Chapter 3 || Fallen Heroes

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"You know this is an EPIC hero smackdown event when they call in... SHARKBOY!"

"Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths on the island of..."

I didn't hear the rest because the whole class began to cheer. 

"And moments later, Lavagirl blasted out of an ACTIVE volcano!"

It showed Lavagirl riding on lava and Guppy cheered.

"GO SHARKBOY AND LAVAGIRL!" she cheered on her parents.

"And here's the mayor at his new City Hall reopening!"

Suddenly, the ribbon was already cut.

"Did you see that? Of course, you didn't! It's none other than Blinding Fast!"

"Fastest superhero alive!"

"GO... DAD!" Slo-mo chanted.

"And then you've got Crushing Low! And... the City Hall is destroyed in record time. Taxes... are high."

"But it's so entertaining!" the other news reporter countered.

I glanced back to see Wildcard ask for popcorn. Slo-mo handed it to him slowly and I couldn't help but notice Wildcard's arrogant behavior as he waited. He was cute, but... I probably couldn't deal with it if he was... you know... my leader.

"All heroes have been called into action against this new alien threat!"

"Live footage!"

"And here we have Miracle Guy!"

"You didn't think he'd lose did you?" a news reporter scoffed.

We saw Ms. Vox, who was... of course, singing. Then, I saw... Dad? I stood up and stared in shock at the TV. I got angry, scared, and... betrayed.

"He's not supposed to be there," I glowered at the TV, confusing all the other kids.

And the aliens were released. Suddenly, an alien knocked Miracle Guy straight through a building.

"OH MY GOSH!" the news reporter almost dropped her coffee.

"No one's ever taken down Miracle Guy before!" Noodles gasped.

Both alien tentacles grabbed Miracle Guy and he was taken away. Invisi-girl was on screen and she turned invisible. But I guess the aliens captured her, too. And then, it showed Sharkboy. Suddenly, an alien rammed into him and he was against the reporters' helicopter.

"You okay, Sharboy--"

An alien snatched him and pulled him away. Guppy gasped, covering her mouth.

"I'm getting terrible news! Two of our heroes are captured! It's... impossible!"

"But the Heroics are unbeatable..." Guppy frowned.

"They are. You'll see. They'll win," Wheels assured her.

 "Looks like they're fighting among themselves again."

We all turned to see Red Lightning Fury and Crimson Legend: Rewind and Fast Forward's parents.

"Ladies first," their father said.

"I don't need your pity!" their mother exclaimed.

"Oh yeah?"

"OH YE--OH NO! NO! NO!" they were grabbed and pulled away.

"MOM!" Rewind yelled.

"DAD!" Fast Forward exclaimed.

Then, we saw Crushing Low.

"GO DAD!" Facemaker yelled, chanting.

Suddenly, the aliens grabbed Crushing Low and pulled him away. Facemaker gasped.

"What's happening?! Our heroes are dropping like flies on a hot day!"

Rewind rewinded to see his parents and Fast Forward sped the time up.

"I want to see it again!" he exclaimed.

"And I don't wanna see it again!" Fast Forward argued.

 "Here comes Ms. Vox! She'll show those aliens who rock!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" she was singing before an alien wrapped around her mouth and pulled her away.

A-Capella gasped, staring in horror at the TV. Lavagirl brought up her lava, shooting it at an alien. But she missed and accidentally hit Tech-no. He dropped and the aliens grabbed him.

"They've got Tech-no!"

I heard Wildcard gasp and turned to face him. He met my eyes then turned back to the TV. Lavagirl gasped at what she had done and the moment's distraction got her captured.

"They can't get Blinding Fast," Wheels shook his head, "He's too--"

And they got him.

"It's all up to Marcus Moreno now."

The kids all stared at me and I stood up. I knew my dad was there. I heard the beep as connection sprang up on my bracelet.

"DAD!" I yelled into it, "Dad, we had a deal!"

"What deal?" Wildcard asked.

"I know... I heard his voice, "I said I wouldn't be a hero anymore..."

"Dad, get out of there!" I yelled as he was surrounded, "DAD!"

"But I'm still the leader of the Heroics... and a good leader... leads by example."

He leaped in with his swords and was taken away.

"DAD!" I screamed one last time before slumping back into my seat.

"What was that all about?" Wheels asked me, "You know... talking to your bracelet?"

"My dad and I have dual speaking devices. His is his watch and the other is my bracelet," I explained.

"Our heroics... have fallen."

Suddenly, there was the president.

"Though bad... is hopelessly... hopelessly bad."

"How'd this guy even manage to be president? He can't even put a sentence together," Facemaker frowned.

I've just received a message from the aliens... We are from the Planet Ogima. We must prepare you for... takeover. Please comply or Earth will be destroyed... You have three hours. God save us all."

And the connection was broken. Then, I saw Miss Granada on the screen.

"Children," she said, "For your own safety, we are going into full lockdown. Remain in your seats."

She then shut off the TV.

"Guys," I said, but they wouldn't listen.

"I'll never forget my dad's face," Facemaker said.

"We're doomed!"

"Excuse me!"

"What?" Wildcard turned to face me.

"We need to leave this room.  Now. The aliens know where we are and they're coming for us next."

"How could you possibly know that?" Wildcard scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. He wanted to see it? I'd show him.

"Can I see this for a minute?" I asked Ojo and she gave me her tablet.

"These are some drawings Ojo made. Facemaker on the chairs, Noodles and his exploding ba--"

"She draws what she sees... big deal. What's your point?" Wildcard glared.

"She drew these things before they happened. Ojo's power isn't just drawing. She can see the future."

"So? Good for Ojo! WHAT'S YOUR POINT?"

"She also drew this," I flipped to a drawing, "The aliens are breaking in this very room through that fan."

"Whoa... they'll be coming in through there?" Noodles pointed.

"It's true!" Wheels gasped, looking at the drawings, "Ojo can see the future!"

I pointed to it.

"So this new girl who has absolutely nothing comes in here and we're all gonna follow her?" Wildcard scoffed and my blood boiled slightly.

"She's got a point!" A-Capella said.

"Look. We don't need your prattle and you playing 'captain'."

"I just want to get out of here. That's all! If anyone's gonna join me, just do it."

"Fine. We'll do it. But only because I say so," Wildcard glared.

"How are we even getting out of here? Miss Granada said this place is on full lockdown. There'll be guards all over the place."

"Yeah, Missy. What's the 'plan'?" Wildcard eyed me.

"It's like making an omelet. First thing you do..."

"Crack eggs," Noodles smiled.

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