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A/n: I want to thank you guys for 2k reads 🥺🥺🥺!!! I'm so thankful for you guys and truly don't deserve y'all!! This chapter will be mainly about Emalia and the other ocs so I hope you enjoy this improv chapter I'm doing! I'm a bit nervous and this chapter may or may not be long, but lets go!!!

That night after the Eraklyon's incident, Serenity

It was a sad night after everyone piled into the apartment. The Winx girls told the bonded Pixies and I the news of what went done at the Eraklyon party. I couldn't believe Sky was under the spell of Diaspro. All the Winx girls talked out their next step to take to get Sky's mind back to normal, but nothing worked. So the girls decided to go to their rooms and talk it out. I followed Stella, Aisha, and Emalia to their trio room which Faragonda magically made it into a larger room.

Stella sat at her vanity mirror chair as she stared sadly into the mirror as she was getting her earrings off. Amore was getting Stella's hair out of her formal hairstyle. Aisha was sitting on her bed with Piff sleeping soundly in her bonded fairy's lap like she didn't have a care in the world. While my bonded fairy, Emalia was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. I was perched on Emalia's shoulders with my legs crossed leaning on Emalia's cheeks. Nahoa and Inoki were perched on Emalia's left shoulder.

"I can't believe Sky would do something like this?!" Stella said in surprise as she was helping Amore unravel her hair.

"Sky is not in his right mind," Aisha said as she gently pet Piff helping her continue to sleep.

"If he's not in his right mind then its my job to return it!" Emalia rumbled. "But its all Diaspro's fault that it happened, did you see that smile on her face when Sky embarrassed Bloom like that!?"

"I'll make sure to wipe that smile off her face!" Inoki roared lightly not to walk up Piff.

"She's going to have a rude awaken when we ruin her love parade!" Nahao beamed with mischief.

"Let's worry about helping Bloom in the morning," Amore commented as she was finished helping her bonded fairy.

"Just get some sleep after a stressful night you Winx girls had this evening," I said as I used a bit of my magic to calm Emalia and her fiery dragon power.

"That sounds like a good idea, lets get ready for bed girls," Aisha announced as she placed Piff in her basket bed and went off to get ready for bed.


It was the middle of the night, Aisha, Stella, Emalia were sound asleep along with Kekipi, Amore, Piff, and I. The room was quiet as a mouse expected for a light but rhythm snores from the Winx fairies and bonded Pixies. But that was disturb by a light shuffle going on in the room. I shift towards the direction of the noise and I slightly opened my eyes. In my blurry sight I saw a female feature standing there. I lazily dart my eyes over to Emalia's bed and see that it was empty and the bedsheets were thrown off.

This time I was fully up with my eyes getting a clear view of Emalia standing there on the side of her bed. Her back was turned against me. I noticed a golden light was glowing in front of Emalia. I rubbed my eyes getting the crust of of them while I propped myself out of my bed.

"Emalia?" I quietly called out to her slightly waking up Kekipi from his sleep. "Emalia what are you doing up this late?"

Emalia didn't give me a response which was weird. I know she heard me since I'm not that far away from her. I flew out of my bed causing Kekipi to fully be up watching the scene before him. The glowing light became brighter when I got closer to Emalia, but I stopped when I saw Emalia's eye glowing golden. One of Emalia's eye were glowing while the other eye was normal, but the normal eye was in a daze like stare. Not only Emalia's eye glowing golden but also Nahoa. Inoki had his dragon claws wrapped around Nahoa's shoulders. When Inoki looked at me, his eyes were its normal pupil-less eyes.

"Ikaika ...... Hele au I Ikaika," Emalia mumbled as she stared out into the distance. (Translation: Ikaika ..... I got to go to Ikaika)

"Inoki, what is going on with Emalia and Nahoa?" I asked worriedly causing Kekipi to get out his basket bed and flew over to where Emalia, Nahoa, Inoki, and I were at.

"They are under control by someone that's close by?" Inoki answered looked at me with a straight look.

"How do you know this?" I questioned.

"Because it happened to Nahao and I, a long time ago,"

Emalia began walking towards the window of the room. Emalia was walking in a robotic nature like she wasn't used to walking on her own. Kekipi flew over to Emalia and he grabbed a mouthful of Emalia's pajama shirt trying to stop her from walking. Nahoa used his wings and spit a bit of flame trying to create some distance between Emalia and Kekipi. It worked as Kekipi immediately let his jaw loose from Emalia's pajama shirt. Emalia was back walking towards the window. I floated in the air frozen as I tried to think of ways to halt Nahoa and Emalia, but nothing came to mind.

"Inoki is there anything you can do since you and Nahoa are one and the same?" I asked worried as Emalia was only meters away form the door.

"There's nothing I can do that can make Emalia and Nahoa to stop, only the owner of Nahoa's dragon necklace can do that," Inoki replied staring at me with a sad look.

"Where do we find this owner?"

"I can check around the areas,"

Inoki's pupil-less eyes began glowing black. I began to feel a bit eery as I was never used to this dark energy that was forming around Inoki. Since I'm the Tranquil Pixie, that makes me highly sensitive to the dark energy then my other Pixie friends. I looked back at Emalia and every robotic step she was getting closer and closer to the window door. Inoki's eyes stopped glowing and they were back to normal. Inoki's had a disappointed expression on his dragon face.

"Inoki, w-why do you look so down?" I asked worried flying over to him.

"I can't track the user, they don't have a malicious intend behind calling Nahoa," Inoki sadly replied.

I looked over at Emalia with a sad look on my face. It would be a good idea to follow Emalia and Nahoa loosely to see who it is that is casting this step on them. Just how that idea is good, but it can also be bad as it is putting Inoki and I in danger if the person is watching and following Nahoa and Emalia on their way to them. I could follow them and have Inoki get the Tecna or maybe the other Winx girls and Pixies to come after Emalia, Nahoa, and I.

