~I'm Not Scared~

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A\N : Esmean story. No humans exist in this. SkipTheZurroDragon this might remind you of one of our past roleplays but it's a little different!💖🙃 Enjoy!💖🥳😇

Boom! Boom!

Esmerald looked out the window and saw lighting flashes as she waited for her boyfriend Ocean to show up for a sleepover movie night. She never thought ahead about the weather and there was a big storm going on outside. Yeah there is no way he's gonna be able to make it here! It's getting rough out there! She outside and could barely make out any troll figures. What she could see looked like trolls running for shelter - which made sense. I hope Ocean hurries the troll up. That storm looks bad. If he stays out there he could be sick for days! I don't want the power to go off here and then I be alone either. He thoughts were interrupted by a frantic sounding knock on her door.

"Lemme in! Lemme in!" Quickly Esmerald opened the door and saw Ocean soaking wet. "Okay permission to come in before this rain turns me into a walking swimming pool??" Esmerald laughed. He's always so funny. She moved beside the door to let him in. He made a beeline for the couch and set all his stuff on the floor. Then he made a beeline down the hall with his pajamas. "Be right back!" He called over his shoulder.

Esmerald sat on her couch and pulled out a book to read, hoping she could distract herself from the storm outside. She had gotten her pajamas on a while ago, so she didn't need to change.

Boom! Boom!

She jumped and grabbed a blanket to hide under. She didn't like thunderstorms at night. She was fine with thunderstorms during the day because if the power went out, light would usually find a way in through the windows. That wasn't the case at night. There was no light from the sun to light up the room. She just kept hoping the power wouldn't go off during the night. She never told Ocean about her fear of thunderstorms at night and she wasn't planning on telling him or anyone anytime soon.

Eventually Ocean finished changing and walked back into the living room, seeming completely calm by the storm outside. "Okay which movie should we watch?"

"What movies are there to choose from?" Esmerald peaked from under her blanket. "Don't really know. I was trying to get here before the rain started so I just grabbed a bunch of random movies. I think half of them are documentaries." He started to dig around in the bag of movies he brought, but stop when he saw Esmerald hiding deeper in her blankets. "Hey you okay?"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Esmerald jumped and buried her face behind a pillow. "Yeah. Totally fine." Her voice was a little shaky from fear. "Y'know just excited to watch a movie...it'll be really fun if this storm ever stops..." She mumbled. "Your excited to watch a movie, so your gonna hide under the blankets and tremble in fear?" Ocean's tone made it obvious that he want believing her. "Yes? I'm extremely weird." Esmerald ducked more into the blankets as she heard more thunder.

It only took a few seconds before Ocean figured out what was wrong. "Ah that's what's wrong. Your scared of the thunder!"

"No I'm not! I always do this when I'm excited! Y'know for me nothing says excitement like trembling and hiding!"

Boom! Boom!

She ducked under the blanket until only her eyes were showing. "Well if that's the case for you, then you must be ecstatic because your trembling like crazy and you've hidden so deep in the blanket I can only see your eyes."

Esmerald hesitantly uncovered her head. "There now I'm not hiding. You happy now?"

Boom! Boom! Crack!

Esmerald yelped and immediately hid under the blanket again. "Yay...so excited..." She did her best to sound excited. "You really don't like the thunder, do you?" Ocean asked. "I ain't scared! I'm never scared! I'm only hiding because....uhhhhh.....I'm looking for something I lost under this blanket! Yeah totally what I'm doing!"

"Well what did you lose?" Ocean knew she was lying, but decided to play along anyways.

"My dignity -" Esmerald mumbled softly.

Her boyfriend didn't hear. "Your what?"

"Oh wait! Just realized I didn't lose anything as at all! I....was....cold! Yeah yeah that's totally it! Funny right?" She laughed nervously. Gah when is this storm going to end???


Esmerald immediately leapt into Ocean's arms and hugged him tightly. Those cracks were much louder than they were last time! She felt Ocean's arms embrace her in a comforting way. "Sure your not scared...? You can tell me if you are. I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me what's wrong."

Esmerald was still hugging him tightly refusing to let go, but she gave a reply in a whisper. "Ok...the truth is I'm scared of the thunder and not just like a little scared. Like terrified. The sound is just so loud! It's hard for me to not be scared!" She stopped bugging him and leaned against the couch looking down in shame with a frown. "I'm sorry I didn't admit it before. It's just hard having to admit that I'm sixteen years old and have the fear of a kid..."

