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Improv chapter full of our favorite OCs!!! This chapter will happen simultaneously with the next episode, but I'll explain it in more detail while the chapter is going! Along with the horrible and wicked Valtor. You guys know the drill. Let's get started!

A/n: Thanks for giving this story 4k reads 🥰! It means so much to me that this story keeps getting reads, likes, and comments! Before starting the chapter, I want to say Happy belated Mother's day to all my readers, and I hope you guys had a fun day with your mothers! Thanks again, and enjoy the chapter!


"YOU DID WHAT TO EMALIA?!?!" I yelled at Kani as he covered his ears.

The debris from the Lake Roccalcue shook from the booming of my voice. Kani just told me the news of Ikaika being restored to normal along with the citizens of Ikaika. Emalia is the stand-in Queen of Ikaika until Mom and Dad return. I didn't know Emalia would have been stand-in Queen, for Ikaika Kani's ears were shielded as he squinted his eyes so the debris won't get into his eyes. Daphne, too, covered her ears.

"Dang, Kala, blow my eardrums and cause a cave; why don't you?!" Kani said, putting his hand in his ear to get the ringing out of his head.

"Have you lost your mind?" I questioned, but I thought about it and studied who I was talking to. "

"What? It's just two Ikaikians just fighting as we used to before the destruction of Ikaika!"

I turned to face Kani. I couldn't believe he disobeyed me yet again. I told him not to contact Emalia, yet he did it anyway. I know Kani somewhat met with Emalia so they could protect Kahiau. Besides that, he was there before Ikaika was in trouble.

"It's not that, Kani, and you know that!" I pointed my ghostly finger in Kani's face. "You never listen to me, Kani!"

Kani never listened to me when we were young, including Ikaika's very end. Every time I gave Kani instructions, he would always do what he wanted.

"It's not like Emalia saw my face or gave myself away?" Kani rolled his eyes.

"As I said before, it is not that I'm worried about!" I growled, pinching the bridge of my nose with my index and thumb.

"Then what are you worried about?"


I panted after I got done yelling. I glared at Kani as he glared back at me.

"I'll just give you two some time to speak among yourselves," Daphne said as I could tell she was getting uncomfortable being in the room with Kani and me.

Daphne left the cave leaving Kani and me alone. Kani looked at the ground, then at me.

"That's how you talked to someone older than you?" Kani questioned me, staring into me with anger.

"Who cares if you're older than me!" I hollered. "You are why I'm like this and why I had to place Emalia on Earth!!!"

"So, are you trying to say all this that happened to us is my fault?"


Kani just stared at me like he didn't believe what he heard. Then Kani nodded his head like he understood where he and I lay and left the cave. But it is true if Kani had listened to me that day Valtor and the Ancestral Witches attacked, then Ikaika, along with mother and father, wouldn't have missed out on most of Emalia's life!

Daphne came back into the cave slowly, like she was scared to step inside. Daphne glided over to me. I could feel the tension between Kani and me was easing.

"Do you think you two will be okay?" Daphne asked me with worry.

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out," I replied.

Morning in Ikaika, Emalia

I was relucent to go to Ikaika after the attack on Alfea was over. I wanted to turn down the summons from an Ikaikian messenger, but the Winx girls told me they could handle it. So, I traveled to Ikaika to still not figure out why I was summoned back to the kingdom. Other than that, I enjoyed my visit to my home planet as there's still so much for me to explore in my home and try to get re-familiar with everything!

I was lying comfortably in my bed, sound asleep, as my bedsheets kept me warm from the cold night but relaxed during the rays of the Ikaikian sun. This night I didn't dream about the couple or hear their voices asking me for something. This is the first time I got a peaceful night's rest! I felt a gentle hand touch my arm and kindly shake me back and forth.

I stirred out of my sleep to see it was Olina. Olina is one of the many maids of the castle, but she was assigned to me when I was a little girl to look after me when mom and dad were busy with the royal business. Olina is a young woman who is only a few years older than me. She had brown eyes and bushy curly black hair that tenderly led on the side as her head was tilted to the side to match how I was lying.

