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A/n: Hello and welcome to the start of Season 3 of the Winx Club story!!! I'm happy to see you guys are back and I'm wondering if you guys are ready for the awesome ride I am going to take you thought this season! I'm not going to hold you guys for too long so let's get started on the first chapter! 


 It was the end of the school year as Alfea was giving us a short, but sweet summer break away from books, exams, and worrying about the world! Everything that happened with Darkar and Nahoa (Mystic) has ended on a good note I should say! Emalia has finally got her powers under control and is bonding well with them being out freely resting on her shoulders 24/7 of the day. But since that battle and the after party Emalia has been out of it lately. Emalia thinks that the others and I don't know but we do know. We at least try and let Emalia gather her thoughts until she is ready to speak on what happened or what's going on with her, but I don't think she will tell us on her own. I'm just hoping this time off Alfea and maybe spending time in Solaria with Bloom and I will get her mind off what is bothering her and hopefully Emalia will tell Bloom and I what's going through her head. 

 Speaking of Solaria, I have to decide and pack what clothes I'm taking to Mom and Dad respective, but separate events! Amore was helping me pack as she was in charge of helping me decide what to bring. I was using my magic to get my clothes off the rack and into my suitcases. I was having a mental image of the clothes I'm packing and picturing which top, bottom, or dress will look good on me when I go to Mom or Dad events. 

 "I'll take this one to Mom's and this one to Dad's - no wait, I need the blue top for Mom's picnic, but then I should have the red dress for Dad's royal parade!" I said speaking out my fashion thoughts to Amore. 

 "The red dress is beautiful Stella!" Amore cheered. 

 "True, I should probably wear it to Mom's Garden Tea Party, do you know any cloning spell?" 


 Musa was in Emalia, Aisha, and my room as she was sitting on the packed boxes that were filled with my things. Musa was silent the whole time while I was packing probably because she doesn't want to interrupt a fashion genius when they are at work!

 "Stella, stop worrying about it and just divide your stuff in half and wear whatever you have!" Musa explained to me which caused my body to shake with fear and surprise that she said that to me. 

 Maybe Emalia or Aisha would have been the better fashion assistant than Musa?

 "WEAR WHATEVER?!?!" I hollered spooking Amore and having Musa have an annoyed look on her face. "You've got to be kidding me!"

 "I'm not kidding Stella and you know it, what's wrong with just packing your bags like a normal fairy and wear what's in the bag?" 

 I was about to go to into the important details of fashion until the door to my room opened revealing it was Emalia with Serenity sitting on the right shoulder with Nahoa and Inoki resting on the left while lastly Kekipi flying behind Emalia. Emalia must be getting the rest of her things ready ... if she can find it within all my things. Emalia went over to her bed and with Serenity, Nahoa, Inoki, and Kekipi landing on her bed helping Emalia fold her clothes. I can tell Emalia was out of it again as her eyes were lost and I could see the reflection of my packed boxes mirroring in her eyes. Emalia was moving out of instinct to the point I don't think she notice or hear Kekipi, Serenity, Inoki, and Nahoa fighting over one of her unfolded tops. Maybe me asking her this question will get Emalia out of her thoughts. 

 "Put down the top Nahoa, Serenity, and Kekipi!" Inoki growled with one end of the top in his mouth. 

 "If you three don't let go, I'll zap you with electricity!" Nahoa growled back as he yank his head back to get the shirt out of the other hands and mouths. 

 "I can easily put you guys in a sleep like daze and just take the shirt!" Serenity whined as she was yanking the top to her end. 

 Kekipi growled which has dropped some octaves in the last few weeks of school. 

 "Let's ask Emalia how she feels about it?" I asked Musa as Musa replied with a simple head nod gesturing with her head to go ahead. "Okay Emalia, Musa and I need your opinion on something," 

 Emalia didn't reply as she was still staring forward putting down her folded top and grabbing another unfolded top. The fight between those four continued on as their growls and comments easily escalated to louder octaves. Musa and I looked at Emalia as she was still carrying on like she didn't hear was going on next to her. Emalia placed the finished fold clothing on her lap and she didn't pick up another top or bottom. My eyes darted away from Emalia as I thought I heard the fabric of the top stretched meaning that soon the top will be no more than two ripped pieces of what used to be a decent top. 

 "E-Emalia?" Musa called out as she looked at Emalia then at me with worry.  

 "Stop that!" Emalia barked as she snapped her fingers. 

The magic flowing through her snap made their way to Serenity, Kekipi, Inoki, and Nahoa to act right to the point Emalia's magic made them sit down and the prized shirt to be in her lap to fold. Emalia turned her head to face Musa and I as she held a somewhat blank look on her face. 

 "Sorry what's the question you was going to ask me?" Emalia asked me with her eyes burning into me. 

 "I was going to ask you do you pack your clothes and wear what's in the bag or do you plan pack like me?" I asked Emalia. 

 "I would just pack my clothes and wear what's in the bag for the most part," Emalia replied as she went back to folding her clothes. 

 "You and Musa don't get it!" I hollered stomping my feet. "But Emalia will you be able to go shopping with Bloom and I?" 

 "Emalia will be going to the hair salon with me and getting our hair done together!" Musa said with a smile. 

