Chapter 7 || Blast Off!

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I waited until Missy's signal. They were gone.

"Now!" Missy hissed and we all ran.

Well, I wheeled. When we got on, I counted everyone.

"Hurry, Wheels! Press the button!"

"Wait! We're not all here!"

"What?! Who's--" Fast Forward suddenly realized and pointed.


"CUT IT OUT! COME ON SLO-MO! RUN!" we were all yelling.

The tentacles turned and I guess they saw us.

"AH! THEY'RE COMING BACK!" Guppy screamed.

"Come on, Slo-mo!"

"Ten to one, he's tentacled," Facemaker made a bet with Noodles.

"You're betting on this?!" Wildcard exclaimed.

"Da da da da daaa da..." A-Capella sung.


"Da da da da daaa da... Da da da daaa..."


The tentacles reached out to grab Slo-mo and Noodles stretched out his arms.

"Hold me down!" he exclaimed.

Missy grabbed Noodles but couldn't hold him so Wildcard pressed himself onto her and helped her. I snickered at what position they were in, but then quickly snapped back to reality. Noodles had grabbed Slo-mo, pulling him through the air past the tentacles. Slo-mo was hurtled onto the ship and I pressed the button to close the ship just as the tentacles slapped against the glass.

"AHHH!" we all screamed.


"I DON'T KNOW WHICH ONE!" I exclaimed, pressing the green one.

A sheer purple glowing barrier appeared.

"JUST PRESS ANY BUTTON!" Missy screamed.

I pressed another one and the purple barrier disappeared, allowing the alien tentacles to start cracking the glass.

"AHHH!" we all screamed again.

Guppy ran over and pressed the orange one and we slipped past the alien tentacles, blasting up into the air. We all relaxed, cheering. 

"So... now what?"

"Don't worry. Any moment now, Ojo's gonna draw a picture of us all smiling and hugging our parents! Isn't that right, Ojo?" Missy looked at the little artist.

Ojo shook her head.


Suddenly, I heard Missy and Wildcard talking. So I couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"Why'd you pick me to show the plan?" He frowned, looking at her.

"Because... I know how it feels when everyone expects you to lead but... you feel like you can't deliver," she said softly.

Wildcard gave her a look and I saw sparks.

"EEE!" A-Capella silently squealed.

"Do you believe I can?"

"We all believe you can," she nodded.

"Try telling my parents that."

"I will. After we rescue them," she eyed him with a cute smirk and he grinned.

"I know they've only met for two hours... but do you think Mildcard can be possible?" A-Capella whispered in my ear.

"We'll see," I shrugged.

But silently, I hoped it would.


We got onto the mothership and Noodles stretched his head out.

"Can you see anything?" I whispered.

"Yeah! The coast's clear!"

We all rushed out and looked around.

"Am I really small... or is this thing really big?" Guppy looked around.

"It's enormous," Missy said, holding Guppy's little hand.

Guppy didn't leave Missy's side and I couldn't help but admire how close Guppy got to her. With us, it took AGES.

"How are we gonna find our parents?" Missy asked me.

"I think I know how," I said, "Miss Granada found us SUPER easily. And it's because... your bracelet."

I pointed to the light turquoise colored bracelet and she handed it to me.

"There must be some kind of transmitter here that can somehow act like a tracker. I just need some pliers and... a heat source."

"My teeth are sharp because my dad's a shark!" Guppy bit down hard.

"And I can make a heat source," Wildcard said, "Heat vision!"

And he turned into a toaster.

"Aw... he's a toaster," Missy said, picking him up gently and setting him down, "Close enough, though."

A-Capella poked her side and Missy frowned. It's strange how close they seem even if they've only met for 2 hours. It's like they've known each other for 2 decades! Wait... that doesn't make sense. I quickly tweaked it.


We quickly snuck into the hallways. I spotted a guard and hid quickly. We waited until he passed before sneaking off, running as fast as we could through the opposite hallway, where we knew he most likely wouldn't go to.

"Is it working?" I hissed.

"It's leading us somewhere!" Missy hissed back.

We continued walking, making sure to tiptoe.

"That was good back there," Missy said to Wildcard.

"What? Turning into a toaster instead of heat vision?"

"Still. It's progress."

"They're so cute," Noodles whispered into my ear.

"I guess it's progress..."

"You just watch. Pretty soon, you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business," Missy patted his shoulder, "It's all about belief."

"Uh, guys..." A-Capella frowned, "Does anyone... hear that?"

We all stood silently. I felt my wheels.

"It's below us!" I exclaimed, "I can feel it..."

We all huddled against the walls--of course, Wildcard and Missy were together--and waited. Suddenly, the floor broke and we saw a hideous purple tentacle.

"AHHH!" we all screamed and began to run.

More burst through the ground.


"Which way?!" I exclaimed.

Missy saw a door.


A tentacle popped up.


"AHHHHHHH!" A-Capella sang and the tentacle screeched.

We all headed through the door and relaxed. We were safe. Suddenly, I spotted it. People. And a huge pyramid.

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