Yay! fighting and stuff

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Amanda's POV:

The Hermes cabin was really crazy this morning, but when is it not. I know what you are thinking, you're probably thinking that I am a daughter of Hermes. Well sadly I am not, I am unclaimed. I've been at camp since I was 9, I've been here for 4 years and my 'parent' still hasn't claimed me.

"Hey Amanda, breakfast is soon" Sam said nudging my shoulder. Sam is our cabin leader, I've known him for ages. "Yeah, thanks Sam" I smile up at him for where I am sitting on my 'bed', it wasn't really a bed it was more of a sleeping mat.

Sam walked to the door of the cabin and turned so he was facing his cabin mates. "alright everybody" everyone kept talking and laughing. Sam rolled his eyes "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY!" that got everyone's attention.

"Breakfast is in 10 minutes. Then we have archery, then Pegasus flying, lunch, and then weapon training". Everyone groaned at the last one. "But don't forget, Capture the Flag is tonight". The room filled with laughter and cheers.

I slowly stand off the floor and went to the bathroom to get changed. I hate Capture the Flag. It's no fun, I hate using weapons. I quickly got changed and walked with the rest to the dining pavilion.

Archery and Pegasus flying went by in a flash. I walked to lunch with Sam, he was talking to me about his and the Athena cabin leaders battle plans for Capture the Flag. There was talk about legacies arriving at camp this morning. I didn't really care, I hate when people can just be liked because of their parents.

As I was leaving lunch to go to weapon training, Chiron trotted up to me. "Amanda, could you do something for me?" he asked. "of course, what is it?" Chiron had done so much for me over the years.

"I need you to show around some uh... new campers" "sure lead the way". Chiron lead me to the big house. I could see two people sitting on a chair. As I moved closer, I could tell it was a girl and a boy. They looked nervous. "Amanda, this is Sunday and Lucas" Chiron said, smiling. The girl stood up first "Sunday" she said smiling, she thrusted out her hand. I took it "nice to meet you".

I couldn't figure out who their godly parents where. The girl looked about 12, she had jet black hair and stormy grey eyes, possibly Athena. And the boy looked about 13 or 14, he had sandy blonde hair and green eyes, possibly Apollo.

The boy stood up "it's nice to meet you, you can call me Luke" he smiled. "Nice to meet you to" we stood awkwardly. "so, Amanda is going to show you around camp. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll see you at dinner". Chiron trotted off, the girl was staring at Chiron as he left.

I cleared my throat "so... any questions before we start?". The boy shook his head, I turned to the girl "you're a demigod, right?" she asked. "uh, yes I am" she looked me up and down "who's your godly parent?". Luke elbowed her in the side "Sunday you can't just ask someone that!". I let out a small laugh, "its ok" I look to Sunday "I don't know, I am unclaimed".

Sunday looked at me with her calculating eyes "what do you mean?". Dam I forgot they were new "well, when a new demigod comes to camp their parents claim them as theirs" I pause looking for the right words. "Sometimes the gods forget to claim their children, so we call them unclaimed". They stand there awkwardly, "so you ready for the tour". They both nod.

After I showed them around camp, we started walking to the dining area for dinner. They seemed really interested by the beach and Pegasus stables. We stopped outside of the entrance. "ok now remember after dinner, come to me and I'll explain capture the flag. Got it?" it felt weird ordering them around, we were close in age.

They nodded, "thanks for the tour" Sunday said with a smile. Before they walked in, I stopped them "your legacies, right? who are your parents?". Luke looked at me "Percy and Annabeth Jackson" then they walked off and sat at the Poseidontable.


Oh gods! Of course, I have to look after the legacies everyone is talking about. What are the chances!! I walk over to the Hermes table and sat down roughly next to Sam. He looked at me worried, but before he could speak Chiron stood up.

"Hello campers! Before you start eating, I have a few things to say. Firstly, don't forget capture the flag is tonight. The leading cabins are Athena..." There were many shouts from the Athena table, I am not surprised. "and Apollo!" louder shouts echoed from the Apollo table, it was rare that it was anyone but the Ares or Athena cabins to win.

After the shouts dyed down, Chiron continued "I would also like to announce two new campers, Sunday and Luke Jackson". Everyone slowly looked to the Poseidon table, many people were confused. You could practically see the Athena kids taking metal notes.

I looked to the two new legacies. Sunday was shrinking away from the many eyes, Luke just looked scared.

After dinner was done, Chiron stood up. Everyone looks up from their conversations and looked at the camp leader. "Capture the flag with begin in 20 minutes..." he looked over to the Athena table then the Apollo table. "get your teams ready and wait for the horn".

Everyone was cheering and each table moved to either the Athena kids or the Apollo kids. Teams were already made, I walked with Sam over to the Athena table. Looking around I could see Sunday and Luke, they were walking over to me. Sunday smiled at me as her and her brother stopped in front of me.