I felt a shiver doing down my back thinking it could be Valtor at the other end of the trail waiting to take my Emalia away from me. I know Inoki said that the person doesn't have a malicious intend behind their motive to get Nahoa and Emalia to come to them. But I feel like deep down inside that maybe Valtor found a loophole to get to my Emalia. What if I have to fight Valtor on my own? What can I do?!?!?!

"E-Emalia?" A groggy voice called out to my blinded bonded fairy as this voice caused Emalia to stop in her track.

I followed the sound of that calling voice to see it was Stella was sleepily looking at Emalia. Stella rubbed her brown eyes adjusting them to see Emalia clearly. Emalia slightly turned her head to the direction of Stella.

"Emalia?" Stella called out jerking herself up from her laying position in bed with her knees to her chest in fear staring into Emalia's half glowing eyes.

Then Stella turned to Inoki, Kekipi, and me. Before Stella could open her mouth to say something, a bright blinding light appeared in the room. The light disappeared revealing that Emalia transformed into being a fairy. Nahoa was perched on her shoulder. Nahoa let out a loud dragon roar that woke Aisha, Amore, and even Piff out of their sleep.

"Emalia we need to go now!" Nahoa announced.

"Al-right," Emalia replied as she halfway nodded.

Emalia flew out breaking the window along with creating a crumbling hole in the apartment. Soon the door to Aisha, Emalia, and Stella room opened revealing a worried Bloom, Tecna, Flora, and Musa along with their bonded Pixies.

"What is going on?!?!" Musa asked uneasiness.

"Where is Emalia?!?!" Bloom called out as her blue eyes wonder around the destroyed room searching for Emalia and couldn't find her.

"Valtor?" I heard Tecna mumbled causing the other girls to look at her.

The door to the living room opened causing the Winx girls, bonded pixies, and I to come out of the room to see Faragonda and Miss Griselda at the door.

"Girls instead of standing there asking questions you might one to save your friend while the teaching staff handles the panicking fairies!" Faragonda smirked.

"And girls one last thing please use the lessons I taught you in Defense Magic class wisely because you will need it to put Emalia and whoever it is controlling her down!" Miss Griselda chimed with a slight grin on her face as her attention was now turned to a fairy student that was yelling down the hallway.

"MAGIC WINX!!!!" Bloom called out beginning the Winx girls fairy transformation.

While the Winx girls transformed, I went out to search for Emalia. I didn't care if I had to fight Valtor, Emalia, or Nahoa on my own. I flew as fast as my little wings could take me within the forest until I can feel my speed slowly dwindling. I grabbed my pink jeweled necklace and held it tight in my hand.

"The Power of Tranquility send me a cloud so I find Emalia!" I called out as the pink gem radiate in my hand and a cloud appeared underneath me.

I let my wings rest and I sat on the gently fluffy white cloud. I grabbed hold of the fluffy clouds like it was reigns. I smiled as the Serene Cloud took me in the direction of Emalia. Before I knew I was watching Emalia walking over to a man that wasn't Valtor, but a man who was wearing a cloak with a hood over his head concealing his identity. The man was holding a golden necklace of a dragon and the eyes of dragon necklace gleamed the color blue, electric blue.

"Oh Emalia what a good host for bring the Mystic Dragon power back together for me to use against Valtor!" The man said with a grin. "But you only have half the power I'm sure the other half will make its debut soon!"

I waved my hands making some Peace Dust appeared in my hands. I rubbed the cloud as a signal to fly as fast as it could to get to the unknown man. The cloud understood what I wanted out of it and flew as fast as it could to the man. I was out in the lining for the unknown man, Emalia, and Nahoa. I was getting ready to throw my Peace Dust until I felt the cloud slip from under me. The Peace Dust disperse out of my hands into the air nowhere near the unknown man. I turned my back towards the Peace Dust midair and used my wings to propel the dust over to the man.

"Sorry to bring an end to this power transfigure, but I need my bonded fairy back!" I explained smiling.

The Peace Dust land on the man's face as it was too late for him to shield himself with his arms. The mystery man dropped the golden dragon necklace on the ground. I looked over to Emalia and Nahoa as Emalia had a lightning like rope around my cloud. Emalia dropped her arms with her eye not glowing and she didn't have that daze look in her eyes. Emalia began falling on the ground and Nahoa having the same reaction.

Before Emalia could completely drop to the ground somebody caught Emalia. I saw Tecna was the one to hold Emalia in her arms. Tecna was in her fairy form as she looked up at the mystery man that stood meters away from us. I guess my Peace Dust didn't really affect this man like I thought it would. Soon the other Winx fairies and Pixies arrived just in time. But I noticed Bloom as her blue eyes were mixed with the colors of red, orange, and yellow.

It was the color of the flame dancing in her eyes. Fire began emitting from Bloom's hands while the mystery man took a step back. Flora stepped forward and used her plant magic to grow some vines and wrapped them around the unknown man.

"Tell us what do you want from our friend and her powers?!?!" Flora declared with her fist creating a green light.

Musa picked us the golden dragon necklace that was on the ground and examined it. She handed the necklace off to Aisha then Aisha to Stella.

"What is the purpose of the necklace?" Aisha questioned the man, but he didn't say a word.

"Speak or you'll face the wrath of the Winx Club!!!!" Stella exclaimed.

The mystery man didn't uttered a word like he couldn't hear or understood a word Flora and Before Flora could tighten her vine grips around the mystery man. There was a crack within the earth underneath all of us causing a shake in the ground. With that distraction Flora couldn't focus her attention on the unknown man. He used this an opportunity to set himself free by pulling out a dagger and cutting the vines.

The man ran off, but not before he could take off with the necklace. The man used his magic and made the necklace zipped back in his hands. Finally, the man left without a trace causing an end to the mini earthquake. Emalia groaned in the arms of Tecna as she gently pushed herself off Tecna's arms. Nahoa was coming out of his slumber too as he yawned.

