Umm Who Are You Guys?

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Jason's POV:

Trees fly past the car window. Thoughts of our meeting with Reyna and the romans swam around my head. After Nico, Grover and Will left to get Percy and Annabeth in Australia, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Frank, Hazel and I went to tell Reyna.

After the meeting I got an Iris message from Chiron he told us about Percy and Annabeth being taken. We were all shocked, we were told their children were at camp. After informing Reyna we left for camp.

"Hey Jason, you alright man?" I turn to Leo. His eyes were on the road, it was his turn to drive. "Yeah, I'm just worried, what could have taken both Percy and Annabeth?" I asked looking back out the window.

"I know it's crazy! And now their kids are alone, stranded in a new world" Leo said staring at the road. Leo has grown up so much, he still has the messy hair and cheeky smile, but he has changed. We all have.

"Hey don't worry guys. Chiron said they are fine, and we'll see them soon" piper said, leaning in between our chairs. "What if they hate us?" Frank asked from the back seat. "I'm sure they won't Frank, especially if they are anything like their parents" Hazel said, placing a hand on his.

"I hope your right Hazel, they need all the help and support they can get" Calypso's voice echoed around the again silent car.

After a while Leo stopped the car, I looked out the window and I could see the great hill with Thalia's pine tree. We stepped out of the car and slowly walked up the hill. Chiron stood next to the tree waiting for us.

I reached the top first. "Ahh Jason my boy! Welcome back!" the centaur reached down to hug me. After welcoming everyone we walked down to the big house and sat around the Ping-Pong table.

Will, Grover and Nico were already there waiting for us. they looked tired and Will and Grover some bandages. We sat quietly waiting for Chiron to speak.

"Thank you all for coming" Chiron said, now in his wheelchair form. "I called you all here because Percy and Annabeth's kids need as much help they can get." We all nod in understanding. "This has been a huge shock for them. First they were attacked then their parents... well you know what happened."

We all nod grimly remembering when we got the news. Chiron looked off in deep thought. "Chiron are you ok?" piper asked from the chair next to me. "oh, yes... sorry I was thinking" Chiron said shaking his head.

"I thought it would be good for them to meet you" Chiron said, looking at us all. "Reyna! Could you go and get them" Chiron said, looking towards the doorway. I was surprised, why was Reyna here?

But when I turned around to the doorway, I saw a pale red-haired girl leaning on the door frame. She wore mostly black, has she been here the whole time?

"Sure Chiron, I'll be back!" she said turning. "WAIT!" I yelled after her. "I'll come with you" she shrugged, and we walked to the arena.

We walked in silence for a while. "Sooo... godly parent?" I said braking the awkward tension. "oh... um... hades?" she said looking forwards. I nodded and remained silence.

As we neared the arena Reyna stopped and turned to me. "Ok so look. I have archery in 5 minutes, would you mind bringing them to Chiron?" she asked, looking at her watch. "sure" I said.

As she walked away, she called over her shoulder "oh and just letting you know they can be quite...protective". And with that she was gone. I walked into the arena.

Fighting in the centre was two girls, one clearly more skilled then the other. One had dark brown hair and the other had jet-black hair. As I walked further into the arena, I saw a blonde-haired boy sitting in the stands, reading a book.

I stood waiting for the fight to end. The end came faster then I thought it would. The brown-haired girl disarmed the other. "Awww come on! Amanda! You always win!" the girl with black hair said playfully. "it's not my fault! You need to train more!" said the other picking up the girl disarmed sword.

I slowly walked into the centre of the arena to where they were standing. I cleared my throat "umm hi. That was an awesome fight!". The girl who I assumed was Amanda turned to me, her smile dropping. Could she be one of Percy and Annabeth's kids?

"What are you doing here!?" she said, now glaring at me. "oh, um Chiron told me to come and get the... legacies?" I was unsure what to say. "oh, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Jason Gra..." "oh I know who you are. We don't need introductions" she grumbled, she turned and walked out of the arena.

I was taken aback, "what was her problem?" I muttered to myself. "Oh, don't worry about her!" I jump, startled by the voice behind me. "she has a few issues with some people" the girl standing in front of me was the one who lost the fight.

"you said Chiron sent you to come and get me and my brother?" She asked with a smile. Of course, how didn't I notice, the black hair, the grey eyes.