"Good morning, Queen Emalia!" The servant beamed as a light rose color pink came to her cheeks. "How was your sleep, Your Majesty?!"

After the restoration of Ikaika, you can say that I became a god to the Ikaikian people besides Kahiau. Every time I walk past the civilians of Ikaika, either they will whisper and giggle among themselves about my appearance, their face and body turning red from blushing, or they have a nose bleed from just being in my presence. It's sweet and faltering that they act like this with me, but it no need for it!

"Good morning to you as well, Olina!" I smiled as I got out of bed. "My sleep was great. What about yours?!"

"It was the same, Your Majesty!" Olina grinned as she helped me out of bed.

"I've told you to call me Emalia, Olina!"

Olina left my side once my feet touched the floor. Olina closed my curtains, letting the sun's rays into my room. I shielded my eyes when the intensity of the rays shined into the room. I heard Olina giggle as she came back to my side.

"I know, but it would be disrespectable for me to call you when the Head Bulter, Makoa!" Olina replied with her head down.

"How about this, when Makoa is around, you call me my royal titles, and when it's just us, you call me by my name?!" I proposed with a smile, which caused Olina to grin and agree to my terms.

The doors to my chambers opened, revealing it was Makoa. Makoa is the top bulter and staff of the castle. I've learned from the other staff members and Makoa himself that he holds his position as Head Bulter of the court to a high degree. Makoa is an older man as his gray hair was neatly combed with his hair was half up and half down. Makoa had a mustache along with a beard. He pushed his glasses up, and his orange eyes shined in the sun's rays once they landed on me.

"Queen Emalia!" Makoa beamed as he bowed to me. "It's time to get your day started. I've arranged for the maids to get your bath, dress, and meal ready for this lovely morning!"

"Thank you, Makoa, and you're so helpful!" I grinned. "Now it's time for me to put myself together!"

"Remember, your Highness, that the maids will help you get ready for the day!"

I pouted as I wasn't used to getting ready myself without the help of others. Makoa and Olina gushed with glee as they saw pout. No matter what I do, I will always be considered adorable.

"Can I dress myself this time?" I plead with Makoa.

"Sorry, Queen Emalia, but you promised that the castle staff would help you get ready for your day!" Makoa shook his head slowly.

"You right, and I need to be Queen to my word!" I took the pout off my face and turned it into a smile; then, I turned to Olina. "Okay, Olina, take me to the bathroom to start my day!"

"I'll be waiting for you, Queen Emalia, once you're done!" Makoa announced as he bowed when Olina led me towards the royal bath.

~ Skipping the "GRWM" process ~

I walked back into my room, and I saw Makoa standing in the same place before I left. Makoa's orange eyes widened, and his mouth was in the shape of an "O." My dress flowed in the wind of the door opening, and the bang of my hair gently laid upon my eyelashes. I twirled for Makoa with a smile, proud of my final look!

A/N: The dress Emalia is wearing along with her hairstyle! But the hairstyle, you can pick what Emalia is wearing as it was hard to decide between the two! If this dress is inappropriate, please let me know, and I'll change it.

"Wow, Queen Emalia!" Makoa said as he was speechless. "You look just like your lovely late mother, Queen Mahina!"

A sorrowful smile painted my face as I played with the flowing fabric of my dress. I can tell that Makoa understood what he said to me as I can feel Makoa panicking. I could hear Makoa's loud beating heart trying to figure out what to say to make me feel better. I didn't particularly appreciate that Makoa noted that my mother was late, like she wasn't with me. I know my parents are out there!

"It's okay, Makoa!" I beamed sadly as I still played with the fabric of my dress. "To make you feel better, Makoa, they are still somewhere in Ikaika!"

Every time I come to Ikaika, I feel mixed with sorrow. I wonder if what I am feeling belongs to mom and dad? They are out there somewhere, waiting for me to save them. But to find them let alone save them, I need to "speak" with Valtor.

