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A/n: Hello, everyone! Sorry for the long wait .... again. I just wanted to say happy summer to everyone on summer break, and for those that are not, you only have a few ways to go, but I'll be rooting for you to get a break! Now the short intro is out of the way, let's get on to this week's chapter 🥰😁!!!!

Post A/n: I want to thank KMilesXD for helping me with the vision of this story. They have really helped me build this character along with other characters that you will meet soon and I will post their character profile for Emalia in the next chapter as I am totally in love with the profile. So, please if you have the time give thanks to KMilesXD for helping give you guys (the reader) a great chapter to look forward to as well as give me some helpful ideas and tips!!!

Post, post A/n: I want to thank you guys for the 9k reads and I'm glad this story has reached this milestone! So let's get to reading about your favorite characters and see what they are are up to in this chapter!!! 😊😄

Nightfall, Winx's apartment, Stella

Today was exciting but overall overwhelming. I was excited to see Brandon after the mean missed phone calls and text messages that he had yet to return. My heart ached when Brandon told Flora and me he was locked in Eraklyon's prison until Sky could free him. Speaking of Sky, I was happy he was Diaspro-free from her spell. But what made things stressfully was informing Sky that Bloom would not return until she gained her Enchantix powers. To add the icing to the cake was filling Sky and Brandon with everything they have missed since being in Eraklyon.

I can see the color of their skins drained when Flora and I told them that Tecna was lost in the Omega Dimension. The color of their skin completely vanished when we informed them that the Winx Club was no more. I felt sick recapping the critical events, but I wanted to cry. I missed Tecna, and I want her so we can be back to being the Winx Club again.

After catching up with Brandon, I was back in my world. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to catch some sleep, but I couldn't. My thoughts got the best of me as I thought about Bloom and hoped she would return stronger than ever. Not to mention, I have to continue living a life without the Winx Club. I will be forever haunted by the fact that Tecna is no longer with us. I turned over to see Aisha and Emalia sleeping soundly in their beds. The same could go for their bonded pixies, Serenity and Piff, but granted, Piff can sleep through anything, so that I will leave her out. Kekipi was even sleeping soundly in his bassinet bed.

I wondered how those two could sleep peacefully in their beds without care. Are they not worried about Bloom and her well-being? Of course, they do, especially Emalia, since she knew Bloom longer. What am I saying? I heard a bit of rustling coming from the other side of the room where Emalia was positioned. My eyes darted to the noise, and thanks to the window between Emalia's bed and mine, I could see it was Emalia turned over, now lying on her back. Emalia's amber-orange eyes were faintingly glowing under the light of the moon.

"Emalia?" I whispered into the quiet room.

"Yea," Emalia whispered back.

"You can't sleep either?"


"What about Aisha? Do you think she is asleep?"

Emalia lifted her upper half to her body from her lying position. Emalia silently answered by shrugging her arms. Emalia got out of her bed, quietly tip-toeing to Aisha's bed. Emalia peered over to see Aisha and she turned to Piff. Emalia made a sleeping gesture by putting her hands together and laying on her head on her hand like it was a pillow. I nodded my head as I watched Emalia climbed back into her bed. I was going to say something until I heard a strange sound.

Emalia and I slowly got out of our beds and into towards the door of our apartment. I inched my hand over to the doorknob of our room. I opened the door quietly as Emalia peek her head out checking to see anyone or anything strange going on in the living room. I guess when everything was cleared Emalia waved me silently gesturing me to follow her.

"Where did that noise come from?" I whispered to Emalia.

Emalia was going to answer until we heard that same noise again, this time coming from Bloom and Flora's room. Emalia and I gave each other a look already knowing who was making that noise. We knew it was Flora. I started the walk to Flora and Bloom's room as I was the first to open the door. Once the door was opened, I saw Flora laying on her bed with no bedsheets covering her like she was hot. When Flora saw that it was Emalia and I that came into her room, she sat up on her bed with her pillow in her arms.

"I can't sleep," I said as I walked into the room with Emalia following after me.

"Me neither," Flora replied as she lifted her head off her pillow so her knees can be pressed into her chest as a frown appeared on her face. "I just can't stop thinking about Bloom,"

Emalia sat on Bloom's unoccupied bed as Kiko came and jumped into Emalia's lap. Emalia tenderly petted Kiko as the silly now tired rabbit curled up into Emalia's lap. I took my place on Flora's bed. In the past few days everything has been going wrong. We lost Tecna, we had to break the news to Timmy and the other Specialists, we had to disband the Winx Club, and now Bloom is off in a world full of dragons just to get her Enchantix powers.

"Did I hear you guys speaking about Bloom?" Aisha popped her head into Bloom's and Flora's room.

I thought Aisha was asleep?!?!

"I guess you girls couldn't sleep either, huh?" Musa popped her head into Flora's and Bloom's room as she came inside the join the little group.

"If Bloom doesn't come back from Pyros-" I said, but got cut off by Emalia.

"Bloom is going to come back to Alfea safe and sound," Emalia as she continued to gently pet Kiko. "Whenever Bloom comes back from Pyros stronger than ever and she will have her Enchantix powers then we will welcome her with open arms!"

Despite Emalia gently petting Kiko, soothing him into a sleep, Emalia's words were slightly stern, but it left hope. I glance at Musa, Flora, and Aisha and they seemed content with what Emalia had to say. I did feel the weight of my heart being lifted a tiny bit, but it began to feel heavy as I couldn't help think of the worse after everything that had happened in a short amount of time with us.

"I agree with Emalia, we can't be thinking about the negative, lets' think positive," Flora chimed.

"It's easier said then done," I uttered as I got off Flora's bed strolling pass Aisha as she watched me go past her. "She's all by herself on that creepy island,"

I shivered at the thought of something horrible happening to Bloom and the girls and I couldn't do anything to save or help her.

"An island full of dragons," Aisha chimed with worry.

"I think Bloom was very brave to choose to go there!" Flora tried to fill the room with positivity.

"Let's take Emalia's words into account and hope for Bloom to come back stronger and help us defeat Valtor!" Musa came up to me and beamed as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Well let's all get to bed so we can wake up in the morning!" Emalia lightly smiled as she softly picked Kiko and placed him n his basket.

Flora laid back in bed while we all wished each other a good night and sweet dreams. Aisha, Emalia, and I went into our room and we climbed into our own individual beds. I laid my head on my pillow as I stared at the ceiling. I want to close my eyes, but one thought plagued my mind. I turned my head to see that both Aisha and Emalia were still up.

"Aisha and Emalia, do you guys think the Winx Club will be over?" I asked my best friends as they looked at each other then at me.

"No, Stella!" Aisha replied as she laid comfortably on her bed.

"We've been through a lot together, Stella!" Emalia gave me a small smile. "There's no way the Winx Club could ever end!"

Pyros, Bloom

I was teleported into Pyros. When I first entered Pyros, I was expected to see some dragons flying or walking around the land, but they were no where insight. I felt the intense heat of the volcanoes that was emitting into the air even though I was in the jungle portion of Pyros. I stared beyond the jungle and empty volcanoes land to see mountains in the distance. I can't believe this will be my new home until I'm able to find the dragon within me to unlock my Enchantix powers. I was going to survey Pyros some more until I heard the roar of a dragon. I searched up in the sky since I didn't see any on the ground, but my heart began pumping with fear as I sensed that the dragon was close by.