 Emalia smiled over at Musa when Musa talked about their plans of going to the hair salon. But I can tell by that smile on Emalia's face that something is bothering her ..... still bother her. 


 I walked into Flora and mine room with my head down. I was finished packing my things up. But I know Flora was still getting her things together in her luggages. I just off the phone with Sky and we were fighting. I really hate when Sky and I fight because it gets to the point where I feel like we are on the verge of breaking up with no hope of fixing the problem. 

 "All the Aromatic Magic potions go in the big ball and all the floral scents go into the small!" Flora told Chatta and her plants as she was using her magic to get her plants into their respective cases. 

 "We're on it Flora!" Flora's talking plant said as it used one of his long stems to hold the potion bottle that Chatta gave it. 

 "Is something the matter Bloom?" Flora asked me as her attention was now on me. 

 "I just say goodbye to Sky," I replied as I walked over to the computer chair in our room. 

 "Vacation is way shorter this year," 

 Vacation, Sky will have to go back to Eraklyon, I will never get the chance to talk to him. Sky will be too busy doing his princely duties that his parents mainly his father put on him. Why do our relationship have to be so complicated?

 "I know it won't be that long but we had a fight and I had to leave it at that, maybe I should call him?" I said speaking my thoughts. 

 "Do you think that's a good idea Bloom?" Flora asked me as she was putting her things into her bag. "I mean Sky is on the way to Eraklyon do you think he will have service to pick up your call?" 

 I sighed knowing that Flora is right. Service traveling from Red Fountain to Eraklyon is sometimes horrible and I would know since Sky and I tried and it kept cutting us off.

 "But Bloom, you and Sky are always find a way to fix things so don't worry too much about it!" Flora said placing a hand on my back and rubbing it as she sound cheerful with her smile. "The only thing you should be worried about is when you see Sky how to fix things with him, but mainly to have this short break with Stella and Emalia!" 

 Flora stepped away to finish up packing her things to go home. But, speaking of Emalia, she has been off since the party after our victory against Darkar. Emalia has been stand offish as she wasn't active or participating in any of the group activities or in classes. I can sense when Emalia is acting strange about something, after all these years of knowing her, I know when something is eating away at Emalia and she is not willing to speak about it. I want to cut to the chase and ask her what is the matter with her, but I'm afraid she will shut me out and tell me not to worry about it. I asked Falen to see if maybe he knew the issue, but he was just much in the dark maybe even more in the dark than the girls and I.

 "Are you concern about something Bloom?" Flora asked with a slight frown on her face. 

 "I'm just worried about Emalia that's all," I replied resting my hand on my lap. 

 "You too, I think the rest of the girls are feeling the same as you do, but I hate to dwell on Emalia, but she is the only thing I think about,"

 "Emalia is going through something serious, but she is not willing to talk about it with anyone," 

 "Not even Falen?"

 "Not even him, he is much in the dark than us maybe even more,"

 Flora sighed as she continued to pack her things. The light that she had in her eyes before had disappeared and was replaced with a dull shimmer. 

 "So what are we going to do with Emalia?" Flora questioned me sounding a bit sad. "You know Emalia best so, how should we take it?" 

 "I don't know what to do honesty because I want to talk to her directly about it, but I'm afraid she will shut me out and I want Emalia to talk about it on her own when she's ready," 

 "That sounds reasonable and I'll follow your lead and wait for Emalia to say something to me about what's going through her mind!" 

 Is what Emalia keeping to herself will she be the same Emalia she was before? The Emalia that wanted to be a fairy, a gold medalist gymnast, or the friend that is always there to pick you up and make you laugh? 

 "Flora, can I ask you a question?" I asked Flora. 

 "Sure Bloom go ahead," Flora replied nodding her head and paused on her packing.

 "Do you think what Emalia is hiding do you think it will change her forever?"

 "That Bloom, I can't answer only Emalia can do that,"


 I was finally done packing my things in my bag mainly flower seeds and other things I began during the last few weeks. The only thing that I need to take out was my flowers. I wished I can hold my flowers all at once but I can't and then I have to make several trips up and down the stairs to get my babies. I turned around and see that Bloom was still in the computer chair as she was lost in her thoughts. Bloom was probably thinking about Emalia and I can't blame her. The question Bloom asked about will Emalia be the same as she was before was glue to my mind. I wanted to tell Bloom how I truly felt wanting to say I don't think the old Emalia is coming back, but I wished for Emalia to proof my thoughts wrong. I hope that Bloom could help me with carrying my flowers!

 "Bloom, you don't mind helping me carry my flowers downstairs?" I asked Bloom as I was holding my flower pot of this beautiful fuchsia colored flower in my hands. 

 "Sure Flora, I don't mind helping you!" Bloom got up from the computer desk with a smile. 

"Great, thanks Bloom!" I beamed at Bloom walking out of Bloom and mine room and into the living room. 

 I was in the living room traveling with my filled flower pot in my hands until Emalia, Musa, and Aisha was walking out of Aisha, Emalia, and Stella's room. Aisha and Musa was talking about something while Emalia was quiet walking along side of them. 

 "Woah there Flora you are carrying a big load there!" Musa exclaimed as she watched me walked past her, Emalia, and Aisha. 

