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A/n: First, I apologize for being gone for so long. I was busy spending time with my friends and one of their dads, and then college started a week after! But now that I have the groove of this new adjustment, it is back to getting to what I love, which is writing for you guys! I also want all of you to know that I missed you guys and hope you miss me?! Also, I'm trying to add the text feature to this story, but I think they updated how to apply it. If anyone knows the updated way to use or add the text feature here, please let me know. I want to say thanks for getting this story to 5k reads! It means so much to me, and I hope you guys will continue to enjoy the story! 

That Night, Ikaika's Palace, Makoa

 I was mortified when I caught sight of Queen Emalia bound to a chair. I swiftly broke the binding spell that was keeping Queen Emalia tied. I had magically ordered the Royal Doctor to check our Queen for any injuries or magical wounds even though I didn't see anything. 

 "Queen Emalia, are you okay?" I asked Queen Emalia, frantic as I set her down at her bedside. "Who did this to you?" 

 "Makoa, I'm fine. You don't have to order the Royal Doctor at my side!" Queen Emalia waved off like it was nothing. "It was Valtor that did that to me,"

I had a slight delay in reaction to the mention of Valtor's name. How could Valtor bypass all the guards and easily slip into the palace? How could I not notice something was off? Maybe being stoned for nearly two decade would do that to a person if they haven't used their magic in a long time. 

 "Your Highness, could you tell the nature of Valtor's visit to your room?" I pondered why Valtor would make a risky move coming to the castle, but I figured it was something that didn't belong to the original King of Ikaika. 

 Queen Emalia was going to answer until she caught sight of someone behind me. I glanced over my shoulders to see it was Prince Falen and Serenity. They both had a panicked expression that quickly wiped away when they saw Queen Emalia physically okay. 

 "Emalia, you're okay?!" Prince Falen asked as he marched over to Emalia and hugged her. 

 "I'm fine, Falen!" Emalia returned the hug. "Wait, how did you know something is wrong with me?"

 I wanted to smile at the scene as it reminded me of how King Haulani would hug Queen Mahina if something dangerous happened to or around her. But it was no time to reminisce when Valtor had infiltrated the palace without anyone knowing. If Valtor desired, he could have ended Queen Emalia's life without anyone knowing. I was scared to think of what Valtor would have done if it possibly wasn't my footsteps he heard before exiting the palace. 

 "I saw the Royal Doctor running around grabbing his med-kit, uttering something is wrong with his Queen!" Prince Falen said in the same tone as the Royal Doctor releasing Queen Emalia from the hug. 

 "Emalia, what was going on?" Serenity questioned. 

 "Valtor," Queen Emalia replied, with a stern glare on her face. 

 The Royal Doctor quickly came in and did all the tests he knew. The doctor had Falen, Serenity, and me waiting outside Queen Emalia's Royal bedroom. I was nervous as it was my job to protect and serve the Royal children, which King Haulani stated. Once, the Royal Doctor gave Queen Emalia a green bill of health, and I was slightly relieved. Serenity, Falen, and I walked into the room to see Queen Emalia sitting at her bedside. 

 "Queen Emalia, if you don't mind me reasking my question, what did Valtor want?" I asked, kneeling to Queen Emalia's level. 

 "Valtor never said what he truly wanted. The only thing I got from Valtor was that he wanted something, but it wasn't here," Queen Emalia answered. "Do you know what he wanted, Makoa?"

 Valtor was searching for the Electric and Unlighted Mystic dual swords. That is the only thing missing from the palace that Valtor could be on the hunt for. The last time I saw it was the last time I saw King Haulani, as his final order was to look out for his children, which I failed to do so.

 "No, I don't know what Valtor was speaking of, Your Highness," I lied. 

 "Are you sure?" Queen Emalia asked me, giving me her father's puzzled look. 

 "I would never lie to my Queen," I bowed as it pained me to continue lying to her. 

 "Okay, then, I'm sure word has gone around the palace of Valtor's sighting," Queen Emalia said, standing up from the bedside. "Let me do my best to calm them down and speak with security to talk about how to beef up security," 

 Queen Emalia, Prince Falen, and Serenity left the Royal Bedroom without a word. I gazed at the mirror that was facing me. I stared into my sorrowful reflection in the mirror. I hated that I lied to Queen Emalia, but keeping everyone safe was a must, especially since I didn't know the weapon's whereabouts. 

Later that night 

 Everyone in the palace was asleep except for me. I stared into the starry night sky as my heart felt heavy. My ungloved hands gripped the railings of the balcony. I was conflicted, but overall, feeling despair. That kept echoing in my ears. A tear fell from my eyes until I heard a slight shift in the wind. 

 I got my retractable staff from out of my butler's sleeves. I pushed the button expanding my magical staff, until I saw a familiar face. The familiar face was Kawi. Kawi had his arms up in a surrender position which caused me to chuckle slightly when I put my staff back into its original form. 

 I thought standing before me was someone from my past, but it was Kawi. I always told him when he was younger that he was splitting image of his father when you take a glance at him. I could always tell the difference between Kawi and his father was Kawi had his mother's settled features. 

 Kawi had his hood over his head, smiling when he took his hood off, revealing his face. Kawi seemed like he wasn't missing any meals, which was a plus. 

 "I see you haven't changed, old man!" Kawi smiled as he placed his hands down. 

 "Back at you, Mister Kawi!" I smiled a tight one. 

 "Were you standing out here crying?" 

 "I haven't, sir," 

 Kawi gave me that same look as King Haulani, and I thought I saw him for a second. 

 "Why is your face suddenly turned pale?" Kawi asked me as he took a step closer to see me. 

 "It's nothing, sir," I replied, sniffling. "I haven't seen you since Queen Emalia brought Ikaika back on the map," 

 "Yeah, I had business to do," Kawi answered, standing next to me. "Still got business to do," 

 "Does your business require Queen Emalia," 

 Kawi froze when he heard me address Emalia as Queen. 

 "No, she just showed up with you following along, so I took her away," Kawi replied. "What did that Falen kid say about me being around Queen Emalia?" 

 "We need to beef up security so it won't happen again!" I grinned at the thought of young Prince Falen's face. 

 "I knew you wouldn't turn me into the guards!" 

 I heard a humorous tone lingering in Kawi's voice. He finds it amusing not to get caught.

 "I should so I can blow your cover!" I teased. 

 "But you wouldn't do that to your favorite Ikaikian, would you?" Kawi said in a baby voice with his eyes magically turned glossy. 