I heard the sound of my heart beat mixing in with the roar of the dragon. I feared that the dragon will my racing heart. I searched my surroundings as I heard the roars getting closer and closer to me. This felt like a game of hide and seek, but instead of a kind friend being "it", it was the dragon that is "it". I screamed at the top of my lungs when I felt a shadow looming over me. I turned around to see muddy brown dragon with orange stripes swooping down to attack me. I didn't move in time to get out of the dragon attack range as the dragon opened its' mouth and dived mouth first in the ground. I was knocked back onto the ground with a hard thud.

I slowly got to my knees as I groaned in pain. I turned my head in time to see the dragon flying over to me. I squinted my eyes as I know I need to do something to get this dragon to leave me alone. I put my hands together and created a fire orb. I thrusted the fire orb at the dragon having the dragon tumbling back. The smoke from my attack lingered in the air and acting as a shield to cover me. I got on my feet to wake away from the dragon, but I stopped when I felt the ground shake like an earthquake was going to happen.

I turned around to see that the dragon that I attacked had got back on its feet, but this time, it had invited some of its friends to join in the "fun". I watched as the green dragon that had just joined into the fight, roared while ordering the orange and purple dragons to attack me first. I ran from them when I saw that they were using their wings to fly. I thought Headmistress Faragonda said that dragons are territorial and they don't work together, it seems like a different story here. The purple dragon dived when it was close enough to land a hit on me. Before the purple dragon could land a hit, I flipped backwards high in the air using my wings to give me the boost to get out of the dragon's way.

I cheered once I was out of the dragon's line to attack, but it was too early to celebrate when I felt a hard smack on on my back. I fell down landing into the river with a huge splash. I was going to break to the surface when I thought this would be the perfect way to get the dragons to leave me alone. So, I held my breathe as I watched the purple dragon floating above the water to see where have I gone. I saw that the dragon dipped its head into the water trying o search for me there with orange smoke emitting out of its nostrils.

I smirked with my hands together once the dragon had finally found me. I must admit, it was funny seeing the dragon's intimated face turned into shock when it found me. I winked at the dragon as I shot his head out of the water, shooting its whole body into the river. I smiled until I felt it wasn't over just yet. I voiced my confusion when I heard a roar within the sky. I glanced up at the sky when I noticed that the green dragon that was ordering around the other two dragon coming for its turn of defeat.

I swam out of the river with a quickness. I reached the ledge of the river and climbed out running. I turned to look at the green dragon as it was now where I was floating at the edge of the river. I watched the green dragon opened its mouth and I could see red, orange, and yellow sparks forming around its mouth. That's when I knew that the green dragon was going to shoot a fire blast at me. My eyes widen as I tried to run faster to get out of the dragon's range, but I nicked by the flames of the dragon. I was knocked to the ground, but there was a hole in the ground. I fell on within the dark hole screaming. Now, I kind of regret coming to Pyros.

The next day, Red Fountain, Sky (We're finally hearing something from him after that situation with Diaspro 🙄 but I and the fandom still love you .... to a certain degree to some 😂)

I sat on my bed with Riven, Brandon, and Falen surrounding me. Saladin just left the room. Saladin wanted to check on Timmy after we had to inform him on why Timmy was locked into the dorms and were not attending classes since it was strange that Timmy was missing classes. All four of us had to lie to Saladin that Timmy was doing fine when I know that what were saying was the opposite of what is actually going on with Timmy. Brandon, Falen, and I were going to talk about how to get Timmy out of the funk of losing Tecna and being cooped up in the dorms coming up with ways to get Tecna back, until Timmy came into the room with some new device in his hand that he made. Timmy had a huge smile on his face when he walked into the room. I had the look of sorrow while Falen, Brandon, and Riven had the look of discomfort.

"Hey guys, I figured it out!" Timmy cheered as he walked into the room holding some device that had some sensory wires dangling. "I know how to find Tecna!"

"Timmy," I mumbled under my breathe as Timmy walked closer to the group to show off his new invention.

"You have to see this!" Timmy beamed as he seemed this is the happiest he has ever been since getting to the horrible news about Tecna. "I have upgraded the satellite locator by adding an emotional sensor!"

"How are you able to find Tecna with that thing?" Falen squint his eyes confused how this new machine Timmy had created is supposed to find Tecna.

"All I got to do is program Emalia's negative energy and dark powers into the machine and then I'll input Tecna's emotion into the system and the machine will find Tecna!" Timmy beamed as he stared at his new machine.

"Saladin was just here and he wanted to know how you were doing, Timmy," Brandon informed Timmy.

"He's worried about you," I had got off the bed and placed my hand on Timmy's shoulder which had his attention on me.

"We told him that you were okay, but to tell the truth, we're not so sure," Riven declared.

I could see the smile wiped off Timmy's face. I hate to be this way with Timmy, but he knows just as well as I know that Tecna is lost forever in the Omega Dimension.

"I'm fine, alright!" Timmy replied as I could sense that he was getting frustrated as he was walking towards the big window of the room. "I know I haven't been acting logically lately, but I have this strong feeling that Tecna is still out there and I'm not the only one that feels this way!"

Riven shrugged his shoulders kind of questioning the statement that Timmy is fine. Riven, Brandon, and Falen formed a line around me as we stood and watched Timmy through the reflection of the window. It's sad that Timmy is acting this way. Timmy is not acting like himself for sure, usually Timmy is a guy that will not act based off feelings. Timmy will only take part into an impossible mission if the data or results have a clear indication that the impossible mission is a success. And for Timmy to work on this machine with no data to support the fact that Tecna is alive is worrisome. The only thing that is holding Timmy's suspicions of Tecna being alive is his feelings along with Emalia's clear vindication that Tecna is out there.

"She's gonna try and get in touch with us," Timmy continued on with his little rant as he turned and raised one of the sensors up for everyone to see. "All I have to do is find a way to get the sensors to recognize Tecna's emotional essence and then I'll find her, but I'm going to need some help,"

"Hmmm, sorry, Timmy," Riven apologized. "I've got to study for that Advanced Rescue Exam,"

"I've got detention, I've broke curfew last night to hangout with Stella," Brandon had an apologetic reaction on his face. "Sorry, buddy,"

I glanced over at Falen as he had glanced over to me. Riven and Brandon are not able to help Timmy and I could see the sad gleam twinkling in Timmy's eyes as he had darted his brown eyes between Falen and I. Even though I still believe that Tecna is lost into the Omega Dimension, I still want to help Timmy however I can with his mission to get Tecna back. Timmy was there for me in my time of need so I'll do the same for him!

"Count me in, Timmy!" I smiled.

"I hope you have room for one more!" Falen cheesed placing a hand through his hair.

"Great let's get started!" Timmy beamed.

Cloud Tower, Darcy

My sisters and I were in the office of Cloud Tower just relaxing. Stormy was laid out in the chair with her legs crossed and hands behind her head like she soaking the summer's sun on a beach. Icy was sitting on the desk that used to belong to Griffin as she her legs were crossed checking out her long icy blue nails. While I was sitting just relaxing as I watched Valtor. Valtor was in the office too pacing back and forth mumbling about something under his breath. Even in a low volume of tone, I heard him mentioning something about Emalia. I glanced over at Icy and Stormy, but they didn't catch on to what is happening.

I am so sick and tired of Emalia coming into the the picture and stealing the heart of the guys I have a crush on. The first was Darkar and now Valtor. I don't mind competing with Stormy and Icy over Valtor since I know Valtor will love me more than those two since I am the smartest and evilest sister out of the three of us so its a no brainer as to why Valtor wouldn't fall for me. But that pesky little wannabe dark fairy keeps getting in the way.

"Why am I unable to morph?" Valtor asked himself under his breath as he was continuing pacing back and forth trying to find a solution to his own problem.

"What's it matters if you can't?" Stormy questioned with her eyes closed as she was still laid back in her chair.

