Infiltration part 2.

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Disclaimer: I don't own rwby, it's owned by rooster teeth, and I don't own venom, ghost rider, and mania, they are owned by marvel.

Y/N POV: I felt light hitting Me and slowly opened my eyes and looked around, I realise that I was still in sienna's room, I then felt something on my left and saw sienna hugging me.

Y/N (in head): Why am I not surprised at this?

Venom: probably because you had team RWBY sleep in our dorm.

Y/N (in head): please don't remind me, that was awkward as fuck.

Venom: for you, they probably enjoyed sleeping with you.

Y/N (in head): whatever, I need to get up.

I slowly move sienna's hand off of me and get up, I then stretch and have venom create some new clothes, which are f/c T-shirt, f/c jacket, blue jeans, and red and yellow trainers, I then hear my stomach growl and start looking for food, I found a fridge that was stacked, I look back at sienna's sleeping figure and sigh.

Y/N (in head): (sigh), guess I'm gonna be making food for 2 now.

Venom: indeed.

I decided to make f/b (favourite breakfast) since I felt like having some, after a while, I heard someone yawning, I turn to see sienna waking up from her nap, I then go back to making breakfast.

Sienna: good morning Y/N, did you sleep well?

Y/N: good morning sienna, and yes, I slept fine.

Sienna: aren't you going to ask Me?

Y/N: why? I'm just a personal bodyguard who just slept with the leader of the white fang and NOT in that way and is now making breakfast for her, not a friend.

As I say this, sienna spins me around and looks into my eyes.

Sienna: you're not just a personal bodyguard to Me, you're like a really good friend.

Y/N: (chuckles) that's a bit dumb for you don't ya think? I'm a human and you're a faunus, you want to hurt humans, I want both faunus and humans to get along, and right now it's not working out for you, you allowed me, a human to be your personal bodyguard.

Sienna: that doesn't matter, when you saved me 3 years ago, you were probably the only human that I gained respect for, and you telling me about your past... I felt sympathetic towards you and I can still see that you want revenge, that's why you were accepted into the white fang, you're just like us.

Y/N:..... I'm flattered you think that, but I don't like to think highly of myself, and neither should others, because in the future you'll end up dissapointing them.

Sienna: don't you have people that think highly of you?

Y/N: well yes but-

Sienna: and have you disappointed them?

Y/N: well no but-

Sienna: then you're wrong, you haven't disappointed anyone, and plus (hugs him) you haven't disappointed me just yet.

Y/N:.... (sigh), slept well?

Sienna: yes, thank you.

Y/N: you must be hungry, I've prepared f/b.

Sienna: it looks delicious.

We then sat at the table and started eating, after a while, there was a knock at the door.

Sienna: who is it?

Adam: it's me leader Khan, your presence is needed.

Sienna Looked at me with a questioning look, I nod at her and she goes and change while I turn into Venom again.

A/N: just to let you all know, you're still agent venom, and I asked before if you wanted to stay like this or have another form, and I got a reply saying it should be a form, which it now is, but for now you're staying as agent venom, anyway back to it.

Once sienna was done, she opened the door revealing Adam and a couple of white fang waiting, Adam looks past sienna and sees me and starts growling.

Venom: didn't realise you were a little pussy cat.

Adam: be quiet or I'll just kill you.

Venom: I'd like to see you try.

As he's about to attack, sienna intervenes.

Sienna: that's enough Adam.

Venom: get fucked nerd.

Adam looks at me pissed but still complies.

Sienna: now what needs my attention?

Adam: the council require your assistance on a certain matter regarding the attacks on the white fang hideouts, and the recent activity at beacon academy.

Venom (In Head): This could be our chance.

Venom (In Head): Agreed.

Sienna: where are the council?

Adam: on the other side of menagerie.

Sienna then looks at me and then looks at Adam.

Sienna: let's go.

We proceeded to walk through the city, and I got mixed comments from the faunus.

Random faunus: was he serious about wanting to see humans and faunus happy together?

Random faunus: I doubt it, he's probably lying.

I stopped and looked at the two.

Venom: You know I can hear you right?

They were quiet and a bit scared.

Venom: I meant what I said back at the arena, seeing faunus and humans being happy together is enough for Me, (looks at adam) although some don't agree with Me, (looks back at them) but regardless, I hope to see faunus and humans live peacefully.

They look at me for a moment, before they smile and walk off, I then keep walking with sienna and Adam however I quickly glanced at Adam and notice that he had a smug look on his face and had his hand on his sword.

Venom (In Head): Venom, do you think he's going to attack us?

Venom (in head): no, if he was, then he'd be shooting glances at us, but instead he's looking at sienna.

Venom (in head): you think he wants to fuck her?

Venom (in head): highly doubtful, if anything we think Adam wants to kill us and sienna wants to be with you.

