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A/n: Before I start this chapter, I would like to thank you guys for getting this book to 11k reads! Again, thank you so much, and I am happy that we have reached this milestone; now, let's get on to what we all have been waiting for in Chapter 20 of this book!

 Post A/n: Hello, guys! Thank you for getting this story to 12k reads, even though I haven't updated it in a while. I also wish you a belated Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Mother's Day if you celebrate those following holidays. I want to inform you guys that this chapter will be "naked" as there won't be any GIFs as I got a new laptop, and I have to download all my GIFs from my old laptop to my new laptop that I am using now. But I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter!

Cloud Tower, Valtor

    I was alone, pondering what to do next on my quest for ultimate power. I could go to another planet and take the planet's power source, but I wasn't in the mood to do that. A twisted thought came into mind, which was playing with Trix's emotions. I knew the Trix had romantic feelings for me, and it would be fun to fill one of the sisters' heads with false promises of being my favorite witch, or I could tell one of them a false promise of gaining them ultimate power when I got and grant the other two nothing. As fun and evil as it sounds, it didn't fill my aching thoughts with something amusing. I could terrorize the Winx Club fairies and make them lose another member of their goody-two-shoes band, but it would drain me since I can easily overpower and defeat them. I wanted something new, something exciting.

    I was in the office of Cloud Tower, sitting in my grand office chair, trying to conjure up an amusing and fulfilling plan to keep me company. A sigh escaped my lips as I pushed myself out of the chair and went to the grand balcony that overlooks the Cloud Tower grounds. I got to the balcony railing, and my gloved hands gripped the railing tightly. My eyes watched how the mindless witches walked around the building like they were performing their everyday school duties. I was relieved of my thoughts at the sound of something rumbling in the sky. I glanced up to notice that a strange but royal ship was soaring through the air, more specifically, trying to hide within the clouds. I found it odd that a royal ship would fly in the sky like this, more importantly, flying close enough to be identified by the Trix or myself. Didn't they know I was running things in Cloud Tower and could easily knock them off course or land somewhere in Gloomy Forest?

    "TRIX!!!" I hollered for them as they magically appeared behind me.

    I turned to face the girls, and I began to take notice of their appearance. Icy was slightly annoyed as she was checking out her nails. Next to Icy was an icy blue nail polish shade floating next to her, waiting for her to get the nail polish top to coat her next nail in the blue shade. Stormy stood before me, slouching forward. Stormy's hair was all over the place, and her eyelids were beginning to droop as if she were going to fall asleep standing up. Lastly, Darcy stood up straight with a book in her arms. Her shaded glasses slightly fell to the end of her nose, but Darcy pushed her glasses up.

    "What is it, Valtor?" Icy barked her question. "I was in the middle of painting my nails!"

    "And I was in the middle of taking my nap!" Stormy yawned as she stretched her arms in the air, similar to how a cap would act after being awoken from its nap.

    "Did any of you outside of Stormy see that ship in the sky?" I pointed to the clouds and saw that the ship was out of sight.

    "Sorry, I was too busy focusing on my nails," Icy replied as she graded the nail polish handle and began coating her nails in the blue shade.

    "You are hopeless," I said, waving Icy off, but I turned my attention to Darcy. "Darcy, did you see that ship flying in the sky?"

    "Yea, I did," Darcy shifted her weight from both feet to one. "That was a Saturnia Ship,"

    The Saturnia? That name sounded familiar.

    "Saturnia, you say?" I asked Darcy, sounding intrigued by this Saturnia. "Tell me more about it if you can tell me,"

    "Saturnia is a planet that is far away within the Magix Dimension. It's stated to be farther out than Reino. From what I can remember reading about Saturnia, I can see that it has an ancient aesthetic that the Earthling Romans copied and based their society on. Still, it has an elite military force that Red Fountain Specialists wish to join. Their leader is the most feared leader after Reino's and Ikaika's leaders. There's a legend going around stating that he crumpled another kingdom's military force in one swipe." Darcy gave me a little backstory of that planet as she had a thinking expression until she shrugged her shoulders. "That's all I could remember about that planet besides who the leader of their planet,"

    "Talk about being crazy powerful!" Stormy said shockingly as she magically snapped out of her drowsy spell.

