Alien vs Venom.

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Disclaimer: I don't own rwby, it is owned by rooster teeth, I don't own venom or ghost rider or mania, they're owned by marvel, and I don't own Alien, it is owned by 20th century fox.

A/N: we've just reached 1K, I'll be honest I didn't expect to reach it this quickly, but hey I did it, thanks for all your support i really appreciate it, now back to the story.

Y/N POV: after my little confrontation with Tai and uhh... well... getting six girls, I guess? I was eating at the cafeteria alone, I didn't feel like talking to anyone, considering how I nearly wanted to kill tai for being such an asshole, but now I'm keeping a low profile until...

Velvet: Cardin stop!!!

Cardin: you're such a weakling!

Y/N: (growling) we've had enough of this shit.

We get up and turn into Venom, as Cardin turns around, he doesn't have enough time to react as I punch him straight into a wall, I then grab his leg.

Venom: if Nora was here, she'd be happy I was doing this.

I then decide to break cardin's leg, causing him to cry out in pain, I then look at his team.

Venom: better take him to the infirmary.

They quickly grab him and run off, I revert back and look at velvet.

Y/N: you ok?

Velvet: y-yeah t-thank you.

Y/N: don't mention it.

As I'm about to walk away, velvet grabs my arm.

Y/N: what's wrong vel-

And then out of nowhere, velvet kisses me on my cheek and I just stand there in complete shock, we stopped after about a minute, and she looks at me with a smile and a blush on her face, I just stand there in shock and with a complete red face, she giggles and hops away.

Venom: Y/N..... Y/N....... Y/N!!!!!

I snap out of it and look around to see everyone looking at me.

Y/N: (nervous laugh) I'm.... just gonna go.... over there....

I quickly walk out and start running to ozpin's office as I couldn't get something wrapped around my head.

Venom: Y/N?

Y/N (in head): what?

Venom: that's seven.

Y/N (in head): stop fucking keeping count!!!!

As I ran, i felt a sharp pain in my head and fall to the ground.

Y/N: what the fuck?!

Venom: the klyntar!!! It's happening.

We suddenly turned into Venom.

Venom: We need to head outside! Now!!!

I managed to get up, and started running as fast I could without stumbling, we couldn't really run any faster since venom was losing his strength, as I kept running i saw RWBY and JNPR along with Robbie looking at me.

Ruby: big brother you ok?

Venom: can't talk... need to.... go... outside...

I kept running but I could tell they were following, once I was outside I collapsed to the ground, I was on my knees.

Jaune: bro! You ok?!

Venom: stay back!!!!

I could feel my entire body hurting and then I felt myself being sick and then I started throwing up only my barf wasnt normal, the colour of it was black with a bit of red, i could feel venom screaming in pain as he was releasing tendrils everywhere, and then I felt my back open up realising the same black and red liquid.


Everyone: Y/N! Venom!

Once I stopped, i fell onto the ground barely conscious, Venom, was quiet, it must've taken a lot out of him, I slowly turned my head and saw the black and red substance separate, and then they slowly morph into a somewhat human creature.

???: daddy?

???: (laughs) look at them, they're our father?! They are so weak, I'll just put them out of their misery.

Before I could say anything, I started to fell drowsy and passed out probably from the blood loss.

(2 day timeskip)

Y/N: I slowly open my eyes, and look around and see I'm in another hospital room.

Y/N: second time Now, this is just fucking stupid,

I slowly get up but feel a sharp pain in my back, and fall back.

Y/N: shit!

I then try and talk to Venom.

Y/N (in head): Venom, you there?

Venom:... Yes.

Y/N (in head): oh thank oum, you alright?

Venom: no, we're in utter pain, but we're still alive.

Y/N (in head): true, do you remember what happened?

Venom: we created 2 klyntar, and one tried to kill us.

Y/N (in head): that motherfucker.

We then hear a knock at the window, and look to see... someone that looks like Venom?

Y/N (in head): who's that?

Venom: we believe that's our child.