"If I am unable to morph, I'll never be able to infiltrate the Primary Dimension and I need that power to conquer Magix," Valtor explained as he continued his pacing.

While Valtor was explaining why him morphing is so important, I noticed that Icy and Stormy were not listening to a thing Valtor had to say. Stormy was yawning loudly over Valtor without a care in the world about how she came across to Valtor despite her asking him a question and Valtor kindly answering it for her. Icy wasn't giving Valtor her undivided attention as she continued to check out her nails with a smile on her face. My sisters are so rude and they wondered why Valtor took their special powers away from them?

"Well, I can help you!" Icy beamed as she took her attention off her nails and giving it to Valtor.

Maybe Icy was listening after all.

"I've been searching for a solution all day," Valtor ignored Icy's offer to help him which I found secretly funny when Icy lightly hummed in annoyance. "But I just can't seem to be able to focus intensely enough so many distractions,"

I wonder if one of those distractions, Valtor is mentioning is Emalia? He kept mumbling her name under his breath and I wonder why is that wannabe dark fairy is on Valtor's mind. But for now, I'll play it cool until I can figure out a reason on why Valtor is speaking about Emalia.

"Oh, you're probably just tired," I declared as I got out of my chair and walking over to Valtor to place my hand on his shoulder which got his attention. "Trying to become the greatest wizard of all time is hard work!"

I gently rubbed Valtor's shoulder as his cold steel blue eyes were on me as he turned his head to get a look from me. I knew this is my chance to win Valtor's heart something that Stormy, Icy, and even Emalia couldn't do!

"Try conquering another world, it'll relax you!" I beamed as I came up with this clever idea.

"I think that is a great idea!" Valtor praised me as I smiled at him. "You really get me Darcy!"

Valtor used his magic to make a map of the planets that inhabited the Magix Dimension. I see the planets were drawn in dark blue ink on the map. My green eyes scanned across the map to find the perfect planet that will perfect for Valtor to take over. My eyes widen at the sight of Planet Chill! It will be an easy catch fro Valtor to conquer that will help ease his mind and stir away from thinking about his distractions and Emalia altogether!

"See this planet?" I asked Valtor pointing to Planet Chill on the map. "That's where you need to go!"

I smiled as I turned my attention from the map to Valtor. I watched through Valtor's eyes as he quickly analyze and took in what I had to say. It was so cute seeing Valtor act this way based off what I am telling him! He is so considerate!

"You'll have the chance to take their magic, chill out, and you'll come back ready to rumble!" I placed my hand on Valtor's shoulders as I went from one side to the other.

I placed my index finger under Valtor's chin as he closed his eyes with a slight grin on his face like he loved the attention and my ideas, I was giving to him. I was going to use this opportunity now that I have finger under Valtor's chin that I could get a kiss from him, but he snapped his head away from my touch. When Valtor did that, I was snapped out of this trance that I had placed on my own self.

"Right, Planet Chill," Valtor had his eyes on the map as they stared into the picture of Planet Chill. "That's where I'm headed,"

Valtor pressed his index finger onto the picture of Planet Chill on the map. A bright light had emitted from the paper, nearly blinding me as I covered my eyes from the sudden blinding rays. Through my shielded eyes, I see the the bright rays enveloped Valtor's body as he transported himself to Planet Chill. The bright light was gone which left Icy, Stormy, and I in the office of Cloud Tower.

"Huh?" I questioned how fast Valtor can up and leave me like that.

"No, but really, how could he listen to you?" Icy questioned me as she walked over to me with a not so nice expression on her face.

"Hey, you heard what he said, 'I'm the one that really gets him'" I replied with a huge smile on my face.

"You two are really pathetic!" Stormy declared surprising Icy and me.

I completely forgot that Stormy was still in the room with Icy and I based on how quiet she was. Icy had turned around to see Stormy still sitting in her chair relaxing. How can Stormy say that Icy and I are pathetic when she was the most pathetic one out of all three of us. Isn't she the same sister that was acting nice eating that awful lunch combo because of Valtor put a spell on her and Stormy wasn't even strong enough to break it?

"You're practically throwing yourselves at him!" Stormy exclaimed as she was she relaxing in her chair. "Just to get a teeny wee bit of attention!"

"Who are you to talk?" Icy and I spoke in unison as we both at a smirk on our faces.

Stormy scoffed shooting her eyes opened. That statement caused Stormy to bolt herself out of the chair she was sitting at, knocking the poor chair on the ground.

"Oh, get real!" Stormy declared as her fist was balled up. "I am so totally over him, it's not even funny!"

Icy turned and looked at me with a smirk on her face as I had one that could match. Icy and I took a second before we both ended in a laughing fit. Icy and I both know that if Valtor was still paying Stormy any attention then she will not be saying this! Stormy scoffed again, but this time she rolled her eyes with her arms crossed.

Back to Pyros, Bloom

I was knocked unconscious when I had took that fall into this pit thanks to that green dragon that was chasing me. I opened my eyes and realize that I was surrounded by white light. I searched around and I didn't see anything that was familiar or out of place where I was at.

"Where am I?" I asked myself as I turned around and heard my voice echoing a bit. "I'm lost,"

Since my voice is echoing a bit, I have declared that I was inside my mind. I walked a bit until I saw a bright orange light that formed into the image of my older sister Daphne! Daphne had a smile on her face. I haven't saw Daphne in a while since the last time, I can faintly recalled seeing her was at the first of the year when I attended Alfea.

"Bloom, remember where you come from and you'll know where you are going!" Daphne gently said to me as she disappeared mid sentence.

I turned around as I heard Daphne's voice was not in front of me anymore, but behind me. My blue eyes were met with the image of Daphne again. Daphne floated over to me so that we're face-to-face. My skin felt the tender orange rays that radiated off my Daphne's body. I wished I could stay under that rays for a long time, but I know I must get back to my friends as I know they are worried sick about me and are awaiting for my return.

"I'm here to get stronger," I informed my older sister. "But I don't know how,"

"Look within, find the dragon," Daphne replied kindly.

"Which dragon?" I asked her confused by what she meant by find the dragon as I saw three dragons outside of my mind.

"Your dragon,"

Daphne's image had left me alone, before I could ask her how to find my own dragon. I was left alone with a shocked expression as I was alone in the white blank place, I called my mind.

"Wait!" I begged Daphne even though it was too late to stop her from leaving me. "Where do I look?"

I was thrusted out of my mind as I was woken to the real world gasping. I searched around and see that I was still in the fallen pit. I was left shocked again when my eyes were met with another pair of eyes staring into m,y eyes so kindly. The second pair of eyes that was staring back at me was a light green dragon. This light green dragon was different from the other three dragon, I had encountered upon stepping foot on Pyros. The light green dragon was tiny, so tiny that it can fit in both of my hands just find. This dragon had a friendlier appearance to it as it had big brown eyes as the dragon used his small dragon wings to float so we were at eye level with each other. The little creature reminds me of a stuffed animal that I would see in Magix or back on Earth at the stores. How is this little thing able to survive the rough terrain and residence of Pyros?

I screamed at the poor little dragon causing him to scream back at me in fear. The tiny dragon used its tiny wings to fly to a few inches away from me as I can see its small scaly dragon body trembling with fright. The little dragon had its tiny hands covering his head like I was going to harm it, which kind of made me calmed down seeing the poor thing act this way because of my action.

"Who are you?" I gently asked the tiny dragon causing it to turn around and face me.

"I'm Buddy!" Buddy introduced himself with excitement despite me scaring him not too long ago.

"Hi Budddy, nice to meet you, I'm Bloom!"