Ocean frowned sympathetically and gently lifted her head to face him. "Hey, look at me." Esmerald locked eyes with him and he continued. "Flower Blossom, there's no reason to be ashamed. We all have fears, that's just facts. Branch doesn't like birds, some trolls don't like snow, and others don't like ghosts."

"You don't have any fears." His girlfriend told him. "Your brave in the face of doom."

"But that doesn't mean I don't have fears. As a matter of fact one of my many fears is thanatophobia."

"Huh? What's that?" Esmerald was confused, having never heard that word.

"Thanatophobia is the fear of someone you love dying. And I can get that fear almost everyday, I just don't show it, but just because it isn't being showed doesn't mean it's not a fear. There is one troll I worry about dying everyday, every hour, every minute."


Ocean smiled a little. "You. The thought of you dying is worst than the feeling of lava to me. I mean, you light up my whole life and never seeing you again or hearing your musical laugh is just terrifying to even think about."

Esmerald smiled a little as she looked into his light green eyes, which were filled with honesty, loyalty, and reassurance. He held his arms open with a playful smirk. "C'mon I know you wanna hug me."

"Oh c'mon how did you know?" Esmerald rolled her eyes and smiled, hugging him anyways because she did want to. She felt him hug her back. "Oh c'mon are you really that surprised that I could tell?" He laughed a little before continuing. "Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is that everyone has their own fear. It's what makes them special. Besides lots of trolls fear thunderstorms so your not the only one with that fear."

Esmerald could still hear the rain pouring and the thunder rolling outside and she was still a little terrified.

Boom! Crack! Boom!

The purple eyed troll hugged her boyfriend tighter and started to tremble a little. Ocean gently hugged her and stroked her hair comfortingly. "Everything's fine Flower Blossom. Your not alone." His girlfriend's trembling got more and more frequent with every passing thunder crack.

Esmerald hugged him tighter and buried her head into his shirt. "When w-will it stop? W-When?" He voice was shaking as she talked and Ocean knew he had to do something to calm her down. He couldn't move to go put a movie in the DVD player so that was out. He though harder as he continued to hug her and stroke her hair. Wait.... That could work!

🎶And when your weak, I'll be strong🎶

🎶I'm gonna keep holding on ~🎶

Esmerald was a little startled but recognized his voice singing to her. She hugged him more and tried to calm down a little. He hugged her more with a reassuring smile and continued singing.

🎶So don't you worry, it won't be long🎶

🎶Darling, when you feel like hope is gone🎶

🎶Just run into my arms🎶

🎶I'm only one call away🎶

🎶I'll be there to save the day🎶

🎶Superman got nothing on me🎶

🎶I'm only one call away🎶

Esmerald felt a little better but was still trembling a little and hugged Ocean even tighter.

🎶Oh~ I'll be there to save the day🎶

🎶 Superman got nothing on me🎶

🎶I'm only one call away🎶

Ocean finished and saw she was no longer trembling but he could still see the fear in her eyes. He felt tears fall on him and saw Esmerald was crying, something that always broke his heart to see or hear. He hugged her tighter and spoke softly. "There's no need to cry, I promise. We're gonna face your fear together."

Esmerald was still crying a little but managed to reply in the form of a whisper. "Okay...I'm just sorry I'm bothering you this way....I'm ruining the whole night because I'm scared of silly a storm..."

Her boyfriend couldn't believe his ears. He tilted her head to face him. "Hey, look at me." Esmerald's tear filled eyes looked downward looking ashamed.

"No don't look down. Look at me." He tilted her head to face him once more. This time her tear filled eyes were locked on his light green eyes. "You didn't ruin our night. Nothing can ruin our night together as long as I'm around you. And no your not bothering me in the least. I love you a lot so I'm gonna care when your sad or scared and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make you feel happy. It's not because your bothering me, it's because I love you." He smiled comfortingly.

Esmerald still had tears in her eyes and was trembling, but she smiled a little in return. "O-Okay."

"Trust me, we're gonna get through this together." Ocean continued to hug her comfortingly. "And I know something else that can help. Remember the new movie you wanted to watch? Encanto?"

Esmerald's eyes light up a little and she smiled more. "Wait you got it??" Ocean laughed a little at her excitement. "Yep. Can you let me up so I can put it in the DVD player?" His girlfriend was still scared and a little hesitant. It was clear she didn't wanna be alone even if it was a few seconds.

