Our waiter tries to eat us

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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters they belong to uncle Rick (Rcik Riordan) I only own the plot, Sunday and Lucas! Enjoy

Nico's POV

"So what's the plan" Grover said as he looks up from his half eaten tin can. After seeing Sally and Paul we decided to sit in a cafe, and figure out how we were going to get to Australia. "How the Hades are we going to get to Australia" Will said. Suddenly an idea came to me "I could shadow travel and......" "no" Will yelled, people in the cafe looked at us weirdly.

"Why not?" i asked, outraged. "You can't shadow travel that far!" Will looked worried. I grab his hand and looked into his eyes "Will, it's the only way. We can't take a boat or plane, because I am hades's son for gods sake, I would be safer shadow traveling then on the water or in the sky" Will looked thoughtful for a moment. He turned to Grover, who I had forgotten was there and asked "what do you think Grover?".

Grover looked between Will and me, sweat beading on his forehead. "I t-think" Grover swallowed hard " Nico's idea would be best, S-sorry Will" The satyr added quickly and looked at Will apologetically. " fine I guess I can heal you when we get there". A big smile creeped on my face "but...". Oh here it is. "You will not be shadow traveling directly to their house". I nodded turning serious, I know this won't be easy.

After eating a waiter came up to us, "Would you like anything else, demigod" she said sweetly. I looked around the room and noticed no one was here. Slightly panicked I looked up at her face, did she say what I thought she said. " sorry?" I asked as I slowly stood up, Will and Grover followed my lead. "Oh sorry" she said with a smile " I said would you like anything else...DEMIGODS?" Her voice turned into more of a screech.

"R-runnnn" Grover yelled as he made for the door. The waiters hair slowly morphed into blazing flames, her teeth lengthened and her eyes radiated heat. Will grabbed my hand and ran pulling me out the shop. "Why are you running little god spawns?" The waiter spat bursting through the doors. I looked down at her feet, one leg was robot and the other much like a goat leg. This was an Empousa!

I take a deep breath and summoned my Stygian iron sword. Mortals ran away from where we were standing, some people screaming about a gun others a baseball bat. Will drew his well hidden bow and arrow. He shot one at the Empoisa, who simply caught it and threw it back at me, it grazed the side of my arm. With blood dripping down my arm I ran at the monster slashing at her she slashed bald with her claw, this continued fro awhile.

Grover started playing his reed pipes. Not helping! I thought in my head, but suddenly great vines started to grow around her legs I smile. An arrow flew past my head and hit her leg she screamed  while she was distracted I thrusted my sword into her chest. She exploded into golden dust and I stumbled back.

After eating ambrosia and thanking Will and Grover we walked into a small alleyway from mortal eyes. "Ok you guys ready?" I asked looking at a worried Grover. "I'm ready" Wills voice echoed off the brick walls of the ally. I look at Grover who looked scared, I was a little unsure how he managed to get Annabeth and Percy to camp when they were young, he was scared of everything!"Ready" Grover squeaked.

Everyone held hands as I focused. I reached out to the shadows around us and imagined being one of them. Suddenly I ran at a shadow one the wall dragging Will and screaming Grover with me. I searched around the shadow realm to find Australia, then focused on Percy's and Annabeth's address. Suddenly I found it and made sure we landing a few blocks away. Suddenly light sunlight shon on my eyes, my energy was draining and my consciousness was leaving, the last thing I heard before passing out was a certain satyr vomiting.

I woke up to a warm feeling on my chest. My eyes slowly open. I groan, ahhh my head hurts. I look up into the most beautiful blue eyes, I blush once realising it was Will. Will sat on his knees a golden light was radiating of his hands into my chest, I sat up " how are you feeling?" Will asked me. I hugged him "Great! I'm feeling great".

I heard the sound of Grover vomiting into a bush on the sidewalk. "Thanks for healing me" I said as I looked into Wills eyes. Grover stumbled over to us "so... are we going?". My cheeks turn red.
We made our way down the street and up to a double story blue house. We double check the address. "So this is it, number 23" I look over at Grover and we both made an understanding. "Will, w-we were uh wondering if m-maybe you could knock on the door" Grover stuttered out at Will. Will sighed and walked up the stairs, we followed close behind.

He knocked. We hear a muffled voice, which I could faintly make out saying " I'll get it!". We heard light footsteps going down stairs. The door suddenly swings open and standing there was a 12 year old girl. She had raven dark hair and stormy grey eyes. She looked familiar, yet I knew I had never seen her before.

Will spoke breaking the awkward silence "Ummm hi?". Real smooth Will. The girl looked us all up and down with calculating eyes. I could tell she had gotten a black eye which was poorly covered up. How she got it, I had no clue. Suddenly two people came down the stairs, the first to come down was a 14 year old boy with sandy blond hair and bright green eyes, like the girl he seemed familiar but I know I had never met him.

Behind him came an older man in his early 30's, he had short cut raven black hair and the brightest ocean green eyes, eyes I had only seen on one person... Percy!? "Will?" The man asked almost shocked. He walked closer to the door. I could see his trademark trouble maker smirk. "Nico? Grover!" Old Percy came running at grover before he could react percy had broughthim into a hug, Grover blushed.

Once he pulled back Grover spoke up "h...hey perce". Percy smiled and looked over this shoulder and yelled "ANNABETH HONEY! WE HAVE VISITORS!". female voice sounded from where I assumed was the kitchen " who is it?". A blond haired grey eyed woman came into view. This woman looked a lot like Athena, I assumed it was a much older Annabeth. She froze "Will, Nico, Grover" she ran at us, past the kids who looked confused. We must have looked horrible! I would be confused too.

Annabeth hugged all of us she smiled "come in come in" she said happily. But when she saw our nervous and sullen faces her smile dropped. She looked at the kids who I assumed were their children. "Can you guys go upstairs for a while your father and I need to talk to our...friends"


Hey guys I'm back!! Sorry for the wait but I hoped you like the new chapter! Comment and vote please!

Peace out.
Piggy3000 the potato queen!

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