I smiled at Buddy. I can sense just by speaking with him that he was a friendly dragon. Actually, I'm find of surprised that Buddy can talk sense he is a dragon. So, far all the dragons I have encountered can only roar and attack me.

"What are you doing on Pyros?" Buddy asked me.

"Well, I'm a fairy and I'm here trying to get stronger, I guess," I replied with a slight shrug of my shoulders.

"How are you doing to do that?"

"I don't know yet,"

I took my eyes off of Buddy and stared at the ground. Buddy asked me a good question, how could I get stronger? Daphne told that in order for me to get stronger then I need to find a dragon, my dragon. How can I find my dragon when Daphne left me hanging. It seems like I'm going to be staying here longer than I thought. On the bright side, at least I have a friendly dragon that I can talk to while I try and search for my inner dragon.

Back to Red Fountain, Timmy

Riven and Brandon had left the dorms to do their respective activities that they had to do leaving Sky, and I to try to find Tecna. Falen had went out to collect Emalia so I can use her powers for the machine can recognize the dark energy that surrounds the Omega Dimension. I was sitting at my computer as I hooked the sensory plugs into the computer. Sky was standing behind my chair, leaning to get a closer look at what I was doing and at the computer screen. I see that my computer is getting a reading of my sensory wires as I had a glove on my left hand. Once my computer said it had correctly read my sensory glove then I pushed the on button, starting the glove up so it can function on the computer screen.

The door to the dorms opened revealing a small fit of laughter coming from the door. Sky and I turned to face the door to see it was Falen and Emalia. They were holding each other hands with a huge smile on their faces. Emalia had her hair in her usual two low pigtails as she wore a dark cropped gray tiny cardigan with a light brown or nude brown colored short dress. Emalia had the matching dark grey socks that stopped above her knees and she wore some beige colored over the ankle boots.

"Gentlemen, I brought the most beautiful test subject for our "Let's Find Tecna" Plan, Mi Princesa Emalia!" Falen beamed as he gave Emalia the Royal introduction.

"Falen, stop it!" Emalia blushed covering her cheek with her free hand. "You've been flirting with me on the way here!"

"I can't help it, Princesa!" Falen pecked Emalia's pink blushed cheek.

"It's Seu Rainha, to you!" Emalia teasingly push Falen back as she walked further into the room. (Translation: Your Queen)

Emalia's amber-orange eyes danced across the room and she took a little twirl to see everything the room has to offer. Sky and I watched Emalia as her eyes landed on the both of us.

"Is something the matter, Emalia?" Sky asked as he was leaning his lower back on my computer desk.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised that your room is clean is all!" Emalia replied as she walked over to us, but stopped when something came to her mind. "Wait who room is this?"

"It's mine and Falen, why are you asked?" I asked Emalia as I slightly turned my head back to the computer screen to see everything is ready to go.

"I thought when Falen told me that I'm going to enter the dorm room of the top Specialists in Red Fountain, I thought I was going to see a messy room,"

"Are you saying that because we are men?!" Falen asked surprised.

"Yes, but actually you are boys, but that's neither here or there!" Emalia slightly beamed as Sky laughed.

"If you want to find the messiest room then you need to look at Brandon and Riven's room!" Sky mentioned as he laughed. "There room is the perfect description of what you are thinking about Emalia!"


"You bet, clothes hanging and thrown everywhere," I brought up with a light smile.

"Different pounds and sets of weights lingering around on the floor," Falen chimed.

"Not to mention school books, snacks, and other things scattered across the room, which I do not know how they find things!" Sky laughed.

I heard the sound of laughter erupting in the room which was drowned out by my thoughts. I looked at the computer's green filtered screen to the point I was seeing my reflection. I wondered if I will ever find Tecna alive and well. The fear was eating at me for the first time since I devoted my time trying to find ways to get in contact with Tecna. What if everyone is right? What if I couldn't not find Tecna within the Omega Dimension? What if how Emalia and I felt about this situation were wrong? So many doubts continued to pick itself at me, eating quickly away at my confidence to find her.

All the doubts began to quickly flew away just as they entered my head when a hopeful hand was placed gently on my shoulder. I glanced to see it was Emalia standing on the left side of me with a kind smile on her face. Emalia was the first person in the group to think that Tecna was still out there trying to find her way back to everyone. If I can't find Tecna for me then I need to find Tecna for Emalia's sake. It's funny how a dark fairy of darkness and destruction can leave so much hope and determination in me based off one simple action.

"No worries Timmy, we're going to find Tecna!" Emalia kindly beamed at me.

"You're right, let's get started!" I smiled, nodding my head signaling I was ready to go.

A few moments later

Everything was running smoothly with the machine. I had Emalia inserted her dark powers into the system so the system can get an idea of the surroundings people that were locked within the Omega Dimension. The system had successful gave out a green filtered landscaped image of the Omega Dimension. Everyone cheered when the "SUCCESS" in big green font appeared on the screen.

"I had uploaded a picture of Tecna, so the locator knows what she looks like," I informed Falen, Sky, and Emalia. "Now I have to make it understand who she is,"

"Go for it!" Sky encouraged with a smile.

"Estou ficando com fome!" Falen spoke in his native tongue which I understood being dorm mates for long, he was saying that he was hungry. (Translation: I'm getting kind of hungry!) "Do anybody want anything to snack on?"

I was going to decline until I heard my stomach rumbling. I raised my hand along with Emalia's hand flying after me. I glanced over to Sky and his hand was up too.

"Great everyone is on the same page, I'll go get us some snack and something to wash it down!" Falen beamed as he was about to go until he stopped to look at Sky. "Sky, you wouldn't mind helping me do you?"

"Of course not!" Sky smiled as he walked out of the room with Falen.

This left Emalia and I alone in the room. It was silent between us which didn't feel uncomfortable. I even thought it was going to feel awkward since Emalia and I have never talked alone without the presence of Falen and the others.

"Emalia?" I called out to my friend's girlfriend breaking the silence between us as she hummer signaling that I got her attention. "What were you're last moments or memories that you have of Tecna?"

"My last moment with Tecna was actually right before she gave herself to close the Omega Dimension portal," Emalia nodded her head. "Tecna and Digit were in the library with me trying to find a to decipher what my parents left in my dreams while trying to find them. What are your last memories of Tecna, Timmy?"

"The last memory, I have of Tecna is when we were out talking about Quantum Physics and discussing about creating portals to uncharted dimensions and worlds!"

Emalia chuckled as she again nodded her head. She held her head down with a tight knitted smile on her face. Emalia is probably thinking that Tecna and I would talk about something like that. She held her head up so I can see her face and I said a tiny twinkle in her eyes of pure happiness. Again, silence fell between the two of us as I got the computer ready for the next stage of locating Tecna.

"So, Timmy what is the next step?" Emalia asked kindly, this time it was her turn to break the silence.

"I just got to put in some information about Tecna so the system can find her," I replied with a nod.

I searched quickly through my mind about the things I know about Tecna. I smiled when I began typing on the computer the basic information that I know about Tecna.

"Tecna got an IQ of 150, she excels at math, she's also the senior member of the Techno Magic Society," I jotted down into the computer, I looked at my sensory glove as the steady beating sounding like a heart monitor hasn't showed any sign of reacting to what I was putting into the system. "It's not working,"

"How do you know that?" Emalia asked as her eyes went from the screen with Tecna's loading image onto me.

"If it was working then Tecna's image would send me back an emotional impulses," I stared at my glove in wondering how can I get this device to zone in on Tecna.

Emalia sighed as she turned her head to the window getting the view of the Gloomy Forest then back at me. Emalia scooted her chair closer to me like she was going to tell me a secret.