 "I should have," I said, staring down at my hands and then at Kawi. "But why did you come back? I was searching everywhere for you,"

 It was Kawi's turn to stare at his own hands. I could tell something was on his mind since I could see his mind racing through his eyes. 

 "I came back because I missed home, the people, but mainly my family," Kawi replied with sadness. "I didn't leave, but I'm hiding until I can handle my business with Valtor," 

 Kawi was still around Ikaika? I searched high and low for Kawi and could never find him. Why did he feel like he shouldn't have come home? 

 "Were you searching for Kala?" Kawi asked me, still staring at his hand playing with his father's ring on his right finger. 

 "I was until Queen Emalia told me Kala was in Lake Roccalcue," I replied, staring at the man I watched grow up. "It's so quiet in the palace. Just forget your business with Valtor and come home! Just reveal who you are to Queen Emalia, and she can have you stay here again," 

 Kawi shook his head as I heard him sniffle. Why is Kawi so bent on getting back at Valtor? What did Valtor do to Kawi that he is not saying?

 "I must take down Valtor and get back at him for what he did to me," Kawi said, turning his back toward me. 

 "What did Valtor do?" I questioned. 

 "I can't say, but I won't be coming home until Valtor is out of the picture!" 

 Kawi jumped on the balcony railing before I could get my plead to make him stay. I think Kawi knew what I would do to get him to stay. 

 "Before you run off somewhere, Kawi, I want to know if you know where the Electric and Unlighted Mystic swords are at?" I asked Kawi before. he could jump off somewhere.

 "Yes, I do. It safe with me well, m- King Haulani, why?" Kawi questioned me with one of his eyes squinted in question. 

 "Valtor was searching for the swords. That is why he was at the palace earlier tonight to steal them," 

 "I'll keep them safe along with King Haulani and Queen Mahina," 

 I was relieved that Kawi knew of the location of the swords, but mainly King Haulani and Queen Mahina. 

 "Are they alright?" I asked Kawi as he had a dull gleam in his blue eyes. 

 "They are stoned, and I don't have any magic to reverse the spell," Kawi said with sorrow. 

 "You can get Queen Emalia to reverse the spell since sh-"

 "I don't want Emalia to see her parents like that, so I would find a spell or artifact to reverse it,"

 I hated that Kawi had to go. But once Kawi got his sight on a target, then Kawi was going to follow it until the very end. 

 "Please be safe out there, Kawi," I begged the boy. 

 "You do too, Makoa," Kawi wished me farewell, and he was off into the night. 

 I cried like I usually do every night, not only because I felt pain but because I failed the Ikaikian Royal family. 

 (A/n: I feel like I'm missing something in this section of the chapter, but until then, onto the next character)


Gloomy Forest, morning, Serenity 

 The bonded Pixies filled me in about the whereabouts of Faragonda, along with what happened to the Headmistress of Alfea. Valtor turning Faragonda into a tree is laughable! I didn't believe that Faragonda would lose to Valtor. Upon the sight of getting a good look at Faragonda, that's when I knew that my Pixie friends were right. Valtor did turn Faragonda into a living tree. I stared into the face of Faragonda as she had a horrific expression. What made Valtor think it was okay to do this to Faragonda? My hand shook as I reached out to the barked face of Faragonda. My mind and eyes couldn't grasp that Faragonda was now a tree. 

 "So it is true?" I uttered in astonishment. 

 "That is the same reaction everyone had when we saw her like this," Amore said as she floated next to me. 

 "Thanks to the Ikaika's Royal Court for scooping Emalia before we went on our hunt for Faragonda," Tune said as Digit and herself stopped watering Faragonda. "I can only imagine all the unladylike things Emalia would do at the sight of this tree!'

Digit and Tune were watering the roots of the Faragonda Tree. I guess that is their way of feeding Faragonda since she can't eat real solid food anymore until the Winx girls come back with a cure for this spell. 

 "Do you need anything else, Faragonda?" Lockette asked the Faragonda tree. 

 "Lockette, she can't talk," Amore reminded Lockette of the state of Faragonda. 

 "Wait for a second, everybody!" Chatta exclaimed, getting all the Pixies' attention on her. "I bet I can break Valtor's spell!" 

 Chatta cast her magic on the Faragonda tree. Unluckily, Chatta's spell bounced back and hit her. The bounced spell caused Chatta to be knocked out, which made her fall to the forest floor. I could have sworn that I saw a few stars looping around Chatta's head when she got it off the forest floor. 

 "The girls said yesterday in the apartment that none of their spells would work. Why did you think yours will?" Digit scolded Chatta helping her back on her feet and into the air again. 

 "It was worth a shot, you know?" Chatta replied as she was slowly rising to be on the flying level of everyone else. 

 "Don't worry, Faragonda, because the Winx girls are on their way to Linphea to break this spell right now!" Lockette exclaimed.  

"Oh right, you didn't tell us why you or Emalia came back from Ikaika?" Amore nudged my shoulder. 

 I thought of last night when I saw Emalia setting herself loose from the bondage Valtor had on her. Emalia, after that encounter with Valtor, shook her. Luckily Falen and I were there to get her mind off the meeting, but it wasn't enough as Emalia talked to Makoa about beefing up the security and magic defense against Valtor. 

 "Valtor," I muttered. 

 "VALTOR WAS THERE AT IKAIKA?!?!" Chatta yelled in shock. 

 "What was Valtor doing there?" Tune questioned as she placed her gloved hands on my shoulder. 

 "What did Valtor want?" Lockette chimes. 

 "Who knows because Emalia never told Falen or me about what Valtor wanted," I said as I glanced down. 

 I wonder whether Emalia knew why Valtor was in the castle. With Emalia, you can never figure out if she is hiding something from someone or if she genuinely doesn't know. But from the looks of last night, Emalia was just as confused as Falen and I. 

Cloud Tower, Stormy 

 The Mark of Valtor loomed in the sky and over Cloud Tower. Valtor, for some odd reason, summoned my sisters and me to him. My sisters and I were in the office of Valtor as he was extracting magic from the ancient spell books that Griffin used to call hers. I wonder why Valtor called for us and what he has planned. In Valtor's hands looked to be some spiral weather magic. I pondered on what Valtor could be doing with that. Will we destroy a planet, or will we take control over something or one? 

 "Hmm, very interesting," Valtor examined the power he pulled out the book. 

 Valtor turned his attention to my sisters and me from this power floating into his hands. His analytic eyes checked Icy and Darcy, but his eyes lingered on me longer than he did on my sisters. 