Venom (in head): what the hell makes you say that?

Venom (in head): the fact that she was touching your back, allowed you to sleep in the same bed, hugging you, staring into your eyes, and allowing you to call her sienna and stop being us when you're alone.

Venom (in head):  that doesn't prove anythi- ohhhhh..... I see it now.

We continued walking until we arrived at the place that the council were at, once inside, they all glared at me.

Council member: greetings leader Khan, before we begin, we need that thing out of here.

Venom: Wow, that's just insulting, but I'll wait outside.

As I left the room I heard Adam chuckle, I wanted to just punch him but I kept my composure and went outside of the door.

Venom (In Head): Venom, think you can listen to what they're saying?

As I said that, I looked at my right hand and saw a piece of venom fall of my hand and sneak through the door, as I waited for their little meeting to be over, I heard a few voices in front of me.

???: he looks so cool!

???: what do you think he's doing?

???: I don't know, I want to talk to him.

???: are you crazy?! Do you know what happens?

Venom: I can hear you, you coming out of there?

It was quiet, and then I saw 4 little faunus kids come out of where they were hiding there was 2 boys and 2 girls.

???: h-hi there, p-please don't hurt us!!!

Venom: Now would I want to hurt 4 kids? What're you doing here?

???: we were playing a-and then we saw y-you with the white fang a-and wanted to see w-what you were doing.

Venom: I'm leader khan's bodyguard.

???: really?!

Venom: yep.

???: but why are you waiting out here?

Venom: the council don't trust Me, so I had to wait out here, by the way what are your names?

Zorik: my name is zorik.

Kina: my name is kina.

Luna: m-my name is Luna.

Jake: and I'm jake.

Venom: nice to meet you 4, my Name is venom.

Jake: is that really your name?

Venom: nope.

They were all scared at the sudden voice change.

Venom: (chuckles) its ok theres no need to be scared, my friend can do that sometimes.

Luna: your friend?

As she says that venom starts to detach from me and then goes into his humanoid form.

Venom: hello.

I look at them and they were a little scared at this.

Y/N: calm down, let me explain....

I started explaining how I met venom and my time at beacon although I didn't exactly tell them everything and I didn't tell them my real reason for being here but they all seemed so focused on what I was saying.

Y/N:.... and that's about it.

Zorik: Wow!! That's so cool.

Kina: so if he's venom, who are you?

Y/N: my name is Y/N L/N.

Zorik: why did you call yourself Venom?

Y/N: because when we're bonded we are called Venom.

Luna: why don't you call yourself something else?

Y/N: because this son of a-

Venom: Language.

Y/N: español hijo de puta (Spanish you son of a bitch).

Venom couldn't help but chuckle.

Venom: do you want to know what it's like to fly?

All 4: Yeah!!

When they said this, venom created tendrils and grabbed them and lifted them up in the air, they started laughing.

Venom was doing it for about 2 minutes until the doors opened, I quickly bonded with venom and looked to see Adam, the council, and sienna, sienna saw what was going on and just smiled, I slowly put them down.

Venom: I have to go now.

Kina: aww, do you have to?

Venom: Yeah, don't forget I have a job to do.

They all looked at me sad.

Venom: hey come on, I'm sure we'll see eachother around.

They all looked at me happy and then said their goodbyes and ran to probably play, I then started walking with sienna and Adam but I needed to talk to Venom.

Venom (In Head): well?

Venom (in Head): they plan on moving white fang hideouts near certain academies, such as beacon, atlas, shade and more, they were also planning to bring something down at the docks in vale.

Venom (in Head): good, now all we have to do is get out of menagerie.

We kept walking until something felt off.

Venom (In Head): Y/N, we're being watched, about 10 people on the rooftops.

As he said this, I kept my hands near my pistols, sienna took note of this.

Sienna: (whisper) what's the matter?

Venom: (whisper) we're being watched by people on the rooftops, they might attack, but I plan to make the first move.

I motion for her to be in cover, to which she does.

Venom: Adam 10 guys on rooftops.

Adam: be quiet, you are just trying to throw me off.

Venom: throw you off? I'm being serious.

Adam: shut up.

I knew trying to convince Adam was pointless, so I acted first and unholstered my pistols and opened fire at 2 guys with shock bullets and made them fall, I then jumped onto the rooftop and shot a web at the third guy and pulled him towards me and closelined him, I then see 3 guys behind me and attack, one tried to punch me but I block and shoot him in the leg and kick him off the roof, another tried to hit Me, I duck under and punch him and web him in a cocoon, I then holster my pistols and grab my assault rifle and shoot the other with explosive rounds sending him flying, i see the final 4 approaching sienna, I jump on front of them to block their path.

Venom: Surprise motherfucker!

I then created tendrils and pushed 2 guys into a wall and web them up.

Venom: do you wanna give up?

