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A/n: Hey guys 😅! I'm back from the dead 🤣😅! Happy belated Christmas, New Year, and all the other holidays you guys celebrate! I was trying to figure out how to end the Moon story, an Avatar, and The Last Airbender story. Then I was trying to figure out about this story, writing this story to incorporate some drama 😈! So shoutout to Julian_Wine_ for helping me with this chapter and KMilesXD for helping me tease about what will happen in this chapter and the subsequent book 🤗!  Sorry I was away for so long from this story 😞, but many personal things happened, which is not bad, but good.  

Gloomy Wood Forest, Bloom

 It was silent on the way back to Alfea. Nobody said a word, nor was a smile on our faces. Once the port opened to Alfea, everyone began bursting out crying, crying for Tecna. I was waiting for the joke or dream to be over. To see Tecna, digitally or magically appearing, saying it was a joke, I know what I saw. I saw Tecna give herself up to close the Omega Portal. 

The one that took the loss of Tecna the hardest within the Winx Club was Emalia. I think Emalia took it the hardest because the weight of the Winx Club's sadness took a toll on her. Emalia had her fist balled up. Violent tears ran down Emalia's face as her amber-orange eyes stared toward Cloud Tower.

Nobody could pick up the phone to at least call one of the Specialists to tell them to meet us at the Gloomy Wood Forest. I decided it would be best to inform the Specialists, especially Timmy, about the loss of Tecna to the Omega Dimension. 

 "Girls, we got to call the Specialists and tell them the news about Tecna," I said, wiping my tears even though more tears became falling after the wiped tears. 

 "Yes, Timmy must know about what happened to Tecna," Flora sobbed. 

 "I say we don't tell the Specialists at all, and we go to pay Valtor and the three wannabes Ancestral Witches a visit," Emalia growled as her fist was balling tighter in a ball, but she flicked her hands like it was hurting her. 

 "Emalia, it is only fitting to tell Timmy because soon he will figure out something is wrong when Tecna is not around!" Aisha said sadly. 

 "So, who's going to call the boys and tell them to come to meet us?" Stella questioned as she looked at each of the Winx girls. 

 "I'll do it since my voice won't crack, and Falen won't find it suspicious,"  Emalia said, magically making her phone appear in her hands. 

 Emalia began dialing Falen's phone number as she walked off so he or anyone else on the phone won't hear our cries in the background. I wondered how we would tell the Pixies, especially Digit, that Tecna was not with us anymore. Before the girls and I knew it, the Specialists appeared, walking into the eyesight of the girls and me. Once the Specialists saw the girls and me crying, their happy faces turned sour. 

 "Girls, what's the matter?" Helia asked once he took into account all our sobbing. 

 "Also, girls, where's Tecna?" Timmy asked, his voice faltering when he asked. 

 The girls and I went into detail about what happened to Tecna, from arriving at Andros and ending with Tecna's sacrificing herself to close the Omega Portal. It was hard to explain the story to the Specialists as recalling Tecna's last moments through our tears. I can sense the wave of sadness going through the Specialists, and it was hit even harder for Timmy.  

 "Tecna was a great fairy!" Flora cried, speaking of some word of encouragement about Tecna. 

 "She was brave and selfless!" Aisha chimed as she sobbed too. "She gave her life to save Andros!" 

 I wiped my tears as my blue eyes landed on Timmy. Timmy's fist was balled up like hot Emalia was earlier, and he gritted his teeth. I knew this would be challenging to explain to Timmy as Timmy is/was in love with Tecna. 

 "NO, I CAN'T DO THIS!!!" Timmy hollered. "IT'S NOT TRUE!!!" 

 "Come on, Timmy, hang in there," Riven said as his back faced the Winx girls and me like he didn't want to see the Winx girls and me crying. "Keep going, girls," 

 "Her eyes, there was so much hope in her eyes," I cried harder. 

 "Yeah, and do you remember when she tries to tell a joke?!" Musa sadly beamed through her tears. 

 "I wished I'd laughed more!" Stella cried harder. 

 I smiled as I recalled the time Tecna was trying to tell a digital joke, and none of the Winx girls got it. Tecna was furious that we didn't get the joke except for Digit, as she retaliated with, "Timmy will get the joke!". 

 "Me too," I replied with a teary smile. 