Y/N (in head): sounds weird when you say that.

I wasn't able to get up, so I streched my arm and had my hand turn black and shot a web at the handle on the window and pulled it down so it could open, the klyntar then jumped in and stood near my bed.

???: daddy?

Y/N: d-daddy? Uhh... this is new (in head) venom fucking help me!!!

As I say that venom separates from me, and looks at the klyntar.

Venom: hello.

It didn't say anything once venom said hi, instead it just reached out it's hand.

A/N: this your first klyntar, and the one that tried to kill you was a red symbiote, you probably know who it is.

When venom grabbed it's hand, he was quiet and then he looked at me.

Venom: this child has called itself mania.

Y/N: why mania?

Venom: because she has a destructive side.

Y/N: shoouulld I be scared?

Mania: no.

Y/N: so what are you? Are you a full klyntar?

Mania: no, we're part of both of you and daddy.

Y/N: oh.... uhh.... that's also New.

As we continue our conversation, we see the door slam open and see RWBY, JNPR and Robbie who are breathing like crazy.

Y/N: howdy y'all.

Everyone: Y/N! Venom!

Venom/Y/N: don't hug us!!!

Yang: but we missed you guys!

Venom: we're in a weak state.

Y/N: and I've got stitches in my back.

Yang: (sigh) fine.

Mania looks at me, and slowly sits me up.

Y/N: mania? What're you doing?

Mania: don't worry.

She then put her hand on my back and I felt my stitches being removed and my back being put back together.

Y/N: what did you do to my back?

Mania: we fixed it.

I began to feel my back and I felt nothing, there was no cut or anything.

Y/N: wow, thanks.

I slowly get up and start walking and then stretch, I was actually not in anymore pain.

Y/N: hey Venom, ready to go?

Ruby: go where?

Y/N: we need to talk to ozpin about the "special cargo" the white fang had.

Blake: why do you need to talk about that?

As she says that venom merges with me, and we stand by the window.

Venom: let's just say we have a hunch about something.

I then jump out the building and start web swinging my way to beacon.

Mania: don't think you 2 are leaving us.

I turn around and see mania web swinging along side of us

Venom: (sarcastically) I wonder who you get that from?

Once we arrive at ozpin's office, he gives us a curious look.

Ozpin: hello Y/N and venom and who's that with you?

Venom: this is our daughter, mania.

Ozpin was about to ask another question but I interrupt him.

Venom: it's confusing to me too but we'll figure it out later, anyway, do you know about the special cargo the white fang had?

Ozpin: no, but all I know is that it was owned by atlas military.

Venom: Well fuck.

(Meanwhile at an atlas laboratory)

Ironwood: do you have it?

Atlas soldier: yes sir.

Ironwood: open it up.

They opened the container and saw 3 odd eggs, as the soldiers got closer, the eggs opened up.

(0 - 12 seconds, unless you wanna watch all of it)

Ironwood: what the hell just happened?!

Atlas soldier: I don't know! Something just popped out of those eggs and it latched onto his face and-

Ironwood: what did you say?! Lieutenant respond!!!

Atlas soldier: (screams).

Ironwood: team 2, get down there Now!!! Contain this dammit!

Atlas commander: yes sir!!

As they go in, all ironwood could hear was gunfire and screams.

Ironwood: shit!! Computer, initiate emergency lockdown procedure.

The entire laboratory starts to lockdown, nobody goes in or out.

Ironwood: I can't believe this, computer send an emergency message to ozpin.

(Back with venom and mania)

Ozpin: you think he was carrying something dangerous?

Venom: we didn't need to think, we felt something dangerous in that container.

Ozpin: so you're assuming that something in- (gets a message) one moment, (reads the message from ironwood), well I suppose your hunch is correct.

Venom: what happened?

Ozpin: it would appear that whatever was in that container is causing havoc at a-

He didn't have time to finish as we were gone in a flash, we started web swinging our way to where ironwood was, only problem was... I didn't know where to go.

Venom: We should've thought this through.