    A planet with an elite military force that the Specialists wish to join? They seem worthy of challenging and gaining their powers!

    "Who is the leader of Saturnia?!" I evilly smirked. "I may want to pay them a quick and sweet little visit?!"

    "His name is Marcus; that is the only thing I could think of," Darcy said, placing her finger on her lips like she was thinking of something. "Come to think of it, I have a mental image of Marius, and the funny thing is that he looks exactly like you, Valtor?"

"Now that Darcy mentioned it, you slightly do look like Marius," Stormy squinted her eyes and tilted her head until she felt the stares of Darcy and Icy. "What I remembered skimming through Magix Witches' and Warlocks' History Class,"

    Marius, are you still alive, brother? I guess a little family reunion is now on my list for today!

Lake Roccaluce, Kala

 I was still shaken up about my interaction with Kawi. It can't be true that Valtor has met up with Emalia. Emalia would have destroyed Valtor on sight, let alone within a few feet away from her. I haven't felt any sinister energy marching to Alfea, and Valtor has never been at Alfea, let alone close to the school grounds, since a while ago. Valtor is smart and calculated; he wouldn't go to Alfea, a heavily guarded school, without no backup from the Trix or those mindless witches of Cloud Tower that he controls. Kawi must have seen Marius visiting Alfea to meet with Emalia.
Marius never traveled this far out of his way unless it was meeting among Royals or business. If Marius traveled from Saturnia, that must mean that the word of Valtor's tyranny and arrival has made it to Saturnia's doorsteps. That means it's only a matter of time before Saturnia suffers the same fate as the other planets that Valtor has taken down. The Black Flames of Treachery are not back and vanished once I sent Emalia to Earth. That power had ... no will stay dormant inside Emalia for a long time and won't see the light of day anymore.

"It must be "Let's Visit Our Sister, Kala" Day?" Daphne said, coming into my line of sight.

"No, why do you say that?" I asked, wondering why Daphne would say that to me.

"Here comes baby sister,"

Daphne pointed to the entrance where she and I were. True enough, my little sister, Emalia, comes towards me. I was going to greet her until I noticed her hands were black. The black color of her arms was nearly reaching her elbows. Kawi is right—the Black Flames of Treachery are back. Kawi is correct in saying that the Black Flames of Treachery are back, but he has to be wrong about Valtor speaking with Emalia, right?

"Hello, Emalia, I mean Queen Emalia!" Daphne bowed with a smile.

"You don't have to add royal titles with my name; we are friends, especially since I know your sister like my own!"Emalia smiled at Daphne and then turned to me as her smile wiped her face. "Hey Kala, sis, we need to talk,"

"Of course, Emalia." I nodded as I turned to Daphne. Daphne's smile went away, too, as she must have felt the sudden change in energy between Emalia and me.

"I'll just go to another part of the lake until you guys are done," Daphne pointed behind her as she left the cave, leaving me alone.

Emalia glanced over her shoulder to see if Daphne wasn't hearing what she had to discuss. Once Emalia saw that Daphne had left, she turned her attention back to me. Silence fell upon us as I watched intensely at Emalia and how she was acting. Emalia walked back and forth while she put her hands under her chin like she was thinking of what to say. I noticed that Emalia's eyes were glossy to the point that I could see the reflection of the cave floor in her eyes. 

 "Kala, what is going on with me?" Emalia asked me as she stared directly into my eyes. "You tell me why my hands and arms are turning black, and don't you lie or try to hide it from me!"