 "Emaila, do you have anything to say about Tecna?" Falen asked Emalia as silent tears rolled down her plump freckled cheeks. 

 "No," Emalia sniffled as she stared toward Cloud Tower. 

 "Huh?" Riven questioned. "Why not?" 

 "I don't have anything to say because I'm going to get Tecna back, and Valtor will tell me how to do it!"


 It was crazy of Emalia to think that Valtor would tell her how to get Tecna back! Emalia must be insane to think she could casually walk into Cloud Tower like she attended the school. Does she think she can handle the endless waves of Valtor's minions along with the Trix? Everyone was scared to say something to Emalia, especially when she looked like she could cast the most potent and nasty spell. I thought it was reckless for Emalia to believe she would go to Cloud Tower alone and fight those evil witches and warlock. I understand that Emalia is only feeling this way because the loss of Tecna is a shock, as everyone processes the loss of someone dear to them differently.

 "Emalia, you can't just go to Cloud Tower and expect Valtor or the Trix to be willing to let you inside and demand them to tell you how to get Tecna back?" Flora asked Emalia. 

 "I don't expect to be let inside so easily. I expect them to fight!" Emalia replied as she began walking towards Cloud Tower. 

 "Emalia, you can't take everyone down alone in Cloud Tower!" Musa exclaimed in worry. 

 "That is a wild idea and plan to act upon. Don't you want to think about it for a second?" I  asked, hoping to get Emalia to understand. 

 "I agree with Sky! Emalia, you are not being rational about it and are acting out of anger," Helia trying to sway Emalia to calm down as he placed his hand on her shoulders. 

 Emalia scoffed. I was growing worried about Emalia as I felt something was different about my destructive girlfriend. This funny feeling was concerning as Emalia continued to look or shake her hands like something was on them, but in my eyes, there was nothing. What is going on with her?

"Helia, I am being rational about this, I see my friends and I are hurting about the loss of our friend Tecna!" Emalia exclaimed. "That is as rational as it gets!" 

 Emalia's amber-orange eyes looked at Helia and then at his hand. Emalia gently moved Helia's hand from her shoulder. Upon contact with Emalia's hand, Helia jerked his hand away like his hand touched a hot stove. 

 "Helia, are you okay?" I asked as I gently held Helia's hand, but I didn't see scorching red skin, but Helia's hand seemed fine. 

 "Yeah, I'm fine," Helia winced, but his hand was okay. 

 "I'm sorry, Helia, my powers got the best of me," Emalia apologized. 

 Emalia held her head down, ashamed of what she had done. Helia told her that it was an accident and that accidents always happen. I glanced at Bloom and Flora as they nudged their heads over to Emalia. I walked over to Emalia, turning her around and steering clear of her hands. I tenderly moved a piece of Emalia's brown hair out of her way to see her face. 

 "Come on, Princesa, you got to heal properly," I said with a frown. 

 Emalia nodded as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. A steady flow of tears began pouring out of her eyes. I started walking Emalia to a secluded area for Emalia to pour her heart out over the loss of Tecna. We were halfway walking past the group when I felt the muscles in Emalia harder, like she didn't want us to move. Emalia looked at our friends with a teary smile as her eyes were glossy due to her tears. 

 "Tecna was a helpful and intelligent friend that would use her power of knowledge to help her friends!" Emalia continued to give her teary smile. "Brains over brawns!" 

 "What does that mean?" Riven asked, confused as to why Emalia would say that, and so was I. 

 "Tecna and I, as of lately, began having a playful argument of what was superior, and Tecna would always say brains were better than brawns and vice versa from me! In honor of Tecna, brains will beat brawns!" Emalia sadly chuckled.


 Tecna is not gone! I can feel it with every bone in my body that Tecna is out there in the Omega Dimension, trying to find a way out! I thought I had someone on my side that believed Tecna was okay and well, which was Emalia. I guess Emalia was going off a Mystic Anger Rage, and I think Emalia believes that Tecna is gone too. 

 "STOP IT!! TECNA IS NOT GONE!!" I hollered, tired of everyone acting like Tecna was wholly gone when she was not. 

 "Timmy, Tecna disappeared inside the Omega Portal!" Riven grabbed a handful of my Specialists uniform and lightly shook me. 

 "The gate's closed forever," Musa explained as she walked towards me. "There's no way -" 

 "NO, YOU'RE WRONG, ALL OF YOU!!" I hollered again as I cut off Musa. 