Mania (in head): we know where to go.

Venom: how is she-

Mania (in head): we're linked to you and daddy.

Venom: We're not taking you with us.

Mania: you don't have a choice.

I turn around and see mania standing behind us.

Venom: tell us where to go.

Mania: only if you let us come with you.

Venom: no

Mania: well we guess neither of us are going anywhere.

Venom: you are stubborn.

Venom: she definitely gets that from you.

Venom: we have our reasons for being stubborn.

Venom: which is to not listen to me half the time, but anyways (to mania) why do you want to come with us?

Mania: because we want to spend time with you and daddy.

Venom: and?

Mania: ....bash some skulls.

After thinking about it, I decided to say this.

Venom: sold!

Mania: good, come with us.

We started swinging through vale, until we saw an atlas lab.

Venom: of fucking course!!!

We webbed our way to the building and saw an entry point, once there we climbed through a vent and started crawling our way through and then jumped down and saw.... a lot of things.

Venom: what the fuck happened here?

The entire place was coated in black, and there was blood and bullets in the wall, we continue to walk until mania grabs my hand.

Venom: what's wrong?

Mania: I sense... people.... in there.

We walked to the door and see that it's locked tight.

Venom: Stand back... RRRRRAAAAGGHHH!!!!

I turn into my juggernaut form and smash the door open, I then see ironwood, few soldiers and scientists.

Ironwood: well if it isn't Y/N and his little pet alien.

Mania gets pissed at the comment and her hands turn into axes and she prepares to attack him, but I put my hand in front of her, she retracts her axes and gives a cold glare at ironwood.

Ironwood: who's that? Your little slave?

My semblance activates and I shoot a fireball near his head.

Venom: say something horrible again, and i won't miss next time.

Ironwood gets the idea and backs down.

Mania: what happened here?

Ironwood: if you really must know, the cargo that venom over here stopped the white fang from taking, contained 3 odd eggs, they opened when I sent my team to investigate it, it attached to their faces and then a xenomorph came and killed the last soldier.

Venom: a xenomorph?

Ironwood: strange or foreign form, I sent my second team in and they were killed by it, so I decided to lock the lab down.

Mania: is this everyone?

Ironwood: yes.

After he said that, I look around and see some shaking from fear, and some keeping an eye on the door I broke.

Venom: Mania, could you web the door?

She goes to the door and webs it up while I go to try and reassure someone.

Venom: you alright?

Scientist: no, that thing just came out of nowhere, and just killed or took anyone away, I tell ya, it's game over man! It's game over!

Venom: calm down, we'll take care of it.

I then head to ironwood.

Venom: where is the xenomorph?

Ironwood: no clue, last place it was, was near the thermal generator, it might still be there.

Venom: mania, let's go.

Ironwood: make sure it's alive.

I stop in my tracks and look at ironwood and create my blade.

Venom: are you fucking serious?! That thing has murdered nearly everyone in this building, and you want it alive?! For what?! So you can create a weapon for "the greater good?!" You're a fucking piece of sh-

The room goes silent and prepare for what's to come.

Venom (In head): mania, get away from the door and get ready.

She backs up and create a her axes while I keep my blade but create a claw on my left hand, the noise gets louder and louder, but it stops all of a sudden, it was quiet, too quiet, and then a hand grabs someone by the leg and drags them down the ventilation, and then suddenly I see about 15 or 20 weird shaped heads come through the webbed door that mania made and then an all out fight breaks out, the group of atlas soldiers and ironwood are in a corner opening fire at the xenomorphs, while me and mania go for a full frontal assault against them, I start by punching one in the face sending it flying, and then claw one in the chest and then cut it's head off, I look at both my hand and blade, and see them burning.

Venom: what the fuck?! Why is this hurting us?!

Venom: it's their blood, it's acidic, we can't cut them.

Before I could yell in anger, I get overwhelmed by xenomorphs.

Venom: get the fuck off of us!!!