"um yeah" I was lost for words. "I'm Sunday by the way! Sunday Jackson" she shook my hand. She was so similar to Percy. "Hey Luke! Chiron needs us!" she yelled at the boy in the stands.

Luke? Like Luke Castellan? I am not surprised. Sunday looked me up and down "Aren't you a bit old for camp?". "Sunday! He is clearly from camp Jupiter. Look at his tattoo!" the boy with sandy blonde hair said pointing at my arm. The boy, Luke, had his father's ocean green eyes.

"You don't talk much!" said Sunday. "oh..." I laughed awkwardly "sorry I'm just... shocked".

They looked confused at me, "oh sorry ...umm... lets start from the beginning" I stuck my hand out "I'm Jason Grace, one of your parents' old friends".

They stood staring blankly at my outstretched hand. "Wait! You knew our parents?" Sunday squeaked. I nodded slowly lowering my hand. "That is so cool! Why are you here? Can you tell us about them as children?" Sunday had a strange American Australian accent, I guess I should have expected that.

Before I could answer her questions, Luke stood forwards. "You said Chiron needed us?" he said flatly. "umm... yeah, in the big house" I said back, he nodded.

As we walked to the big house Sunday walked next to me. Luke was in front of us. "Hey, does your brother hate me?" I asked Sunday. She smiled "Nah he doesn't hate you he is just very... stressed. He is normally so friendly". I nod, thank the gods he doesn't hate me!

"So... Jason who's your godly parent?" Sunday said looking at me. "My father is Jupiter the rom..." "roman persona of Zeus?! That's so cool! Do you have powers? Amanda told me some kids have powers from their parents".

I laugh, she defiantly has her father's enthusiasm and mother's smarts. "Yeah I can control lightning, the wind and can fly." "WOW! That's awesome!" Sunday looked so happy. "Your father had powers too you know".

"Really!?" she turned to me. "Yep! And boy did he know how to use them! He could control water, like moving it and breathing in it. He could also talk to horses" I smiled at fond memories.

We soon arrived at the big house. As we walked through the door, a wave of voices hit us. They were in a huge argument. "What do you mean you think there is more to the prophecy?!" Leo's voice shouted at Chiron.

"EVERYONE STOP TALKING!!" pipers' charm-speak echoed around the room. Everyone was silent "Thank you, you can talk again. And also, they are here".

Everyone looked at me at the door way. Sunday kind of shied away from their eyes. Slowly Luke, Sunday and I sat at the table. Chiron spoke up, breaking the silence "Ok everyone this is Sunday and Lucas Jackson". "Luke" Luke muttered under his breath.

Everyone didn't know what to say, they just sat still. I spoke up "well as you know I'm Jason" Sunday nodded. "I'm Piper, daughter of Aphrodite" piper said, holding my hand.

"I'm the Leo umm son of Hephaestus" "Calypso" everyone was catching on. "I'm Hazel daughter of Pluto", "Frank son of mars". Everyone looked at Nico it was his turn. "Hey! They already know me!" Will and Grover nodded.

We talked to Sunday and Luke for a while, about who we are. They started to become more comfortable and started to talk to us too. Luke seemed like a really nice person, he was just really stress like Sunday said.

We told them all about their parents and their quests. We talked about the second titian war and then second the giant war. Soon dinner came around.

"Well we better go eat. It was nice meeting you all" Luke said standing up. Sunday followed his lead. "Thank you for the stories" Sunday said, slowly walking to the door. "We'll see you guys for training tomorrow!" Sunday said following her brother out the door.

As soon as they left Leo spoke "they are so much like their parents". We all nod in agreement. "That's why I need your help" Chiron said from his wheelchair. "They, like their father are good at hiding their emotions. I am worried they can't take on the quest to find their parents. They don't even know how to fully fight."

"It's ok Chiron. We will train them to fight! If they are anything like their parents, they can take it" piper said. We all nodded reassuring Chiron.

"We will help them for this quest, and we will get Percy and Annabeth back" Hazel said, now standing. Let's hope Hazel and Piper are right. We don't have much time left.


Hey bros! how are you? I hope you are awesome! and yes I know, "its been so long" whatever! I've been having exams! Anyways I wrote this for ya! tis chapter is sort of a filler but I hope you enjoy it! Next time i'll have more Percy and Annabeth hopefully. please comment I love reading them!

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAE!! (ReynaDiAngelo14 ) hope you enjoy the chapter! here is a picture for your birthday!

Peace out my bros!

piggy3000 the potato queen!

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