 "Stormy, please step forward," Valtor asked, still holding power in his hands. "I want to try to give you a new power," 

 I can feel the envious behavior radiating off Darcy but more towards Icy. I don't see why they would be jealous of me. I can see why since I am the best of three and the evilest of all of us! So, of course, Valtor would gravitate more towards me!

 "Oh!" I grinned evilly as I followed his orders. 

 "Why her?" Icy growled as I could hear the jealousy pouring out of her mouth. 

 "Because I said so!" Valtor growled back at Icy, which boosted me. 

 Valtor threw the magic power at me. The energy was absorbed into my chest. I felt some excruciating pain flowing through my body. Then I felt the pain evaporating from within me, and I saw this gold light outlining my body. 

 "So tell me how you feel?" Valtor asked me with a mischievous smirk. 

 "Electric!" I growled as my hands clasped until I expanded the length between my hands to show off this powerful electric current coming out of my hands. 

 Honestly, I did feel powerful! I could take on the Winx a 100x over without getting tired. With this power, I could win over Valtor's heart and be his one and only! Darcy and Icy wouldn't stand a chance of getting Valtor's attention now that I have this power moving through my veins.

 There was a firm knock on the door of the office. Valtor waved his hand as he used his magic to open the door to see who dared knock on it. Walking through the ajar doors was Lucy wearing a dark purple hooded cloak. Lucy played as a spy so that Valtor could clearly understand what those pesky Pixies were up to. 

 "Valtor, the Winx are off to Linphea to try to save Faragonda," Lucy smirked as she gave out the news. 

 "Seeking aid from the realm of nature, are they?" Valtor smirked as well. 

 Those pesky Pixies are always so predictable! 

 "Thanks for the news Lucy," Valtor thanked as Lucy went to walk out of the room. "And now it would be nice if someone here were to take care of those fairies for me!" 

 Valtor wants "someone" to take care of those fairies. I am the perfect witch for the job since Valtor gave me the power update. I want to test out my powers, and what an excellent opportunity to take! I glanced behind me as Icy and Darcy looked at each other. 

 "I'll go and try out my new power," I volunteered myself as I didn't want Valtor's response when I was now walking out of the office. 

Linphea, Emalia 

 I was glad to be back with my friends! I didn't want to stay at Ikaika's Royal Palace any longer as that meeting with Valtor didn't make me feel better. That meeting made me realize that my friends needed me and, more importantly, Faragonda. As soon as the sun began to rise in Ikaika, Serenity and I left for Alfea, and Falen returned to Red Fountain. 

For some insane reason, Valtor's offer to help me find my mother and father lingered in my mind. Why would Valtor want to help me find the same people that tried to destroy him? Will he use me as a way to search for them and finish the job he did 18 years ago? But the main thought that could never leave my head was why Valtor would come into the Ikaika's Royal Palace when it is heavily guarded. What did Valtor want that he would risk being seen by me to get? If he did that, it must have been crucial for something he had been cooking. 

 As soon as I rejoined the girls, they stuck to me by the hip, especially Flora and Bloom. The Winx girls filled me in on what they found yesterday about what happened and the whereabouts of Faragonda. I couldn't fathom that Valtor turned Faragonda into a living tree. I didn't believe it until the girls took me to see the Faragonda tree with my eyes. I touched the face of Faragonda and felt her magic coursing through this tree as she had become a part of it. 

 Stella had asked me if I would be able to reverse the magic of Valtor on Faragonda to free her. But Inoki told the girls and me that if I were to change the magic, I would take Faragonda's life force since my powers would not know the difference between Faragonda's magic and Valtor's since they are intermingling with the other. Flora informed me that the Winx girls and herself were going to Linphea to see if there were a way to fix Faragonda. 

 Stella used her ring of Solaria to transport the Winx girls and me to Linphea. I was in awe of how beautiful Linphea was. Everywhere I looked, there was a gorgeous flower showing off its' pretty petals or a tree decorated with vines. Flora, for the first time since I came back home, let go of my arm to take in the sight of her home planet. 

 "Linphea, it's so good to be back!" Flora cheered. 

 "Stella's Teleport, thank you for riding with us, and we hope to see you again soon!" Stella jokes as she places her ring of Solaria back on her finger. 

 "This place is beautiful!" Aisha took in the sight of the place. 

 Stella sneezed, probably from all the aromas of the different flowers mixing. Stella rubbed her nose. 

 "Bless you," I told Stella. 

 "Thanks," Stella said in her congested voice. 

 "FLORA!!" A little girl called out Flora's name, gaining the attention of the Winx girls and me.

 I studied the little girl as she ran into Flora's arms. The little girl had a paler skin tone than Flora's. The little girl had a honey tone brown hair color, and her eyes were green like a jade gem. She wore a green, yellow, and white U-shaped collared dress. In her hair were green and pink flowers acting as her hairband. The little girl's hair was styled into a short but high ponytail with the remaining of her hair down. 

 "Miele!" Flora exclaimed as she twirled the little girl around in joy. 

 "Who do you think cute little Miele is to Flora?" Stella whispered into my ear as she beamed at the interaction between Flora and Miele. 

 "I got to say on a wild guess, sister!" I smiled. 

 "Everyone, this is my sister, Miele!" Flora introduced as Miele smiled at each one of us. 

 "Hi, everybody!" Miele waved. 

 "Hi, Miele!" Everyone but Flora and Miele replied with a smile and wave as we talked as one. 

 "Good guessing, Emalia!" Stella whispered back to me. 

 Flora bends slightly down on the level Miele as Miele turns her attention to her big sister. As the two sisters were standing side-by-side, I could pinpoint how they were alike. They both had the same green-colored eyes, and I could tell Miele had a sweet personality, just like her sister. 

 "So, do you have any good news for us?" Flora asked Miele with a smile. 

 "Well, I've spoken to with the Elders like you asked," Miele began to tell Flora the news of her findings. "They said you must go to the City of Trees and see the Sage of Linphea! I'll take you there!" 

 Miele began leading the way to the City of Trees so we could talk to the Sage of Linphea. I glanced around the forest we were in, and I couldn't help to see something was going to go wrong. I guess my wondering eyes and head turn caught of Aisha. 

 "Emalia, what's wrong? Is something out there?" Aisha questioned as she, too, began searching for what I could have been looking for. 

 "Nothing's wrong. But I feel something wrong is going to happen," I replied to Aisha. 

