Prologue: It's Hero Time

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Hi my name is Y/N Rose, you see a long time ago I was apart of a loving family with a great mom, her name was Summer she was the best. But one day she was announced M.I.A which for those who don't know it means Missing In Action. Ever sence then my life became a living hell my Dad and old sister Yang beat me like a training dummy and most times I either bleed out or starve but there is someone who looks after me. She's my little sister Ruby, think Summer but small, she is a Saint and I'm glad to have someone like her, she brings me food and patches my wounds when ever I'm beaten.

Ruby: Big Brother.

I looked and saw Ruby creep in with a first ad kit and some food, as I ate she took care of my wounds.

Y/N: So how's my favorite sis been, have you been Rosen up to be a hunter ( Snickers )

Ruby: How can you make jokes at a time like this, your really hurt.

Y/N: I guess it just comes at the worse times.

As she kept working her magic I looked out the window.

Ruby: What's on your mind Big brother?

Y/N: I feel like running away, but there's one thing stopping me from going?

Ruby: What is it?

Y/N: It's just I wouldn't forgive myself leaving you here all alone with these people.

Ruby than stopped but then took a deep breath

Ruby: To be honest, your more family than anyone here, if that means I leave my home forever to be with you then so be it.

I personally shocked she would leave everything behind just for me.

Y/N: You sure about this?

Ruby: Acourse besides your more then family to me instead of those, monsters who hurt you.

I than hugged her tight as she hugged me back.

Y/N: Ok go to your room and gather everything you want to bring I'll make us a rope.

She than ran off while I grabbed my sheets and made a make shift rope and tossed it out the window. After awhile Ruby came back with her backpack full of stuff she wanted to bring.

Y/N: Ready?

Ruby: ( Smiles ) Yep.

Y/N: Ok, I'll go first to see if it's safe.

As I shimmy my way down it was going well until it ripped and I fell to the ground back first but besides being really hurt I was ok.

Ruby: You ok?!

Y/N: I'm ok, but your going to jump.

Ruby: What you crazy!

Tai: Ruby, where are you?

She turned and she looked so scared. I quickly ran under her

Y/N: Hurry, I promise I'll catch you.

Ruby: I'm scared!

Y/N: Ok on the count of three you jump, I swear I'll catch you, ok.

Ruby: Ok.

Y/N: Ok. 1

Ruby started to get ready.

Y/N: 2

She held on to her bag.

Y/N: 3!!!

She jumped doing screaming but I caught her and she looked at me in my eyes.

Y/N: I told you I'll catch you.

Ruby: Ok, now what?

I then let her get to her legs as I held her hand.

Y/N: Now, we run.

We than ran off into the deepest part of the woods.


As we kept running both me and Ruby got tired but after I took another step I fell into a ditch of some sort which cause both me and Ruby to lose our grips off each other.

Ruby: You ok?

Y/N: I'm good.

As I got up I looked and saw sometype of pod

Y/N: What the?

Ruby: What is it?

Y/N: Come check it out.

She slid down and saw the pod too.

Ruby: What is it?

Y/N: I don't know?

I walked up to it and as I rubbed my hand on it, it started to open up to show two watches of somesort.

Y/N: What are these?

I reached out for the green one but it than jumped and latched upon my wrist. I than try to get it off but nothing worked

Y/N: Get off my me, get off! Ruby help!

She grabbed hold of it but it than electrocute her and pushed her by the pod.

Y/N: Ruby, I'm so sorry!

Ruby: I'm ok.

She rubbed the back of her head but then the red one latched onto her own wrist.

Ruby: Oh, come on!

We both try to take them off but nothing worked.

Y/N: I guess we are stuck with these things.

Ruby: I guess, but what can they do?

Y/N: Not so sure.

I pressed a button of somesort and the center of the watch sprung up with the center glowing.

Ruby: What did you do?

Y/N: All I did was press a button and this happened.

Soon after a hologram of somesort of creature showed up.

Y/N: Cool.

I then pressed it down and it than started to glow even brighter and my eyes widen to what happened next

Y/N ( Big Chill )/Ruby: AAAAAAHHHHHHHH

Y/N ( Big Chill ): What happened to me.