"I love your courage about your mother and father, my Queen, but we must fill your royal belly with food!" Makoa beamed.

"What do I have on my schedule since you guys have summoned me?" I asked with a grin as I was walking side by side with Makoa out of my room.

"Nothing serious, Queen Emalia, as we all summoned you because we wanted to see you!"

"I'm only here because you guys missed me?!"

Makoa laughed at me. I could see the twinkle in his old orange eyes when he looked at my shock mixed with light anger. I probably remind him of someone he used to know in his life. That twinkle went away when he saw my angry look and a look of sadness took over his face as he bowed to me.

"I'm sorry, Queen Emalia, but it gets lonely in this castle without your mother, father, sister, and br-" Makoa cut himself off quickly before saying something that could change things between us.

"What were you abo-" I asked but was cut off by Makoa transforming his face into a look of panic.

"After breakfast, do you want to go to the Royal Garden, Your Highness?"

I wonder why Makoa stopped saying something and then cut me off like he was spilling a secret that I shouldn't know. What is Makoa hiding from me?

"Of course, Makoa, but why show me the Royal Garden?" I asked, confused as to why the sudden suggestion of the Royal Garden.

"It was your mother's favorite place to visit when things are troubling her, feel at ease, or visit!"

Royal Garden of Ikaika, Kawi

A/n: Here's a picture of Kawi to have a mental image of Kawi!

I was in the Royal Garden of Ikaika. I was looking at the royal flowers of Ikaika. I remember when my mother would take me away from my father's strict training, and we watched the sunset together at the Royal Garden. I loved and cherished those moments when the silence would envelop mother and me as the only sound was the crickets chirping along with the gentle breeze that made the leaves rustle lightly. The sweet aroma of the hibiscus flower flowed through the late evening, early night sky. I wished I could feel my mother's tender and loving arms wrap around me as we basked in how the evening turned into night.

I studied the hibiscus flower as they were my mother's favorite flowers out of all the flowers in the garden. I noticed that the hibiscus flowers were glowing under the sunlight, which was strange since they had never done it before.

Then a sweet fragrance whiffed in the air. It seemed like the same fragrance as the late Queen of Ikaika. I saw a shocking new Queen of Ikaika, Queen Emalia, and Makoa. Queen Emalia resembles my late mother in the look department. I could have easily mistaken Emalia for my mother. Queen Emalia had an astonished look on her face as she couldn't believe that I was standing in the Royal Garden, while Makoa wasn't surprised about me being here. But I can tell that Makoa was astonished to see that I was still alive.

"I don't know who you are, but I can guarantee you that you don't work as a castle staff of the Ikaika line!" Queen Emalia declared as she glared at me. "Please state your business for being here?"

While staring back at Queen Emalia's glare reminded me of my father's glare when I rebelled against him. I could feel the magic pouring out of Emalia as she was about to go in for the attack. I noticed that Makoa grabbed hold of Emalia's wrist to stop her, which was wise as I could easily take Emalia down without a bat of an eye if I were at my top strength. Emalia took into account Makoa's behavior, and she stopped her magic from flowing through the Royal Garden.

"You are correct that I'm not a castle staff," I replied to Queen Emalia. "You are spot-on for someone who hasn't been on the royal throne for long!"

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT ABOUT ME?!?!" Queen Emalia growled at me.

"I'll get the royal guards on the way!" Makoa announced. "Do you think you can handle this intruder, Your Highness?"

"I'm never alone, Makoa!" Queen Emalia replied as she gestured for Makoa to go.

Makoa went to leave, leaving Emalia and me alone. But before Makoa left the scene, Makoa winked at me with a sly smile on his lips. Makoa ran off to alert the guards, but I knew Makoa was giving Emalia and me alone.

"Queen Emalia, I surrender," I said, getting on my knees in a traditional position that only the Ikaikians could understand.

"What are you doing?" Queen Emalia said, staring down at me.

"He's surrendering Emalia. It's the Ikaikians way of standing down!" A deep but playful voice announced.