The Balcony of Cloud Tower, Icy  

 I watched how Stormy was on the balcony of Cloud Tower. I am envious that Valtor would pick Stormy to have a power boost than me. I wonder what Valtor saw in Stormy to give her that than me? I'm the better witch than Stormy and Darcy. The teachers in Cloud Tower would also pick me out of the class for my wicked spells. 

 Stormy had a spell book in her hands as lightning sparks in midair, meaning that Stormy was using her newfound powers. Maybe following Stormy around would answer my question of why Valtor chose Stormy over me. 

 "Portals of realms and tunnel of light, give me passage through which to take flight!" Stormy cast reading the spell book. 

 A Dimensional Passage? I remember when Stormy would have trouble making this spell. Valtor's magic boost can cause a witch to create spells out of their league. That is amazing! 

 "A Dimensional Passage," I called out to Stormy gaining her attention. "Congratulations, you used to have trouble with that kind of spell," 

 "What are you doing here, Icy?" Stormy growled at me with her hands on her hips. 

 "What makes you think you're the only one who can go?" I argued. 

 "Valtor gave me the new powers, which means he wants me to handle the Winx pixies!" 

 I got into Stormy face as she followed my actions. I bared my teeth at Stormy, and she was copying me like an annoying reflection in the mirror. 

 "Who knows, maybe he likes me!" Stormy grinned as she stared at me up and down. "Later, sis!" 

 Stormy jumped into the Dimensional Passage spell and headed to Linphea. How dare Stormy think she can walk away from me and stare at me up and down like I was a lower being to her?!?! Stormy got another thing coming if she thinks I'm going to sit at Cloud Tower and wait to hear about her triumph of defeating the Winx, then she got another thing coming! I jumped into the Dimensional Passage before the spell could dissolve. 

City of Trees, Miele 

 I lead my sister and her friends to the City of the Trees. As the Winx girls, my sister, and I walked, they introduced themselves individually. Her friends were taken in the sight of all the beautiful trees around them. 

 "Wow!" Bloom uttered in amazement as she glanced up at the city's trees. 

 "Amazing," Musa chimed as she stood in disbelief, along with Tecna standing next to her.

 "Is this the City of Trees?" Bloom asked with her arms to the side in a questionable posture. "Are we in it?" 

 "It's all the way up there," I pointed at the top, implying far past the trees. 

 The Winx girls stared up, and their amazement at how beautiful the City of Trees was gone. A new facial expression covered their faces which were fear mixed with uncertainty.  

 "Is there a hyperspeed elevator in one of the tree trunks or something?" Tecna questioned as she stared at the tall trees. 

 "Are you kidding?" Flora proclaimed. "Technology is forbidden in the City of Trees,"

 "Then we just have to use our wings," Aisha said. 

 Silly Winx girls! Do they think their wings will be able to get them to the Sage of Linphea? By the time they get there, the Sage of Linphea may or may not help the girls. I wonder when Flora will tell her friends that there is another fast-flying way to get to the Sage of Linphea. 

 "That won't work either!" Flora shrugged her shoulders with a smile. "The winds that blow down from the mountains create powerful wind tunnels!" 

 "Okay?" Bloom said in a pondering tone as she shielded her face from seeing where the leaves were flying high above them. "So, how do we get up there?" 

 I walked over to the larger-than-life steering leaf sitting on the side. 

 "Come on!" I called out to the girls pointing at the leaf waiting for us. "I'll show you. It's easy!" 

 The Winx girls walked over to the leaf. The Winx girls except Flora to check out the leaf. All of their eyes had this skeptical gloss their eyes. 

 "Come on, everybody!" I encourage the remaining girls to hop on the leaf. 

Bloom was the first to jump on the leaf, then Stella. The remaining girls, Tecna, Musa, Emalia, and Aisha, hopped on the steering leaf in that order. As I was about to step foot on the leaf, Flora stopped me by kneeling in front of me. 

 "Miele, you don't have to come if you don't feel like it?" Flora asked me with a wondering gleam in her eyes. 

 "Hey, I'm not a baby anymore!" I declared to Flora, making her raise her hands like she was surrendering as Flora was smiling. 

 "Hey, I didn't say you were. I was just asking!" Flora giggled. 

 "Why is there something we should be worried about?" Stella questioned as she was the only one standing. 

 "There's nothing for you to worry about, Stella. Now sit down and enjoy the ride!" Emalia placed her hand on Stella's shoulder and pulled her down to sit. 


 We flew fast through the City of Trees to get to the Sage of Linphea. The speed of the leaf was hitting hard on my face. I was afraid my hair would stick up in the direction of the wind, making it hard for me to keep my eyes open. My eyes looked at everyone on the leaf, and everyone was comfortable with this level of speed. 

 "Is there any way to slow this thing down?" I asked as I ducked, as everyone felt fine. 

 "It has to go this fast to push past the wind!" Flora explained to me as she turned to smile at me. "Just don't look down!" 

 What does Flora mean by not looking down? 

 "Why not?" I did the opposite of what Flora warned and looked down. 

 I gazed down and saw a big blurry blob of green coming from the trees. I wonder whether I see this if I use my wings when I fly fast. 

 "And don't look up either!" Musa warned me, and again, I didn't listen and gazed up at the sky. "We're heading into a storm," 

 Musa pointed at the sky; true enough, a storm was brewing. I wanted to ask Flora or Miele if it is normal for a storm to happen here in Linphea. The sun sky I welcomed here turned cloudy, and thunder rumbled within the clouds. 

 "I can't see a thing!" Bloom exclaimed as I saw her squinting her eyes. 

 "You can't see a thing, and I know this is not a storm you would predict in your weather forecast," Emalia said as she glanced around the sky for anything out of the ordinary. 

 "What was that?" Musa pointed at something in the sky. 

 In the sky was a woman, but this woman didn't have the arms of a human, but wings like a bird. Her feet were talons as she had an overall appearance of a bird. When I caught on to the formation of that woman-like bird, then I knew who it was. It was a Storm Harpy. She screeched before she dived down to attack my friends and me. 

 "Musa, watch out!!" Bloom exclaimed as she pointed over to the Storm Harpy. 

 "Huh?" Musa uttered, confused until she ducked down to avoid the sharp teeth of the Storm Harp. 

 Emalia cast her Shooting Star spell at the Storm Harpy causing the Storm Harpy to glide out of the spell's way and back into the sky. 

 "Thanks for the save, Emalia!" Musa beamed as she thanked Emalia.

 "Any time!" Emalia replied. "What is that?" 

 "A Storm Harpy," Tecna answered Emalia. 