 I wanted to lie to Emalia and tell her everything would be alright. But what I am looking at right now is not okay. The Black Flames of Treachery is nearly coating her whole arms black. The only way for the black coating on the Black Flames of Treachery to disappear is to take the magical essence out of someone. 

 "Emalia, when did this start to happen?" I asked as I took her hands into mine. 

 "This happened a while ago, and I have to guess when Tecna sacrificed herself for the sake of Andros," Emalia replied with a worried gleam in her eyes. 

 "Tell me, baby sis. Has anyone recently visited you?" I asked as I sat Emalia down on the cave floor. 

 "Yea, there's this guy who seems to be a Valtor twin and goes by the name of Marius. Marius wants to help me better use this strange power called the Black Flames of Treachery, but I don't know if I should trust him. Why do all the bad and intense situations always happen to me?" 

 So Kawi was right about Emalia speaking with Valtor, but Marius was talking with Emalia. I feel much better knowing it was Marius talking to Emalia than Valtor! I watched as Emalia ran her hands through her hair. I could tell she was overwhelmed by everything. From what I heard, Emalia had lost her friend Tecna. Valtor is on the loose, trying to take all of Magix Dimension's power sources, and now Emalia is having trouble with her powers again. It seemed like Emalia could never catch a break for once. I hate that so many of her problems are crashing down on her like this. I wished I could have done my job as a big sister right and taken up the mantle of being the new Mystic Dragon Flame wielder. Still, I never got that chance to do that, thanks to Valtor taking out Kawi, our parents, and nearly ending my life if it wasn't for Marius, who came to my rescue. 

 "I am truly sorry, Emalia," I apologized as I got down to my hands and knees in defeat, my head hung low. I should have never placed this burden on you like this! If I had known this would result from what I did 17 years ago, I would have taken that burden so you can live at least a great life on Earth!" 

 It was silent again. I could hear the gears turning in Emalia's head as she tried to process and understand everything I had told her. 

 "Kala?" Emalia called my name almost like that wasn't my name. "What are you talking about? I'm not understanding!" 

 "I am trying to say that you weren't supposed to be the true Mystic Dragon wielder," I cried. 

Alfea, Falen

 I walked on the campus grounds of Alfea in search of Emalia. All the kind fairies I walked past said hello to me, and I returned a kind hello. Soon before I knew it, I reached the Winx girls' apartment door. I knocked on the door, hoping to see Emalia open it, but Serenity opened it.

 "Oh, Falen! Come on in," Serenity greeted me with a gentle smile. "It's nice for you to stop by!" 

 "Thanks, Serenity, it's good to see you!" I greeted back as I walked into the lovely apartment. 

 I noticed that the apartment was quiet, which is strange. Most Winx girls are back at Red Fountain helping Timmy on his Find Tecna project, but even one Winx girl can make some noise. When I'm on the phone with Emalia, it always seems like the girls are doing something productive: their Alfea assignments, devising missions, playing music, or even doing girly activities. So why is the apartment quiet, and where is Emalia? Another thing I noticed was that Kekipi was lying down on the couch with Kiko, using his body as a pillow. 

 "What is your reason for stopping by?" Serenity flew over to sit on the couch. "Did you come to see Emalia since she had left for Red Fountain a while ago?" 

 "Yes, I did!" I nodded as I searched the empty, quiet apartment for my girlfriend, but she was nowhere in sight. "Speaking of Emalia, have you seen her?" 

 It was almost like once I mentioned the location of Emalia, Serenity's happy personality turned sad. 

 "Of course, but she went to Lake Roccaluce," Serenity's happy expression quickly turned sour. 

 Lake Roccaluce? I wondered what was out there for Emalia to go and leave Serenity behind.

 "Is something going on with Emalia about going to Lake Roccaluce?" I asked as I sat on the empty couch of the apartment across from Serenity, Kekipi, and Kiko. 

 "Yea, you can say something like that," Serenity replied, still with a sad expression that didn't match her personality. 