I glanced up to see a small dragon peering behind Emalia's neck. The dragon was an electric blue color with yellow pierced eyes staring back at me. Then another tiny dragon came from the right of Emalia's neck. This dragon was black with a hint of purple running down the scales of its body. The black dragon had pupil-less purple eyes that he stared into me too, like he was trying to look into my soul. So it's confirmed that Emalia got the Mystic Dragon got them together again.

"You may stand up now," Emalia declared as she looked up at me and got back on my feet. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to admire the hibiscus flower; they were my mother's favorite!" I beamed lightly, glancing at the beautiful glowing flower under the sunlight.

Once I said something about my mother, I could sense a mood change within Emalia. Emalia's guarded mood turned into sorrow. I wonder whether Makoa told Emalia something about her parents.

"Funny, I was drawn to them too," Emalia replied as she walked over to stand next to me.

Silence engulfed Emalia and me as I stared at the hibiscus flowers and how they twinkled under the rays of the early afternoon. I could sense a shift within Emalia. It wasn't a significant shift, but tiny can quickly be glossed over if you didn't know her well. I could sense that Emalia was physically here with me, but mentally she was not here.

"Is there something wrong, Queen Emalia?" I asked, concerned about the health of the Queen.

"For some reason, I'm getting the feeling that I want to explore," Queen Emalia replied as she looked at me with a somewhat lost look in her eyes.

I found it strange that Emalia wanted to explore after not too long ago, she considered me a threat to the castle, the castle staff, and herself. But who am I to go against Queen Emalia?

"If you want to explore, then follow me," I informed Queen Emalia as she just nodded and held on to my arm, letting me lead the way.

~ Short Winx Intermission ~

This is a short break that I was thinking about adding to my long chapters now! I don't want to overload you guys with just writing and words. This is where I can advertise anything I'm working on, other people work, and show you guys funny videos I found on TikTok or the web (if I can, I'll post the links to the video so you guys can see it )!


Tiktok Vid 1: https://www.tiktok.com/@homeboy1716/video/7083603373064359214?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en

TikTok Vid 2: https://www.tiktok.com/@wildnout_fboyz/video/7092511133017591046?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en

Tiktok Vid 3: https://www.tiktok.com/@trellevison/video/7091786095691713838?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en

Please check out my two YouTube channels, Glorinyx and A Baka's Podcast!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It would mean the world if you check those channels out, as I'll be posting on the Baka's Podcast next week since I had my wisdom teeth taken out last week. On my Glornyx channel, I have to figure out a good Friday to record some videos for you guys, and I'll post those as soon as I can.

~ Short Winx Intermission is Over ~

Falen (A/n: As a writer I made a mistake and forgot that Falen was in jail with Brandon, but let's say due to Falen's royal status he had gotten out earlier than Brandon and went to see Emalia before she left for Ikaika)

I was walking around Red Fountain as I finished my school day. I wandered down the hallways, saying my hellos to other specialists. Then I felt something shift in my back jean pocket and some ringing. I was digging in my pocket to see that it was the phone. The person that was calling me was Flora. It was strange that Flora called me, but then again, it would make sense that she called me to see if Helia was lost in his art or poetry work again.

"Hello, Flora!" I pulled up the phone, somewhat laughing, knowing Flora's call. "Is Helia not picking up the phone again?!"

I laughed when I heard a soft voice speak through my phone's speaker. I looked at my phone screen to see that Flora had called me, not who I thought it was. True enough, Flora's caller id lit up my screen.

"Falen?" Chatta said through the phone's speaker. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah, Chatta, I'm still here," I replied, snapping out my thoughts. "Chatta, how did you get Flora's phone without knowing?"

"Oh, I easily took it out of her pocket when she wasn't noticing. It was a piece of cake!" Chatta laughed.

In the background, I could hear some more voices sounding off through the phone speaker. I heard a slight struggle on the other end of the phone until another person or Pixie's voice spoke with me.

"Falen, we need you to take Serenity to Ikaika," Tune asked me.