 "Storm Harpies!" Aisha exclaimed as she ducked her head lower so it won't be in the clearing for the Storm Harpies to attack. "I thought they only existed in fairy tales?"

 I thought we had to deal with one harp, but two more came in from the flanks and joined the first harpy that tried to take Musa's head off. 

 "Some people say the same thing about us!" Flora countered Aisha's statement. 


 Instead of seeing three Storm Harpies in the sky, I counted more than three, trying to knock us off the course to the Safe of Linphea. 

 "Then we'd better defend ourselves!" Bloom had this determined gleam twinkling in her blue eyes. "MAGIC WINX!!" 


"ENCHANTIX!!" Musa, Aisha, Emalia, and I yelled. 


 We got out of transformation with one of the Stormy Harpies gearing up to attack. The Storm Harpy was heading towards Tecna. The Storm Harpy screeched and flew to Tecna. Tecna responds by shooting her Technology magic at the incoming Storm Harpy. The Storm Harpy had blown up in magic dust and debris. 

"Nice one!" Musa cheered Tecna on. 

 Three Storm Harpies were flying to get close to attack. 

 "Three o'clock!" Flora exclaimed. 

 "Who's three o'clock?" Bloom questioned. 

"Yours, but now it is nine!" Flora said in a frantic tone. 

 The Storm Harpy dived, flying between Musa and me. The sudden trajectory of one of the Storm Harpy had made Musa and me try to catch our balance. I was trying to catch my balance which caused me to stumble to the ends of the free-flying leaf. I was lucky enough to hold onto the leaf to keep me onboard. 

 "STARLIGHT BEAM!!!" Emalia chanted her spell, causing the Storm Harpies to screech in pain as she and Aisha came to get me. "Use those three as target practice, girls!" 

 "You don't have to tell us twice, Emalia!!" Flora hollered as she held her little sister closer. 

 "STELLA!!" Bloom called out, shooting her fire magic at the two Storm Harpies that weren't attacking. 


 Emalia and I were trying to pull Stella back on the flying leaf. I glance up at the sky to see another two Storm Harpies coming into view. Emalia and I were having a hard time pulling Stella back on the leaf due to the speed of the wind making it hard to bring Stella onboard. 

 "I CAN'T DO IT!!" Stella hollered. "I CAN'T HOLD ON FOR TOO LONG!!!" 

 "YES, YOU CAN, STELLA!!" Emalia replied as she was holding on to Stella's left hand. 

 "LET GO, AND I CAN FLY!!" Stella declared. 

 "NO, IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!!!" I yelled over the wind as I tried to hold onto Stella's hand, but my hand was slipping from her. 

 "JUST LET ME TRY, OKAY?!" Stella begged. 

 I glanced over at Emalia, and she glanced at me. Emalia gazed over to Stella; she had this confident yet scarred sparkle in her brown eyes. Emalia nodded, and we both let Stella go like a mother watching her child riding their bike for the first time. Stella's wings began fluttering in the hyper-speed wind, and she had no trouble adjusting to the wind. 


 "Enchantix powers are amazing!" Bloom beamed as she ducked herself into the transporting leaf. 

 "If that's the case, let's get to flying!" Emalia beamed as she jumped into the air and just her Enchantix wings. 

 I felt a thud underneath the transporting leaf, and the leaf began rocking side to side. I was trying to grab my balance, and so does everyone else. The rocking was getting hard to find the balance I nearly got knocked off the leaf. Flora and Tecna used their magic to dissolve the two incoming Storm Harpies. 

 "BLOOM GRAB MIELE!!" Stella hollered. 

 I heard Miele's screams, and I turned to see Bloom going to grab Miele's hand. Bloom caught Miele's hand, but Bloom was going to fall out of the leaf until Musa went to grab Bloom, pulling her back. I had enough of letting these Storm Harpies have their way with my friends and me. I hopped off the leaf, flying next to Emalia and Stella. Stella, Emalia, and I began blasting our powers at the Storm Harpies, dwindling the Storm Harpies' numbers.


 Musa was the last Enchantix fairies to take flight in the air. Musa joined the formation that Emalia, Stella, and I had established. 

 "Do you girls need any help?" Musa teased. 

 "It's about time!" Stella exclaimed, flying up. "Were you afraid to try out your Enchantix wings?" 

 "Well, they are still brand-new!" Musa replied as she glanced at her new Enchantix wings. 

 "Can you feel the awesome power they possess?!" I smiled. 

 "Power and style, now that's what I call Cool Fairy Passion!" Stella cheered. 

 "Now, let's use these newfound power and style to show these Storm Harpies not to mess with the Winx Club!" Emalia smirked, setting her sigh on some harpies coming towards her. "ELECTRIC STREAM!!" 

 Emalia placed all ten of her fingers in front of her. A stream of electricity zapped out of her fingers. Emalia's spell was sent towards the ten harpies flying around in the air, including the ones going after her. Musa, Stella, and I followed suit in Emalia's attack and began to bring down the Storm Harpies' numbers with the help of Bloom and Tecna on the leaf, getting the ones Stella, Musa, Emalia, and I weren't handling.

 The girls and I stopped fighting since no Storm Harpies were trying to get to the leaf except for the last four harpies. The four Storm Harpies dived low, so Bloom, Miele, Tecna, nor Flora could detect them. Luckily with Emalia, Musa, Stella, and I flying, we can see what those evil harpies were doing. 

 "They're going to overturn the leaf!" I pointed out. 

 "Four on four, come on, girls!!" Stella roared. 

 "Let's take them out!" Emalia cheered as she charged up her magic. 

 Stella, Emalia, Musa, and I blast our magic at the Storm Harpies that hissed at our friends in the leaf. Our spells hit them, making them puff in the smoke of magic dust. 

 "Mission accomplished!" Musa cheered as the last of the harpies were out of sight and out of mind. 

 Emalia, Musa, Stella, and I floated down until we landed on the transporting leaf again. Then we enjoyed the rest of the ride to the Sage of Linphea in peace!

Sage of Linphea, Musa  

 The girls and I hopped off the steering leaf when the leaf stopped at this beautiful expensive building that is fit for a royal family. The air was surprisingly much clearer than the air at the heart of Linphea that the girls and I teleported to. The trees had blossomed flowers on the branches along with lush green leaves. Miele began leading the way to the Sage of Linphea. While the girls and I were strolling through the tree bark bridge, I took in the pretty sight of my new surroundings. 

 "Cool!" I uttered to myself in amazement. 