 "Yeah there's a few more plants in Bloom and mine room, do you mind carrying the remaining pots in my room? Bloom should be coming out with a plant in her hands in a few minutes," 

 I was walking towards the door out of the Winx apartment. Once at the door, I opened the door with my feet and I heard Aisha and Musa giving their answer of helping, but Emalia's voice wasn't laced in Musa or Aisha's voices. Then a second down the hallway with the door closing itself leaving a crack of space left until it closed completely, I heard Emalia's voice that she will help me too. Now I really wonder what is on my friend's mind that much to get her off her game? 

 I was finally out of Alfea's dormitory building as the sun's rays greeted with its tender warmth. I held the flower pots in my other arm and enjoyed the beautiful day. The laughter and chatter of the other fairies swelled my heart as they was telling each other of their summer plans and wishing them a happy and safe summer break. Dealing with Darkar and eventually Nahao, I didn't think I would see another beautiful day, spend time with my friends, or get to see the smiling faces on anyone's face. 

 Bloom, Aisha, and Musa walked side by side with my magical flowers in hand while I was still waiting on one last one from Emalia. I gazed up at the Winx apartment closed window to see the shadow of Emalia along with Serenity and Kekipi. I saw Emalia's shadow bend down to pick something up and I saw the shape of my flower in her hand. I smiled knowing that it won't take Emalia long to come outside with us and say her goodbyes!

 "Since Musa and I are staying here for the summer, we can help you carry your stuff!" Aisha offered while Bloom set one of my flowers down. 

 "No need too! Watch this" Bloom cheesed running lightly and turned to face our closed apartment door. "Luggage!" 

 Bloom snapped her fingers and our apartment balcony door opened. Bloom's luggages fly out and into the courtyard of Alfea with Lockette and Kiko in tote on top of them. I glance over at Stella as she had a smile on her face. 

 "So after Musa and Emalia leave the hair salon what do you guys got planned?!" Stella beamed with her arms behind her back. 

 "Today, we're going to the new beach on the Eastern Shore!" Aisha smiled back. 

 "There's a shuttle bus every hour to get us at anytime!" Musa chimed happily. 

 I heard a sound coming behind me and it sounded like Bloom. I turned around and it was Bloom as her head was tilted up looking at her flying luggages. One Bloom's luggage that had Kiko on it was flying crazily to the point Kiko slip right off the luggage. Kiko was screaming as he was falling from a high point in the air. Luckily Lockette was there to swoop in and catch Kiko by his long bunny ears. When Lockette grabbed a hold of Kiko, the poor bonded Pixie was struggling to hold the poor bunny in the air. The rest of Bloom's luggage was free falling over the girls and I. 

 "I got it!" Aisha hollered getting a running start to capture the luggage. 

 While my eyes were on Aisha, I couldn't help, but move them when I spotted Tecna coming out of the dormitory with Digit and her luggage behind her. Tecna doesn't even know what was going on. Tecna opened her eyes when she felt the rush of wind flying by her when Aisha flipped over her to catch one of Bloom's luggage in hand and then the other. Aisha skidded to a stop hold two out of the three luggage until she lifted her leg to catch the last one. Lockette finally let Kiko go by accident letting Kiko landing in Aisha's face causing Aisha to knock Stella's luggage. 

 "Oops sorry Aisha and Kiko!" Lockette apologized. 

 "Do you know how long it took to divide my clothes from my mom bag and my dad bag?!" Stella scolded Aisha causing everyone to laugh. 

Outside the Omega Dimension

Flying through the different and interesting dimensions that Magix Dimension have to offer was a ship. The ship was filled with good Magix Dimension officers who are running and steering the ship filled with prisoners who have done wrong by Magix Dimension's established laws.These criminals had ample amount of punishment sent every time they came back to court, one crime being the worst than the last crime they committed. This ship had a lot of prisoner ranging from bad to menace to society. Usually, this ship doesn't have the menace to society range of criminal often, but this was one of those days where they had them. The ship usually have one, but today on this flight, they had three. Those three are the Trix!

 "Don't get any closer or the ship will freeze," One of the Magix Dimension Captain in charge of the destination of the ship told his subordinate. 

 This ship is on the way to the Omega Dimension, this Dimension is designed to keep the baddest of the bad or MTS (Menace to Society) there to meet their icy end at. Everyone knows about the Omega Dimension just saying the word Omega Dimension strike fear into everyone even the baddest of bad criminal hearts. This ship is going to drop the Trix into the Omega Dimension where society mainly the Winx Club girls won't have to worry about them anymore!

 "The Omega Dimension!?!?!" One of the locked up criminals asked in fear. "You're not dropping us off there are ya?" 

 "Nope," The Magix Dimension Captain said turning around to face the spoken criminal. "You're not nearly as bad enough for that," 

 "They say its so cold down there, it freezes your heart solid," One of the captain's subordinate informed the woke prisoner. 

 "Not a fate, I wish on anyone," The other subordinate said as he flicked three switches. "Sorry ladies," 

 The switched dropped the Trix into the range and landing of the Omega Dimension where they can live out their sentence in a frozen ice cap. 