Why would they want me to take Serenity to Ikaika? Couldn't Emalia take Serenity herself?

"Why should I take Serenity to Ikaika?" I asked, confused. "Is something wrong?"

"A little, Emalia is not here at Alfea because she is away on Ikaika's business, and Emalia left Serenity and Kekipi behind since she is coming back. But Serenity feels a bit down since Emalia is not around," Lockette explained.

Emalia is away? Why didn't she tell me that she was in Ikaika? Is something going wrong with Ikaika that required Emalia to leave so suddenly?

"Serenity's mood level has dropped by 35%, and it's slowly going down!" Digit chimed as I heard Digit clicking on some buttons.

"Well, I'm picking up Serenity, and I'll take her to Ikaika!"

~ Skipping to the trip to Ikaika ~

I magically appeared at Ikaika's castle with Serenity sitting proudly on my shoulder. On the whole way up to Ikaika, Serenity was happily hummed loudly to herself compared to the dopey mood at Alfea. Our presence didn't go unnoticed as Makoa, the head butler of Ikaika, swiftly strolled over to Serenity and me with a smile.

Makoa had a welcoming smile on his face. But I can tell that behind Makoa's friendly smile was something that he was hiding.

"The royal boyfriend and bonded Pixie of the Queen are here at just the right time!" Makoa beamed.

"Hello, Makoa!" Serenity cheesed. "Are you happy to see us?!"

"Of course I am!" Makoa bowed slightly.

I found it strange that Emalia wasn't with Makoa as it is sometimes respectful that Emalia appears to greet their guest unless they have a busy schedule.

"Hey, Makoa!" I smiled back. "Where is Emalia at, if you don't mind me asking?"

Makoa cleared his throat like something was stuck in there. I can see the sweat forming on his forehead. So that was what I'm feeling coming from Makoa? It was all about Emalia.

"We can't find her," Makoa replied as he held his head down.

"Can't find her?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side, confused.

"I can find Emalia!" Serenity beamed with a grin.

I feel the tension within Makoa dead down. I'm sure that Makoa is happy to hear that Serenity can track down Emalia. But how was Emalia able to easily slip away from the castle staff?

"Is Emalia far?" I questioned Serenity.

"She's not far, but she's not near the castle," Serenity replied.

"Makoa, what is far from the castle but nearby?" I asked Makoa.

"Then she must be talking about the shopping plaza!" Makoa answered with a smile.

"Why would Emalia be at the shopping plaza unattended?"

Makoa didn't answer the question, but I could tell by his reaction and gesture that it was something I didn't need to know or something that would reveal itself later on. I turned away with Serenity still perched on my shoulder and followed Serenity's directions to get to the shopping plaza. I hope that Emalia will still be there when Serenity and I are.

Isles Shopping Plaza, Serenity

Falen and I arrived at the Isles Shopping Plaza where Emalia is at. I could see many people walking around with a shopping bag, their cell phones, or someone else's hand in their hand. The shopping plaza was packed with people going in and out of shops and restaurants that the plaza had. I felt that Emalia was nearby somewhere, but she wasn't aware of where I could see her.

"Serenity, do you see Emalia around here?" Falen asked me as he looked around to see if he could spot Emalia.

"I don't see here anywhere, Falen, but I know she is here somewhere," I replied, sensing Emalia's dark energy not being far from Falen and me.

"How can you spot someone within a crowd?"

"Emalia is famous among her people, so finding her should be a breeze as everyone would crowd around trying to see her!"

"So search for a crowd, and we'll find Emalia, got it!"

Falen and I searched for a crowd and haven't spotted one yet besides the people walking past us with shopping bags. I informed Falen to stroll around like the shoppers to search for Emalia better. We found her when someone was shouting about Emalia's presence. Everyone that could hear the loud person ran to the location of the scream, and so did Falen. Falen quickly pushed through the tough crowd trying to get a glimpse of Emalia until finally, we were at the front of the public to see Emalia holding the arms of another guy that isn'twasn't Falen.