"Timmy, you're the only person that is capable of finding Tecna," Emalia informed me with a pleading look on her face. "Tecna will never come back home if you don't truly describe Tecna's nature or how she makes you feel,"

"How Tecna makes me feel," I said to myself and then a wave of emotions at flooded within me. "Tecna is my friend,"

I looked at Emalia as I was searching to see if what I said was the right thing. Emalia nodded with a huge smile on her face as she waved her hand encouraging me thing of saying more. Even though I felt this wave of emotions, it was hard for me to type into the system of my feelings for Tecna.

"Um, she is a nice girl and a wonderful person," I said typing into the system and nothing pulled on the computer screen.

"I'm loving what you are saying Timmy, truly I do, but I believe you feel that Tecna is more than a friend and the basic things you listed in the computer," Emalia encouraged. "Don't be afraid to dig a little deeper!"

"How am I suppose to do that?" I asked.

Emalia smiled at the question which turned into a little chuckle.

"Just how you can dive deep to find a solution to create this machine to find Tecna!" Emalia smiled.  "If you can't find the emotions you need to find Tecna, I know someone who can!"

The door to the dorm opened as I heard the shuffling of noises from the back. I know it was Sky and Falen coming in with the snacks and drinks. Emalia had got out of her chair, but not before telling me that I got it and that I'll be able to find Tecna. Emalia went over to help Falen and Sky put the stuff down while I stayed at the computer looking at the loading image of Tecna on my green filtered computer screen. I took a moment to take a deep breath and focused on my thoughts about Tecna.

Planet Chill, Valtor

I arrived on Planet Chill. The sun was shining and casting its warm rays on the buildings that housed the people of Chill. The sound of birds chirping kept ringing in my ears which was annoying. I squinted my eyes at the nearby bird that was chirping loudly in my ear. Then the tiny bird at the nerve to hop itself over to me still chirping trying to be friendly to me. I shot a blast of magic at the bird as I laughed and walked off to take over Planet Chill. I noticed that I was on a high hill of Planet Chill where I can get a clear view of everything that is going on in this relaxing planet. One side I saw a little boy whistling the bird's chirping tune and on the other side of the boy where the trees divide him and the place of interest that I was searching for!

"There it is, the source of magic!" I said to myself as I jumped from the hill and onto the ground where that source of magic was being protected.

The magic that needed was surround by four blue mediated monkeys. The monkeys were dressed like they were ninjas wrapped in dark blue clothes as their faces looked like they had the scarf to cover their faces. The four monkeys were on each side of the fountain like they were protecting the rushing fountain on all fronts. The wind chimes jingled within the small breeze that blew creating a pleasant sound that pleased my ears. But it is too bad that, this peace will be ruined once I defeat these monkeys and take the source of magic back with me in my possession.

"If a monkey fall into a fountain does it make a sound?" I asked the monkey when I landed right in front of him as he opened his eyes and glared at me. 

The monkey didn't reply to what I just said. The monkey ran up to me without making his footsteps be heard. The monkey groaned when he pulled his sword out of its sheath to use it against me. That was a foolish move that he did that will cost him his peace within this world. I raised my hand with a smirk on my face as I was going to get my answer to the question that the monkey rudely ignored.

"Let's find out shall we?!" I proclaimed as I shot a blast at the monkey knocking him back in the rushing fountain ringing the wind chimes, but he didn't make a big splash like how I thought he would. "I guess my theory was somewhat wrong!"

I laughed until I saw the monkey ninjas three friends jumped to have their turn to get shot into the fountain. The ninja monkeys got into their fighting position as they stared at me. I thought they would of learned from their friend getting knocked back to just surrender peacefully and let me take their magic. But the famous saying goes about monkeys, "monkey see, monkey do." All the monkeys did something I never thought they would do which was attack all at once. That was a smart idea if I was an amateur at magical combat.

The monkey with a sword jumped up in front of me as I used that same magic spell that I used on his other friend to give him the same fate. Another monkey that was in blind spot jumped, but this one didn't have any weapons on him which was dumb, but I quickly took off my coat and threw it in his face. My thrown coat took the monkey by surprised as it blinded his vision and he fell face first into the ground. The last monkey just ran while loudly grunting rhythmically like he was sounding the alarms. I'm going to assume he was sounding the alarms as a few more ninja monkeys came out to make themselves known in the fight.

The monkey that was running up to me came close he pulled his sword out and swung at me which I dodged by moving to the opposite direction of his sword was swinging. I leaned down and grabbed the monkey by his clothed rope tied ankles and flipped him so he can land hard on his side. The monkey that I had just took down groaned in pain as I smirked until I a felt a rough hand hit my back. The rough hand at pushed me down to the ground and I quickly got back on my hands and knees to see another monkey with a sword was running up to me. The monkey with the sword tried to jab me with the sharp blade but I dodged it by rolling on the ground. This happened two more times with our dance "I'm going to jab my sword into your direction, but to only have you rolled to the side of the sharp blade."

I rolled over one last time and shot him an magical orb that knocked him into the rushing fountain. The fountain had blew up on impact of my magic as the pillars that was holding the magical wind chimes were left vulnerable, now that I defeated all the ninja monkey. I watched over to the remaining of the fountain that held the magical wind chimes. I smirked when I knew that the magical wind chimes powers were mine to use to take over Magix. I held the palm of my hand and cast the magical absorption spell. I watched in amusement as the magic oozing out the chimes and into my body as I felt stronger than before! Once I got every once of magic out the chimes, the wind chimes fell off the pole and onto the ground in broken pieces.

I began mediating like those ninja monkeys as the blue sky turned a ugly color. I heard the little boy that was whistling along with the tune of the chirping bird throw rocks at it telling it to be quiet or leave. The lady that I forgot to mention who was happily decorating the furniture in her house began floating after her as she ran out of the house in terror. Explosions began going off behind me while I was content with this type of noise. While there was me. I was in peace while Planet Chill turned to Planet Chaos.

"It's a good day to take over the Planet Chill!" I snickered to myself that turned into an evil laugh.

Back to Pyros, again, Buddy

"I don't know why I couldn't take down those Wyverns?" Bloom exclaimed as she was pushing the thick green bush leaves out of the way.

Bloom and I had encountered some dragons on the way to find my parents. Bloom was somewhat holding her own as I was hiding since I couldn't defend myself against some fully grown dragons.

"To beat a dragon, you've gotta be a dragon and use your fire!" I informed Bloom as she was pushing through the thick leaves.

"How does one become a dragon?"

"Easy!" I said excitedly. "Follow me!"

I landed on the ground and began walking on my two hind legs. I walked with my head held high. I heard Bloom's footsteps on the side of me. I can tell by her footsteps that she was walking just to walk. I had stopped myself to give Bloom some tips on how to walk in the way of the dragon.

"No, see, you can't just walk," I instructed Bloom with my scaly hands on my hip.

"But that is what you are doing!" Bloom exclaimed as she looked down at me.

"You have to walk like a dragon!" I began showing Bloom again how to walk in like a dragon. "Here, watch!"

I walked again. I walked with my head held high and with confidence. I continued my demonstration until I heard the sound of giggling. I turned to see it was Bloom giggling with her hands covering her mouth. What did I look cute while I walked?

"Now you try it!" I encouraged Bloom.

I watched Bloom imitation on how to walk like a dragon and seemed so unsure of herself. She was slightly swaying side to side while holding her arms out like they were to represent her wings if she actually a dragon.

"Come on, walk like you mean business!" I hollered to Bloom which caused her to stop.