"W-What's happening?" Emalia asked coming out of her sleep and noticing that we were in the forest. "And why are we in the forest?"

"Did something bad happened to us?" Nahoa asked until he stopped at Inoki's uneasy dragon face.

"Tecna did you have a visual on the necklace?" Bloom asked her blue eyes died down the flames that were burning in her eyes.

"You know it!" Tecna nodded.

Morning, Nahoa

The morning after the mysterious man trying to lure Emalia and me to whatever he wants, Inoki thought it would be a good time for us to go see Kala, his previous host and have a chat with her. I thought that necklace, my necklace was long gone, but I guess that I was wrong. Inoki climbed out of Emalia's neck while all the Winx girls and Pixies were asleep. I followed after Inoki stretching out my wings. Inoki was looking at the rising sun that was soon about to peek the sky.

"Nahoa its time," Inoki called out.

Just before we could fly off, the door to Aisha, Emalia, and Stella's room opened. It was revealed to be Headmistress Faragonda. The sound of the door opening cause Emalia and the others to wake up. Faragonda walked over to the newly repaired window and pulled back the curtains to let the radiant rays of the sun inside the room. Faragonda turned to look at the fairies then at Inoki and i.

"Up and at 'em ladies!" Faragonda exclaimed with a warm smile. "Before you two dragons go on your field trip, I need to talk to you along with Emalia!"

Faragonda turned her attention to the sleepy head Emalia as she yawned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Can you give us five more minutes?" Stella asked as she lazily laid her head back on her pillows.

"Sorry no can do Stella, the day has started and so are you Winx girls!" Faragonda replied gently still smiling but again turn her attention back on the already up Emalia. "Emalia once you put your clothes on for the day meet me in my office there is a lot to discuss about!"

Faragonda's Office

Emalia was at the doors of Faragonda's office. Emalia was face to face with the closed doors. Inoki and I were perched on Emalia's shoulders along with Serenity.

"Is there anything you two need to tell me before Headmistress Faragonda beat you to the punch?" Emalia asked Inoki and I.

Inoki and I looked at each other then at Emalia who was looking at us. We know that we are hiding something from her, but it will probably be best if Faragonda tell her instead of us.

"Nope not a thing at all/What is there to tell?!" Inoki and I replied.

"Hmmm, you lying dragons," Emalia rolled her eyes and opened the door to the office.

Faragonda was looking outside of the window until she heard the door opened. Once Faragonda caught sight of us, she smiled and fully turned to us.

"What a delight to see you four in my office!" Faragonda beamed.

"Its a delight to be back in your office and this time not in trouble!" Emalia smiled. "But I know that you didn't call me here because my grades in Alfea are at the top of my class soooooo?"

Faragonda chuckled as she sat at her desk chair pulling herself to her desk table.

"You are correct Emalia, a clever girl just like your mother, but also like your father who wants to cut to the chase!" Faragonda chuckled again which slowly eased to a semi-serious look on her face. "I know the other Winx girls have informed you of what transpired last night?"

Emalia sighed as she took a sit in front of Faragonda's desk. Emalia's amber eyes looked at Serenity then at Inoki and I.

"I heard a lot mostly coming from Inoki and Serenity. Who's that strange man?" Emalia asked squinting her eyes wanting answers. "I know that Inoki and Nahoa are hiding something from me, but they are not telling me,"

"That strange man goes by the name of Kani, but his full name I never heard of," Faragonda replied.

Kani? I heard that name before. Kani was my pervious host, the host I was trying to end to be free from my tied with. Kani was the same host that allowed Valtor to take me until Kala could save me and placed me within Emalia.

"Kani?" Emalia said the name again. "What does Kani wants with me and where did he come from?"

"He comes from the same planet as you, Princess Emalia, the tropical islands of Ikaika. What he wants is for your power Inoki and Nahoa to form the Mystic Dragon and save Ikaika,"

"Save Ikaika? Ikaika has been destroyed for nearly two decades what is there to save?"

"The Heart of Ikaika,"

The Heart? What could happened to the Heart of Ikaika? I thought it could survive another few years without people replenishing their magic. Is that is why the earth crumbled and caused a mini earthquake. The Heart is showing the worlds that it needs help.

"What is the Heart of Ikaika and why does it needs saving?" Emalia thought about it but then changed her mind. "It got something to do with me isn't it?"

"You are correct Emalia!" Faragonda said pushing out from her desk table and onto her feet walking behind Emalia's chair. "I want to show you a tale of Ikaika!"

Emalia got up from the chair and Faragonda used her magic and making appear Ikaika, the old Ikaika. Ikaika that was flourishing with people and life in general. A time before the Three Ancestral Witches and Valtor along with everything else. Faragonda began giving Emalia a view of Ikaika: the beaches, volcanoes, the palm trees, and Ikaikaians thriving and practicing battle stance. I can still remember the smell of the ocean breeze of that place along with the dark energy bubbling around the place because of the volcanoes.

"Ikaika used to be a paradise for its people and a great tourist spot for people of the Magix Dimension! Ikaika bred strong and reliable warriors, but also promote a life of entertainment and your parents King Haulani and Queen Mahina were at the center of it all. Your parents were the ferocious warriors and they were at the front of every battle they had until Valtor came seeking out your powers," Faragonda exclaimed as the magical image of Ikaika changed to what Faragonda was saying.

A still image of Queen Mahina and King Haulani was still up. Emalia absentmindedly walked up to the magical image of her parents. Emalia's hand glided gently over the visual of her mom and dad. Emalia's mom had purple long curly hair with crystal blue eyes. She wore a smile that could light up all of the Magix Dimension, Emalia's mom was a gentle and kind person when it didn't come to business or protecting her home. While Emalia's father wore a dashing grin his straight dark brown hair covering over one of his amber orange eyes. Emalia's father was muscular and looked like a brute isn't he didn't wore a smile on his face which caused him to be a bit of a jokester.