The guy was taller than Falen by several inches, and the guy looked older than Emalia, about eight years. The mystery guy had smooth dark brown hair that was styled and a goatee at his chin area. He had clear blue eyes that resemble the water when you are staring at it until you realize that you are staring at yourself. I can tell you the guy didn't look like a castle staff escorting her around the Isles Shopping Plaza as he wore the regular civilian clothes of the Ikaikian people. I wonder who is this guy and what relation Emalia has with him for Emalia to walk around with him?

"There's Queen Emalia!" An onlooker whispered to his son as the son gushed with a blushing nod.

"I wonder who's the hunk Queen Emalia is holding onto?" A female onlooker whispered to her female friend. "I figured Queen Emalia will always go for the pretty boy!"

"Do you think that guy is a prince or a king of a planet or something?" Another onlooker questioned.

I feel the heat radiating against my cheek. I glanced to me to see that Falen was getting upset. I can see his brown skin turning red with anger. I have never seen Falen get upset besides fighting. The palm of my hand was placed on Falen's cheeks. The redness of his face was slowly subsiding.

"Rest easy, Falen," I declared to the less angry specialists. "There's must be a reason for all of this,"

Falen didn't reply, but he did nod his head in agreement. Falen began marching toward Emalia and this mystery guy causing everyone's eyes to Falen and me instead of Emalia and the mystery man. Falen placed his hand gently on Emalia's arm, and the dazed look she had on her face had suddenly disappeared.

"Emalia, where have you been?" Falen asked kindly but eyeing the man up and down with suspicion.

"Where I've been?" Emalia questioned, blinking her eyes like she was trying to get herself together. "What do you mean? And how did I get here from the castle to the shopping plaza?!"

"Did this man place a spell on you to make you a mindless person?!" I asked, pointing my finger at the man.

The crowd around us gasped as Falen carefully Emalia away from the man. All eyes were on the mystery man, mixed with grumbles and glares. The anonymous man raised his hands and went to the ground. Falen and I looked at each other and at the man with curiosity on why he was on the floor.

"He's surrendering in the Ikaika way," Emalia replied as she softly shook Falen's hand off her arm.

"What I'm saying is true," The man pleaded. "The Queen wanted to explore, and I took it upon myself to show her around Ikaika. No funny business,"

Falen turned his attention towards the man like he wasn't sure if he should trust the man based on what he said. Then Falen moved his eyes over to Emalia like Falen wanted her input.

"Is it true, Emalia?" Falen questioned, nudging his head as Falen pointed at the man without using his index finger.

"Yes, it is true," Emalia replied. "There are no lies in his statement,"

"Are you sure, Emalia?" I asked for sure as I looked at with man with a scrunched-up face.

"I'm positive, Serenity!" Emalia smiled at me for the first time; then, she turned to the crowd. "EVERYONE, YOU MAY CONTINUE TO THE SHOPPING PLAZA, AND PLEASE PRETEND THAT I'M NOT HERE!"

The man stood to his feet and bowed to Emalia; then, he ran off within the crowd. Everyone in the group followed Emalia's orders and returned to what they were doing, but they sometimes didn't pretend she wasn't there. Flashing lights of phones and cameras nearly blinded me as I felt a pair of tender hands picking me up and holding me close.

I gazed up to see that it was Emalia. She smiled down at me and held me closer. I cuddled up to my bonded fairy and held her as tight as possible! I missed being around my dark fairy, and I hope she doesn't leave me again!

"Dang!" Falen cursed. "I let that man get away without questioning him more about what he was doing!"

"Oh, Falen, don't worry!" Emalia beamed as she pulled Falen close and kissed his cheek. "You have nothing to worry about!"

Falen took me kindly out of Emalia's hold and placed me on his shoulder again. This caused Emalia and me to gasp at the sudden action. Falen held Emalia's hand gently while the other had my leg as Falen got his face within Emalia's face.

"We'll see about that when the royal doctors check on you!" Falen said, marching towards the exit of the shopping plaza while on our way back to the castle. "And I'm having a long talk with Makoa about security!"