I moved my eyes over to the another dragon that walks on all fours with no wings on their backs, another type of dragon species that inhabited Pyros. I pointed to the four legged dragons that couldn't fly as Bloom's blue eyes followed my sharp finger to see what I was seeing.

"See those guys over there? You've got to show them who's boss!!" I pointed over to those dragons that were minding their own business. "Shoulders back, head up, come on get your swag on, now go!"

I flew to get on Bloom's eye level. I gave Bloom some quick tips on how to walk like a dragon. I felt Bloom had straighten herself out as she turned to face the direction of the unbothered dragons. Bloom walked, no she marched over to those three dragons that were just relaxing. I could tell she took my tips to heart as I see a sudden change in Bloom's walk! Once Bloom stood in front of those three dragons their pupil-less eyes widen. The three dragons went their separate ways trying to get as far away from Bloom as possible.

"Good job!" I praised my new fairy friend as she smiled at me.

"Now, I can walk like a dragon!" Bloom smiled.

"Now, you must eat like a dragon!"


Nearby was a pretty flower that had just bloomed. Flying around the flower trying to get some of the flower's sweet nectar was a bug. I just my long tongue and collected the bug onto my tongue and swallowed it whole. I must say, the bug tasted delicious!

"Now its your turn!" I declared to Bloom as she cringed in disgust.

"Gross!" Bloom proclaimed as she continued to cringe. "No way!"

"You want to be a dragon?"

"I don't have a choice do I?"

After a while, I collected enough bugs to fit in my tiny hands. Bloom stood next to me with no bugs in her hand or in her mouth to eat. I don't see why Bloom is refusing to eat the bugs? All the dragons on Pyros at to eat bugs until we get bigger and stronger to hunt for bigger prey that can fill our large tummies. I thought Bloom said she wanted to be a dragon?

"No way, I can't!" Bloom rejected as she watched me eat the bugs like it was nothing. "Isn't there a vegetarian option?"

"Alright, I guess so," I let Bloom slide on eating the bugs and moved over to the thorn bush berries.

I flew over to the thorn bush berries as Bloom followed behind me. The thorn bush berries were flowers and in the center were berries. A thorn bush flower can hold up to several berries at a time. The petals of the flower were

"The thorn bush berries are the only fruit on the island!" I introduced them to Bloom. "They're delicious, but a little hard to pick,"

"Huh?" Bloom asked confused.

I dived into the thorn bush to give Bloom a demonstration of what mean by "it's hard to pick." I grabbed some of the berries, but the vines had magically wrapped around my scaly fingers. I snapped the vines, setting my fingers free as I popped the berries into my mouth.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Bloom asked me as she noticed the torn thorn needles stuck into my hand.

"No," I replied as I was using my sharp nails to get the lodged thorns out of my hand. "Not really,"

I heard Bloom hummed as her blue eyes stared down into the thick mesh of the thorn bush berries. I can see within Bloom's eyes that she was weighing her options.

"Maybe I should go try those insects out?" Bloom beamed as she turned around with a smile on her face.

"Nope, too late!" I said stopping Bloom in her tracks. "Be the dragon, Bloom!"

Bloom turned, marching over to the thorn bush berries. Bloom stared at the bush as she watched the vines magically moved on its own to protect the berries from leaving the flower's center.

"Oh alright," Bloom took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing,"

Bloom thrusted her arm into the thorn bush with no hesitation. I can tell by Bloom's body slightly jerking that the thorn vines had got a hold of her hand. Bloom grunted for a bit as she pushed her arm deeper into the thorn bush. Then I saw a smile brimming on Bloom's face.

"I got one!" Bloom beamed as she retracted her arm, snapping the vines free of her hand and popped a berry into her mouth.

"Hey, you can eat like a dragon now, nicely done!" I praised Bloom. "Now that you can walk and eat like a dragon, now you've got to roar like a dragon!"

Once my lesson on eating like a dragon was completed, I took Bloom to a different location so she can learn how to roar. The perfect location that I thought would be perfect to teach Bloom how to roar was on the mountainside. Bloom was sitting down on the one of the dark blue-gray rock slab. I roared giving Bloom another demonstration. My roar slightly echoed as I watched Bloom smile, leaning her head back in surprise.

"Hey, that was great!" Bloom praised me with a smile.

"The trick is you've got to feel it!" I gave Bloom a helpful tip on how to roar. "It's somewhere inside you, it's like when you are screaming, laughing, or crying! It comes from the same place!"

"I want to try it!" Bloom had got off the blue-gray rock slab with a smile. "Waaa!"

Bloom had a widen look on her face when she heard the sound of her roar. It sounded like my roar when I was a baby dragon.

"That was lame," Bloom turned to get a good look at me.

"Roaring's tough," I informed Bloom. "It takes time,"

"I'll try again,"

Bloom roared again. This roar was different than her first one. This new roar had a bit of bass in her voice.

"You're almost getting there!" I proclaimed with a smile.

"Thanks, let's keep practicing!" Bloom nodded as I see a bit of fire burning in Bloom's eyes.

Red Fountain, Musa

I got a call from Emalia saying she need the Winx girls and I to come over to Red Fountain to help Timmy with something. The girls and I knew once we heard the word Timmy, it was to help Timmy trying to find Tecna. The girls and I willingly traveled to Red Fountain to see how we can best help Timmy. Once inside the dorm room of our favorite Specialists then we was hit with a weird question.

"Hi girls, drop you think you can help Timmy here, get in touch with his innermost feelings?" Sky had asked.

"You guys had grabbed Emalia, why couldn't Emalia help Timmy," Stella had asked as she was leaning on the computer desk.

"I couldn't get anything other basic surface level emotions out of Timmy," Emalia replied as came with a bag of chips in her hands.

"More like Emalia was too distracted within her snack to help Timmy bring out his innermost feelings!" Aisha joked.

"That too," Emalia replied popping a chip into her mouth to eat.

"Well can you be more specific?" I had asked trying to get back to the topic of helping Timmy as I didn't understand where Sky's question was coming from.

"I have to make this machine understand the nature what is the nature of Tecna's emotional essence," Timmy explained to the Winx girls and I. "And the only way I can do that is expressing my true inner feelings about her,"

I turned my attention to where Timmy was pointing which was his computer screen. The computer screen had a clear picture of Tecna as she had a light smile on her face. My eyes darted around the computer screen to the desk to try and put everything together. Timmy hand was inside a glove that had wires sticking at the ends of Timmy's fingertips. Those wired fingertips were hooked into a boxed device that was hooked into Timmy computer.

"So you still think we can find her?" Aisha asked from the back of the group. "You still think she is alive?"

"I'm totally positive that she is!" Timmy declared. "But I need your help, please"

I looked at Stella, Flora, Aisha, and Emalia. They had a hopeful look on their face especially Emalia as she nodded and waved us to go on and help Timmy. Stella went over to Sky and cleared her throat to get his attention.

"Okay! I get it!" Sky held his hands up in surrender. "No guys allowed except for Timmy!"

"Thanks!" Emalia beamed as she went over to her chair.

"Before I leave where is Falen?" Sky asked as he turned all around him looking for his other Specialist friend. "He is not allowed in here too!"

"Don't worry about him, Sky, Falen is waiting for you outside!" Emalia pointed to the door with another piece of uneaten chip in her hand.

Sky nodded and headed out towards the hallway trying to for Falen. The Winx girls and I either grabbed an empty chair or sat at the empty desk. The Winx girls and I surrounded Timmy and his computer.

"Timmy, how do you feel when you're with Tecna?" Flora asked Timmy as she smiled.

"I feel good, I love the way she is," Timmy replied as he stared at the loading screen of Tecna's image.

