Chapter 15: News

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Sadly, no one correctly guessed how old I am ;-;
Anyways, thank you all for the 200+ votes! I feel so happy :)

For all those BH6 lovers out there, I published a new Hiro x Reader story entitled "Shattered to Pieces". Check it out on my profile :3

Vote and comment!

You had no idea how you were going to pay for the hospital bill, but you had other things to worry about. Your sister's funeral, for example.

That's why you sat on the hospital chairs with (Fnd/n), staring blankly at the floor, no sign of any expression on your face.

Your sister just died, your parents are dead too. Your house has been burned down, and you had no money at all.

"How am I going to pay for this?" You mumbled, fiddling with your fingers anxiously. You don't deal with situations like this very well.

(Fnd/n) looked at you. "You know, I could pay for that..." She mumbled, but you shook your head.

"I'll figure this one out on my own," You sighed, leaning back to the chair, closing your eyes. (Fnd/n) did the same.

The two of you stayed like this for quite a while, until (Fnd/n) eventually fell into a light sleep...again.

You stayed awake, though, despite your eyes being closed, thinking. Thinking very hard.

Your life was a mess right now. That was a fact.

Where were you going to stay? How are you going to pay for all the bills? Were you going to be thrown in are orphanage?

You couldn't just stay and live forever with (Fnd/n), you're going to be a big bother to her parents. But it could be an option...

"Good morning, Miss (y/n)," said a too familiar voice, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You opened one eye and saw Doctor Anne standing in front of you. She was holding a bag and a big envelope, and she was...smiling. She wasn't wearing her doctor's outfit, but a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt.

What is she doing here?

"Oh, uh...Hello, Doc-I mean...Anne?" You said tiredly. Yawning, you asked, "What brings you here?"

That only made her smile bigger. Clutching the envelope tightly, she forced herself to stop smiling and looked at you in the eye.

"Since you're an orphan now," She started, and you winced at that. "You're going to be put up for adoption..."

You sat up straight, looking at her questioningly. "What are you saying?"

Doctor Anne smiled again. "I adopted you."

With your face completely blank, your mouth dropped open. "You what?"

"I adopted you," she repeated, taking an empty seat next to you.

You didn't say anything, but you threw yourself at her and hugged her really tight.


"Come on, I want to show you the house!" Doctor Anne called as you walked in the lawns of the hospital grounds. She was already by her car, where you were still at the entrance. (Fnd/n) was still asleep on the chairs, and you tried waking her up, but she just snored on.

You were about to run towards her, but you felt a hand grab your arm, preventing you from doing so.

You gasped and turned around, seeing no other than Hiccup Haddock.

You pulled your arm away from his grasp, avoiding his gaze by glaring at the ground. "What do you want?" You said through gritted teeth.

"I wanted to say sorry, (y/n)..." He softly said. You were now glaring softly at the ground. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have believed (e/n). I saw on the tapes..."

You said nothing. You didn't really know what to say, so you just rolled your eyes. "Why waste your time with a runt like me when you can hang out with your girlfriend?" You asked, because maybe (e/n) had lied again.

"I broke up with (e/n), if that makes you happy," he casually said, taking you by surprise. You gotta admit, you were slightly happy...

"You broke up with her," you said, your mind refusing to take in the information.

"Yeah, I mean, your friend was right. She was snotty," Hiccup laughed and you managed to suppress yours.

"So what do you say?..."

Yo bit your lip in thought. "I-I'll...think about it," you answered. And before he could say another word, you ran to a waiting Doctor Anne and clambered into the back seat.


You felt like you had been driving for hours, but your complaints finally stopped when your car pulled up in front of a house so similar to yours. All the houses in your neighborhood looked alike

You glanced at Anne, who didn't look as happy as she used to be earlier. She got out of the drivers seat and opened the door for you.

You got out and closed the door shut. You turned around to go inside the house, but Doctor Anne pulled your ear hard as she walked to the house.

You gasped in pain. "What are you doing?" You hissed.

She opened the front door,which wasn't locked, and forcingly pushed you inside. It was dark, except for the television that was on the news channel, displaying some things about the fire. Your family's name was rolling on screen at the bottom, saying that "Between the 4 of them, only (y/n) had survived."

Anne locked the door then stomped to a bewildered you. "Go to your room!" She shouted angrily.

"Where is my room?" You asked, starting to get scared.

"Go. To. Your. Room!" She shouted. You quickly turned on your heel and sprinted upstairs, trying to find your room.

You passed by a very dirty hallway, the wallpaper was peeling off the concrete walls. You saw an opened room and assumed that it was yours. You tiptoed to it, passing by a portrait covered by a large piece of cloth

Curiousity getting the best of you, you quickly ripped off the cloth and gasped at what you saw.

You saw your family having a picture in the park. You were in front, hugging your sister and your parents were behind you. But the creepy thing about this one is that they had big, red cross marks on their faces, apart from yours.

Before you could examine any further, you heard footsteps stomping upstairs. You quickly covered the portrait again then hid inside your room.

You couldn't stop thinking about that portrait.

I am very sorry if this was badly written. I feel awful today.

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