For some reason, I felt a bit melancholy right at this moment. Maybe it was Kala's words getting the better of me, or it's just sudden. What am I kidding? It was what Kala said to me. Kala blamed me for everything that happened to Ikaika. I subconsciously blamed myself for it, but I didn't want to blame Valtor.

Maybe if I showed a little patience, Ikaika and mom and dad would have survived the attack. Emalia could have grown up to be a delicate princess, and it would have been cute to see how Kala and Emalia would interact with each other while growing up! I would be teasing Emalia like a little sister and have Emalia push me off until she needed me the most. I can only imagine King Haulani ordering me to watch Emalia from other young princes stealing his little princess from him as he did for Kala.

I walked back to the underground cave where King Haulani and Queen Mahina were held. I held the dual sword that belonged to King Haulani and some flowers from the royal garden of Ikaika. I placed the items down once I was at the stoned feet of the royal couple. I kneeled to show my respect like they were not stoned.

"King and Queen of Ikaika," I spoke to myself, but I like to think they can still hear me. "I've brought you gifts for forgiveness,"

I glanced up at them and saw the peaceful stoned looks on their faces. I wished to hear their voices; even a simple yell from King Haulani would suffice. I get nothing but silence or my words echoing to comfort me. I grabbed the royal sword of Ikaika and placed it at King Haulani.

The first sword was a golden sword with a hint of blue that was on the grip of the sword and the sword blade with a teardrop shape of blue. The sword's hilt was curved as its end had the "wing" of a dragon attached to it. The sword's name was the Electric Mystic, as the sword acts in the mischievous half of the Mystic Dragon flame. This sword can channel the elemental magic to cause disasters for anyone who touches its blade or is struck by its charm.

The Unlighted Mystic is the second sword, a black sword with the outside being highlighted by purple. The bottom of the blade had a black crescent moon with a blue gem in the middle. The sword glowed purple as its "wings" appeared at the end of the hilt. The Unlighted Mystic can absorb darkness and shoot it back at its opponent or use that dark magic to repair any damage it causes.

(A/n: Pictures of the swords are below 😁)

"King Haulani, your dual swords, Unlighted Mystic and Electric Mystic," I placed the swords at his feet.

My blue eyes went down to the flowers that were a gift to Queen Mahina. Queen Mahina loved flowers, and the royal garden was a gift from King Haulani so Queen Mahina wouldn't feel homesick. Queen Mahina's favorite flowers were hibiscus flowers, and she loved them so much that she begged King Haulani to make the flower Ikaika's national symbol. I grabbed the bouquet and placed the flowers on Queen Mahina's stone feet.

"Queen Mahina, I gift you the national symbol of Ikaika, the hibiscus flowers," I spoke as I gazed up at the Queen.

The gift twinkled in the dim light of the cave. I wished they could grab them and thank me for getting them. But I can't do that because they met with an untimely stoning. Tears filled my eyes as both of my knees touched the cold gravel ground of the cave.

"I'm so sorry, King Haulani and Queen Mahina!" I cried with my head down, muffled. "Please forgive,"

Late afternoon, early evening at the Ikaika Castle, Valtor

I magically appeared in Ikaika's castle without any useless castle staff detecting I was in the court. I need to find the dual swords, the Unlighted and Electric Mystic. I need those to make me extra powerful, and the last time I saw them, King Haulani was using them to try and slay me. Unfortunately, the swords were lost when I was tearing Ikaika anew! I'm hoping those losing staff of Ikaika has found them.

I began my search around the castle by dodging and blending in with my surroundings to slip past the busy gaze of the castle staff members. So far, getting past the staff was a breeze, but finding the dual swords were running dry. Then before I knew it, I had one more room to go, and I hoped that the dual blades were there. I opened the door and saw that this room was decorated.