 Serenity averted her eyes like she was scared to tell me what was happening. Suddenly, I felt the hairs on my arm rise out of fear of what was happening with my girlfriend. I knew something was going on with Emalia, and I noted how often she stared at her hands like she saw things. It has pained me to see Emalia smile lately; when she gets a genuine smile, her eyes twinkle and shine brighter than the moon and stars in the sky. Lately, she had been giving me fake smiles that I despised with a passion. If I had said something to Emalia about it, she would have lied, said everything was fine, or told me she could handle it independently, which is true, but she could always need my help. 

 I realized it was always hard to get Emalia to voice what was happening in her life and even her head. She always preferred to go at it alone and ask the people around her for help. I remember my Pai (translation: Dad) constantly telling me stories about the Ikaikian people, known within the Magix Dimension as strong, stubborn, and independent. They never asked for help on their personal matters. That short description of the Ikaikian people summarizes Emalia from top to bottom. But I need to know what is going on with Emalia before she gets caught in a situation she can't escape. 

 "Serenity, what is going on with Emalia?" I asked the Tranquil Fairy. 

 "It's her powers," Serenity whispered so lightly that I almost couldn't hear her. 

 "Again?" I asked in confusion. I thought Emalia's powers wouldn't be an issue once we had Nahao. 

 "It seems like Nahao has been hiding something since merging himself with Emalia, and I think Inoki knows about it too," 

 "Why do you think that?" 

 "It was great when Nahao came, but slowly, things have been going haywire as time passed!" 

 Haywire? Everything had been promising since things calmed before Valtor crossed paths with the Winx Club and nearly all the planets within the Magix Dimension. Emalia's powers seem not to be the only thing causing her trouble. 

 "Serenity, what are you implying?" I asked. "From my perspective, there seems to be a lot going on with Emalia that you are keeping for her, but you can tell me what is going on so I can lighten your concerns about her," 

 Serenity's sad expression shifted into what expression Emalia said an Earthling would say. "A deer in headlights?" Serenity covered her mouth with her hands, and her eyes seemed like they would pop out of her eyesockets by how big she was making them like she revealed some secret that Emalia had promised her not to say. 

 "I'm guessing that Emalia hasn't caught you up on what has been happening with her lately, huh?" Serenity said, holding her head down like she was ashamed of herself. 

 "It's Emalia that we are talking about here. She is not going to tell me anything unless her back is against the corner," I replied as I had the same sad expression Serenity was wearing not too long ago. 

 "Ever since the victory against Lord Darkar, Emalia has felt someone watching her every move. It had gotten to the point where Nahao and Emalia were almost kidnapped, as they were under a mind-control spell that had them walk into the hands of this hooded person. We could have the hooded figure running for the hills, but they left behind a necklace from Emalia, and others said it looked like one that Emalia had before," 

 Why would Emalia hide this interaction from me? Who is this hooded figure trying to take Emalia and Nahao? The more I thought, the more questions began to form in my head, with little to no answers. Serenity mentioned a necklace. Could it be the same one Emalia wore during her first year at Alfea? 

 "Serenity, can you bring me the necklace that had Nahao and Emalia under a spell so I can see it for myself?" I asked the Tranquil Pixie as she played with her fingers, as if nervous. 

 "The thing about the necklace, Falen, Emalia had melted it once she had it in her hands," Serenity explained what happened to the necklace.

 Of course, Emalia would melt the necklace once she got it in her hands. I wondered why she would do this instead of figuring out what it was. But I found it strange that these necklaces appeared, and I asked what their abilities were. Inoki said his necklace was created to suppress his powers, but what was the melted necklace's purpose? If Serenity remembered what the necklace looked like, I could research why it could attract Emalia and Nahao against their will.

 "Serenity, do you remember what this necklace looks like? If I see it, maybe I can clarify if Emalia had this necklace before," I told Serenity, hoping she could recall. 