Back at Alfea, Emalia 

 Things have been out of wack with me since after that victory party a few weeks ago. It's not my powers flaring or acting against me. Its something else, something outside of me. For some reason I felt like I was being watched even when I'm sleeping. I searched around and I would never identify who this strange figure in the shadow could be, but I know they are out there. This strange hidden figure, I sense we are connected, but then again we are not connect. I thought I was going crazy, but Nahao (Mystic ) is feeling the same thing too. I thought it was strange that Nahao and I were seeing eye to eye even having a few weeks of noticing and understanding each other better to grow our relationship. 

 I know I have been worrying my friends more importantly Falen. At first, I thought I was going crazy thinking maybe I was imagining things. Once Nahao confirmed that he was sensing the same thing too, I wanted to tell my friends. How can I tell them that someone or thing is watching me from afar without knowing in what direction or hiding they are coming from? I have been asking Inoki and Nahao fly around and search around for this hidden person or thing, but they always come back with nothing to show. I've been trying to come up with was to identify this person or thing, but nothing works and on top of that I have to worry about the secret message those bright lights gave to me when I was nearly at my end. The thing is I couldn't understand what they are saying. 

 "E-Emalia," I heard Serenity called out to me as she was standing on Flora's bed. 

 "Yes Serenity!" I smiled trying to have my Tranquil bonded Pixie not worry too much about me.

 "Are you alright? You've been out of it for a couple of weeks," Serenity replied playing with her fingers. 

 "Yea kid, I've only known you for about a couple of weeks and I can tell you're not yourself," Nahao said magically appearing on my shoulder wrapping his tiny dragon body around to lay down. 

 "I feel the same as Nahao and Serenity, something is bothering you and it has to do with this mysterious person that is watching you," Inoki declared magically appearing as well. 

 I have never told Serenity that someone was watching or should I say stalking. When Serenity heard the news coming from Inoki, Serenity's big green eyes grew bigger out of fear. Kekipi opened his eyes too, but he lifted his head up upon hearing the news. I snapped my head slightly down at Inoki as he bared his sharp teeth with an "oops" look on his scaly dragon face. Nahao lightly chuckled shaking his head at his other half. 

 "How long has this mysterious person been watching you?" Serenity said sadly. "Why d-didnt you tell the others more importantly me?" 

 "Since the victory party happened, this has been going on and I didn't tell anyone about because I didn't want anyone to worry. I thought it was a dark fairy issue that I can handle on my own without the help of my friends, boyfriend, and bonded Pixie," I explained setting myself down on the bed in between Serenity and Kekipi. 

 I scoop Kekipi and Serenity and placed them in my lap. Well Kekipi was nearly outgrowing from laying on my lap! I looked at them with loving eyes and gently rubbed their heads as Serenity smiled while Kekipi purred under my touch. I looked over at Serenity and her eyes were glossy from tears forming in her eyes. I hate that I'm making Serenity cry, I want to be the bonded fairy that makes my Pixie smile.

 "I'm your bonded Pixie, Emalia, I would always worry about you! I would follow the ends of the Magix Dimension just to find and save you!" Serenity fluttered her little Pixie wings and hugged my cheek as I felt her spilling wet tears on my cheek. "You always care about me and make sure I'm not in harms way so why I can't do the same for you?" 

 Serenity continued to cry on my cheek. I was speechless because my mind couldn't come up with an answer to Serenity. I think my quietness made Serenity cried harder. I felt something gently nudging my stomach. I glanced down to see Kekipi whining stretching out his meowing with a flatten tone. It was like Kekipi was asking me the same question, but in his own language that I could understand. 

 "I will open up more to you Kekipi and Serenity!" I said with a little smile until I heard a loud and obnoxious coughing coming from my shoulders. 

 I looked at my shoulders to see Inoki coughing obnoxiously eyeing me from the side of his face. Inoki nudged Nahao to join in which he gladly did. I mentally rolled my eyes while laughing. 

 "And you guys too!" Causing everyone to cheer, but me cheering. "Now lets care Flora's flower before Flora think I did something to harm her baby!"

 I was the last person to come out of Alfea holding one of Flora's exotic, but beautiful plants. I saw the Winx girls and Pixies standing around with a smile on their faces and eyes glittering at the message of Stella's Princess Party invite. Kekipi and Serenity joined our friends in the smile which makes for a good photo if I had a camera. I faintly smiled wondering can I smile and be care free like my non-dark fairy friends?


 I was awake this whole time! When they put my body on ice, I used that ice to store and charge my powers so I can get the jump on them. But, I couldn't due to obstacles being in my way to save my sisters and I from our sentencing. I thought the Magix Dimension's Authoritative Officials were stupid enough to put me in a ice capsule. They must forgot who I am, I am Icy, the Witch of Ice. They didn't think I could breakout of this ice capsule at anytime? Once I take control of Magix, I'll put them in a ice capsule and see if they can breakout of it!! I opened my eyes finally releasing my stored ice powers and breaking free from my imprisonment. 

 "Tried to freeze my heart, huh!" I smirked to myself dusting off the broken ice shards that was on my shoulder. "Don't they know my heart is already so cold that nothing can freeze it!" 

 I laughed turning around now with my sight on my frozen sisters, Stormy and Darcy. I walked in between my frozen sister with a smirk on my face. I again charged up my ice powers and held my arms out towards the direction of frozen Darcy and frozen Stormy. 