The room was decorated like a bedroom. It was a bedroom fit for a royal with an elegant bed, vanity table, and decor. I used my magic to scan the room for the dual swords, and it was not there. I turned around to see the doors of the room were closed magically. An invisible binding was wrapped around me, and I was magically forced to sit in a chair. Appearing out of nowhere was Emalia, or should I say, Queen Emalia.

"Valtor, that was a bit sloppy for you to get caught so easily!" Emalia taunted me with a devilish grin.

"It's nice to meet you again, Emalia h-" I replied until Emalia cut me off.

"It's Queen Emalia to you!" Emalia corrected me.

"Whatever, I came here to search for something that belongs to me, but I don't see it here," I smirked. "But I wanted to ask how are your friends' eyes doing?!"

Then I suddenly felt a hard on my cheek. I was astonished, but I didn't show it on my face. I gazed down and saw that Emalia's right hand was red. Emalia had just slapped me.

"Don't you dare insult my friend like that!" Emalia growled.

"Yes, Your Highness!" I taunted Emalia.

"What do you want from my kingdom, Valtor?!"

"I told you, what I was searching for was none of your concern, so I'll come back for it later!"

Emalia leaned on the chair I was sitting on the back by grabbing a handful of my shirt. I'm surprised by Emalia's strength to even hold me without her muscles shaking, and maybe it's that Ikaikian blood that flows within her?

"How about you don't come back here until you and the Trix are ready to go down by the hands of the Winx Club?!" Emalia barked in my face.

"I'll leave Ikaika alone to make me a deal!" I grinned sinisterly to Emalia, which shook her a bit.

Emalia leaned the chair back on all fours so I was sitting correctly. Emalia took a few steps away from me, and she eyed me like she was deciding something within herself.

"I should be sending you a one-way ticket to the Omega Dimension with your three witchy friends!" Emalia spoke her thoughts as her eyes burnt holes in me.

"I think it is time to stop this silly game," I announced as I broke free from the invisible binding holding me and got up from the chair.

This surprised Emalia, and she used her magic to stop me from coming near her. I quickly dispelled her magic and got all up in her face as she did me. I snapped my finger and cast my bidding spell to hold Emalia while the chair I was sitting at magically came to Emalia. Again, I snapped my finger, and the force of my snap pushed Emalia into the chair as she struggled to get out of my spell.

"Now it is your turn to be bound to the chair as I do!" I smirked as I strolled around the struggling Queen Emalia.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" Emalia yelled as she thrashed around in my binding spell, but she couldn't since she wasn't in her fairy form, and the magic I used won't allow Emalia to transform.

"Like I was saying, it seems like what I was searching for is not here, but I can take something of equal value or maybe even more!"

"What .... do you want ..... Valtor?!?!" Emalia said through her panting, trying to regain her energy.

"I want you to join my cause!" I smirked. "Help me take over Magix and rule by my side!"

Emalia laughed as she leaned her head back in pure joy. Emalia's hair was sticking out of her hairstyle was covering her face until she ended her laughing and stared at me with a crazed look.

"How do I know you didn't promise the Trix that?!" Emalia asked.

"I never promised the Trix the deal I'm offering you," I informed Emalia as she shook her head side to side.

"Why would I work with you after everything you took from me! You took my family away and ruined everyone's life here on Ikaika!"

I circled aroundEmalia, thinking over what she said. Emalia has a point. Why would she work with me after everything I did to her and her people? Maybe she will work with me when I tell her this new offer.

"You are right, Emalia. Why work with me after everything I did, but I got an offer that not even the Great Queen Emalia could not turn down!"

"What offer?" Emalia squints her eyebrow in wonder.

"If you work with me, then I'll tell you where I saw your mother and father and a search for them if they are not in the setting I remembered them to be!"

Emalia turned quiet. Besides our first meet-up in Solaria's Castle, this was the first time that Emalia was this silent. I smirked as I knew Emalia would come to be on my side. Emalia opened her mouth to say something until footsteps echoed in the room. Dang it, it's my time to leave!

"Think about my offer, and I'll need an answer!" I said after I used magic to go back to Cloud Tower.

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