 "Of course, I remember how the necklace looked," Serenity nodded. 

 Serenity flew off the couch and into a room inside the apartment. Then, She left the room with a sheet of ripped paper and a pencil. She placed the ripped sheet on the coffee table and held the pencil with both hands. 

 "Make sure you don't tell Stella that I ripped a page out of her fashion design book," Serenity said as she began drawing the picture of the necklace. 

 "I don't even know what you are talking about!" I exclaimed with fake shock as I followed Serenity's request. 

 "I'm not a good artist like a Pixie I know back in Pixie Village, but I will try and draw it the best I can!" Serenity had this determined expression on her face until the determination expression softened to a shy smile as she rubbed the back of her head. "Can you do me a favor and hold the paper while I draw? I don't want the paper to rip even further and grab another one of Stella's paper since she keeps track of how many pieces are in her fashion design book!"

 "Of course!" I smiled as I held the paper for the Tranquil Pixie. 

 Serenity thanked me as she began sketching the necklace on the paper. Her tiny tongue was out as she drew the necklace's curves. It took a few minutes before Serenity finished the artwork. She ended it with a sign and wiped the tiny beads of sweat on her forehead. 

 "Are you done?" I asked Serenity. 

 "I'm almost done, as I need to color the necklace since you said this necklace seemed like the one Emalia wore during her first year of Alfea," Serenity dropped the pencil and went to get some color for the picture. 

 I was left alone, staring at the piece of paper. I studied the picture and realized it looked similar to the necklace Emalia wore during her first year at Alfea. Then again, the necklace looked different. The dragon had pupils, unlike the first necklace. If you're not studying it closely, you can almost assume that the necklace looked like Nahao. 

 "I'm back with the colors, and again, don't tell Stella that I'm also using her color pencils!" Serenity beamed as she placed the colored pencils next to the forgotten regular pencil. 

 "What color pencils?" I asked again, playing along like I didn't know what she was saying. 

 "We make a great team, but again, I need you to hold the paper so I can color this picture correctly!" 

 I gladly held the paper in place so Serenity could color it. I watched as Serenity picked up the gold or yellow pencil and began coloring the dragon's main body. Then, Serenity picked up the blue necklace and colored what seemed to be the dragon's scales. My mind clicked; instead of guessing that the necklace looked like Nahao, the necklace was Nahao.

 "Now that I see the picture entirely, this necklace looks exactly like Nahao," Serenity tilted her head to the side until she turned to look at me. "You said that Emalia's first necklace was similar, correct? Did the first necklace look like Inoki?"

 I recalled the look of Emalia's first necklace and realized it looked like Inoki. I felt this eerie feeling coursing through my body, almost like I was scared, but nothing was happening to me. Then suddenly, I felt relaxed, as if this eerie sensation was washing away from my body. I returned to reality when I saw Serenity using her powers to calm me down.

"Falen, are you oaky?" Serenity asked me, concerned about my well-being. "You are worrying me just a bit. Is everything alright?!"

 "I'm sorry for worrying you. I just began getting lost in my thoughts; that's all!" I beamed, so I didn't want to continue worrying Serenity as I stared at the necklace drawing. "Do you mind if I take this drawing with me to research it?" 

 "No, not at all. Be my guest," Serenity shook her head as she began to fold and handed me the ripped, folded paper.

 Standing up from the couch, I placed the paper in my pants pocket. I decided it was time to go and began researching more about the necklace. Once we find Tecna from the Omega Dimension, maybe I can recruit Timmy to help with the research. 

 "Are you leaving?" Serenity asked me as she tilted her head up to see me. 

 "Yea, I got to go!" I replied with a smile on my face. Thanks for your help, Serenity!" 

 "You're welcome anytime when it comes to helping my favorite Winx fairy!"

 I walked to the entrance/exit of the Winx Club's apartment with Serenity following me to lock the door. I opened the door and was going to step out into the hallways of Aflea until I stopped myself. 