 I was going to run off until Riven had caught me mid-stride by my wrist. 

 "Timmy!" Riven called out to me, trying to reason with me. 

 "LET GO OF ME!!" I hollered. 

 I ran off from the group. My heart felt heavy, and it felt like I was losing all the sensations in my body. Tecna is not gone, is she? If Tecna is gone, why don't I feel how the other Winx diaries or Specialists are feeling? I need to be alone. 

 I sat on the bench that was in the courtyard of Alfea. I was one with the nature that surrounds Alfea's school grounds. The crickets were chirping through my thought process. Deep down in my heart, I know that I'm sure Tecna is not gone. My ears picked up some footsteps coming toward me. 

 "Timmy, you have to face reality," Riven said sadly as he tried to get me together, but he was falling apart. "I know it's hard, but-" 

 "Riven, you know how sometimes you can feel someone's magic vibe?" I asked Riven. 

 Riven sat next to me on the bench. He was going to say something, but Riven stopped himself like he was thinking about what I asked him. Riven, at that moment, thought for a second until his dark blue eyes stared into mine. 

 "Yeah, I think," Riven gave me a half smile. 

 "Well, I could always feel Tecna's, really strongly, and still do," I informed Riven. 


 Riven shook his head like he didn't want to hear anymore or that maybe it hurt him to listen to him speak this way about Tecna. Why am I wrong to think Tecna is still alive in the Omega Portal?

 "No, listen to me," I begged Riven until he looked at me seriously. "If she were gone, then there would be a void or emptiness all around me, but there isn't," 

 I stared at the sky as I explained my thoughts and feelings to Riven. The stars were shining in the sky, but they were dimmed. Then a shooting star or something soared past my vision as it went to the other side of the sky. 

 "I feel her," I said, still staring at the sky. "Tecna, I know you're alive, and I will find you!"

Alfea Courtyard, Serenity  

 I thought it was strange that the Winx girls came back into their dormitory with red-stained eyes and no Tecna among them. The Pixies and Kekipi looked at each other with confusion written on their faces, except for Piff as she was taking one of her famous naps. Before the girls could line up and address their news, Emalia called me over and took us outside the apartment. Soon I found myself and Emalia under the night sky, sitting on a bench in the Courtyard of Alfea. I took notes of Emalia's body language and behavior. 

 Emalia had her head down like she was ashamed. She had her head in her hands like she was trying to hide from something that was bothering her. I saw some drops of tears. Slip through the crevices of Emalia's hands as she began weeping. 

 "Emalia, what is wrong?" I asked as I gently flapped my pixie wings to sit in her lap while a few of Emalia's tears gently landed on my forehead like rain. 

 "Tecna!!" Emalia sobbed as I could understand her through her mouth being muffled by her hands. 

 Tecna? What happened to Tecna? Is the reason why Tecna wasn't with the girls because something terrible happened when they went away for Andros?

 "What happened to Tecna?" I asked, scared of the answer I was going to hear. 

 "Tecna ... Tecna is gone?" Emalia wept as her orange-amber eyes lost the familiar spark that I loved on my bonded fairy. 

 Tecna's gone? Tecna has to go home? Why would Tecna go home? What happened to Andros that caused a disagreement and for Tecna to be done with the Winx girls?

 "Gone? As in, Tecna went home back to Zenith?" I questioned as my face said it all. "Why would Tecna go back home?"

 Emalia sighed as her amber-orange eyes stared into my emerald-green eyes. That what I said was a pipe dream to Emalia. 

 "I wished Tecna would have gone home, but Tecna is gone off the face of the  Magix Dimension," Emalia mumbled. 

 "She is what?" I asked as I felt tears swallowing my eyesight. 

 "Tecna sacrificed herself to close the Omega Portal," Emalia wept harder as she hid her head in her hands again. 

 How could this happen? I felt like my world came crashing down. Everything made sense now. I understood why the Winx girls were crying. Why Emalia separated me from the rest of the Pixies and Winx girls? Was she probably afraid I would have said something about Tecna and her secret library research of Emalia's dreams? Either way, I looked over at the balcony door of the Winx Club's apartment. I can only imagine how Digit is taking the news of Tecna not being with us anymore. 

