Venom vs Carnage - a death in the family.

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Disclaimer: I don't own rwby, it's owned by rooster teeth, I don't own venom, ghost rider, mania, and carnage, they are owned by marvel.

No one's POV:
It's been 4 days since Y/N's fight with carnage, right now he's in the infirmary recovering while mania, RWBY, JNPR, Robbie, raven, summer, and qrow (who have recovered) are waiting outside, waiting for the doctor to tell them what's going on.

Mania POV: daddy and uncle have been recovering for a while, we wish we could go in there and help with the recovery, but we're afraid that we'll cause damage to them.

Ruby: mania, you can sense them right?

Mania:... yes.

Ruby: do you know when they'll wake up?

Mania:... no.

It was quiet for another minute until the doctor came out, we all stood up and waited for what he needed to say.

Doctor: he's stable, his wounds are starting to heal, but we don't know how long until he wakes up.

Qrow: is it ok if we see him?

Doctor: yes you may.

We all went in to the room they were in and just sat there waiting for them to wake up, hopefully they can wake up soon.

Y/N POV: am I dead this time?

Venom: no, stop thinking we're dead.

Y/N (in head): you can't blame me when I can't see anything.

Venom: are your wounds?

Y/N (in head): all fixed... you alright?

Venom: of course we are, why wouldn't we be?

Y/N (in head): because we nearly got killed by your son and my fucking piece of shit father.

Venom: .... betrayed by family.... now we know how you felt all those years ago.

Y/N (in head): yeah.... it was horrific, but look on the bright side, we have people that care for us.

Venom: we know, also you might want to start waking up.

As he says that, I start having feeling in my arms and hands, and I could hear someone it sounded like.... Mania?

Mania: they're waking up!!

I then started to slowly clench my fist and then I felt feeling in my legs, and my back, I started to move trying to get myself used to moving again, and then I felt feeling in my head and i slowly opened my eyes to see a bunch of happy faces, some with tears and some looked like they were happy but we're gonna kill me, I slowly sat myself up and spoke.

Y/N: good morning all.

Everyone: Y/N!!! VENOM!!!


yang: shut up!!! Both of you are getting a hug!

As she says that, everyone proceeds to hug me, only issue was I was struggling to breathe.

Y/N: is... this how.... we die?

After I said that, everyone gets off of me, and then yang punches me in my stomach, knocking the air out of me.

Y/N: ok... first off.... it's safe to say.... I can.... feel pain.... and second.... WHY?!

Yang: because you scared all of us!

Y/N: that doesn't mean I deserve getting punched!!!

Mania then hugs me again, to which I return.

Y/N: we kept our promise to you.

Mania: don't you ever scare us, or we will kill you.

Y/N: you can try, (looks at qrow, raven and summer) you guys Ok?

Summer: we're fine, but we should be asking you that question.

I get up and stretch my legs and arms.

Y/N: never better, now if you'll excuse us...

As I say this I turn into Venom and crack my knuckles.

Venom: We're off to settle the score with carnage and tai.

As I walk off I get tackled to the ground by ruby.

Ruby: oh no you don't!! You need to rest!

Venom: but we're fine, besides we need to take care of them, I know we just woke up but this is something we have to do.

Mania: ....when you see them.... what are you gonna do?

Venom: What do you mean?

Mania: are you going to kill them or spare them?

I was silent at that question, venom and I wanted to kill them for what they did, but I never considered what everybody else wanted.

Venom: We'll be honest with you, we wanted to kill them for what they did but.... this is a family decision, Mania, Ruby, yang, summer, qrow, raven, what do you want? Do you want him dead or alive?

They were all quiet as they didn't know what they wanted until...

Summer: after what he did.... it's unforgivable, I want him dead.

Raven: he hurt you, ruby, yang and even your niece mania, he's not going to stop... he needs to die.

Qrow: that bastard doesn't care about us anymore.... he needs to be put down.

I then look at yang and ruby who were in deep thought about this.

Venom: Ruby, yang?

Ruby: even though he's my dad, he hurt me, he hurt yang, he hurt you again.... he's not my dad anymore.

Yang: he threatened to hurt us until we hurt you, no one should force someone to do this, it's just not right.... he has to go.

I then look at mania who was looking down at the floor.

Venom: Mania, we understand that he's your brother bu-

Mania: you don't need to say anything, we knew he would be like this, all he cares about is death and destruction.... he has to die.

When that was said, I turned and left the room but I was stopped by mania.

Mania: do you even know where they are?

Venom: yes....

Ruby: where?

Venom: Where we met.

When we said that ruby and yang immediately realised where we were heading.

Yang: we're coming with you.

Venom: no you're not.

Ruby: if you expect us to let you go alone then you're out of you're mind.