"And what do you love about her?" Aisha chimed with a friendly smile.

"Everything!" Timmy answered.

"That's a good start, now try to be a bit more specific!" Stella encouraged.

"I have an idea Timmy, how about you close your eyes!"

Timmy seemed shock that I was telling him to close his eyes. Timmy turned his computer desk chair to face me.

"Now focus on one of your memories with Tecna!" I watched as Timmy had a huge grin on his face. "She's right in front of you, what is it you really love about her?"

"Well, I love how can add numbers in her head, no matter how large! I love how she always beats me at video games and she never apologize for it!" Timmy listed as his smile grew bigger and bigger if it could. "I love that she laughs at all my jokes even though I know my jokes are never that funny!"

"She must really like you!" I beamed.

"Tecna sounds like a keeper!" Emalia popped another chip in her mouth while all the Winx girls looked at her. "What?!"

"Uh-huh! Tecna is more than my girlfriend, she is my best friend!" Timmy said with a dreamily tone in his voice.

"You really love a lot of things about her!" Aisha cheesed as she was happy to hear Timmy express how he felt about Tecna.

"I'm totally in love with her," Timmy answered as he looked down with tears in his eyes.

Stella smiled as she was going to say something until something beeped on the computer that got her attention as well as mine. Everyone was silent as the beeping got louder and on the green filter computer screen was a yellow blinking around that was signaling that Tecna was out there.

"You did it Timmy!" I cheered.

"But how?" Timmy asked confused. "I didn't type anything and I thought I turned the system off?"

"You're welcome!" Emalia beamed as she crunched on her chips with a smirk on her face

Fire Mountain, Pyros, Buddy 

Bloom had perfected her roar and now its time for Bloom to go to Fire Mountain. Fire Mountain where the toughest dragons find their home at. The heat from the volcano was very intense and one touch of the hot magma would melt your skin off your body. Bloom looked at the molten lava and smoky volcanoes that were in front of her.

"This is it, this is Fire Mountain" I informed Bloom as I glanced over top her then at the smoky volcanoes and lava that running down the volcanoes like a river. "Are you ready?"

"Yep!" Bloom nodded.

"This mountain has the fiercest dragons on the island and tar pits in which hundred of creatures have disappeared," I warned Bloom. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely!" Bloom smiled. "Let's get you home, Buddy!"

Bloom and I went forward into the Fire Mountain. The sound of rushing molten magma rang in my ears. As Bloom and I was pushing forward, we noticed that we were levitating off the uneven and rock ground of Fire Mountain. Bloom and I looked at each other with fear as we glance down to see the different color of the red rocky ground of Fire Mountain and this dark gray rocky gravel. Bloom's once fiery eyes quickly shifted to fear. Bloom p[ointed down and I followed her finger direction and see that we were stand/floating over a Mountain Dragon that was sleeping peacefully.

"This is the Mountain Dragon!" I explained to Bloom what this dragon is that we were standing/floating over. "It only wakes up if there are intruders,"

"We have to be very quiet!" Bloom whispered to me as she put her index finger over her mouth to signal me to be quiet.

"Remember be a dragon," I whispered to Bloom as she nodded.

Being quiet didn't last long when Bloom took her first step, Bloom had tripped over one of the Mountain Dragon's dark gray horns. Bloom landed on the dragon as in that moment, I heard a dragon's throat rumbling in a questionable tone. The Mountain Dragon lifted its upper body and curved his neck to see what had stirred it out of its sleep. Once its' red and orange eyes landed on Bloom, I noticed Bloom giving the dragon one of her nervous smile. The dragon narrowed its eyes and then roared. Bloom quickly got on her feet.

The Mountain Dragon used its tail to whip Bloom and I off its body. The Mountain Dragon swung its tail the first time and I had flew out of the tail's swinging range. Then I see that the Mountain Dragon swung its tail back which had knocked Bloom off its body. Bloom landed and skidded on the ground and I noticed that the Mountain Dragon just sat there. The Mountain Dragon took a look at Bloom just laying there on the ground then the Mountain Dragon looked at me. The Mountain Dragon made its decision of walking towards me. I widen my eyes in fear of what this Mountain Dragon can do to me. The Mountain Dragon grabbed me within its sharp claws as I was close to its mouth.

"HOLD ON, BUDDY!!" Bloom shouted as I was surprised and thankful that she got up quickly.

Bloom ran over to the Mountain Dragon as the MountainDragon had its mouth open like it was going to eat me. Bloom flew high in the sky and she put her hands together to cast a spell, but the Mountain Dragon had simply swatted Bloom far from us. The Mountain Dragon raised its hand with me trapped within his claws toward its mouth. I watched as Bloom was trapped in one of the tar pits that I mention to her earlier.

"BLOOM, HELP ME!!!" I cried to Bloom.

The Mountain Dragon closed its mouth as it turn its head to glance up the burning volcano that towers over us. The dragon began climbing up. I searched for Bloom within the tar pit as she quickly got out before the tar pit liquid could have glued her within the pit. Bloom took a running start and she was leaped into the ground only to come down. Bloom turned to see the tar gooey liquid had stuck to her wings.

"BLOOM, HELP, I DON'T WANT TO BE LUNCH!!!" I yelled in panic state. "HELPPPP!!!"

Bloom closed her eyes as I watched her mouth moving like she was chanting something to herself. I glanced up to noticed that the Mountain Dragon had almost reached the top of the volcano. I turned my eyes back at Bloom slightly balled herself until she leaped into the air. When Bloom was in the air, I could see the tar goo leaving her body and most importantly her wings. Bloom growled as this fiery determination appeared in her blue eyes as she flew charging at the Mountain Dragon. The Mountain Dragon turned its head to see Bloom coming for it. Bloom roared and this roar was different roar that she did earlier.

Bloom continued charging at the Mountain Dragon as she had this scary look on her face that even scared me. Then Bloom's body began glowing an orange-red color. Taking Bloom's place in the sky was a orange-red dragon that emerged out of Bloom's body. Bloom's dragon began soaring in the sky that even scared the Mountain Dragon as I could see its orange eyes popping of its eye socket. Bloom's dragon had disappeared leaving only a glowing Bloom in the sky as she stared the Mountain Dragon with a stone cold glare on her face. The Mountain Dragon was sweating from the fear, it couldn't turn its head away from Bloom because it was too scared to.

The Mountain Dragon quickly dashed away from Bloom. In the mist of the Mountain Dragon dashing from the scene, the Mountain Dragon quickly let me go to the point where I was spinning in midair. I was falling until Bloom dived down to catch me. I smiled at Bloom as she smiled at me back.

"Hey, are you okay?" Bloom asked me as she held me in her hands.

"You did it!" I cheered as I raised my arms in a cheering motion as Bloom laughed at me.

Bloom had stopped laughing as she stared down at the ground. I followed Bloom's blue eyes and saw that the Mountain Dragon had went back to sleep.

"It went back to sleep?!" Bloom exclaimed in shock and wonder as she didn't understand why the Mountain Dragon went back to sleep. "How come?"

"There are no more intruders!" I answered Bloom with a smile as she stared at me with shock. "You're a dragon now!"

"Well, if I'm a dragon now, let's get you home, Buddy!"

Bloom and I ran the rest of the way to get to Molten Creek. It wasn't a long run since all the Mountain Dragons were fast sleep leaving us unbothered. I smiled when my eyes met the huge fiery volcano at the center of Molten Creek that had this huge molten magma hanging over the opening of the volcano.

"Ah, here we are, Molten Creek!" I smiled.

