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Irene sat in the mirror, a army of people fussing over her, as they perfected her makeup and hair. She had one lady doing her nails, another working on her hair, the other on her makeup. She sat in silence, her eyes turning to the side, watching the girls get similar treatment. Her thoughts travelling to Jackson without a filter, her lips covered into a smile unknowingly as she remembered him.
She's in love with him.
She had finally admitted it to herself. Even after two years of denying and running from him. Her heart was finally strong enough to say she was in love. She was in love with such a beautiful soul. He never left her mind, he's was always there; mentally if not physically. It's just incomprehensible. He was the one stable force in her life , the one stability in a world filled with chaos and something that she desperately needed in her life. She loved him so much that it was hurting. She was in love with him and She became frustrated at herself for only just realising  it. The feeling was strange; it stretched throughout her whole body. It was overwhelming, yet made her feel complete. It had no bound nor length nor depth; it was just absolute. It felt as though She was in a dangerous fire, yet completely safe at the same time. It felt as though someone was giving her peace. It felt as though her heart was dancing around her chest; and a hole, She was  aware was there, had been filled. She felt so light, like She was on top of the world yet her heart was constricting and it felt as if there was no oxygen in her lungs at the mere thought of him. It's strange – frightening even – how you can go from someone being a complete stranger, to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that you were able to live without them, because you sure as hell couldn't imagine being without them now. She knew that most people would consider her to be foolish and naïve, but it's true when She says that She loves him more than She could ever love herself. She had found her best friend, anchor, her one stability in this world filled with chaos. She was in love, and she now couldn't wait to tell him. Her mind going back to when the had first met after two years, the way in which he said he would wait, the way in which he reassured her that he wouldn't rush in her any sort of way. She looked in the mirror staring at her reflection as the women stepped away from her moving onto the others. She smiled brightly. She was in love and she couldn't wait to tell him that his wait was over. That she was willing to be his, however he would take her for as long as he was willing to hold her.  She had a smile that she wasn't prepared to let go off. She had Jackson who she wasn't prepared to let go off.

Half an hour later red velvet were pushed out onto the red carpet, looking stunning as they posed for group shots and then singular ones. Irene's focus was elsewhere however as she tried to mascaraed her searching. Joy slapped her arm lightly as she was forced to turn her gaze away from the cars that were lining up. She mentally sighed as she stole one last glance before turning to complete an interview. It wasn't until she heard chants for Got7 did her head turn again, her heart thumping as he took paces towards her. He looked amazing. He was clad in a fendi suit that emphasised his perfect physique, his looks speaking for themselves as he oozed sophistication and confidence, he walked with one hand in his pocket causally stopping for photos every once in awhile as they shuffled along the long queue of photographers. They caught each other's eyes staring at each other as though the world fell away. She smiled at him only for it drop in confusion as he turned away from her. She looked at the girls who wore similar looks of confusion as they shrugged their shoulders at her. Irene attempted to pick up her smile as she turned back to finish of the photographs, the girls joining hands as they offered silent support to their leader who was visibly hurt. They watched the mask go back up as quickly as it had fallen, Irene's heart thundering loudly to the point  she could no longer hear anything. She posed one last time not noticing the eyes that were staring at her. Jackson's . She looked stunning. She was dressed in a blue satin dress, that hugged her form like a second skin, emphasising her curves. Her hair was half up half down with trails of hair flowing to frame her face. She was beautiful as always. But he saw the way her smile fell, the way it faltered before the facade went back up. He sighed mentally, the boys giving him weak smiles as they attempted to comfort their brother. He hadn't wanted to do that. Not at all, but he was protecting her. He knew how Youngji would be, the way she would try to harm Irene was something he did not want to see. He watched her walk off the carpet the girls following as they were led to their seats casually talking.

Once the boys were finished they were taken to their seats which happened to be in front of them. The boys greeted the girls, as Jackson made attempts to avoid Irene's eye contact, cursing himself as he watched her mood fall faster, the hurt looming in her eyes as she turned to talk to Mark grateful for the distraction. Half an hour later the award ceremony started, performances starting as the first category was announced. He heard his phone go off, looking down to see Irene's name brighten his screen.

From Babygirl 💖💞💘
Are you okay?? xx

He sighed hating himself more for what he was about to say back to her.

From Superman 🦸🏻‍♂️🥰😍
Yeah fine.