Luke looked as though he was thinking. Sunday elbowed him, "Ah! Sunday don't do that...." He looked up at me. "ha... sorry I was.... thinking".

After explaining the game, Luke looked scared and Sunday looked excited. I still don't understand how these two are related, they are so different. I helped get their armour on and pick a weapon.

Sunday picked up a sword it was a bit big for her, but she didn't mind. Luke already had a weapon, it was a celestial bronze dagger with a leather grip. I don't know how he got it but I hope he knows how to use it.

As we walked through the woods, the two legacies were quiet. I've heard stories of their parents. The great Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson. They had fought in wars and monsters. Some say they even fell into Tartarus.

Other campers look up to them, but I never really have. They just seem like more people who want fame. The older campers told stories of the two demigods adventures, they always seemed too... perfect.

Slowly Sunday, Luke and I stop. Sam and the Athena cabin leader thought it was safest to put the new kids on border patrol. I said I would go with them just in case, it was a nice lie but they knew I just don't like fighting.

I sat down roughly resting my back of a tree. "we're gonna be here a while you might want to sit down" I said looking at Luke and Sunday. Luke sat down. Sunday looked at him "Luke why are you sitting we need to play the game!". Luke looked at his sister "didn't you notice Sunday? They put us here because nothing happens here".

"oh...." Sunday slowly sat down "that's stupid".

We sat for a long time. The sun had set now the sounds of fighting echoed around the woods. "this is stupid I want to fight..." Sunday stood up. "No, its dangerous we need to stay here!" Luke was now standing too. "Luke, I cant just sit here! We are at camp to train!" Sunday shouted.

I was about to say something, but Luke beat me to it. "Sunday we can't fight, we literally have no training at all!". "WE NEED TO TRAIN TO HELP MUM AND DAD" Sunday shouted, tears now streaming down her face.

Luke moved towards her and engulfed her in a hug. I decide to not say anything. What do they mean by save their parents? Is something wrong? What happened...?

My thoughts were broken by a high-pitched voice. "There you are!" Ugh! I hate her! Alex daughter of Nike. "I told you!" she said looking to her two siblings behind her.

I stand up "what do you want Alex?". She turned and smiled at me "aww if it isn't Amanda daughter of... oh wait... you don't know". That stung a little, but I'm used to it. I can see Sunday and Luke in the corner of my eye, they seem ok now.

"You didn't answer my question!" I say pointedly to Alex. "oh, we just came to see the competition" she snarled walking closer to Sunday. "we've heard of your parents" Alex circled Sunday and Luke.

"I bet you're not even that strong! What would happen when camp hears that the children of Annabeth and Percy Jackson, were beaten by children of Nike". She laughed, well it was more of screech.

"Go away Alex. Just leave them alone" I said almost bored. I've always hated Alex, she thinks she's so cool because of her dad, he's a very famous athlete. Luke and Sunday looked shocked, too shocked to do anything.

I was surprised Sunday hasn't said anything, she seemed like a person who would sass you if you threatened her. Alex slowly pulled out her sword, I've seen it many times. It was celestial bronze, it had a double-edged blade and a red leather grip.

"so... who's gonna fight me?" Alex said twisting her sword around in her hand. I stepped forwards "Shouldn't you be playing the game? From what I recall you said your cabin would win today". "I've found something more important to do" she snapped at me.

"Amanda its ok... ill fight her" Luke said, as he pushed Sunday behind him. Before I could speak Alex had already slashed her sword at him. Luke let out a little scream as blood flooded from his arm. Sunday and I tried to run forwards only to be held back by Alex's siblings.

"Come on! Fight!" Alex slashed again, I looked away. Only to bring my eyes up to see he had managed to block her attack with his dagger. I should do something but I couldn't get out of their arms.

Alex slashed again and again at Luke causing more injuries. He started to become slower. After a few more slashes he fell onto the ground. "Your breaking the rules!" Sunday screamed struggling harder.

Alex ignored her "you're not as strong as people say you are" she laughed coldly, about to slash at him again. "STOP!" I yelled. Alex froze slowly turning to look at me. "Will you let him and his sister go if I fight you" I couldn't believe the words that were coming from my mouth.

She stood still, thinking. I hoped this would work, she's always wanted to fight me. "hmmm... fight the girl who hates fighting?" she stroked her chin in thought. "Alright fine! But I'll get you one day" she said while pointing at Luke.

I sighed, I was not looking forwards to this. 


Hi! *laughs nervously* look I didn't mean to take this long to update! I swear! please don't kill me! I've just been so busy! school Is crazy at the moment! I hope I can make it up to you, especially you Rae! anyways so I made this chapter really long (2018 words) and I've already started the next one! I hope ya'll like it! please comment, vote and enjoy!!!!!!!

P.S. NUGGETS ALL AROUND *throws nuggets around*

Peace out my bros,

piggy3000 the potato Queen  : D 

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