 After a couple of seconds, the girls and I walked into a cave. I heard the sound of rushing water like a waterfall. The roaring water was getting louder with each step the girls and I took. On the side, I noticed a tree in the cave and some vines lying on the cave floor. I wonder if this is the part or the end of the way to meet the Sage of Linphea. 

 "Are you sure this is the right place?" Aisha asked as the group stopped in front of the waterfall. 

 "Positive," Miele exclaimed as she pointed up the waterfall. "This is where the Sage of Linphea lives!" 

 "You've come to help Faragonda?" A mysterious yet calm voice called out from somewhere in the cave. "Step closer," 

 The girls and I searched around for where the voice was coming from. 

 "Huh?" Stella questioned as she turned to the waterfall. "It's coming from that waterfall!" 

 I followed Stella's finger and saw it at the top of the waterfall. The Sage of Linphea floated at the top of the waterfall. The Sage of Linphea had the appearance of a plant. At the bottom of the Sage of Linphea were branches that seemed to implant themselves into the waterfall. 

 "Valtor's magic is potent and cannot be undone through normal reverse spells," The Sage of Linphea said.  

 "You are the-?" Flora asked but was cut off by the Sage of Linphea. 

 "Disappointed?" the Sage of Linphea wondered as she finished Flora's question. "Were you expecting something different?"

 "We weren't!" Emalia beamed. "We're just surprised well, and I'm surprised I'm not talking to a tree," 

 "How can we help Faragonda?" Bloom asked, taking a step forward so the Sage of Linphea could see her. 

 "The only way to undo Valtor's spell is to reverse the flow of time," The Sage of Linphea answered Bloom. 

 Reverse the flow of time? How can you reverse the flow of time when that is impossible, even with magic on our side?! 

 "Eons ago, these two willows trees were the source of life for the region of Luleå, a lush, prosperous land north of Linphea," The Sage of Linphea began to explain. 

 "Luleå is a wasteland!" Flora exclaimed. 

 "It wasn't before the Great Realm Fire. It destroyed one of the trees and badly damaged the other, which became known as the Black Willow," The Sage of Linphea continued to tell the story. "Its grief was such that it couldn't stay where its sisters once stood, so it left Luleå," 

 "So, where did it go?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders.

 "To a cave in a nearby mountain, it then began weeping for its lost sister," The Sage of Linphea answered. "The tears began forming a puddle which then became a pond flowing out the cave and up the cliffside, defying gravity and forming what is now known as the Water Stairway," 

 "A place where water flows backward?" Aisha pointed out, pondering how that was possible.  

 "Memories are what makes the Black Willow cry. That's why the tears can reverse the flow of time and change what has happened," The Sage of Linphea finished retelling the story. 

 "So if we can get some of the water-" Bloom said, stating her question. 

 "We can water the Faragonda Tree and turn back time!" Stella chimed, finishing Bloom's thought. 

 A lot was said, making it hard for me and I'm sure everyone else except for Tecna to understand what was going on. 

 "If we can bring her and the tree back to the moment just before the spell was cast, then we can free her!" I restated, tying in everything Stella, Bloom, and the Sage of Linphea said. 

 "You must hurry. If you wait too long, then Valtor's spell will be irreversible," The Sage of Linphea encouraged us to hurry along. 

 "Let's go," Emalia said as she turned to leave but stopped when she heard the Sage of Linphea's voice again. 

 "One last thing, you will need a goblet to collect the Willow's tears," The Sage of Linphea announced. 

Back at Cloud Tower, Darcy 

 I was alone in the office of Cloud Tower. Since I was alone thought about why Valtor picked Stormy to get the power boost instead of me. I pondered on the idea that maybe the power boosted matched heavenly with Stormy's magic, or he was testing Stormy's abilities with it. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking that Valtor gave Stormy that boost to divide my sisters and me. I would always push that thought away, but it would always come back. 

 One thing I knew for sure was that it was quiet in the whole school. I haven't seen Stormy or Icy since they both walked out the office door. Valtor was also nowhere to be found, which I'm assuming he is looking for another power to take. I walked over to the crystal ball that could show me any and everyone that I desired. I placed my hand over the crystal ball and stared into the crystal. 

 "Show me, Stormy," I ordered the crystal ball. 

 The crystal ball showed me, Stormy. Stormy was standing in a sunny and vibrant-colored place. I scoffed when I put two and two together to realize that Stormy did go to Linphea. 

 "That sneaky witch!" I growled. "Now show me, Icy,"

 The crystal ball dissolved the image of Stormy, and it began to show me Icy. Icy was also in the same scenery as Stormy, but she was surrounded more by trees and flowers this time. She was running after something until I realized again that somehow Icy was in Linphea too. 

 "I should have known. She'll be there too!" I cursed to myself. 

 I ran to the door of the office to exit. I have decided to go to Linphea and ruin Icy and Stormy's chances of foiling the Winx bugs' chance of saving Faragonda. 

 "If they think they can make a fool out of me, they better think again!" I said to myself as I used my magic to transport Linphea. 


 I have made it to Linphea. This place was sunny, too sunny for my liking. I don't see how anyone can live in a bright, happy place like this. Linphea is making me nauseous. I was lucky to spot Icy hiding behind a tree, spying on the Winx. 

 "You wanted them all to yourself, didn't you?" I barked at Icy, catching her by surprise when she turned around. 

 "Darcy!" Icy grumbled. 

 "What? You wanted to become Valtor's number one witch?" I looked down at Icy with my hands on my hips. 

 Icy got out of her hiding position and stood up so we could see eye to eye. 

 "I don't want to, Darcy," Icy lied. "I already am!" 

 "Yeah, well, we'll just see about that?!"

 I lunged at Icy, and I missed by Icy stepping to the side and grabbing my head to push me out of her way. I got my footing together to pivot back in the direction of Icy to attack her again. Icy and my hands touched as she pushed each other back with equal force. Icy sent some ice shards my way. To make those ice shards not harm me, I ducked as the fragments were stuck on the tree trunk. 

 I ran to Icy, catching her off guard again to swing my leg. Icy was swept off her feet, making this the perfect opportunity to push Icy. Icy fell to the ground with a hard thud. I jumped to Icy, but I landed on Icy's lower legs. Icy had kicked me off, propelling me in the air as it was my turn to kiss the dirt. Icy and I would have continued our fight until we heard the familiar voice of someone we both know.

 "What are you doing?" Stormy asked us with her arms crossed. "Come on, chill out, stop fighting," 

 "Don't you start telling us what to do!" Icy barked. "You think you're all that because Valtor gave you some new little power to play with?!"