 "Wake up ladies!" I barked unleashing my powers and breaking the ice that kept my sisters from moving and talking. 

 Darcy and Stormy was instantly awake as the first thing they did was gasped. My sister got on their feet, but their knees locked a little bit as they were not used to being on their feet again since they were enclosed by the ice. They grumbled and groaned and weakly opened their eyes checking out their surroundings. 

 "W-where are we?" Stormy asked with her teal blue eyes not fully awakened from their closed slumber. 

 "We are in the Omega Dimension," I replied to Stormy as I was facing the other way. 

 "Woah, that is big time," Darcy slowly grumbled as she was also getting used to being awake after so long. 

 "Only the baddest of the bad gets sent here!" I cheered balling up my fist. 

 Once saying that, that is when Stormy and Darcy got on their feet fully awake and back to their old selves. I can feel their evil smirk and grin forming on Stormy's face knowing we are a huge threat to the Magix Dimension to be sent to the Omega Dimension. 

 "Sweet, I bet they are talking about us in Cloud Tower!" Stormy cheered. 

 When Stormy was done speaking, I looked up the cave like imprisonment to see two huge ice snakes slithering their way into my line of sight. These snakes are no match for me!

 "Uh-oh looks like we've got company!" I taunted. 

 "I bet that's the security detail," Darcy chimed informing Stormy and I what we could be looking at. 

 I studied the air and I saw a white ashy gray feathered beast flying. The two ice looking snakes gazed up at the sky and opened its mouth. Its mouth created a small green ball of energy and both snakes shot it at the feathered beast. The feathered beast was hit with the green ball of magic was ice instantly formed around its body. The beast lost its sense of flight and fell from the sky and landed at my foot. The beast was in piece only leaving behind its icy prison. 

 "Not good," I smirked having Darcy and Stormy back into my for protection. "Huh?"  

Back to Alfea in the Winx Apartment, Tecna

 Everyone grabbed a piece of Stella's clothes that flew out of her mom and dad's respective vacation bags. Everyone including Stella surprisingly was folding up her clothes and was putting them all in one bag since Stella's parents are hosting a party together. I put one of Stella's beautiful dresses in a bag and pulled out my mini laptop. I logged into Stella's contact list thanks to Stella to send out a mass invite to everyone on there. Digit was helping along doing the things that I couldn't do or think about since I'm going through Stella's contact list. 

 "I've uploaded all the data into the Magic Port!" Digit informed Stella and I. "Everyone, thanks to Tecna in your Magibook (A/n: in the episode they said Facebook, but I going to use Magibook) will get an invitation Stella!" 

 I grabbed my USB ports and plugged it into my mini laptop. A green digit image of all of Stella's friends appeared. I smiled when I saw the images of our friends popped into view with Lockette looking at it with amazement!

 "There's Timmy!" Digit began listing the guest. 

 "There's Sky!" Lockette cheered with joy. 

 "I think its great that your dad's hosting a Princess Ball in your honor not a lot of father's know how to do that!" Musa smiled holding a stack of folded clothes between her hands while Stella somewhat mopped. 

 Musa came next to Stella, but I didn't see why Stella was so down? Shouldn't she be happy about this, I mean she was happy not too long ago about it, what's the reason for her to look this way? Speaking of being down, I looked over at Emalia as she was helping Serenity close one of Stella's many suitcases. Emalia was actually cheerful than she was the past few weeks. With Emalia, I tried to analyze her feelings and the reason for her to be so off putting never showed up on my computers or data servers. Maybe whatever Emalia was going through, she figured it our herself without her friends help? 

 "Stella listen to Musa because my dad is the worst at giving and planning a party!" Emalia laughed genuinely that shook the whole room because we haven't heard her laugh in a long time since the Victory Party. 

 Bloom enjoyed in on the laughter as she was shaking her head wiping a tear that was spilling out of her eyes. 

 "Yes Emalia is being truthful about her dad!" Bloom laughed more tears forming in her eyes. "I remembered vividly your party that dad planned which was a mixture of a princess and safari themed!" 

 Everyone even Stella laughed at what Bloom said. Bloom and Emalia was laughing the hardest to the point they almost couldn't breath. 

 "How old were you then Emalia?" I asked coming from my laughter high. 

 "I was 8 years old!" Emalia replied leaning back with her whole body laying on the floor. 

 "How did that party ended?" Flora questioned. 

 "It left them staying over my house for a few days since the animal tamer lost a snake in the house!" Bloom continued her laughing covering her wet laughter face. 

 After awhile the laughter calmed down and the atmosphere of the apartment went back to normal. Stella was back to mopping as she glance up at the blank wall across from her. 

 "Including mine, my mom is the party planner," Stella stating her reason for mopping. 

 "Maybe she is in on it?" Bloom stated her idea. "Separated!" 

 Bloom used her magic to separated and packs Stella's bag well on section of the bag. 

 "I bet you're right, the invitation didn't say King Radius, it said from the Royal Court and the Royal Court is two of them!" Stella beamed going back to being happy getting up on her feet walking towards Bloom. "You know I bet they are getting back together, I bet that's the surprise announcement is going to be!" 