Ocean smiled a little. "Wanna hold my hand and we'll both get up to put the movie in?" Esmerald nodded quickly and grabbed his hand as they stood up. In a matter of seconds the movie was in the DVD player and they were both seated on the couch ready to watch.

Crack! Boom! Crack!

Esmerald leapt back into Ocean's arms as soon as they were on the couch. He hugged her as he reached for the remote. "There's not a single thing to be afraid. I'm right here next to you." His girlfriend gave a small nod letting him know she heard him. Both trolls were getting into the movie when the lights began to flicker and went off.

Esmerald started to whimper and hugged him tighter in fear. Why? Why? Why?? Make it stop!! She was getting so scared she started to hyper ventilate. Ocean turned on a portable tv he brought along with him so it would still play Encanto. He saw Esmerald starting to breath really rapidly and knew she was in trouble if she didn't stop. "Hey, hey it's okay. There's nothing scary in here. Your not alone and no one's gonna hurt you. Just take some deep breaths and try to calm down because I can tell your hyper ventilating. Breath in and out slowly and try to catch your breath."

He loosened the hug so she could catch her breath easier. Slowly Esmerald began breathing to calm down. Ocean stroked her hair and gently rubbed her back. "Shhhh...I'm right here with you just calm down." He began humming softly as she started to catch her breath. Esmerald continued to take deep breaths before she finally calmed down.

"Are you feeling better now?" Her boyfriend spoke softly and stroke her hair as he hugged her. "A l-little." She answered. She started to shiver a little since the heating system shut down from power loss. She could feel Ocean shivering too. While hugging her he reached down and pulled out his bag he packed. Inside were a large blanket and two warm thurmasts. He pulled it all out and offered a thermast to Esmerald. "I know how much you love hot chocolate so I made some and brought it with me."

Esmerald held the thermus with both hands as she took a sip noticing it was still hot. "T-Thank you H-H20."

"Your welcome Flower Blossom." He grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her to help warm her up. She looked concerned. "A-Aren't you c-cold too?" His reply was a simple reassuring smile. "No I'm not. I'm fine, don't worry." Esmerald didn't buy it so she sat up a little and wrapped some of the blanket around him. Then she went back to hugging him. Ocean smiled. "Aww you didn't have to do that for me."

Esmerald was feeling calmer and yawned a little. "Like you said, I did it cause I love you." She smiled. Ocean playfully smiled. "Gonna be sneaky and rescue my lines are you?" Esmerald giggled as she hugged him. "Mayyyybbbbeeeeee~"

He smiled feeling better to see Esmerald happy and took a sip of his hot chocolate. Esmerald rubbed her eyes tiredly and didn't even hear the thunder outside, as she continued to watch Encanto.

"Thank you for caring and helping me without getting mad." She told Ocean with a smile. "I'm lucky to have a boyfriend like you to make me happy and smile."

"Oh your welcome, it was no problem. Just seeing you feel better and happier lights up my day. And I'm lucky to have such a kind, caring, supporting girlfriend like you are." Ocean replied smiling.

He noticed Esmerald leaning on his shoulder covered in blanket they were sharing with a peaceful smile as she yawned again. "Tired already?" He smirked playfully. "Noooooooo~" she denied it like always. He shrugged. "Well okay." He began singing softly to her. She was still persistent to stay awake so she fought the calming effect that his voice had on her.

"Hey! Your...cheating...." She slowly fell asleep on his shoulder still hugging him in their shared blanket. Ocean smiled softly at her and turned the tv down. "I love you Flower Blossom. Have dreams that are just as amazing as you are." He pulled her closer to him. "I...love....you...too....H20...." Esmerald mumbled.

The thunder outside began getting quieter and the storm from before was going away. "Congratulations Flower Blossom. We faced your fear together like I said we would." He kissed her cheek and fell asleep beside her.

A \ N : Word Count : 2573 hallelujah I've finally wrote something story related after months!😅😅 Fun face : I started on this story last year but I've finally finished it at last!😁🤩 Idk why but my brain is more active at night for some reason. 😅 Anywho I really gotta cause it's past 11pm over here.

Luv you all!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

I hope you like this considering the time and work and effort I put into it!💖😁🙃🥺

Bai yall!🥺💖😁

EsmeraldLovesBroppy 💖🥺😁🙃😅🤩

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