Idiot: we're gonna kill you!!

Venom: (Sneezes) sorry I'm allergic to bullshit.

One guy hits me in the chest and then holds his hand in pain.

Venom: Oh I love this armour and my guns.

I then headbutt the guy knocking him out, I then see the other guy who is running for his life I shoot a web at his back and pull him towards me and grab his neck, I look at him and see he's white fang.

Venom: White fang? Why did you try and kill sienna? Who hired you?

WFM: i-it was ad-

Before he could finish, I see an explosion and a building about to collapse I then look to see... THE 4 KIDS!!! I drop the guy and ran to them, I didn't have enough time to move them out of the away so I decided to become a human shield and let the building collapse on top of me.

Kina: (cough, cough) v-venom?!

Venom: Heyyy.... and ow.

Jake: Venom!! Your arm, your leg, and your stomach!

I look at myself and see bits of wood through me.

Venom: Yay, we've been stabbed... again.

Luna: you've been stabbed before?!

Venom: yep, now hold on I'm getting us out of here.

I then looked up and slowly went on one knee and then punched through the debris and start moving it, once there was a way out (a way out is such a good game) I picked up each one and got them out, I then carried myself out and I got looks from everyone.

Faunus: he just saved those kids and leader khan.

Faunus: a human saved them, he's an actual hero!

I then looked at the 4 kids who looked scared, I then realised that they were looking at my wounds.

Venom: (Sigh) this is gonna hurt.

I then grabbed a piece of wood that was in my arm and yanked it out, I then did the same to my leg meanwhile my stomach was a bit difficult, I decided to break the piece in front and then grab the piece from behind and pull it out.

Venom: That was annoying.

Zorik: but you're still bleeding!

I then have venom heal my wounds and regenerate himself.

Venom: no we're not.

I then walk down and find sienna who's smiling.

Venom: what?

Out of nowhere sienna hugs me and I get shocked looks from everyone and a few Aww's I then look to the 10 white fang members and see they're all dead.

Venom: Who killed them?

No one replied, I sigh in defeat, and walk with sienna back to the stronghold with sienna and Adam.

Venom (In Head): That guy said "ad," do you think it's Adam?

Venom (in head): do I need to think? It's obviously him, the way he was smirking, holding his sword and not helping us, not to mention the 10 guys that suddenly died, Adam is definitely the one that tried to kill sienna.

I then heard someone call my name.

Luna: Venom!!

I turn around to see the 4 kids.

Venom: what's up?

All 4 of them suddenly hugged Me, I was a little surprised but returned it.

All 4: thank you for saving us.

Venom: you're welcome, be safe Ok?

They All nod and then i continue walking and then I hear sienna giggle.

Venom: Is there something wrong leader Kahn?

Sienna: no, it's just adorable how you treat kids.

I say nothing, and continue walking, once we arrived back at the stronghold, Adam went to do some training, as he was walking I saw him smirk and then kept walking.

Venom (In Head): it's definitely him.

Sienna then grabbed my hand and took me to her room I blush a little since well... it was unexpected and we're in a place filled with white fang but luckily no one saw, once we got to her room, I reverted back.

Y/N: That... was a fun day.

Sienna: I don't see why you're complaining, you managed didn't you?

Y/N: barely, I had to take down 10 guys, save you, save 4 kids and get rid of bits of wood stuck in me.

Sienna: you still did good.

I couldn't be bothered to say otherwise, as I was exhausted, I then see sienna hand me a glass of water.

Y/N: thanks.

Sienna: you're welcome.

As I was drinking, i was thinking of a way to figure out what Adam was planning, but I didn't know what, I then saw sienna lean on my shoulder.

Y/N: uhh... Sienna? You do know I'm your bodyguard right?

Sienna: yes, but you're also my friend.

Y/N: (sigh) I suppose we are friends.

After I said that, she feel asleep, I sigh and carry her bridal style and lay her down on her bed and then close the door, as I was about to leave, there was a noise coming from her room, I quickly turn into Venom and grab my pistol and slowly go in, I scanned the entire room and saw nothing, but when I went into her bedroom, I saw someone about to stab her, I quickly shoot the knife, which wakes up sienna and then she sees the figure and kick him away and then gets behind me.

Venom: Who're you?

The figure gets up and then walks up to us and I see... Adam.

Venom: I knew it.

Adam: I was hoping to end this quickly and frame you, but killing both of you will be better.

Venom: Hmph, sienna get back, we'll handle him.

Sienna backs up, leaving me and Adam to fight.

Venom: come on you bastard! Show us what you got!

A/N: ok guys, you got your Intel, took care of 10 guys, saved 4 kids and are now about to protect sienna because Adam wants to kill her and frame you for it but now he just wants to kill both of you, anyway, thanks for reading "we are Venom - infiltration part 2" and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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