 Stella surprisingly jerked Bloom towards her to hug her which caused Bloom to gasp at the sudden reaction. Stella swiftly turned around with her skin glowing like the sun!

 "Oh, I'm so excited my parents are going to be my parents again and I'm having a Princess Ball combined!" Stella beamed with her arms in the arm cheering. "You know what I'm renting a limo and we're going to buy a new dress!"

 "But Aisha and I are going to the beach after the hair salon with Emalia!" Musa smiled reminding Stella of her original plan she had before Stella's party was added to the schedule. 

 "I'll go with you!" Bloom volunteered with a smile and her index finger raised like a gesture of pick me. 


 Stella like she promised has rented a limo out so the girls and I can arrived at Magix shopping center in style! I wished Aisha was here, but she wanted to stay behind with the Pixies to prepare for our time at the beach. The pink limo came to a calming stop near the curb that Stella requested. In the limo, the girls and I were laughing and talking. Then it got to Tecna and Digit being the only ones talking as they were explaining to Stella and the rest of us about what was going on for the party. 

 "Here are the latest RSVPs: Riven's coming, Helia, Brandon, Timmy, Falen, and Mirta!" Tecna announced as everyone was stepping out the car with a smile on their faces when we heard our significant others name being called for the RSVP. 

To be honest, I was happy that Riven and I were together! We had our ups and downs, but everything was going well with us. I was happy to hear that Riven was going to Stella's Princess Ball! This could give Riven and I more time to hang out and cut the rug on the dance floor!

 "Did you hear anything about Sky?" Bloom asked as she looked worried. 

 "No, not yet," Tecna informed Bloom as she quickly searched list for Sky's name, but didn't see it. 

 "If he reaches Eraklyon before he gets an invitation then his parents will never let him go," Bloom frowned. 

 "Emalia how did you get Falen's parents to love you like their own daughter Fawn?" I asked turning my attention to Emalia. 

 "Well I say it was somewhat hard work as they didn't like me before, but Falen said he does mentioned me every time he talk with his parents and once they learned I was a Princess of Ikaika then they loved me. Probably due to the fact that I came from a dimension full of warriors and Falen's parents love a good fight and saw me fighting tin their tournament and became their new champion, they loved me deeply as a daughter!" Emalia explained which Bloom's head even my head spinning. 

 "Enough of royal parents loving the girlfriend talk, let's stop here where their motto is every pie is a good pie!" Stella cheered pointing over to a pizza restaurant. "We've got to fuel up before we start looking for a dress for myself and for Musa and Emalia to get their hair done!" 

 The girls and I cheered as we was making our way to the pizza shop. Once at the pizza shop, Stella order our pizza and the pizza employee went right to work making that order pie. Nobody was in the shop, but the Winx girls and I along with the pizza employee. The Pizza Man began quickly assembling our pizza and then placed it in the oven along with making another pizza. Once the first pizza was finished the Pizza Man grabbed his wooden pizza holder and got the pizza out the oven. The Pizza Man placed the hot and ready pizza in its carbon box container while grabbing the uncooked pizza and put it in the oven. The Pizza Man folded and closed the box of the pizza smiling at Stella.

 "And there you go!" The Pizza Man smiled setting the packed pizza on the counter for Stella to get. 

 "Thank yo-" A random girl said but was cut off by Stella. 

 "Huh?" Stella questioned slamming her hand down on the counter where the pizza used to be at. "Excuse me but that is our pie!"

 Holding the pizza box was a girl that roughly looked somewhat around our age. The girl had long dark blue hair. She wore this mid-thigh dark purple dress that seems to be dated back in time like the 1800s, maybe Tune knows that style she was wearing if she was hear. Tune will probably talk her ears off about how she looks splendid in that outfit. 

 "Not," The girl with the blue hair turned around dramatically at us. 

Emalia and I scoffed at this random girl that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Stella then snapped her head over at the Pizza Man who had a nonchalant expression on his face. The Pizza Man had his arms up in a shrugging motion like he couldn't do anything about it. 

 "I'm sorry, but the next pizza will be out in the next 10 minutes," The Pizza Man said walking away from Stella. 

 "She won't mind waiting," The girl replied snakily like she own the place. 

 "I don't mind waiting because I'm waiting for my friends to give me the word to take that pizza out of your hands so you can wait on the next pizza in 10 minutes!" Emalia sarcastically smiled at the girl while she was frowning looking at Emalia up and down like she was beneath her. 

 "Emalia calm down, I don't want you to blow this pizzeria up like you did Red Fountain's hallways," Flora said holding Emalia back at getting this girl, hugging her while Emalia was somewhat growling at her. 

 "Who let the animal out of its cage?!" The girl snarled in disgust. 

 "No Emalia, I can handle this!" Stella held her hand up gesturing to Emalia that she got this. "I ordered that pizza!"

 "Well possession is 9/10 of the law," The girl turned around this head in the air along with her nose acting bratty. 

 "Then I'm repossessing it!" Stella declared. 

 Stella grabbed the pizza box trying to get out of the girl's hands until the girl had a tight grip on it. Stella jerked it in her direction winning the tug-of-war for the pizza. 

 "HEY GIVE THAT BACK!" The girl hollered. 