"Mom and Dad .... uh," Emalia proclaimed gently as she turned to Faragonda. "So what was the result of my parents and Ikaika?"

"Your parents was turned into stone along with the other inhabitants that lived on your planet, but your parents suffered a horrible fate besides turned into stone. What's left of your parents is unknown expect for one person, but Ikaika was not a paradise anymore. Ikaika was overrun by the random volcanoes ruptures, tsunamis, and every natural disaster you can think of?" Faragonda explained.

"The stone people were they okay?"

"They were fine, your mother used the last bit of her magic to insure that whatever happens to Ikaika doesn't affect the people,"

"Faragonda who is this one person who knows what happened to my parents?"

"Kani does, but to answer question of what is the Heart of Ikaika is literally the Heart of Ikaika the reason why it is a paradise, the reason why the volcanoes and other natural disasters don't shatter the island and planet. You know that your powers build Ikaika and it used to be a danger hotspot meaning it was uninhabitable until a fairy came along by the name of Kahiau (pronunciation: Kah-HAH-yoo). Kahiau was the first ever fairy to be able to use the Mystic Dragon for herself and her people. Kahiau fought so bravely that the Mystic Dragon and her people decided to honor her by making her the Heart of Ikaika. The Ikaikaian people thought it would be another good idea to give a portion of their power to Kahiau so she can continuously protect them like she did centuries ago when she generously gave her life and power up from the heart! Kahiau for centuries protected her people and her generations of offsprings but since no one in years had replenish Ikaika and the stored magic has tried its best to protect the people, the store magic is running low and the mini earthquake last night was a sign that Ikaika is screaming for help ... Kahiau is screaming for help,"

A/n: The name Kahiau means in Hawaiian to selfless generosity or to give from the heart 😊

"W-What can I do?" Emalia questioned scoffing. "Put a battery inside the Heart of Ikaika and recharge it?!"

Emalia joked stepping away form the visual. Faragonda walked towards Emalia and placed her hands on her shoulders with a gentle smile on her face.

"I need you to save Ikaika as best as you can with the help of someone you truly know that you can meet now and also Inoki and Nahoa you may go now!" Faragonda smiled.


I placed my hand on the stone casing of my mom's stone hands. I remember that they used to be filled with warmth, but now her hands are cold as ice. I looked over at Dad even as a stone statue he still looks like a brute. I remembered when Dad used to ruffle my hair every time he sees me as a greeting or a way to tell me that he was proud of me. When I was younger I would always compared my tiny toddler hands to my father's huge barbaric like hands. Still as I am older my hands don't even come close of being the same size as his.

"I was so close of having the power of the Mystic Dragon in my hands, but I was foiled by Emalia's friends and bonded Pixie," I told my stoned parents. "But I promised you once I got of my stone imprisonment that I would free you and our people from this horrible curse!"

The ground began shaking causing the debris of tiny rocks to fall on top of my parents and I. I quickly told my parents that I was out of the underground cave. Now I was out in the dark gray and black sky of Ikaika thanks to the fallen ashes of the activate volcanoes that was rumbling. I missed when Ikaika used to remind me of a desert land that would drink from the sky. The beautiful palm trees were now empty tree that was beaten by the hurricanes and other disasters that hit it. I walked pass the stone feared people the used to fill Ikaika with life, joy, and music. I want that back, I want my family back.


I was in the forest of Alfea using the Mystic Dragon necklace to track down where Emalia could be at. The necklace lead me to the forest side of Alfea and I search around for a fairy with pigtails, but I didn't see a fairy or pigtails in sight. I growled holding the necklace tight in my hand as I saw this time my left hand fainting from existence. I need to find Emalia and her powers fast before I become a distance memory. Then I heard the sound of two voice: a female and a male's voice speaking into a conversation. I sneakily walked towards the sound of the voices to listen in on their conversation.

"Falen, you don't need to come with me!" The female told the male sounding like they were a couple.

"What do you mean that I'm not coming?" Falen replied. "I'm coming with you if you like it or not, I'm not going to let you go at it by yourself, Emalia!"

Emalia? Where is she trying to go?

"Falen this is a family thing and Ikaika needs me," Emalia sternly told Falen.

"So are you staying that I'm not your family after all the conversations of the future we had together?" Falen said as I heard the ground crunch under someone's feet. "Why when things get tough for you, you always push me and the others out?"

"I'm afraid of losing my friends because of something my powers or past that has nothing to do with me, but I'm mainly afraid of losing you!" Emalia commented sounding a bit sad and her voice gone softer than before. "I almost lost you to the Trix and I don't want to feel like that anymore,"

"And I lost you about two times in the last two years along with a few close calls and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to lose you about a couple more times this year. Let me fight along side you and let me protect you!"

I could have sworn that I heard tear fall from Emalia's eyes. Emalia when she was a baby was always a crybaby. At least Pipsqueak's still soft little baby on the inside. That was the last time I officially saw Emalia as a baby and the first time she saw me, she instantly cried.

"Hey I'm not trying to make you cry or anything, but I was laying down the facts wasn't like I was trying to keep count or silently say who suffer the most out of us?" Falen joked.

I came out of hiding revealing myself to the used to be happy couple. Falen instantly pushed Emalia behind him acting as a shield for Princess Pipsqueak. I wanted to smile because that is what Dad do every time when there was a threat when he's around Mom. Dad's first advice he gave to me was to always protect Mom and my sisters if something happened to him. I failed him on that, but I can regain my promise by getting Emalia's powers and saving my family and home.

"Are you that strange guy that my friends, Pixie, and my Headmistress was talking about?" Emalia asked she was going to step to the side, but Falen stopped her. "Your name is Kani right?'