I then felt something hit me and saw Ruby hit me with a stick and ready to swing again.

Y/N ( Big Chill ): Wait Ruby it's still me Y/N.

Ruby: Oh sorry.

She then dropped the stick.

Ruby: What happened to you?

Y/N ( Big Chill ): I don't know maybe the watch did this.

Ruby: Well how you feel?

Y/N ( Big Chill ): Well I feel. Amazing, I feel like I can do anything.

Ruby: Well what can you do?

Y/N ( Big Chill ): I don't know.

I then took a deep breath I let out a cold mist which after it hit the trees they where frozen solid.

Y/N ( Big Chill ): Wow that was Cool ( laughs )

Ruby: ( Groans ) Really Ice pouns.

Y/N ( Big Chill ): What can I say it's not like everyday I get turn into, whatever this is. Actually "it" needs a name, how about Big Chill!

Ruby: Ok then this thing is now called Big Chill.

We than saw what looked like flashlights and from the looks of it they had guns.

Ruby: What we do?!

I than unwrapped my cloak to show it wasn't a cloak but wings.

Y/N ( Big Chill ): Ruby hold on to me.

She ran up to me, I than grabbed a hold of her and held her tight, soon after getting a good running start I flapped my wings and took flight and just on time.

Ironwood POV

Ironwood: Status report?

Soilder: We found the pod but it seems what was in it is gone, and whatever was here froze some of trees here.

Ironwood: Alright, report back to Atlast the pod is worthless anyway.

Soon after that the video ended.

Ironwood: What could have been in that pod, and who possibly took it.


I was still flying as Bigchill and right now me and Ruby where above Vale and its better than the view from a bulkhead.

Ruby: Wow this is beautiful.

Y/N ( Big Chill ): Yeah you got to love the view.

Ruby: I'm never taking a bulkhead again.

Y/N ( Big Chill ): True that, but she should find a place a land just in case I turn back to normal, now let me try something.

I then made the both of us invisible and intangible I then flew into a abandoned apartment building and as soon we got into a good enough room I set Ruby down and soon after I turned back to normal.

Y/N: That was incredible.

Ruby: So how did you feel being well, Big Chill.

Y/N: It was werid I felt like I was someone else entirely.

Ruby: Cool, so what now?

Y/N: Well first we need power.

I flick the switch and it didn't work, but I got an idea.

Y/N: Hey Ruby why not try using your watch, maybe you can turn into something to.

Ruby: Ok! Um, how do I do it?

Y/N: Well I pressed a button and it than showed me which one was activate, but to be sure try turning the dial.

Ruby then pressed a red button on her watch, and she turned the dial like I said and showed me what she got.

Ruby: What you think?

Y/N: Only way to find out try it out.

Ruby: Does it hurt?

Y/N: Nope.

Ruby: Ok then

She than slammed it down and there was a flash of red light

Ruby ( Shock Rock ): How I look?

Y/N: You look good! Now try something.

She walked up to the lightswitch and soon as she did the whole room had power.

Y/N: Sweet, oh what should we call this one?

Ruby ( Shock Rock ): How about Shock Rock.

Y/N: ( Shurgs ) Works for me.

Soon after making the room, habital she then turn back to normal.

Y/N: It's not much but it's home.

Ruby: Yep.

I then looked at my watch.

Y/N: You know, with these things we can become heros.

Ruby: Really!!!

Y/N: Yeah, if we can turn into one form image how many more other forms we have.

Ruby: I'm not sure but I would love to be like those hero's in those stories mom used to read.

Y/N: Well how about we become those hero's in the stories, but if we do so we must do it in secret.

Ruby: ( Gasp ) This can be our secret base!

Y/N: Sure, besides we left together we'll be hero's together.

Ruby: Yeah!

We raised both our fist in the air with the watches attached to our wrist glowed green and red.


As the two siblings raised their fist in the air while their other hands where locked together behind their back and surprisingly the two twins noticed they where holding each others hands.

Ok that's the end of the chapter as for each chapter I'll let you choose a new alien for the two siblings, but I get to pick and if there are no recommendations then I'll pick. You'll get to vote what new Alien gets add to the roster in the next chapter until then later

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