 "Serenity, since I'm keeping your secrets with Stella, can you keep mine?" I asked as I turned to face her. 

 "Sure, anything!" Serenity beamed. 

 "Don't tell Emalia that I was here along with showing the drawing of this necklace," I put my fingers over my lips, making a zipper motion against my lips. "This secret stays between us," 

 "You got it, Falen!" 

 "See you later, Serenity!" 

 "See ya!" 

Back to Lake Roccaluce, Emalia

 I couldn't understand what Kala had just told me. I wasn't supposed to have the Mystic Dragon Flame. A lump formed in my throat when I repeated what Kala had told me. Then I felt two pairs of hands rubbing a small section of my shoulder, and I looked to see that it was Inoki and Nahao. I could tell that they were hurt by what I just learned as they were scared to look me in my eyes as they were looking at every spot in the cave except for me. It was almost like they knew I wasn't supposed to be the wielder of their powers.  

 "If I wasn't supposed to have the Mystic Dragon Flame, then who should have had it?" I asked Kala as I looked at her in disbelief. 

 "It was supposed to be me, Emalia," Kala informed me as she had this sad look on her ghost face. 

 "If you were supposed to have the Mystic Dragon Flame, how did I end up with this power?"

 Kala was going to say something, but she stopped, and nothing came out. She floated back and forth like she was pacing, thinking about what to tell me. 

 "Inoki and Nahao, is this true?" I asked the twin dragons as they had stopped rubbing my shoulder and were looking at each other, trying to decide whether to tell them the truth or a lie. 

 "It is true. Actually, I used to be with Kala," Inoki told the truth as he nudged his head over to Kala. 

 "I used to belong to Kawailani, but I was going to be transferred to Kala," Nahao said as he told the truth. 

 Kawilani? Who is Kawilani? I snapped my head over at Kala, who had this scared look on her face. Kawilani must be a dangerous person or something to have Kala look scared out of her mind. 

 "Why would you mention his name?!" Kala exclaimed to Nahao. 

 "What? I have to tell the truth," Nahao shrugged. 

 "But it's not like you were being honest with me in the first place, Nahao, because you knew what the Black Flames of Treachery was, but you pretended or kept that information from me," I said to Nahao as he flew to hide behind Inoki. Still, Inoki glided out of Nahao's path to reveal him to me. Then I turned my attention to Kala. "You didn't answer my first question, Kala. And another question: who is Kawilani?" 

 Kala sighed as she placed her hands on her head. After a few seconds, she returned to pacing until she faced me. I could tell by Kala's eyes that she didn't want to say anything to me, but she knew I needed some answers. 

 "To answer your first question, you have the Mystic Dragon Flame from when Valtor invaded our home. You were supposed to be a normal dark fairy. Still, I placed Inoki and Nahao inside you as a safety measure because Valtor was after the Mystic Dragon Flame and the Dragon Flame to gain ultimate power," 

 Kala went silent for a bit, as I could tell it was hard for her to speak of the past. Her lips trembled like she was trying to hold herself back from crying. This must be hard to mention, as Inoki was getting emotional and avoiding looking at me while Nahao was tapping the cave wall. I was getting a bit confused. How was Nahao with Kawilani if he was supposed to be transferred to her? 

 "But Nahao said that he used to be with Kawilani, but he was supposed to be transferred to you?" I asked, trying to seek some clarification. 

 "That goes to your second question, but there's still more to explain within your first question so you can completely understand what was going on," Kala said. "Kawilani was the wielder of Nahao, but Nahao was killing and destroying Kawilani on the inside, so the council, which includes our mother and father, decided to see if I was compatible with Nahao. 

 I nodded when I heard the news that Nahao was killing and destroying Kawilani from the inside, but it didn't answer who Kawilani was. 