 I know Digit feels crushed about the information about her bonded fairy. I would feel the same way if Emalia somehow ended up in Tecna's shoes. Digit probably wished she could have done more for the Winx girls when they went to Andros. Digit is not the only one who will be hurt upon hearing the fatal news about Tecna. Timmy will be breaking too. 

 "Emalia, how will you tell Timmy about the news?" I asked sadly as I began wiping my tears. 

 "We already told Timmy about Tecna, and he was extremely broken about the news of Tecna," Emalia replied, sniffling. "Before Timmy stormed off to be alone, he believed that Tecna was still out there,"

 Why does Timmy believe that Tecna is out there? If Emalia's saying that Tecna sacrificed herself to the Omega Portal is true, then there is no coming back. The Omega Portal was hard to escape until Valtor and the Trix proved false. 

 "There is no way for Tecna to still be in the Omega Portal!" I cried. "By now, Tecna is a digital popsicle stick!" 

 Emalia gave me a sad chuckle as she leaned her head back to stare at the moon and stars scattered across the night sky. On Emalia's lips was a grin, a grin that seemed welcoming, but it was sad. It seemed like Emalia was torn between two ideas in her mind. 

 "Do you believe that Tecna is still out there ... in the Omega Dimension?" I asked, staring at my bonded fairy. 

 "I believe she is out walking around in the Omega Portal and a digital popsicle ... that's what a part of me is saying," Emalia replied, but then she looked at me with a sad gleam in her eyes. 

 "What is the other part saying?" 

 "The other is saying that Tecna is no more than a digital popsicle," 

 "Why do you believe so, Emalia?" 

 Emalia, with her hurt smile, beamed at me. 

 "It's a feeling that can't be shaken, and its most likely the case with Timmy,"

 Why does Emalia feel that way about Tecna? Before Tecna and Emalia's research project, the only Winx she was around was Bloom and Flora. The research of finding Emalia's parents did grow Tecna and Emalia closer. 

 "Do you assume that Timmy will reach out to you about Tecna?" I asked, sitting on Emalia's lap. 

 "I wouldn't put it over Timmy's genius brain to sniff me out on his new project on how to get Tecna back," Emalia replied hopeful tone. 

 "What if he asks you about your last moments with Tecna? Will you tell him?"

 "I would have no choice but to. In my eyes, Timmy will only try to remember Tecna the best way he knows how, and who am I to take that away from him,"

 I was going to ask Emalia another question until I heard the courtyard's door opening and closing. I glance in the direction of the noise to see my Pixie friends flying over to where Emalia and I are. They all had tears in their eyes and red eyes from crying. 

 "Serenity, come with us. We have to leave the Winx girls alone a bit to discuss some important things," Tune said as she wiped her tears and wrapped her arms around my shoulders like she was escorting me somewhere else. 

 "What about Emalia?" I asked, as I didn't want to leave her alone. 

 "Emalia will be fine," Chatta comforted me. "Emalia, you are needed in the Winx girls' apartment," 

 "Yeah, thanks for telling me, Chatta, and I'm on my way to the apartment," Emalia nodded as she swiftly got herself off the bench, but before she left, Emalia, the Pixies, and I a parting message. "You Pixies, be safe while the Winx girls and I talk, okay?"

 "We will," The Pixies and I replied together as the Pixies and Emalia parted ways. 

Winx Club Apartment, Flora 

 It was silent as the Winx girls and I was waiting for Emalia to get back into the apartment to have the most challenging conversation the Winx Club would ever have to have. The door to the apartment opened and closed. Then the door to mine and Bloom's room opened, revealing Emalia. She sat next to Bloom on her. It was quiet once Emalia sat down. Nobody said a thing to each other, but the silence was so loud, and it spoke volumes of the tension in the room.  

 "It's just not the same anymore, without Tecna," Bloom was the first to speak. 

 "Maybe we should call it quits?" Musa asked as she looked around at each of the Winx girls for confirmation. "You know, disband the club?"

 Disband the Winx Club? Disbanding the Winx Club sounds like a dream, sick joke, or spell that the Trix was trying to pull on us. It wasn't a joke or a spell that the Trix had placed, nor were they here to cast it on the group. This was the Winx Club's reality, and for some strange reason, it felt right. 

 "I hate to say it, but I agree," Stella agreed. 

 "Me too," I chimed. 