 The fight with Icy and I ended with Stormy vs. Icy, and I began. Icy and I came together and fired our magic at Stormy. This knocked Stormy down since she was not ready for the oncoming attack. 

 "Oh yeah?!" Stormy grumbled, getting back on her feet again. "You want to see me play, huh?" 

 "Hmm," I hummed, putting my hands up to fight Stormy and, if I have to, Icy hand-to-hand.

 Icy stood next to me, getting her hands ready for the fight, as Stormy stood across from us. 

 "Hahaha," I laughed, which shocked Icy and Stormy. "I can't believe this!" 

 I continued to laugh, but this time harder than a few seconds ago. 

 "What's so funny?!" Stormy and Icy wondered simultaneously. 

 "We're fighting over some guy!" I grinned. 

 "Well, you're right," Icy grinned as well. 

 "Yeah, if we want to get rid of those fairies, we'll have to work together!" Stormy said in agreement. 

 Why did Stormy say something like that? It sounded like Stormy took a page of friendship out of Bloom's pathetic book of kindness. Stormy saying that is disgusting, and I don't know if she has been here for too long or if she talked to the Winx dorks personally. 

 "Stop it!" I declared to Stormy with a stank face. "You sound like Bloom," 

 "Well, we are friends," Stormy fired. 

 "Stormy, are you getting sentimental on us?" Icy questioned with a puzzled look on her face. 

 "Um, no, no, of course not!" Stormy rebuttal as she was leading the way to where the Winx was heading. "Let's go!"

The Water Stairway, Bloom 

 The Winx girls and I have made it to the Water Stairway! True to the Sage of Linphea's words, the waterfall did flow in the opposite direction. The Water Stairway was something out of one of my drawings or maybe a famous painter back on Earth. Lushes trees were on both sides of the waterfall. The vast collection of water was gathered at the bottom, and the water from the waterfall went up to the stairway's opening.  

 "The Water Stairway is one of the coolest things I've ever since!" I beamed in awe at the scene in front of me. 

 "The cave is supposed to be right behind it!" Flora pointed at the stairway's opening. 

 Flora led the way to the Water Stairway's opening as we walked on the wooden bridge. The rushing of the waterfall had gotten louder as we were close enough to touch the water. 

 "It's right over there?" Flora pointed to show the girls and me the end of our journey. 

 "Why does an entrance to a cave always got to behind some kind of waterfall?" Emalia questioned as she placed her hand under her chin to think. 

 "Who knows?" Musa shrugged her shoulders. 

 We continued to follow the path of the wooden planks until we could see the Black Willow tree. The Black Willow tree's leaves were down, covering the whole tree trunk. At the end of the Williow's leaves were droplets of water falling into a mini circle around the Black Willow. 

 "The Black Willow!" Aisha uttered. 

 "I'll go and collect some water," I said, about to walk closer to the Black Willow until Flora stopped me. 

 "If the tears of the Black Willow can turn back time and you touch the water," Flora stopped herself from explaining when Musa stepped in to say the rest. 

 "Time might turn back to you too, and you could become a kid again," Musa chimed. 

 "So, what do we do?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders. 

 "Girls, don't you remember what the Sage had said?" A recognizable kid voice got the Winx and my attention. 

 It was Miele! I thought Miele was on the ladybug flying home or already at home playing with her friends. How did she get the ladybug to fly her to the Water Stairway? What is she doing here? 

"Miele?!" Flora exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

 "You've got to get the water without touching it," Miele reminded us, not even answering Flora's question. 

 "Yes, that's right, a goblet can only pick up the Williow's water!" I remembered, thanks to Miele saying something. 

 "Allow me!" Stella gave the one-second finger. 

 Stella walked over to the rocks that were lightly stacked on the side. Stella picked up one of the rocks causing Aisha to hum out her confusion. 

 "A touch of Sun magic  should be enough to turn this stone into a Goblet of Shining Crystal!" Stella beamed as Stella used her sun magic to turn the rock into a crystal goblet.

 "Perfect!" Flora exclaimed. 

 Stella went over to the puddle of Willow's tears that weren't flowing upward into the waterfall. Stella opened the goblet's top. 

 "Careful not to touch the water!" Tecna reminded Stella as we watched her scoop the water. 

 Stella successfully got Willow's tears into the goblet. Stella was going to walk back to the group until surprise magic shooting from the sidelines knocked Stella nearly off her balance. Luckily, Stella caught herself, but she was unlucky that she had let the goblet full of Willow's tears out. The only thing that Stella saved was the goblet. 

 I turned in the direction of where the magic came from to see it was Icy, Darcy, and Stormy standing there. It was the Trix! I should have known they were the ones to send those Storm Harpies at us when we were traveling to the Sage of Linphea's residence! 

 "Trying to save Faragonda?!" Icy taunted. "Try saving yourselves first!" 

 "Y'all just love to follow us, don't you?" Emalia grumbled as she crossed her arms, highly upset. 

 "It feels us with so much joy to mess up your day!" Darcy evilly grinned. 

I thought this would be an easy task to retrieve the Willow's tears. I should have known whatever the Winx are at. The Trix won't be too far behind to try and ruin our mission. I watched Flora push Miele behind her so the Trix won't catch sight of her little sister and do something they would regret doing. 

 "Why you, Trix!" Bloom growled through her teeth.

"So, how did you like our little trick with the harpies?" Stormy sneered.

"Oh, we had a blast, and we'll do our best to return the favor!" Musa taunted back at Stormy.

"By tenfolds!" Emalia cracked her knuckles with a naughty smile on her child-like face.

Icy didn't want to talk anymore since she sent her Ice fragments toward Musa. Musa dodged the projectiles by ducking her head.

"Come on, girls!" I exclaimed. "MAGIC WINX!!"

"ENCHANTIX!!" Musa and Aisha shouted, activating their Enchantix transformation.

(A/n: Sorry for not again the transformation gifs, but you know Wattpad have a limited amount of add-ons for the chapter, and I need to save it for a particular fairy 🥰)


 "Emalia protect Miele for me!" I asked my friends as my eyes were glued on the Trix. 

 "Of course, Flora!" Emalia agreed. "Make sure you kick their butts for me!"

 The fight with the Trix is on. Bloom was the first to attack and send her magic fireballs at Icy. Icy deflected Bloom's fireball when she created her ice ball. Icy flew it at Bloom, and Bloom leaned back, dodging the spell. 