My body tensed when I heard my name coming out of her mouth. How did she know my name? I know that Kala didn't tell Emalia about me so who told?

"I hope you know I don't have my powers on me, but I can still take you down with and without my magic!" Emalia smirked, but stopped when she saw Falen get in front of her again.

"If you want her power then you have to go through me," Falen proclaimed pulling out his Phanto-Spear out and holding it in a threatening manner.

I can't use magic let alone have my dual Phanto-Swords with me. I placed the other half of the Mystic Dragon necklace around my neck. I felt for the first time in a long time like my old self. Magic was flowing through my body and I slightly, by a tiny fracture, didn't feel less of myself. I raised my fist up which had Falen confused about what is going on. Emalia gently moved Falen to the side and the look of determination and protectiveness.

"Falen let me handle this because it seems like its a family matter, its an Ikaikaian problem that I have to handle!" Emalia growled having her eyes on me.

Oh Emalia, you have no idea that you're right. This fight should be easy since Emalia never had a true Ikaikaian Warrior training! This is going be a walk in a park!

"Princesa, we just talked about it, let me help and handle this!" Falen said in a singing vocal tone.

"Sweetie this is not the time!" Emalia said in the same tone of singing pitch but in a higher octave.

I ran towards Emalia as Emalia used her magic to push Falen on the far end of the forest away from my oncoming attack. Emalia just in time blocked my punch as I was trying to aim at the side of her head. I quickly noticed Emalia's side where free and I thought she wouldn't be able to block it. I went in to punch her on her side and again she blocked me there. Again, I went for Emalia's head, but Emalia ducked down as she felt the sharp wind going across her head.

I guess Emalia had enough of dodging my attacks and she went on the offense. Emalia went for my head, but I took a page out of her book and ducked. I saw in slow motion that Emalia was lifting her leg to kick me. I flipped out of the way so I won't be sent flying. I was surprised by Emalia's speed because once I landed on my feet because I see Emalia was going in for a punch, but I blocked it. I went in to send in quick jabs, but Emalia blocked them in perfect time.

Now its time to shake this fight up. I used my magic to create several doppelgängers of me. The doppelgängers and I ran towards at Emalia. Her amber eyes was darting from doppelgänger to doppelgänger trying to spot out which one is the real me and to see whose going to attack her first. The doppelgängers all ran up to Emalia together. Emalia dodged the oncoming attacks by bobbing and weaving, punching, and even throwing my doppelgängers around the forest making them poof out of existence.

Where did this girl learn to fight like this? I was surprise she is able to keep up with me despite having zero Ikaikaian Warrior training that Kala and me went through when we were younger.

"Found you!" Emalia barked as she came running towards me.

Emalia ran towards me getting ready to punch me. I weaved to the left and I sent a hard punch into Emalia's abdomen. Emalia yelped holding her stomach as she was sent skidding over to Falen who watched his girlfriend in pain.

"Emalia are you okay?" Falen asked cradling her in his arms like the Pipsqueak she is.

Emalia didn't say a word, but she replied with a nod. Falen got up bringing out his Phanto-Spear out again. I got into my fighting stance.

"Are you my next opponent?" I asked using my magic to speak with him.

I was going to attack him until I felt the ground shake again like it did last night. I felt the vibration of Kahaui calling for me or someone to help her.

"Kani ..... Kani Pono wau iā 'oe .... kōkua mai ia'u ....... Aia 'o Valtor e ho'okahe ana ia'u i ko'u mana ..... Ua nāwaliwali loa au a 'a'ole hiki ia'u ke ho'opa'a lō'ihi loa," Kahiau called out to me sounding weaker than she was before. (Translation: Kani .... Kani I need you .... help me ...... Valtor is here draining me of my powers .... I feel so weak and I don't think I can hold out for too long)

When I heard the name Valtor. My body heated up at the nerve Valtor has to step foot on my home planet. I looked at Emalia and she sluggishly got back up on her feet. Her hand was still hugging her stomach, but her eyes held that strong passion of fire in her eyes. Her fiery eyes reminded me of my mother when she was felt threaten in a battle.

"Falen get reinforcement from the Winx girls and Specialists while I go with Kani to Ikaika," Emalia informed Falen causing Falen to stare at Emalia with shock.

"He tried to take your powers away not once, but twice like right now!" Falen exclaimed. "He was just fighting us!!"

"But now our differences subsided for now because we have a common interest which is our home Ikaika faltering under the hands of Valtor!" Emalia explained looking at Falen with a strong look.

I was instantly taken back to the time where my mom looked the same way that Emalia was looking at Falen. Falen had the same look as my dad had when he was going back and forth in his mind deciding if he should or should not like Mom fight Valtor on her own. Falen sighed the same way that Dad did before he let my mom fought Valtor on her own. A mistake, I knew Dad regretted.

"I'll make sure Emalia and her powers are safe," I told Falen through my magic powers trying my best to reassure him.

Then Emalia and I were off to Ikaika to save Kahiau.

Minutes before Kani and Emalia left for Ikaika: Lake Roccaluce, Inoki

Once the meeting with Faragonda was over, Nahoa and I instantly took flight in the sky on our way to the to see Kala. Maybe it was a good idea for me to decide that we should go see Kala. We arrived at Lake Roccaluce Nahoa and I. Outside of the entrance was Kala like she knew we was going to be here. Kala was floating above the water.

"I've been waiting for you two ever since this morning, do you think its right for you two to leave a girl of my royal status out here waiting?" Kala joked a little as she turned to float back underwater to the cave.

Nahoa and I dived underwater to follow after Kala. We went inside the cave and saw Daphne sitting on the underwater couch. Daphne smiled when she saw Inoki and I. Kala stopped in front of Nahoa and I while having a serious look on her face.

"I know you are here for a plethora of reasons so lets start with the elephant in the room what happened last night?" Kala asked with her hands on her hips.