Bloom hummed in confusion as she stared into the vast volcanoes and its lava rivers that ran down different directions. Bloom turned to me with that confusion dressing her face.

"There's nothing here?" Bloom questioned. "I thought this was your home?"

"It is!" I replied as I smiled as I was going to say some good news to Bloom.


"I'm your dragon!"

I watched Bloom's face turned to something of confusion into a face of relief as she hugged me.

"Now, I'm home!" I said as I hugged Bloom.

"Yes, I found my dragon!" Bloom said happily.

Alfea, Marius

I had arrived at Alfea. When I got news that the Black Flames of Treachery is back. My heart had dropped when Faragonda had informed that, that magic is back in the Magix Dimension. Not to top it off I have been getting reports about Valtor escaping the Omega Dimension and has been on a power stealing binge upon his release. Chills moved down my spine at the mention and when I read Valtor's name.

My ship had found a clear landing spot. The window of my ship caught a great sight of Alfea the school for fairies. I remember the day Faragonda had opened the school and the excitement on her face to helping the fairies that wanted to follow in her footsteps to be the greatest fairy of all time like herself. Faragonda was so nervous that the school wouldn't be successful, but look at it, the school is still standing and was doing good. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door to my room of the ship opened up revealing one of my piloting soldiers coming to speak with me.

"Your Highness," One of my soldiers came into the room and saluted me.

"What have I told you about giving me those Royalty titles, Sergeant Major?" I warned my soldier as I gave my soldier the same salute.

"Sorry sir, an unmistakable accident, sir," The soldier apologized as he stepped to the side letting me get out of the room first. "We've reached our destination, Alfea just how you commanded sir,"

"Great, now let's get this unsuspecting meeting with Faragonda going,"

I walked out of the room and into the main control of the ship. The soldiers instantly got out of their seats to stand and salute me. They stood in a perfect line as they stood there with their heads held high. I saluted my soldiers and told them to un-salute. The soldiers followed my orders and they went back into their seats going back to what they were doing. The soldier that was in my room stood behind me and I turned to face the soldier.

"Sergeant Major, do you need something?" I asked my soldier as he waited in parade rest.

"No sir, I'm just waiting to walk along your side to accompany you to Alfea with you to speak with the school's Headmistress,"

"That is kind of you, Sergeant Major, but I can walk into Alfea on my own,"

I walked towards the entrance/exit wing of the ship. I was stopped when someone had cleared their throat. I had turned to see it was my Sergeant Major with his arms behind his back.

"You got something to say Sergeant Major?" I asked as I lifted my blonde eyebrow in question.

"Yes sir, you are forgetting something?" Sergeant Major took one of his arms out from his back and revealing a coat. "You will need this for when you are walking around the campus, sir, you don't want to scare the young fairies of Alfea,"

I stared at the coat then at my Sergeant Major as he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes as I walked over to my Sergeant Major as I took the coat. I placed the coat on my body and placed the hood over my head shielding my face. Finally, I took my leave as walked through the open entrance of Alfea. I was going to continue walking until my keen eyes noticed that a shield was casted around the school. I placed my fingertips at the "center" of he shield.

I pulled the shield apart to make room for me to get into. I closed the shield back without having to break it so I don't hear Faragonda fussing at me about breaking her precious shield. I walked towards the entrance arch of Alfea as I felt a weird energy casted over in the air. My black and blue eyes scanned the surrounding and I took note that I was in the courtyard. In the courtyard was a good handful of young fairies staring at me. Nobody didn't move nor did anyone made a sound. I took this as an opportunity to continue my search for Faragonda. I need to remind myself to give Valtor a piece of my mind and powers once I get the chance to find him.

I walked through the courtyard which felt like forever as the young fairies' eyes never left mine shield body. I used to hate this feeling of being watched by beady eyes of the people that surrounded me back home in Saturnia. Over time I grew to get to it because no matter what I do, my past and old aura will always follow me like my shadow. Once I was inside the Alfea, I was met with a room with eyes that belong to the young fairies of Alfea, but this difference is that a few adult staff of Alfea, I'm assuming the teachers.

"Students and Teachers of Alfea, I'm not here to harm you despite my mysterious appearance popping up and how I'm presenting myself, but I need to have a few word with your lovely Headmistress Faragonda," I introduced myself while nobody made a sound. "Can someone point me in the direction to Headmistress Faragonda's office?"

Again, nobody didn't say a word, moved, or made a sound. I mentally sighed as I should of figured and prepared myself for this interaction to happen. I should of known that I would have to do everything myself. I raised my white gloved hands into the air which got a reaching among the students and teachers that were watching me. I closed my eyes feeling of the Mystic Dragon Flame user. I opened my eyes and I saw their black and dark purple magic essence lingering around everywhere in the entrance of Alfea and going into different places outside the school. I closed my eyes again to narrow down the search for it to lead me to Faragonda's office. After a few seconds, I got a clear path to Faragonda's office.

I walked through the astonished expression of young fairies and teachers of Alfea. I climbed the golden grand staircase that leads to the second floor of the school. Students of Alfea would stop nod stare at me as I passed them to follow the magic essence that was leading me to Faragonda's office. For he first time in years that I heard tiny nearly soundless whispers filled the hallways. I continued my journey to Faragonda's office until before I knew it, the magical essence had reached an end. I stood in front of some grand dark chestnut pair of doors. I grabbed the golden door handles and swung the door opened.

Once I opened the door, I was met with a gasp of surprise as I walked into the office. I scanned the office and noticed that this office was decorated just as I thought it would be coming from Faragonda, the office is filled with books. At the center of the office was a huge lightly toasted brown desk. The doors closed behind me, while I stared into the friendly pair of blue eyes that I have ever know that friendly aura turned into the aura of protectiveness. I slightly smiled when I watched my old friend had lifted herself out of her chair that she was sitting in peace until I had appeared in the room.

"Who are you and why are you at my school?" Faragonda questioned me with a stern look on her face that could waiver anyone who is not prepare for the fight of their lives dealing with Faragonda.

"Is that how you treat an old friend, Faragonda?!" I smirked as I revealed my face from under the hood.

"Oh, Marius!" Faragonda covered her mouth in shock as her stern demeanor wiped from her face.

"It's nice to see you too, old friend!"

A/n: I hope this extremely long chapter makes up for the time I have missed updating on this book! I want to thank you guys for waiting this long for this chapter to come out! I PROMISE that this next chapter will be an improv chapter now that I know what I want to write for it to began a new arc of this book! I see you guys this upcoming week as I try to create this improv chapter for you guys! Please leave your thoughts in the comment section of the chapter along with a vote!

Post A/n: I have some big news for this account. I am writing a few new stories that I have been kept hidden in my Write page. I want to share them with you guys because I have been holding two of those stories back for about a year or 2, but I want you guy's opinion as to what story you want me to focus on. If you are worrying about this Winx Club story being finished, don't worry I will continue writing in this story. The first story is Book 2 of the Moon and Trilogy, the second story is a revamp story of Phoenix, Raven's Twin sister, this story will hopefully be my redemption arc as this will my way to write what I truly wanted to write at the time, but I was such an amateur writer to write it down and plus this Phoenix will be different than who we know and love, and the third and last story is a Miles Morales: Into the Spider-Verse story which will take place after the main event that happened in the movie. So, please tell me your thoughts no matter how good or bad, just lay it on me and major rule is what I will focus on writing and publishing out for you guys to read 😁! Let's get the vote started (I'll be showing the starting book covers of each story)!!!

1. Book 2 of the Moon and Sun Trilogy?

2. Phoenix, Raven's Twin Sister?

3. The Wolf Within The Spider (Miles Morales)

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