My first Villain Character: Kenji Sugami

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Hey everyone. I know that I have made a lot of character, but this will be my first Villain Character. For now, he'll be the villain for the Lokanas Chapter. I will create another for the Orion chapter. And much later, I will make one last main villain Character, the biggest villain. Such as Char Azanable, Scirocco, Haman, Master Asia, Milliardo Peacecraft, etc. For now, let's meet Kenji Sugami.

Name: Kenji Sugami

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Looks: Long red and black hair with purple highlights, green eyes. Scar over his right eye. Tan skin. Wears blue shirt black pants and blue shoes. Wears a necklace with a picture of his wife on it.(more about the wife later.)

Personality: silent and calm, with a little arrogance in it. He gets angry when depressed, which he is most of the time. He mostly thinks about his wife.

Likes: reading, nature. His wife,

Dislikes: bullies, rudeness, corruption

Group: Nexus

Mobile Suit/Gundam: Gundam

Background: he became a villain because he had no choice. His wife has been captured by members of Nexus. He watched as the rape and abuse her, while attack him. They discovered that he is UltraNewtype, a NewType that has evolved to a newer level. He pilots a prototype Gundam called the Gundam T-Lycan. Nexus threaten that if he doesn't do what they ask, they will kill his wife, who he found out is pregnant with his child. He then is released to a Task Force charged with fighting Lokana Forces, the Wolf Pack. He is given orders to head to Mars and attack the Lokana Forces lead by Lucelia Lucy Light.

Mobile Suit/Gundam Form

Name: Gundam T-Lycan

Size: average Gundam size.( size of the Ryuga.)

Color: red, black, white and silver.

Frame: Gundam

Special Abilities: Lycan Shift, Trans Am. Lycan Shift is a metamorphic Shift where the mobile suit looks more animalistic. Speed increases as well as ferocity. A melee ability. The mobile suit changes forms into that of a wolf or a werewolf. A very deadly ability. Trans am only intensifies this ability.

Weapons: VF blade clawed hands(melee.) rocket launcher on the back as well as beam blasters in the middle of the hands.

Special Weapons: Lycan Laser, Eradicator Wings. Lycan laser can only used during Lycan Shift. The neck extends and a wolf mouth appears on the, looking like a beast. The mouth opens and reveal a cannon. It digs it's claws in the ground before it fires. Anything hit by the beam it's destroyed. The Eradicator Wings(E-Wings), appear on the back during Lycan Shift, making it appear more beast like. The wings twist around appear in front of the Gundam. The wings open and reveal 2 particle beam cannons. When the cannons fire, the beams will eradicate anything they hit.

Other Info: the Gundam makes the pilot act more animalistic the more the pilot uses it. Especially during Lycan Shift.

Well, that is the end of the new form. Doesn't Kenji sound like a deadly villain? Well, the Lokana forces better watch out for him.

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