Venom: We're saying no for you're own good.

Jaune: it's not really your choice to make.

Weiss: he's right, we decide what we do.

Venom: are you all going to keep badgering us about coming with us.

Everyone: yes.

Venom: You're all stubborn.

Robbie: well I wonder who we get that from you asshole.

Venom: fuck you.

Robbie: eat shit.

Venom: drink piss.

Robbie: wanna go?

Venom: Hell yeah!!

Everyone was silent as they watched the confrontation between me and Robbie.

Robbie: same bar?

Venom: Definitely.

As I said that I went to the window and looked at the others.

Venom: Later!!!

I then jumped out the window and web swinged my way to where it all began.


When we landed, I reverted back and started walking to where we it all started, as I was walking, I looked to my right and realised a certain tree.


Y/N: a-are you going to h-hurt me?

The goo grew bigger and fell on me, and I saw complete blackness, until I saw my surroundings again.

(Flashback end)

Venom: the memories.


Y/N: what do I call you?

Venom: not just us Y/N, your apart of us, we are one and we will share the same name and identity.

Y/N: then what will WE be called?

Venom: we shall be called... VENOM.

(Flashback end)

Y/N: yeah... the memories.... it's amazing how far we've gone together huh?

Venom: indeed, we have done so much and we still have more to do.

Y/N: yeah.... but....

Y/N: we have to take care of this first.

We continued walking until we saw an old broken house, the place where I had enough, the place that set my path, and now I'm back here again.

Tai: so... you you're not dead.

We heard tai's voice come from the house and then he walks out the door.

Y/N: love what you done to the place, it gives it that nice hellish look, it's a good thing I left this place behind.

Tai: you say you left but you're back here and you going to die here alone, like the worthless child you are.

Mania: they're not alone.

I turn around to see the others, Robbie was ghost rider and everyone else had their weapons ready.

Y/N: glad you're all here, but stay out of this, this is our fight.

Ghost rider: dude, come on, we can-

Y/N: I know we can take him together, but this is personal.

They all seemed hesitant, but agreed to not fight but Robbie was still ghost rider.

Y/N: I though I said stay out of it.

Ghost rider: I am, but I'm staying like this just in case.

Y/N: (chuckles) ok, (looks at tai) before we fight, there's something we need to know.... whose in control here?

Tai: what the fuck are you taking about?

Y/N: son, how's your knowledge on our race?

Tai: what are you on about old man?

Y/N (in head): something tells me, we can make them struggle.

Venom: agreed, we have the advantage.

Y/N: is carnage in control? Or is it you Tai?

Tai: I'm in control!!

Y/N: ooooohhh, so it's "I?" Not "we?" This is priceless.

Tai: shut up Y/N! I'm gonna enjoy cutting you down.

Y/N: fucking try us bitch.

Tai: any last words before you die old man?

Y/N: yes, we'd like to say this, both of you will die by our hands, and let the record show that you brought this on yourselves.

Tai: I've had enough of you! I'm gonna rip you to shreds!

As he says this, he morphs into carnage and goes into his fighting stance.

Y/N: hmph, you'll die trying.

As we Say this we turn into Venom and go into our fighting stance, no one made a move, we waited for carnage to attack, unlike us he was impatient, and just as we thought, he created his axes and charged at us and tried to attack us, we quickly created our blade and blocked his right axe, he then tried to slash at our chest with his left axe, but we quickly backed up, we then charged at him and slashed at him, he blocked us but he left an opening so we kick him and slash at his stomach and then kick his leg and then shoot a web and throw him into tree.

Carnage: you fucking cocksuker!!!

Venom: we didn't realise we were you.

Carnage: you little-

Venom: we're not your dick, so shut up and fight.

He got up and was filled with rage, He then lunged at us and started to slash at us, we created claws and slashed at his face and kicked him off of us, we got up and looked at our wounds and started regenerating and then looked at carnage who was doing the samething, we then decided to settle this properly and switched to fists instead of our claw and blade.

Carnage: what's the matter? Are you scared?

Venom: no, we're fighting you properly, like men.

We then raised our fists and waited for him to attack us.

Carnage: (laughs) you're just digging your own grave!

He then charges at us and slashes at us with his axes to which we grab both of his arms and throw him in the air and then shoot webs to bring him back down, we then ran and jumped in the air and then kicked him in the face and start rubbing his face in the dirt.

Venom: Where's all your strength gone?


He manages to get us off of him and cuts our arm, and then hits our leg, he then gets behind us and tries to end it.

Venom (in head): he's aiming for the head! Duck!