 "Hurry up, Stella!" Bloom yelled. 

 "Almost done," Stella uttered. "Keep them busy!"

 Stella went down to carefully scoop up some more of the Willow's tears. Once Stella got done scooping the tears into the goblet again, Stella stood up with a victorious smile. 

 "GOT IT!" Stella announced. 

 Icy growled, sending a flying ice ball toward Stella. Stella again missed the spell, but the goblet again fell out of the goblet. Since Stella missed Icy's attack, the tears of the Black Willow were frozen. Stormy shot her lightning magic at Musa, which Musa didn't have time to fly out of its way. 

Everything quickly fell apart, I tried to use my vine spell to get a hold of Stormy, but Stormy quickly broke the vines freeing herself. Icy had got Bloom encased in ice except for her face. Darcy had used her manipulative magic to make clones of herself surrounding Musa. Musa was bonded by some dark purple rope around her arms. Stella somehow got some more tears from the Black Willow, but Icy yet again shot her ice magic at Stella, which she missed again. Like always, the goblet full of tears poured out, and Stella tried to chase after the goblet, but she hit her head against the stump of a vertical wooden plank. 

 "What a pity!" Icy gibed as Darcy snickered along with Stormy. "Those water could have saved your precious headmistress!" 

 "We'll get more!" Bloom fired back. 

"I don't think so!" Darcy shook her head as she turned to Stormy. "Remember Griffin's Nature study class?" 

 "Yeah, how to natural ruin a perfectly natural environment!" Stormy smirked. "You've aced that one!"

 "Well, now it's your chance to show us how much of a scholar you are!" Icy egged Darcy on.

 "NOOOO!" I yelled, but that encouraged the Trix even more. 

 Darcy walked over to the edge of the sidewalk. Darcy began to use her magic, and the once clear blue tears of the Black Willow turned into dirty brownish-gray water. The Trix laughed at our misfortune as the leaves of the Black Willow turned brown, matching the tears. How could they do something like this to a beautiful sister tear that has been crying for eons after losing her sister to the Great Realm Fire?!

 I flew over to Darcy, and I pushed her head. Stormy growled and zapped her lightning at me. I didn't have time to dodge it, so I was hit by lightning, knocking me down to the ground. I heard footsteps running over to me. I faintly looked up to see it was the Trix. 

 "I love wiping out the goody-goody!" Icy jeered. "So long, Flower fairy!" 

 The Trix joined their magic to finish me off. I was going to move out of the way until I saw that familiar green, yellow, and white dress jump in front of me. I heard that sweet voice that is now laced with fear call out my name. Miele jumped in front of me, taking the hit of the Trix combined spell. 

 "MIELE!!" I yelled. 

 Miele landed in the water of the dying Black Willow tree. I reached out my hand for Miele, but she didn't reach for it. I growled at the Trix and sent my "Biggis Cobbler" spell on them. The flower spell grew out of the brown water and swallowed the Trix whole except for the feet. I heard Emalia activating her Enchantix transformation when I jumped into the water.

 I swam into the water, getting Miele. I watched as Miele was sinker deeper and deeper into the water until I was able to catch up to her. I used a protective spell and cast it around Miele. 

 "Miele, why didn't you go home?" I asked my little sister, joyful that she didn't turn into a baby. 

 "I wanted to see what would happen," Miele replied as she had a blank look on her face. 

 "I love you, my little blossom," I said sadly, knowing it would be my last time seeing her.

 I let Miele float up to the surface where the Winx girls were able to get her. As Miele was floating up, I was sinking into the seaweeds that began wrapping around me. I took my last breath until I felt life flowing through me. A green light enveloped me, and I felt a new wave of power within me!



(A/n: Wattpad needs to change these gif requirements to be in the chapter because it is getting on my nerves.)

I gazed down at myself and realized I was now an Enchantix fairy! My green eyes glanced around to see the once brownish-gray water of the Willow returned to its clear color of blue. I flew to the surface of Willow's tears. I smiled when I saw my friends and Miele safe and sound. The Trix, still standing, growled in annoyance that they didn't take me down! 

 I was sorrowful when I saw that the Black Willow tree hadn't returned to its vibrant color. I flew over to the Black Willow tree and sprinkled my fairy dust on it to uplift the spell Darcy had placed on it!


 I poured my fairy dust over the Black Willow, and it returned to its old self again! The branches of the Willow began extending themselves over to the Trix. They wrapped tightly around the Trix to make it hard for them to get out of the branches' grip. The Black Willow tree carried them over to the tears and threw them inside the tears. It serves them right! 

 I fluttered my wings to get down to the level of my friends and Miele. They all stared at me with amazement at my Enchantix form. 

 "Flora, you got your Enchantix powers!" Aisha was the first to speak. 

 "You look amazing!" Stella chimed. 

 "Thanks for saving my life!" Miele thanked me. 

 "Hey, you saved mine first!" I exclaimed to my little sister. 

 "Yeah, I guess I did!" 

 I flew closer to Miele as I smiled at her. I couldn't believe my sister would take a spell for me like that! I always thought that since I was the big sister, it would be my job to protect her. But I guess Miele being my little sister, can save me too!

 "You were brave, and I'm proud of you, Miele!" I smiled at my little sister. 

 "Hey, look!" Musa pointed over into the puddle. 

 Coming out of the tears of the Willow was the Trix, or should I say the pre-teen versions of the Trix! I laughed along with the girls as the Trix were bickering among themselves. Stormy tried to zap out her famous lightning spell, cursing me for turning them into pre-teens. It took Bloom walking over to the pre-teen Trix, scolding them to get the Trix running home to Valtor. Stella made another goblet and collected the tears, which didn't spill out this time. 

 The girls and I wished Miele goodbye once we took her safely home. Then the girls and I were on our way back to Gloomy Forest to see if the Willow's tears could reverse Valtor's spell on Faragonda. I called the Pixies to join us to see if the tears would work or not. Once the Pixies arrived, Bloom's task was to pour the tears on the Faragonda tree. 

 "I hope this works!" Bloom exclaimed. 

 Bloom poured the tears on Fargonda's roots, and a bright light appeared around the tree. I shielded my eyes from the blinding light until the light show was over. Once it was over, I glanced to see that the tree placement was Headmistress Faragonda! The girls and I cheered once we knew the spell worked and our headmistress was free from Valtor's spell. 

 "Thank you, girls!" Faragonda thanked. "I knew I could count on you!"

 "Welcome back, and we missed you!" The girls, Pixies, and I chanted together. 

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