Life is boreing

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Lucas's POV

"Hey mum have you seen my headphone?!" I scream down the stairs of our two story house. I wait a second " NO! why do yo need them Luke? We are already going to be late for school!". I roll my eyes, mostly to myself. "Don't you roll your eyes at me Lucas Jackson!" I jump startled by my mums voice, how does she always know?! "Get down here and into the car!".

Ugh my life is so boring! It always follows the same routine everyday, sleep, eat, go to school. I want to do more! See more! "Luke!" I jump, I turn quickly to my bedroom door. Standing there in the doorway was my little sister, Sunday. she looked at me expectedly "well? You going to stop daydreaming and get in the car?" Sunday was a year younger then me, she turned 12 last month. She raised a raven black eye brow at me. "Oh yeah"I said as i shook my head, dam ADHD.

I ran after my sister down the stairs and out the front door towards the car. Mum sat in the front seat, when I came outside she turned to me "come on! We are going to be late Luke"I look at my mum her honey yellow hair blew in the wind and her grey eyes lighter then usual, I had moms hair Sunday had her eyes. "Sorry I couldn't find my headphones!" I call back. Most people don't realise me and Sunday were related because I had bright green eyes and blond hair where as Sunday had raven black hair and startling grey eyes.

I blinked a few times and realised my mind had drifted off. I quickly ran to the car and sat in the back because Sunday had taken the front, so unfair! "Did you get any sleep last night honey" I looked to where my mom was siting, her eyes were on the road but I knew she was talking to me." I was up late doing my home work" "when's it due?" She inquired. "Next week"I say shyly "haha you get that from me I was just like you when I was your age". Sunday stopped looking out the window and looked at me. "You are such a nerd!" I glare at my sister and stuck out my tough.

We pulled up to school just as the bell rung. "Bye mum" I said, Sunday echoing my words as we run up to school and mum came after us. She was a teacher at our school, she taught maths and architecture, not my year though thankfully. Dad worked at the local swimming pool and left home early in the morning.

I walk into class, and sat next to my friends James and Jessie. "Ok pull out your maths book and turn to exercise E2"my teacher Mrs Scitz called to the class. I groaned and wished I had found my headphones. Now I would have to sit in class and actually do the work! I hate maths!

~~~~~~~~~~~~AFTER SCHOOL~~~~~~~~~~

I was waiting outside of the school doors for Sunday, after school she had swim team practice. I opened my bag and brought out one of my books, *clank* I look down and see my headphone fell out. Dam it! They were in my bag the whole time!

After spending ages picking a song on my phone ( a/n Annabeth and Percy got them monster proof phone and didn't tell them) and put my headphones on and tapped my foot to the beet. "Rah!" I let out a yelp and realised it was Sunday, she had snuck up on me! "ugh why do you do this to me!" I say as I take off my headphones. "Because it's fun" she breathed out through fits of laughter and shrugs. "So are we walking or....." before I could finish Dads car pulled up and he honked the horn.

"Hey guys how was school" Dad asked a smirk playing on his face. Dad had Sunday's raven hair and my green eyes. "It was great! I made a new friend today! I was helping them with their English homework" Sunday said as she sat in the back seat. I scoff as I sat in the front "And you call me a nerd" she rolled her eyes and chose to ignore me. "Her name is Reyna she told me to call her Mimi"(hey ReynaDiAngelo14 look what I did!). "That's great honey! Lucas? Anything happen today?" I looked out the window "nah"is all I said before putting music on, the song played through my headphones.

When we pulled up at the house, I got out of the car and went straight to my room. I could hear mum and dad talking in the kitchen. I turned up my music, a while after dad knocked on my door, I looked up at him. "Can I come in?"he asked . I nodded and took off my headphones, "Are you ok? You" my dad looked at me worry clear in his eyes. " yeah, it's just...." I look away "don't you ever get bored of your life?" Dad sat down on my bed next to me, he thought for a long time before he spoke " well, I used to want to have... adventures" he paused "But after a few of them I got tired and missed having a uh.. boring life."

He looked off into the distance " I met your mother on my first big 'adventure' and after we had a few trips we decided we wanted to start a new adventure" I felt like Dad was choosing his words carefully, "That.... that was this boring life, that was you and your sister, and I don't regret a thing". I was shocked! Mum and dad never talked about their childhood.

Before I could reply there was a knock at the door "I'll get it" I hear Sunday shout from down stairs, we heard the door being opened " umm hi" a voice sounded from the door. Dad and I made our way down the stairs and there was three people at the door...


Hey guys, I did it! I made a new chapter! Do you like it? Please comment

Peace out bros,
Piggy3000 the potato queen!

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