 "I know that doesn't answer your second question, but to put a close on your second question, Kawilani is our older brother," Kala answered. 

 When I heard Kawilani was my older brother, I felt like my whole world had stopped. After that news, everything sounded like it was in slow motion. How could Kala hide that from me? If it's not the two mysterious figures that plague my dreams, it's my powers. If it's not my powers, I seem to get some news that throws my whole world around. 


 When I left Alfea after speaking with Emalia, I felt a chill inside. It wasn't like I was cold; it was a chill that made me feel like something terrible would happen. The chill didn't have anything to do with Emalia. I know this sensation from anywhere. This sensation was coming from my twin, Valtor. 

 "Sir," I heard the voice of my sergeant major calling out to me. 

 "What can I do for you, Sergeant Major?" I replied as I snapped out of my thoughts. 

 "Everyone on the ship wanted to know if you are okay?"  

 I glanced around and saw my ship crew staring or looking at me with concern. I stared into each of their eyes, and it almost brought me back to the days when I freed myself from Valtor or the 3 Ancestral Witches. When I first arrived in Saturnia, everyone looked at me with either disgust or concern for their and their families' safety. 

 "I'm fine, Sergeant Major." I addressed the Sergeant Major first, then spoke louder so everyone in the crew could hear me. "EVERYONE, I AM FINE! LET US GO BACK HOME WITH SOME SMILES ON OUR FACES!" 

 The ship crew beamed as they nodded, gesturing they agreed with me. Everything went back to normal, but I tried to disguise my feelings. I was scared, and it felt like I could feel Valtor's breath touching my neck. After all these years of never mentioning Valtor's name, he could get this reaction out of me. It terrified me. I wondered how Emalia never felt this chill or fear when she met with Valtor in their battles.

 "Sir, you are getting a transmitted call from Queen Valentia!" One of my soldiers had announced. 

 "Answer the call, please," I replied to one of my soldiers as she nodded and pushed the button to accept my wife's call. 

 An image popped on the ship screen. The usual sunny sky that Saturnia was known for had turned into a dark shade of red, while the white clouds had turned a dark gray or black color. Then, the sound of explosions going off in the background made my heart race. 

 "Valentia, honey?" I asked, scared to get the news that I feared forgetting ever since I reshaped my life. "What is going on?" 

 Valentia didn't say anything on the call, but I heard the sound of people screaming and the image of the citizens of Saturnia running away from something or someone. Then, the call became static, and it was hard to hear and see what was happening on Valentia's end of the call. The crewmen whispered among themselves as they tried to understand what was happening. 

 "VALENTIA, WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!" I panicked, which made the crew silent. They had never seen me this worried about anything, let alone my wife, like this. 

 "MARIUS ... SATURNIA ... ATTACK!!" The static of the call broke up Valentia's message. "VALTOR!!" 

 The call had ended on the word of Valtor. This time, my heart was beating out of my chest as I was afraid of what was happening to the people of Saturnia and my family. 

 "Sir, who is Valtor?" One of my soldiers had asked me. 

 "Private, don't worry about who Valtor is. Let's get to Saturnia before more damage is done to our families and homes!!"


 The ship had quickly landed on Saturnia, but I nearly broke the hinges of the hanger door to get to my wife, my kids, and my people. It slipped my mind to give the crew orders to help the injured and anyone in need, as I only thought about Valentia and my boys. My heart was racing, and I felt like I could hear my heartbeat within my ears. My mind replayed how Valentia sounded on the ship's transmitter, the sound of the explosions sounding off behind Valentia. 

 I was out of breath when I saw the town that I grew to love and find solitude was burning or chunks of the building were broken off. I finally acknowledged the sky matching how it did on Valentia's call, but this time, it seemed darker than when my wife had called. More explosions sounded off, and screams and cries rang out in the once peaceful part of Saturnia. I searched around, helping as many of the citizens as I could from the destruction that was happening around us. I was growing angrier as I was helping the poor citizen, but I didn't see my wife or my kids in sight. Nothing terrible could have happened to them better, as I ensured Valtor would run back to whatever he came from with his tail between his legs. 