As he says this we duck and turn around and punch him in the stomach sending him flying but he retaliates by creating tendrils and grabs us and slams us to the ground before jumping on us and repeatedly punching us, we managed to block a few but we were still in a bad position, we headbutt him off and then give him a right hook across the face and jump on him and start punching him over and over, without us knowing, he created his tendrils again and grabs us by the neck and flings us into a tree, we look at our wounds and see most of us is gone, we look back up to see carnage charging at us and knees us in the stomach and then throws us into the house, we get up and see him lunge at us again, we quickly sidestep and grab his leg and spin him around and then throw him into a wall, he then gets up only to be met with us grabbing him by the neck and slamming him into the floor before throwing him outside.

Venom: had enough?

Carnage: (laughs) what's the matter? Tired?

Venom: no, just seeing if you want to end it, and by that I mean killing you quickly.

We then charge at him and punch him with a right hook to the jaw and then kick him again but this time he grabs our leg and then strikes us with an axe to the chest, he then pushes us away and punches over and over, until we're on our knees.

Carnage: (laughs) your pathetic! You can't keep up! Now do us a favour and stay dead!!

As he's about to end it, we quickly grab his arm, and then start regenerating, we then stand up and look at him.

Venom: you bastard... it's time to end your life.

Our semblance activates and then we turn into our juggernaut form and grab carnage by the leg and slam him into the ground, we then engulf our foot in fire and kick him.

Venom: You hurt everyone we hold dear to us, and you try and kill us, we're gonna make sure you suffer our pain! RAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!

Our semblance got stronger and stronger until we were engulfed in flames and we were in our hellfire form.

Carnage: n-no way!!! W-what the fuck are you?!

Venom: Isn't it obvious? We are one body, one mind, we are the superior being, we are your worst nightmare, WE. ARE. VENOM!!!!

We then put all our heat into our fists and punch carnage over and over, seeing bits of carnage burn and to finish it all off, we release all our heat from our hands and hit carnage with it, we then stop as there was no more carnage but there was still a weak tai.

Venom: it's over tai.

As we Say this, we calm down and revert back to normal.

Tai: y-you can't kill me! I'm ruby and yangs father!

Y/N: you see here's the thing, I can kill you, you know why, because of what you did to them, look around.

As I say this he looks at everyone and see that they don't care about him anymore, even ruby and yang.


As he says this he gets up and tries to hit me, I dodge and engulf my fist in fire and then punch him in the chest, where his heart is located, he then coughs up blood.

Y/N: hmph, old habits die hard.... goodbye tai, may you rot in hell for all eternity.

As we Say this, his eyes are emotionless, and he falls to the ground.

Venom: He's dead, it's over.

Y/N (in head): not yet.

I look at the house and raise my hand and shoot a fireball at it and start watching it burn, after a while I walk back to the others, Robbie wasn't ghost rider and everyone had their weapons away and smiles on their faces, they then walked up to me and gave me a hug.

Y/N (in head): now we're free.

Venom: indeed we are.

Mania: daddy, uncle? What do we do now?

Y/N: Isn't it obvious? We go and live our lives.

I look at ruby and yang who had tears in their eyes.

Y/N: what's wro-

Before I could finish, both of them tackled me to the ground.

Ruby: we thought we were gonna lose you.

Yang: don't scare us.

Y/N: hey it's ok, it's all done now, we can live happily.

They then got off of me and we started to leave, I took a quick glance at tai's dead body and say....

Y/N: good riddance.

We then leave so we can continue our better life with our loved ones.

(Timeskip - beacon academy)

Robbie: let's have a toast, to Y/N and Venom!

Everyone: to Y/N and Venom!!!

Y/N: thank you all, we'd just like to say a few words... we have had our good times and our bad times, but we've managed to pull through all of it and work together, we thank you for everything you've done for us, you guys are the best friends and family anyone can ever have, cheers!

Everyone: cheers!!

We all spent the rest of the night laughing and telling jokes, talking about all the funny things they've done and what They plan to do in their time in beacon, needless to say it was the best night ever, and I don't plan on forgeting this night.


A little strand of red goo was moving to tai's dead body and once it touched him, it began to spread around him until he was a red puddle, which morphed into a humanoid creature.

Carnage: ahh, that was delicious, I wonder what he would've tasted like if he was alive, oh well, it's time to find a place to lay low for awhile, and when the time comes, I'm coming for you Y/N and Venom, this isn't the last you've seen of carnage.

Carnage then walks off into the dark laughing like a maniac.

A/N: well guys, you fought carnage and tai one last time and ended up killing them and burnt the house from your past and moved on, but carnage lives once again and has devoured tai's corpse, will you see him again? What does beacon still hold for you and venom? Anyway, thanks for reading "we are Venom - venom vs carnage - a death in the family" and as always... PEACE✌✌

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