 "NO IT'S MINE!" Stella hollered back as the girl had it on her side. "LET GO!!!" 


 The pizza box went up in the air while the box suddenly opened up. The pizza itself went flying in the air as the pizza topping landing on the girl's head while the pizza's breading along with sauce was all over Stella's dress. I cringed as I knew it wasn't going to be pretty for that girl ruining Stella's favorite dress! This might be a long day. 

Back in the Omega Dimension, Darcy 

 My sisters and I were on the run from the security of the Omega Dimension. We tried to attack them head on, but they would always dodge our attacks and counter spells. The security snakes was slithering after us and was gaining speed to the point they could almost capture us or put us in that ice capsule and break us like that feathered beast. My sisters and I made it to another broad opening and I heard the footsteps of Stormy stopped. I heard Stormy grunting like she was casting her spell at the security snake. A shattering noise came from behind me as Icy and I kept running to enter the small entrance to another part of the Omega Dimension. 

 "Stormy over here!" Icy waved Stormy over to the entrance where Icy and I were in. 

  I stopped running in order to catch my breath and to wait for Stormy to catch up to Icy and I. Once Stormy did, all three of us went back running until we came to some solid and slippery ice. Icy, Stormy, and I went down the slippery downward inclined into a completely different part of our placement. We all landed on each other groaning from our long fall and toppling each other. Icy was the first to get on her feet as she glared at the ice sculpture in front of us to a man frozen in the ice just how we were. Icy marched towards the icicle with an dark grin on her face. 

 "Hey check this out!" Icy grinned with her hands on her hips while Stormy and I were still recovering from our fall. 

 I looked at the frozen name plate that was poking out in the ice that was still somehow readable. The name plate has the carving of the name Valtor and how many years Valtor was sentenced in the Omega Dimension. Icy rubbed the icicle clean so we can get a clearer view of him and his piercing eyes was staring back at Icy like he wasn't put to sleep at all. 

 "Woah that dude got sentenced to eternity, he must of done something bad?" Stormy said reading his carved sentencing date. 

 "You think he's awake?" Icy questioned getting a better look at Valtor. 

 "Yeah it sure does look like it, let's try and find out," I replied standing in the back of the mini group. 

Icy cleared her voice and putting her hands back on her hips. 

 "Frozen Dude blink once if you can see us?" Icy questioned at Valtor as he did nothing. 

 "Hey looks awake?" Stormy commented on Valtor's ability to be up or not. "What now?"

 Our questioning was cut short when the two security snakes made their way down the inclined ice. The security snakes hissed and bared its sharp fangs at us. 

 "Maybe if we give them this guy the snakes will leave us alone?" Stormy offered that idea causing me to smirk. 

 "Excellent idea!" Icy praised as she used her magic to break Valtor free so the snakes can be on him than us. 

 Icy was really changing her ice magic to break Valtor free from his Popsicle prison. The snakes gathered around us as another one of those snakes came into view making it three snakes after us. Stormy and I were covering Icy so she can break Valtor free so the snakes can be on him. Once I heard the broke around Valtor, I knew the snakes will have a field day with this crook! The three of us ran behind Valtro using him as a shield to block the snakes away from us. 

 "Sorry dude its you or us!" Icy said cheerfully pushing Valtor more towards the snakes. 

 Valtor stumped forward, but quickly caught his feet. Valtor stared the snake in front of him in the eyes while the ice snake roared and opened its mouth wider to cast its icicle spell. Valtor raised out his hand causing a power tug between him and the snake which the snake easily lost. The snake leaned its whole body back once Valtor's spell touched it as it turned to dust. Valtor cockily finished off the last two snakes with ease like it was nothing to him. Who is this Valtor guy and how can I get his attention on me?

 "Nice work goth guy!" Icy said slowly with s sinister smile on her face. 

 Valtor tauntingly strike a pose moving his body around as his muscles and bones cracked almost sounding like crunched ice. 

 "Thank you," Valtor said moving his neck in circles to make more ice crunching sounds. 

 "How long were you in there?" Stormy questioned with a wondering expression on her shocked face. 

 "17 years," Valtor simply answered shocking me and my sisters. 

 "Were you aware this whole time?" Icy continued the light interrogation. 


 "Whoa sounds boring," 

 Valtor was handsome man despite being in that popsicle prison for 17 years. It seemed like he haven't aged a bit! It was like time stopped for him and he can continue to be young and full of life!

 "It gives you a lot of time to think," Valtor closed his eyes with amusement. 

 "About what?" Stormy asked. 

 "About whom you're going to payback and how?!" Valtor replied opening his eyes again. 

 "Valtor huh?" Icy said picking up and reading Valtor's name plate. "How about we work together and breakout of this dump?" 

 "Follow me!" Valtor waved us to follow him. 

At the Beach, Aisha 

 I met up with Musa and Emalia at the hair salon once they were done. I must say I love their new hair length. Emalia and Musa kept their ponytails, but the ends of it had gotten longer. Emalia had her ends in her natural curl pattern while Musa's ends were in its natural straighten pattern. Musa, Emalia, and I were running on the beach trying to reach Bloom, Stella, Tecna, and Flora was already there waiting for us. Once I saw them in my line of sight their backs turned towards the three of us looking out at the water. 