 "BROTHER!!!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me, which had me standing frozen in the middle of the street of Saturnia. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?!?!" 

 I slowly turned around, and then I was face-to-face with someone I hoped I would never see again. It felt like my breath was taken away when my eyes caught sight of Valtor. Valtor still had that same wicked grin when I last saw him nearly 17 years ago. Out of panic, I used my magic and sent a flying slash spell towards Valtor that he easily deflected into the air. A massive wave of gasps sounded off as all the citizens of Saturnia were shocked that someone was powerful enough to deflect my magic. 

 "Marius, Marius, Marius," Valtor ticked as he shook his head, pretending to be disappointed. "Is that how you would treat your younger brother after not seeing them in almost twenty years?" 

 I heard a rupture of whispers when Valtor mentioned that he and I were related. I slowly felt like I was traveling back in time, where I felt a massive amount of hate and disgust placed upon me. It didn't help when I looked at the citizens who used to idolize me and saw this judgment glare in their eyes. 

 "WHAT DID YOU COME HERE FOR VALTOR?!?!" I hollered. I was growing angry at why Valtor would come and disturb the peace. I had worked so hard for nearly the last century here in Saturnia. 

 "Didn't you hear what I said, Marius, or are you losing your hearing due to old age?" Valtor sinisterly joked as he pointed his ear. "I wanted to see how my brother has been doing since the past years I was locked up in the Omega Dimension. Do you have a wife who can call me Uncle Val?" 

 I was going to reply, "No," but another voice stopped me. The voice rang out like a pen dropping. 

"DAAAAAADDDDD!" A voice I knew belonged to one of my twin boys rang out in the chaos. 

 I turned around to see it was Remus. Remus was running in the direction of Valtor and me with Romulus. Romulus 

 "You were going to lie, weren't you?!" Valtor still had a sinister grin as he pointed to me jokingly. "You do have kids, and the funny thing is you had twin boys just like the Ancestral Witches had us!" 

 Valtor laughter roared in the chaotic disaster that he made around him. 

 "I wonder, were those boys just like us, Marius?" Valtor dropped his grin, and his hallowed face darkened with pure evilness pouring out of him. 

 "I made sure they were nothing like us!" I snarled. "Go back to where you came from, Valtor; you were never welcomed here in the first place!!!" 

 "Awww!" Valtor faked his shock. "How could your younger brother be not welcomed in your kingdom that you run?"

 I sent another slash spell toward Valtor that he again deflected, this time directing the spell toward a little boy protecting another young kid who was a girl. They were screaming while waiting for the spell's impact to hit them, but it didn't. I could cast another spell, this time a shield spell to protect them as the shield dispelled it. 

 "You were going to harm those kids, Marius!?" Valtor said in fake shock. 


 "Well, brother, things have changed!" Valtor chuckled. 

 "Strip yourself from all the Magix Dimension powers you'd stolen and see if you can deflect my powers then!" 

 "I think not, brother; let's see if your lovely wife can?" Valtor laughed sinisterly. 



A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I was going to leave the chapter off with Emalia, but I decided against it as I want you guys to have a little action since you guys have been waiting for months for this chapter to come out. Thank you, guys, for still reading this story, especially since I have been away from Wattpad for a long time due to college and life taking up most of my time. It means a lot that you are still reading and enjoying the chapters, but enough about me. I would love to hear how you guys or what you are doing in life. You can mention what you are doing in the comments or DM me how everything is going for you. Lastly, can you believe that Wattpad will take away the conversation feature on their platform, or did I read the information wrong? Also, if you are out there, Julian_Wine, I hope everything is going well, and you continue to write your stories! Other than that, I hope you guys are having a good day or night whenever you are reading the chapter.  

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