"Kani appeared at Alfea and used the other half of the Mystic Dragon to bring Emalia and Nahoa to him to steal their power," I explained to Kala causing Daphne and Kala to be surprise.

Well Daphne was surprise, but Kala didn't look too surprise at my news. Did Kala figured Kani would do something like this?

"Why aren't you just as surprised as Daphne here?" Nahoa questioned, speaking to Kala.

"Because I figured that Kani would eventually go to the extreme, but to this extreme of trying to steal Emalia's powers," Kala paused with her finger in her mouth in worry. "I didn't think he would do something like this,"

"If he wanted to steal Emalia's powers how could have done that?" Daphne questioned speaking her thoughts out loud.

"Kani used Nahoa's half of the Mystic Dragon necklace which only controlled half of Emalia last night," I informed the girls.

"So you're saying that you wasn't controlled by it either? What happened to Inoki's version of the necklace?" Daphne continued to question.

"Emalia used her magic to melt away my necklace once Falen was about to calm me down,"

"So Nahoa's necklace was with Kani the whole time," Kala mumbled under her breath. "I thought that Nahoa's necklace was lost and I was grateful for that, but it was with Kani,"

Kala serious look turned into the look of being lost and speechless. Kala went over to the couch, sitting next to Daphne.

"I've spent nearly Emalia's whole life searching for that necklace knowing a day like this would happen let it be another magic user or Kani wanting to harm Emalia and the Magix Dimension as a whole," Kala continued to speak her thoughts.

"Inoki ..... Inoki Pono wau iā 'oe .... kōkua mai ia'u ....... Aia 'o Valtor e ho'okahe ana ia'u i ko'u mana ..... Ua nāwaliwali loa au a 'a'ole hiki ia'u ke ho'opa'a lō'ihi loa," Kahiau called out to me. (Translation: Inoki .... Inoki I need you .... help me ...... Valtor is here draining me of my powers .... I feel so weak and I don't think I can hold out for too long)

I missed Kahiau as she was the first ever fairy to willingly come to Ikaika by herself and proved herself worth of being the first ever dark fairy despite being the kindest and bravest fairy I have ever met .... aside from Emalia. I missed Kahiau smile and sometimes when Emalia smiles, I see Kahiau. When I heard her voice calling out to me, my dragon heart ached. I looked over to Kala and Nahoa and they must heard the same thing I heard because they had the same look as me.

"Inoki and Nahoa you got to save Ikaika," Kala said in a worried tone.

"What about you Kala aren't you going to come with us?" I asked hoping that she would come.

"I can't come, magic was never the same since I used it to fight as Emalia," Kala replied sadly. "I would only be dead weight if I go, but make sure to protect Kani and Emalia with your lives! I want to see them back in one piece!"

Ikaika, Valtor

The Trix and I arrived at Ikaika. This place used to be beautiful vacation spot for the people of Magix well until I got here and wreaked havoc to the used to be paradise. Now ashes from the volcanoes fell from the sky along with the sky not being its usual blue ocean color. I love what I've done to the island!

"Say Valtor did you totally wreck this island all on your own?" Darcy said in pure amusement looking at the desolated island full of stoned people.

"I sure did Darcy, I was the one to bring the mighty Ikaika to its knees and sealing the faith of their founding King and Queen!" I chuckled when I remember the King and Queen horrific faces when I ended them.

"A man that can end a mighty reign that Ikaika had over people is so hot!" Stormy gushed causing Icy and Darcy to give her the stern eyes. "What I'm not wrong?!"

"Anyways Valtor what are we doing in this desolated island?" Icy asked turning her attention on me as I was leading the girls towards the Heart of Ikaika.

"We are here for me to absorb the power that was left untouched by magic kind!" I smirked at the thought of me sapping out the power of this island.

I heard the sound of the Trix scoffing as I can hear them laughing. Sometimes they can be so simpleminded that I always ask myself why am I aligning myself with them? Then I realize that I need them for my evil purposes of taken over the Magix Dimension.

"You three will be surprise to know there is a bit of magic on this island that haven't been touched in years," I replied shocking the three witches.

"Where and how nobody else was able to get this magic?" Stormy questioned.

"The Heart of Ikaika, just a little ways away! Nobody has gotten to this magic is because of the random spurs of natural disasters would end a magical beings life if they are not from Ikaika,"

"We are not Ikaika, but we are able to be here just fine?" Darcy said in a questionable tone.

"I placed a strong magic spell to protect us from the sudden storms and disasters that may come,"

I could have sworn, I heard the Trix gush even more. I rolled my eyes and continued talking to the temple of where the last source of Ikaika's magic. The Heart of Ikaika! The Trix and I walked into the temple of where Kahiau, the founding fairy of Ikaika resides. The more I walked into the temple, the more power I feel that would be mind flowing through me.

Soon the Trix and I were face to face with the founding fairy of Ikaika, the Head Lady and protector of her people, Kahiau. Kahiau didn't have her fairy wings, but she was floating in midair with her eyes closed. I can tell she was breathing as Kahiau's celestial body was expanding and flattening like she was taking air. Kahiau despite being around for centuries, she had the appearance of some of these modern day weakling that parade around the Magix Dimension.

A/n: Picture of what Kahiau looks like now and here goes the artist credit for making this picture!!!

"Wow I hope if I become a celestial being or lived as long as she did then I want to look like Kahiau!" Stormy beamed.

"Yeah she look like she didn't age a bit like how I thought she would since she is the founding pixie of Ikaika!" Darcy walking around Kahiau, but backed away by the immerse power coming from Kahiau shielding herself. "I can see why Valtor want her magic, Kahiau's magic is so powerful that I can't even stand near her!"


"All this annoying talking she is doing Valtor just sap the magic out of her before she calls whoever she knows!" Icy rolled her eyes and rolling her wrist like get on with it.

