my ship will direct us." Forest answered. "Well put it on auto pilot so we can play another friend game!" Piper exclaimed excitedly.

"How did you know this has an auto pilot?" Forest asked in a kind of panicked voice. "Because it pretty much has everything so it has to have an auto pilot too!" Skip replied exasperated.

"Fine let's get back to the game." Forest sighed heavily. "What game?" Sapphire asked. "The friend game we were playing when you left!" Piper was clearly overly excited. "It's a card game that helps potential friends get to know one another."

"Oh fun! Can I play too?" The royal blue haired troll asked. "Of course!" Piper exclaimed.  "Have seat and we'll deal you in!" Sapphire happily sat down and they all started playing.

*A Few Hours Later*

Piper's friend games must have some type of magic in them. Within a few hours everyone was laughing and having a fun time - even Forest and Skip!

"Seriously?! You actually did that?!" Sapphire and Forest wiped tears from her eyes as Piper and Skip told a hilarious story about something that happened to them.

We have arrived at our destination. The GPS sounded. "Awww already?" Skip frowned. The ship carefully landed and the friends got out, but they were met with a shock. Someone had trashed the whole ocean and the land near it! "You have got to be kidding me." Sapphire said. "Your ship doesn't happen to have something that can clean this up in like ten minutes, does it?" Skip asked.

"Nope. But it does have a way to turn all this trash into fuel to power it!" He answered. "All we have to do is bag all this trash and put it in one spot, then just let me and my machine do the rest!"

"But we don't -" Piper started but got interrupted by Forest pushing a button to make bags appear. Piper was speechless. "Woah..."

"Hey are these bags-"

"Yes Saph they are recyclable." Forest answered. "Oh phew! Okay everyone let's get to work!"

Everyone grabbed a bag and started collecting trash. "Y'know I feel like we could use some music." Sapphire said and turned to her brother. "Can your ship make music?"

"You betcha!" Forest hopped inside and pulled a few buttons, then started a song.

🎶First things first, I'ma say all the words in my head🎶

🎶I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh🎶

🎶The way that things have been oh-ooh🎶

Sapphire held open a bag and Skip started tossing in pieces of trash. "Slam dunk!" He shouted. Piper threw two pieces in at once. "Double slam dunk!" Her and Skip high fived.

🎶Second thing second🎶

🎶Don't you tell me what you think that I could be🎶

🎶I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea oh-ooh🎶

🎶The master of my sea oh-ooh🎶

Sapphire dumped a bag out on a tarp they had. "Alright first batch!" She called to Forest. He gave a thumbs up from inside the ship and sent a teleporter down to collect the trash, then he punched in the stuff needed to tell the ship what to do and it got to work.

🎶I was broken from a young age🎶

🎶Taking my sulking to the masses🎶

🎶Writing my poems for the few🎶

🎶That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me🎶

🎶Singing my heartache from the pain🎶

🎶Taking my message from the vein🎶

🎶Speaking my lessons from the brain🎶

🎶Seeing the beauty from the...🎶

The ship had just finished turning the trash into fuel when Skip ran over and dumped three more bags on the tarp. Forest got back to work getting the ship to turn more trash into fuel.


🎶You made a, you made a believer, believer!🎶


🎶You break me down and build me up, believer, believer!🎶


🎶Oh let the bullets fly, oh let them rain🎶

🎶My life, my love, my drive it came from...🎶


🎶You made me a, you made me a, believer, believer!🎶

Once all the land was done getting cleaned, it was time for the water. Skip dove in and started tossing every piece of trash he saw on the shore. Sapphire and Piper held bags open ready to catch all the trash thrown on shore. Skip was so fast that they had to move fast. "Almost...done!" Skip called from the water. Sapphire and Piper each dragged one last bag to the tarp so Forest and his ship could turn it into fuel.

Once he was done, the teal troll landed and got out of the ship. "Finally done! That took forever!"

"Yeah sure it did for you!" They heard a voice from the ship. "I mean all you had to do was teleport all the trash up here! I did the rest! But yeah let's just all focus on how hard you were working!"

"The ship talks?" Skip asked. "Yeah..." Forest answered. "Forgot to tell y'all that. Oh and between us, it has a bit of an attitude."

"I heard that!" The ship shouted.

All four friends had wide eyes. "Okay then...." Was Piper's only reply.

"So are you two gonna hop back in or what?" The ship asked. "Yeah...yeah we are." Sapphire answered.

They said their good byes and promised to visit each other. Then Forest and Sapphire hopped back in the ship. "Oh can I drive?!" Sapphire asked. "No!" The ship and Forest answered. "Yes? Okay then!" She got behind the wheel and started flying it all crazy. "No...no.....STOP!" Forest and the ship both shouted.

A\N : Word Count :  2,489! FINALLY done! Hope you like this SkipTheZurroDragon !! 💖😁😇 Took FOREVER to write! So today's my last day of freedom before I go to school so I'm trying to enjoy it. Feel free to send more requests!😁😁 It'll take a little more time but I'll get them done!😁😇💖 See y'all later!😇💖😁😎

EsmeraldLovesBroppy 💖😇😁😎

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