 I got to admit, it was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining and gleaming over the clear blue water. Nearly everyone on the beach was out in the water. 

 "Hi girls, how did it go?" I waved at the girls while they turned around to see it. 

 "Oh!" Stella's eyes popped out taking in Emalia and Musa's longer hair length. "Musa, Emalia what did you do to your hair?" 

 Emalia's and Musa's new hair length was flowing in the wind. They both were smiling as everyone was taking in their new hairstyle!

 "A little change of style!" Musa flipped one of her ponytailed ends. 

"The ponytail twins had gotten inches!" Emalia beamed while she posing with her curly ends. 

 "Really nice!" Stella praised. "I just upgraded my wardrobe with a new dress!"

 "Can we see it?!" Musa beamed with a smile. 

 Stella stood up and used magic to change her outfit. Her favorite mini dress turned into a a party party gown. Stella's hairstyle had completely changed too as it was now in a high ponytail. Stella gave us a twirl so we can fully see the gown. We all cheered for Stella as she was smiling enjoying herself in her new dress. 

 "Wow you look stunning, Stella!" Musa cheered. 

 "You do!" Bloom agreed standing up admiring Stella. 

 "You are looking sharp Stell-bell!" Emalia clicked her tongue. 

 "It's awesome girl!" I praised. 

 A/n: Emalia's next look from now till the end of the book! 

 Skipping because I'm a lazy writer at this point, I've been writing all day 

 The Specialists thanks to the help of me had appeared to show their loving girlfriends some love and time together. The Winx girls ran to their significant others arms laughing and smiling. I turned my head and looked out at the water enjoying the view of the ocean. 

 "We've brought stuff to have a cookout: burgers, hotdogs, marshmallows!" Timmy listed and continued to list the things the Specialists bought. 

 As I was looking out into the water. I felt something was wrong was going on in the water. I had this funny feeling that something is not right. 

 "You guys something's wrong," I announced to my friends. 

 "Yeah, I know I should change the station," Riven said sounding sad thinking I'm referencing about the boombox station it was playing. 

 "No I mean something is wrong with the ocean," I pointed out further so my friends can understand what they mean. 

 "Something is wrong with the ocean and I feel an intense dark energy escaping its currents," Emalia agreed now standing next to me. 

Once Emalia said that the waves of the beach was rising, rising a little too high for everyone's comfort. People in the water was gasping and staring at the waves growing higher and higher. Some people of the Magix Dimension was running out of the water screaming while others just stood there. 

 "Come on girls!" Bloom called out as everyone was nodding their heads ready to get wet and save some people. "Magic Winx!" 

A/n: Remember this is Emalia's transformation 

We all got out of our transformation lining up looking at the incoming wave. 

 "Okay everyone together!" Bloom called out. 

 I started the magic convergence spell as it was Musa's turn so on and so forth. All the Winx girls magic together aimed right at the ocean to stop it from crashing into the people who was stuck in the water. The Specialists instantly ran into the water to get the remaining people out of it. The Specialists was quickly getting people out of the water and putting them back on shore. The girls and I let the magic convergence go as we can't hold it for too long, but once we let go their was this little girl that got caught in the high horizon wave. 

 "Help me!" The little girl shrieked waving her arms around in the floatie. 

 "Oh no over there!" Bloom called out getting everyone, but mainly my attention. "A little girl is still stuck in the water. 

 "Got it!" I called diving myself into the water.

 I swam through the waves getting closer and closer to the little girl. Once the little girl was in arms distance away from me, I wrapped my arms around her and held her in my arms. I flew high in the sky over the waves. I held my hand out and used my magic to form a pink surfboard for the little girl and I can riding the waves. The little girl and I safely made it to the shore while everyone cheered. I set the little girl on the sandy beach and she stared at me with admiration. 

 "The waves appearance was an anomaly," Tecna informed us once the crowd calmed down. 

 "A big time anomaly," Timmy chimed. 

 "I wonder what caused this?" Bloom questioned. 

 I grew angry that someone thought it was okay to mess with the ocean, my ocean. I know this ocean here reflects what is going on at home, back on Andros. 

 "It's a dimensional shockwave and that means something terrible is happening to the heart of all oceans!!!" I replied to Bloom and informing the others what is going on. 

 I heard bubbling was spurring out of the ocean. I turned around with an gasps seeing magical beams of light sparkling out of the ocean. Then the beam of light appeared forming one of my subjects from Andros. 

 "Princess Aisha," The mermaid called out looking for me. 

 "That's me, what is it?" I answered identifying myself to the mermaid. 

 "Princess Aisha, your parents are calling for you back home to Andros immediately," The mermaid said in Andros spoken language. 

 "What is she saying?" Stella asked standing next to me while my heart was racing. 

 "She is saying that Andros is trouble and I have to go!" I said about to ran into the ocean, but I was stopped by Musa. 

 "We're going with you!" Musa declared with the rest of our friends nodding their heads in agreement. 

 "No, you can't guys, I have to go through the ocean!" I declared as well now fully running to the ocean. "My people needs me!" 

 Once at the ocean drop point, I dived into the water swimming towards the mermaid. Once at the close distance to the mermaid, I waved good bye to my friends and followed the mermaid through the ocean currents to get to Andros. 

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