I then feel my leg get grabbed and then I'm being pulled away, luckily, mania comes in and quickly cuts them off of me, making their acid blood fall on me, making me scream in both pain and anger, I activate my semblance and release all my heat, burning them and quickly get up, I see them still flood the room so I transform into my juggernaut form and slam the ground, making most of them fall to the ground but they kept coming, one managed to get on my back, so I grab it and crush it's head out of pure rage, I then charge at a huge pack of them and punch them all out of the way, 3 more xenomorphs jump on my back and try to take me down, I look in front and see mania run to me, and jump cutting their heads off, she then stands on my back.

Mania: no one hurts my father!!!!!

We then look at the remaining xenomorphs and we both let out a roar and start killing all of them until there was nothing left, we turn around and see that some troops and scientists are getting dragged away, we both shoot webs to try and help them, but one of those fuckers spat acid spit at the webs cutting it and dragging them away, I see ironwood about to suffer the same fate so I quickly grab his hand and then shoot fire at the xenomorph causing it to run, I then grab ironwood by the his shirt and pin him to the wall.

Venom: What the fuck was that about?! You said there was one! But that sure as all hell didn't look like it!!

Ironwood didn't respond, so I throw him into a wall knocking him unconscious.

Venom: I hope they find you and kill you (looks at mania) do you know where they are?

Mania nods and looks at my injuries, I have venom regenerate and then continue to move on, as we started crawling on the ceiling to where they were, mania stopped us, we dropped to the ground and started walking, but we had to be cautious since they could be lurking anywhere.

Venom (in head): behind us, it's not moving though.

Venom: mania stop for a minute.

We all stop, until I could hear it, my right hand started to twitch, once I could feel it was close enough, venom created a blade and I cut it's head off and quickly get rid off the acid before it burns.

Venom: let's go.

Mania stands still, and then charges at you and catches something, that was about to grab you, it looked like a white spider with a tail, and a really disturbing thing coming out of it, she quickly just snaps it in half, and looks at me.

Mania: you're welcome.

We then heard a loud growl and slowly began to go to what seemed to be the thermal generator, once there we saw a bunch of eggs and the people that were captured, they had holes in their chest which meant no saving them, you look ahead and see one big, big xenomorph, probably the leader of those little dickheads.

Mania: the queen...

Venom: what?

Mania: it's a female.

Venom: how can you tell?

Mania: it's laying eggs.

We then jump down, and the queen let's out a roar getting her playmates and spiders to come out.

Venom: get the queen, we'll handle them.

Mania: but-

Venom: no buts, just do it.

We turn into our juggernaut form and charge at the xenomorphs.

Mania POV: we watch as daddy goes in and starts killing them, but through it all we can see the pain they were going through as their blood was burning them, we look back at the queen and create our axes, the queen begins to tear itself from it's breeding ground and faces me, we roar and charge at it, while it does the same, we jump on it and proceed to slash at it, letting the blood hit us and burn us, but we didn't care, the queen then grabbed us and threw us to a pipe and then hit us with it's tail, we duck and cut it's tail but the blood hits our leg making us fall, it then grabs us slams us into a wall over and over until it's mouth is close to us, it then opens its mouth and then we see another one and it impales our head, it then throws us, thinking it was over but we regenerate just like daddy and quickly cut it's tongue off and it spues it's blood and then punches us into a pipe impaling us, at this rate we wouldn't be able to regenerate if we keep getting hit with acid, it then runs to us ready for the kill until....


Y/N POV: we see mania, getting hurt and we couldn't allow her to die.

Venom: MANIA!!!!!

I quickly smash the last xenomorph before getting overwhelmed by more of them, and they start tearing me limb from limb, neither venom or me could take it, mania was losing against the queen because of the acidic blood and these little ones were killing us, our anger started growing more and more until...


Our semblance took full affect and we exploded into our hellfire state and burnt all of those xenomorphs and those eggs, I then turned around and started burning the hive, I looked back at the queen with my anger past it's limit.

Venom: Get away from her you bitch!!!!