"A good idea lets get on with it, shall we?!" I smirked. "Trix bind Kahiau!"

Kahiau used her magic to try and push us back, but the Trix used their binding spell to hold down Kahiau. Thanks to Kahiau focusing the majority of her magic to protect her stone people. Kahiau screamed as she thrash around in the Trix's binding spell. I closed my eyes and levitate myself in the air as I began draining the magic out of Kahiau. After about 3 minutes, suddenly the Trix was taken down by someone in a cloak. I studied the unidentifiable man and noticed that their eyes was glowing blue with lightning sparking out of his eyes. I instantly knew who it was as it was Kani.

I formed my hands together to create the spell I should have finished Kani off in the beginning. Before I could throw the spell at Kani, someone coming out of the shadows came and grabbed a small handful of my face and dragged my face along the ground. I groaned at the sudden attack and my eyes caught sight of Emalia.

"You think you can come back here the second time and finish what you started?!" Emalia exclaimed in a dark tone as she was growling in my ear with her small hands still mushing my face. "I think not, Valtor!"


I told the Winx and Specialists to make our way to Ikaika. I thought we would have some difficulty getting here since Ikaika has been known after its destruction that it was hard to get in. I guess Emalia and Kani had told Kahiau to let us in. I would say that I got here in time, but my eyes instantly landed on Emalia. Emalia was in her fairy transformation as she was slumped on the ground at the entrance of the Heart of Ikaika.

"Emalia!" I called out to her as she slowly got on her feet. "What happened where is Kani?!"

"Kani is inside fighting off the Trix and Valtor," Emalia replied as she was on her feet thanks to Bloom and Stella, once on her feet completely Emalia moving around getting the knots out of her body. "I'm glad you guys came just in time because Valtor nearly took all the power out of Kahiau, which I will explain later, but lets go help Kani now!"

Emalia flew off leaving us all behind. I can hear the clashing coming from the temple and I can feel the fear coming out of the room.

"Are you sure Emalia wants us to come because it sound like she and Kani handling it on their own!?" Brandon questioned pointing at where the sound is coming out.

"Stop being a chicken and fight like a Specialists!" Aisha said following after the clashing battle noise.

Everyone ran or flew after Aisha until we all stopped to see a celestial being that I'm assuming was Kahiau. Her magic was being drained as Valtor was fighting with Emalia and Kani handling the Trix. I turned to the group ready take down Valtor and the Trix to save Kahiau and Ikaika as a whole.

"Okay Winx girls you help Kani get a handle over the Trix with the help of Timmy, Riven, Brandon while Helia and Sky come with me to help Emalia take down Valtor!" I gave out the order making everyone pleased with it to follow it.

Helia, Sky, and I ran over to Emalia and Valtor. Valtor used his magic to send towards Emalia as Emalia blocked it. Helia used his magic capture rope and grab a hold of Valtor's orb and send it back to him. Valtor used his hands to dissolve his power before it could even hit him. I used this as an opportunity to go and attack Valtor. I twirled my spear and took some jabbing motion.

Valtor snickered as he effortlessly bobbed and weaved my attacks. Sky snuck up behind Valtor and landed a hit on Valtor. Emalia saw that Valtor was defenseless and she created her Hurricane Winds spell on him sending Valtor flying to the wall. Emalia picked Valtor up with her magic and send him thrashing around the room like a beach ball in the air.

"Come on boys take your first hit on Valtor!" Emalia exclaimed with excitement.

Before Sky, Helia, and I could attack Valtor, in midair Valtor used his magic to cast a gust of wind pushing everyone, but Kahiau back against the wall. I groaned at the impact of my back hitting the walls of the temple. To add the finishing touch to the attack, Valtor had used his magic combined with a portion of Kahiau's magic and bonded everyone, but the Trix to the wall.

A/N: Sorry if it seems like I'm rushing, but I got to get on with the story if you know what I am 😊


I watched as Kahiau yelled as she was slowly turned black losing the life she held before Valtor took it away. I saw Emalia and Kani trying their best to get out but they couldn't. Kahiau was slowly stop floating and she hit the ground.

"Thanks Kahiau for giving me all the remaining magic you have left and as a present I'll leave you with a parting gift!" Valtor said using his newfound magic to cause the volcanoes to get aggressive, the ocean violently, and the wind harshly blowing.

Valtor and the Trix left leaving all of us to deal with the natural disasters that is brewing on Ikaika. We was all freed from Valtor's binding as Kani and Emalia ran towards the lifeless Kahiau on the ground.

"E kala mai .... ʻaʻole hiki iaʻu ke mālama i kaʻu ...... hoʻohiki a pale aku iā ʻoe," Kahiau apologize as that was her last words. (Translation: I'm .... sorry .... I couldn't keep my ...... promise and protect you)

"Kani, how do we stop all this and save Kahiau?" Emalia cried.

Kani didn't say a word, but stop magically to Emalia. The look on Emalia's face tell me that Kani told her that there's nothing they or what can do to fix the issue. Nahoa and Inoki come out as they came towards the lifeless Kahiau. The two dragons cried at the sight, but what I didn't realize is that Kahiau arm was glowing thanks to Inoki touching it.

"Emalia maybe there's still a way for you to save Kahiau and maybe Ikaika as a whole?" I told Emalia as I pointed over to Inoki touching Kahiau's now glowing arm.

Kani looked over to Emalia like they were saying something to each other. Emalia's eyes faltered like he was giving her some tough news, but she nodded.

"Kani said I can offer up my magic to make up for the lack of magic that was given to her over the years," Emalia said as she was avoiding looking at me and our friends.

"Over the years?" Tecna pondered. "Doesn't that mean you have to give up your life in order for Kahiau to come back and save Ikaika?"

Emalia got on her feet and she didn't reply to Tecna giving off the eery feeling that I hate. I heard the booming of the volcano meaning that eventually its going to erupt. Along with the volcano erupting, the ground started to shake like an earthquake is going to happen.