 "It's the right thing to do, guys," Aisha replied, sounding sad. 

 My natured-green eyes moved over to Emalia. Emalia didn't say a word but glanced at her hands that were in her lap. Then I saw something slightly flickered in Emalia's amber-orange eyes. It was like a mini flame that burned within her pupils, but the flame began slowly dying. 

 "Emalia, what are your thoughts?" I asked slowly. 

 "What does it matter? The majority rule is against my vote," Emalia said sadly. 

 "What is your vote?" Stella questioned. 

 "I vote for the Winx Club to stay together,"

 Silence again took over the apartment. I don't want the Winx Club to stay together. It will not be the same without Tecna. 

 "Come on, Emalia," Aisha pleaded. 

 "The Winx Club needs to disband because it's getting too dangerous, and we lost a club member," Musa pointed out.  

 "And this is nothing different than what we have been through for about a year and two years starting Alfea," Emalia also pointed out. 

 Emalia did have a point. We've been through a lot in the past two years fighting off the Trix along with their massive decay of army, Emalia being takeover by the Mystic Dragon not once, but twice, and then Darkar. But we kept all members within our two years at Alfea. 

 "Emalia, the Winx Club needs to disband. What's the purpose of being in a Club when one of its founders has sacrificed themselves to save a whole planet," I declared. 

 "Instead of disbanding the Club, we need to get back at Valtor, and the Trix are for kids witches!" Emalia growled as she clenched her fist in anger. 

 "Yeah, but before the group breaks up, there's one more thing we have to do," Bloom declared as her blue eyes had the famous flames dancing within her orbs. "

 "I agree with Emalia. We need to pay back Valtor!" Stella exclaimed. 

 "Yeah, we need to get rid of him for good!" Musa chimed. 

 "The Witches are going with him too!" Emalia beamed evilly. 

 I was going to say something until the door to the mine and Bloom's room opened. The person that was opening the door was Headmistress Faragonda. She must have gotten off the phone with Tecna's parents after we told her about Tecna's sacrifice. Headmistress Faragonda had a sad look on her face once her eyes caught sight of us sitting with gloom and anger on our faces.

 "Well, now, how is everyone doing?" Headmistress Faragonda asked as she had a sorrowful look on her face. 

 "Not good, but we'll feel better once we pay Valtor a visit!" Stella declared, speaking out of anger. 

 "Stella!" Emalia exclaimed, giving our friend the look of "shut up, you're speaking too much." 

 "Valtor needs to be stopped and punished, but you cannot strike in anger,' Headmistress Faragonda informed us as it was fallen on deaf ears. 

 "Do you expect us to just sit here after what he just did?!" Bloom exploded as she held her head to the side like she was scared to cry again, but no more tears came out of her eyes. 

 Headmistress Faragonda turned her head like she was feeling the same thing as Bloom until her eyes landed on something that got to deal with Emalia. I followed Headmistress Faragonda's eyes and saw it was on Emalia's hands. Her dark blue eyes widen like they have witnessed something horrific happen to Emalia. Then Headmistress Faragonda pulled herself together and began leaving the room. 

 "No, but I can't risk losing all of you," Headmistress Faragonda replied sadly. "You will stay on campus until further notice, while tomorrow we will hatch a plan," 

 Headmistress Faragonda closed the door of the apartment, one for mine and Bloom's room and another for the apartment itself. 

 "Sorry, Headmistress Faragonda, but the Winx girls and I already have a plan for Valtor!" Emalia beamed sinisterly. "The girls and I will have to sadly end the Winx Club with one last bang for Tecna!" 

 When I looked into Emalia's eyes, I felt something was going to go wrong. It will also have to do with the Winx Club's last fight as a group. 

~ Winx Club Intermission ~

Hello, welcome to the third installment of the Winx Club Intermission. I want you guys to take a break from reading this fantastic chapter to hear about the announcements I want to share with you guys 🥰! The first announcement is, please check out Julian_Wine_'s new Winx Club book called Winx Club Dragon's Flame! It's an excellent story, so give that book a good read 🥰! 

I would also love to say that A Baka's Podcast is back with a new video! If you love watching or reading about Chainsaw Man, please check out this week's new video! 


~ Winx Club Intermission Over ~

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter. I hope this ties you guys over until the end of this week, as I was be posting part 2 of episode 14 of the Winx Club.

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