We charged at the queen and engulfed our fists in fire and proceeded to punch the queen over and over until it spat acid at my face I held my face in pain and then got headbutted across the hive.


I looked at her and saw her fist get covered in fire and punched the queen making it retreat a bit.

Venom: was that.... her semblance?

Venom: she's just like us.

Venom: no, she's the better us.

I get up and put all my heat in my hands.

Venom: Mania! Out of the way!

As we Say that she moves out of the way and we release everything we had making it cry out in pain until we stopped as we watched it move around in pain as the fire continued
Until we saw it hit the generator.

Computer: warning, warning thermal reactor going critical, explosion imminent.

Once we heard this we started swinging our way out of here but we took a detour and saw that ironwood was still alive, I grab him and swing out of there, once outside, the building blew up, we look back at it and watch it all burn for a bit, until ironwood woke up, I look at him and pick him up by the neck.

Venom: How long did you have those things in there?!

Ironwood: I don't know what you're talking about.


As I say that I start tightening my grip.

Ironwood: alright, alright! You win! We built that under a ship that landed here, it was called "project Prometheus" it had those eggs and that little xenomorph, we started analysing them, and then the white fang took it and you know everything else! I swear I'm telling you the truth!

We create a blade and prepare to kill him but we feel a hand stop us, we look and see mania.

Mania: don't do it daddy, he isn't worth it.

We then look back at ironwood and throw him to the floor.

Venom: you got lucky.

After we say that we head back to beacon and explain everything to ozpin.

Ozpin: I see, I didn't think ironwood would be capable of this.

Y/N: well I sure as hell did, he needs to be watched.

Ozpin: don't worry, I'll take care of it, you 2 May leave.

As we left there was something I needed to ask mania.

Y/N: mania.

Mania: what's the matter?

Y/N: when you were created, the last thing me and venom remembered was you and someone else, what happened to the other klyntar?

Mania:.... it tried to kill both of you.

Y/N: we know that, we heard it say that before we blacked out, but what happened afterwards?

Mania:... it tried to kill both of you but we intervened and fought it for a little while and then with the help of your friends we drove it away, and then we took you to the hospital.

Y/N: I see, thank you, venom's lucky to have a daughter like you.

As I start walking something grabs my arm, and I see mania grabbing me, I was about to ask what was wrong but she hugs me.

Y/N: t-this is new, if you want venom I can-

Venom: she's hugging both of us.

Y/N: wait what?

Mania: daddy is right, we are happy to have you as a father to-

Y/N: whoa wait, venom is your father not me.

Mania: but didn't you help create me?

Y/N: I didn't- well yeah- but you look more like Venom than me, I mean if I'm anything, I'm probably an uncle.

Mania: so... you're our uncle?

Y/N: yeah, I guess I am.

She then hugs me again but tighter, I smile and return it, but the moment was ruined when...

Yang: excuse me....

Y/N: oh no....

Weiss where have you been?

Y/N: well... I've been.... busy.... and uhh... (in head) mania, I'm gonna start running, I'll see you in a few minutes.

Mania just looks at you and nods, I smile and leg it.

RWBY: get back here!!!

(Meanwhile at the xio long house)

Tai: I can't believe they defended them, they're nothing but fucking pricks, they deserve to die.

???: tell us about it.

Tai: who said that?!

???: over here.

Looks at a red figure.

Tai: what the fuck are you?!

???: we're the spawn of venom, and we want the same thing as you.

Tai: a-and what's that?

???: to kill Y/N and venom, what do ya say? wanna partner up and get rid of them for good?

Tai:..... you gotta deal.

???: good choice.

The red figure grabs tai and merges with him.

???: ahahahahahahhahah!!!


A/N: alright guys, you gave birth to mania who saved you from your other child, you fought the xenomorphs with her, and managed to kill the queen, and explained that venom is the father and your the uncle (that sounds like something from doctor Phil or Jeremy Kyle) and now carnage and tai have bonded and are planning to kill you, anyway thanks for reading "we are Venom - alien vs venom" and as always... PEACE✌✌

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