"Inoki and Nahoa grow bigger and take our friends out of here along with Falen," Emalia commanded turning her back to me and our friends.

"NO WAY!" Musa yelled.

"WE'RE NOT GOING TO LIVE YOU BEHIND!!!" Stella declared.

"What about you if Inoki and Nahoa protect us from Ikaika's natural elements then what will happen to you?" Helia questioned.

"Her life will end," Kani magically spoke this time to everyone causing everyone to look at Emalia with horror.

"Nahoa and Inoki what are you waiting for get them out of here!!" Emalia hollered with her back still towards us.

The twin dragons grew bigger and they took all of us away. I yelled out for Emalia trying my best to get her to end this solo task she offered up. Emalia began levitating as I saw light forming around her and Kahiau. Emalia turned towards me for the first time in a few minutes and gave me a teary smile.


It was probably a dumb decision to let Inoki and Nahoa go and save our friends, Kani, and Falen. But it was something I have to do. I saw the color and life grow back inside Kahiau as I was willingly gave my magic and life up for Kahiau to live again. Life was pouring into Kahiau to the point she was able to open her eyes. Kahiau's white (a/n: or purple) eyes landed on me and they expanded in disbelief. I can see the lava pouring into the temple as it was burning into the temple materials. The cracks on the ground expanded as a small portion of the lava entered the cracking earth.

"Why are you doing this? Kahiau questioned me like she want to me to stop what I'm doing. "You don't need to give your life for me! I lived century worth of life and I'm okay with how it ended! You are young and so much to live for!!"

"I don't care about my youth!" I cried. "I care about the stoned people that are melting in the lava or falling within the cracks of the earth! They are far more important than me being youthful and living my life!"

I feel the life draining out of me. When I dipped almost to the ground, I felt some warm yet cold arms around me. I lazily see that it was Kahiau that was holding me. I felt the burning tears land on my skin. Then finally I took my last breath and give the last bit of my magic to Kahiau.

As I felt life breathing into me. I went through my fairy transformation. I was feeling stronger than ever before. I was going through the changes and finally I was out of it taking in my new appearance. I was surprised that I was in my new Enchantix form!

A/n: Emalia's new transformation sequence down below along with her Enchantix outfit that I have been waiting for years to show 🥰😍!!!

"Emalia, you've earned your Enchantix powers!" Kahiau smiled but that ended when the volcano's lava continued to pour into the temple to add more problems was the flooding water of the ocean mixing in with the lava causing steam to puff up in the air. "I have to use my powers to save our people, do you think you can use your newfound Enchantix powers to end these natural disasters?"

"You got it, Kahiau!" I nodded bursting through the roof of the temple.

I can hear my friends and Falen cheering happy to see that I'm okay. Around everyone on the ground was a purple magical casing to protect them from me ending the disasters around us. I closed my eyes following Headmistress Faragonda's teaching of using fairy dust. I was sensing the fairy dust in me until I called them.

"MAGIC FAIRY DUST!!" I called out.

A/n: Emalia's fairy dust picture, I couldn't find a gif for it, but I hope this will do!

My fairy dust was sprinkled over the the disasters as the my magic was reversing the affect the lava, cracking earth, and water from the tsunami has caused. The island of Ikaika was going back to what it used to be! The gray and black sky had disappeared as the white clouds came rolling in along with the sky looking blue like the ocean. Speaking of the ocean, calm waves began crashing on the shore and the sound of the birds chirped flying through the sky. The used to be lifeless palm tree had life and color as the leaves of the palm tree was nearly as green as an emerald gem. It was turning back to the famous paradise Ikaika was known for!

To my surprise the people of Ikaika that was trapped in the stone was cracking. Until one by one, everyone was breaking out of their stone imprisonment. They was cheering once they saw in the sky as they assumed that I was Kahiau that saved them! Nahoa and Inoki landed on the ground freeing my friends, Falen, and Kani. Falen and our friends went around clearing the confusion of who I was.

I realize that the other mini islands of Ikaika still looked the say as it was before. I went flying around island to island using my fairy dust to clear the reverse of what Valtor did to them years ago until all the island was cured from this curse. I flew back to the main island where Falen and our friends are and I landed near them while everyone was hugging me. Inoki and Nahoa went back to their small size and they hugged me too!

"Emalia you earned your Enchantix powers!!" Flora cheered. "How did you earn it?!"

"When she was willingly gave her life up to save her home planet and people!" Stella exclaimed hugging me tightly.

"Stella you killing me here!" I joked.

"Don't ever pull another stunt like that again!" Falen playfully warned me.

"She did something like this before Falen so you might as well get use to it!" Helia pat my boyfriend's shoulder.

We all laughed, but I stopped when I was looking around for one missing person and that person was Kani.

"Wait where's Kani?" I asked searching around for a unknown man in a cloak.

"He disappeared once everything was going good," Bloom explained shrugging her shoulders.

"We'll worry about him another time, lets celebrate in Magix City on Emalia earning her Enchantix powers!!!" Riven cheered as we all agreed.

We was about to go back to Alfea until I got a message from Kahiau thanking me for saving her and minaly her people from the curse Valtor placed on the island. Kahiau also told me to come back and see her anytime I want and to give Valtor and the Trix a good Ikaika Warrior style butt whooping they'll never forget! And I sure will do that!

A/n: I'm thankful that you guys stuck around for this first FULL improv chapter of my Winx series and I'm thinking about adding more into this story and maybe in another one! I know that you guys probably have questions about what was going on in the chapter so please don't be afraid to write your comments next to the section that you have questions on or in the comment section! I see you guys next time!!!

Shameless Plugs: I would like to do a shameless plug to my 2 Youtube channels so please like, comment, share, and subscribe to these channels, but mainly I hope you enjoy them!






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