Chapter 18

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A/N: And the interviewed will be with... RHYS & RILEY!

The two of them together earned the most of your votes (about 30%), followed by Kennedy and Alec with an equal number of votes (about 18% each).

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT RHYS AND/OR RILEY? Ask in the comments! (no PM-s about this please)

Everyone who comes up with at least one question will be credited in the interview, unless they tell me they don't want to be, of course. You can aim your questions at only Rhys, only Riley or both of the boys.

So what are you waiting for? Ask away! :D


I was sure I was glowing.

The date had gone more than well so far, definitely better than I expected. During the movie, we'd occasionally chat - quietly, of course; we hadn't wanted to disturb the other viewers. That had not been the best part though.

The popcorn - that had been the best.

Not because of the way it had tasted, but because we'd shared it. And because every now and then, when reaching into the same container for the salty treat, our hands would bump into each other, his fingers brushing my skin and mine caressing his.

It had been enough to give me a buzz, but not enough to cause my muscles to tremor. Enjoying the company of my mate without fearing I would shift in front of him was the most amazing experience.

And now?

Now he was sitting in the passenger seat of my car with my jacket over his shoulders. I'd noticed he got cold during the projection, so I'd given it to him. He'd wrapped it tightly around himself, inhaling my scent and smiling.

I wasn't sure if he'd realized he'd done that, but even if Riley hadn't noticed, I had. And I was ecstatic.

The ride back to his apartment was quiet save for the wipers scraping the windshield every few minutes to clear the glass from the light drizzle. The silence was different from the one on our way to the movie theater though. It wasn't awkward, it was comfortable and both of us had a slight smile on our face.

Getting out of the car as soon as I'd parked it, I hurried to open the door for my mate. He seemed to enjoy that; he had a huge grin when I did so. I walked him up the stairs that led to the outside landing, taking deep and hopefully quiet breaths with each step.

I couldn't let this end like it had last Friday. I had to do something else. Maybe give him a hug?

Things had gone well in the cinema when I touched his hand, but would I manage a hug?

My throat had gone dry and so had my lips. I licked them and took another long inhale. We were on the landing; now what?

"So..." Riley fiddled with his keys. "I enjoyed tonight."

"So did I," I assured him, praying the nervous note in my voice would go unnoticed.

A minute or so passed in awkward silence while I rummaged through my brain, attempting to think of something to say, something that won't make me come out as a complete imbecile. In the mean time Riley put his keys back into his packet, took them out and put them back in again.

"Goodnight." He leaned forward and before I could stop myself, I followed suit.

Riley closed his eyes and waited. I hesitated; was it safe to kiss him?

Just a little kiss, a tiny voice in my mind incited.

What harm can it do? Just a peck on the cheek, it kept on tempting me.

I lowered myself more and kissed Riley on the cheek. I'd meant to peck him, quick and safe, but my lips lingered longer than I'd intended to, closer to his mouth than I'd aimed for. They tingled when they made contact with his skin and I suppressed an animalistic growl.

This was not safe; I should move away.

I backed away, but he moved forward and assaulted my lips.

I lost it.

I grabbed his slim body and placed him on the railing with ease. He yelped in surprise, but I silenced him by crushing my lips against his once more.

I couldn't get enough.

I was hungry for something I had never been this maddeningly hungry for before.

I could devour him right here, in front of this building, with people passing by.

My hands moved to his cheeks, enjoying their smoothness... My jacket fell off his shoulders... Riley's arms wrapped around my neck and I ground my body against his, my jeans too tight around my privates...

I could feel the tremors that preceded the shift. I had to move away.

Just a few more seconds, The devilish voice appeared again. Just a few more...

I could hear his heartbeat; it was way too loud to pick up with my human senses.

I was going to shift.

I had to move away.

I managed to take a step back with closed eyes. When I opened them a moment later, Riley rushed after me, targeting my mouth, but I placed my hands on his chest to stop him.

His heart was still pounding, just like mine, but thankfully I saw him through my own eyes, not my wolf's; the shift was at bay... For now.

"Sorry!" I rasped as I tried to catch my breath. "I didn't mean to be so impetuous, Riley."

"I don't mind," he reassured me, intertwining our fingers over his chest.

"I want to take it slowly, Riley; to show you that I'm serious about this."

And to keep the beast on a leash.

"I don't want to hook up every other Friday night." I was looking straight into the beautiful brown eyes of my beloved. "I want a real relationship."

"I'd like that too." He gave me a smile and pulled me towards him.

I felt like I was about to explode. From what he was telling me, from all the nerves, from all the horror that I almost began to shift... All that was making me lightheaded. But right now, as my mate kept talking, the emotion that was prevalent was happiness. An overwhelming, all-consuming joy that we wanted the same thing and we wanted it with each other.

"And just because we made out on our first date," he was saying and all I could so was smile like a fool, "instead of saying goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, it doesn't mean that we are not serious and that I'd think you just want a booty call."

He paused to examine my flushed face.

"So do you want to come up to my apartment or what?"

All the blood that had embarrassingly gathered at my private area rushed into my head and I took a sharp inhale.

"What happened to taking it slowly?" My voice shook and my thumbs rubbed his hands, this time more to calm myself than to show him affection.

"We'll just drink something and talk for a while."

Talk was good... If we could leave it at that.

If I could leave it at that.

He lowered his head and looked up through his eyelashes before he spoke again:

"Maybe kiss."

I somehow managed to hold back a whimper at his offer.

And then another one when he bit his lip.

Oh, what this boy was doing to me!
My blood began to gather below my waist once more and memories of how his mouth felt against mine raced through my brain, mixed with the most inappropriate images of what I wanted to do with him upstairs, in his apartment.

"Is this coy behavior supposed to make me consent?" My voice was a deep murmur, which seemed to surprise and please him.

"Yes," he admitted and I laughed. His act had served its purpose, maybe even gone further than Riley had intended.

"Alright." I smiled at him, but hurried to add some rules. I had to, for both our sakes. "But we really won't do anything more than that tonight."

No matter how much I desire otherwise.

"Don't pout." I couldn't help but peck him on his puckered lips and was delighted when he grinned at my gesture.

I let go of one of his hands and picked my jacket from the ground, shaking it to get rid of some of the water. Riley unlocked the door and with one hand still in mine, we climbed the stairs to his floor. He seemed a bit nervous as we did so; was he having second thoughts?

The gentle, but firm grip on my hand was evidence he was not.

Perhaps he wasn't used to bringing guys to his apartment?

I hoped that was the case.

I didn't expect him to be a virgin like me, but the mere idea of him having been with someone else was like a rain of needles over my heart.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of such thoughts.

His past should not matter.

Riley was with me now.

He was walking beside me, trusting me enough to invite me into his apartment.

I wondered what it would be like.


A/N: So what do you think of this chapter?

Was the date a success even though Rhys almost shifted?

Or is it too early to say?

Please support the chapter with a VOTE if you enjoyed it!

Thanks to everyone who gave their vote for the interview! Can't wait to see what questions you'll come up with for Rhys and Riley in the comments. I'll include them all in the interview.

PS: This Girl Just Wants to Have Fun was updated earlier today.

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