Chapter 4

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Moon's P.O.V.

I had learned that me and Sun's new friend Missy was actually the daughter of the leader of the Heroics. 'Wow' I thought forgetting I was using my telepathy. "Wow indeed," Sun said. My face flushed a shade of really dark red in embarrassment. "Moon you forgot that you were using your telepathy again didn't you?" Sun asked looking over at me. I nodded cheeks still majorly red. "Well maybe we can take you to the Heroic base and introduce you to the other kids of the Heroics," Mom suggested. 'Maybe' I said telepathically.

TiMe SkIp To ThE nExT dAy

We walked into the Heroic base Sun optimistic,Me nervous as heck. "I can't believe that the Heroics leader let us come," Sun said smiling his wide smile. Sun always gives off a peaceful aura even though he doesn't have powers but Mom,Dad,and I consider his aura his power to cheer him up. We got to the classroom the kids of the Heroics go to for training sometimes. The reinforced door opened and it was amazing. "Sun. Moon. Over here," Someone said. I looked over and saw Missy with a few other kids. A little girl came up to me and said "Hi i'm Guppy. My mommy is Lavagirl and my daddy is Sharkboy,". 'I'm Moon. My mom is Starlia and my dad is Planetos' I said to Guppy using my telepathy. "Moon telepathy everyone can hear you when you do that unless you don't want them to," Sun reminded me. 'Sorry' I said. "It's okay Moon," A boy with dark hair and a black and white shirt said coming up to me. "I'm Wild Card," He said sticking out his hand for shaking. I took his hand and shook it a light but stable shake of hands. 'Nice to meet you Wild Card' I said. He smiled and I couldn't help but blush.

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