Irene and Jackson's eyes briefly met as they broke it seconds later. Joy looked between the two signalling to the others who watched the hurt in Irene's face. Wendy sat besides her, holding her hand as Irene squeezed it grateful for the comfort. Irene gulped looking back on the stage. An hour later they had the first interval, Irene's eyes widening as she watched Youngji walk or rather stalk up to Jackson throwing her arms around him. He looked back at Irene who looked away quickly her heart clenching as he turned away from her focusing on Youngji. Irene's gaze going back onto the display in front of her. "Baby I missed you." She said. Irene tensed as Wendy and the other girls looked at each other before their expressions turned to an annoyed angry look directed at Jackson. Irene linked her arm with Wendy's turning her face to the side as she was forced to listen to the conversation, trying to conceal the way her eyes suddenly glossed over. Wendy squeezed her hand looking at Mark furiously who had turned at the wrong time. "Hey Youngji it's been awhile." He said attempting to smile. "Gosh I've missed you Jack, I've missed being in your arms." Youngji spoke looking behind her watching irene before locking eyes with Jackson who attempted to laugh. "I mean it wasn't that long ago when I was in your arms." She said giggling slightly as Irene's head rose from Wendy's shoulder, the girls huddling around her as they continued to listen. "Seems like you found a replacement whilst away. Was she keeping my seat warm?" Jackson and the other boys tensed as they looked at Irene seeing no real emotion on her face which scared them more. Jackson screamed mentally as Youngji continued to speak. "Well I'm back baby. I'm back for you.  You can leave that bitch." Irene sucked In a deep breath standing and moving away in one swift movement, everyone's eyes glued to her form as they watched her walk away. Jackson's eyes following her as his heart constricted swearing at his stupid mind that was preventing him from running after her. Irene grabbed some water chugging it down as if her life depended on it. She rested her head on the wall attempting to gather what remained of her courage as she picked up four bottles for the girls, returning to see that the two were still conversing. Irene walked past them pretending they didn't exist before handing the water to the girls. She rested her head on Wendy's shoulder again as the award show began moments later. Everyone took their seats again, picking up where they had left off. Got7 and RedVelvet respectively winning their category.

Half an hour later the girls got up to go backstage to prepare for their performance. Irene sat in front of the mirror deflated, her eyes misting over as her head fell into her hands. She heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" She called out, turning her chair as Youngji walked in smiling sweetly. Irene took a deep breath. "Hey can I help you." She spoke. "Yeah stay away from my man." Irene mentally winced standing up waiting for her to continue. "Jackson is mine." She seethed taking rushed steps towards Irene. Mentally, Irene rolled her eyes not backing down herself as she crossed her arms across her chest listening to Youngji rant. She looked at the clock timing in her head as she disregarded everything that was coming out her mouth. "Are you even listening?" "No not really." She replied bored. "You bitch." Screamed Youngji as she attempted to hit Irene who grabbed her wrist easily swinging her around "Don't touch me." Irene whispered intimidatingly causing Youngji to retreat. Irene moved toward the door. "You do realise he's playing you." Her voice called out, halting Irene who's back remained facing Irene. "What happened two years ago. Before he went to your dressing room, he was on the phone with me. We had a fight and so he used you. You were a distraction Bae. You mean nothing. Because as soon as you ran, he came back to me straight away." Irene turned, her eyes widening, "what." She questioned softly. "Awww that's cute, you deluded yourself to think what you guys had was real. It wasn't. Your just the distraction. I'm the real thing." Irene stepped forward. "You phoned the other day... what did you guys talk about." She questioned trying to brace her heart for the impact she could already anticipate. "We were together a few months ago...we called it off cause we got busy. I wanted to pick things back up where we left off, he snapped." She summarised as Irene leaned against the wall. He had lied. He had said it was years ago her mind retorted bitterly. Youngji looked at her the smug look disappearing as she watched Irene's face. "Hey are you okay?" She questioned. Irene nodded, walking out seconds later as her feet carried her desperately away to where the girls were standing. They all saw the look on her face, but before they could attempt to comfort their leader they were pushed onto the stage. The intro to psycho playing as Irene unenthusiastically started. Everyone could see it in her eyes, the girls casting each other worried looks as Irene continued the choreography somewhat in a trance. Jackson sat in his seat edging forward, watching her tensed eyebrows and body language. Something was off and he could already tell. He stood up the boys nodding to him as they watched concerned. When Irene had realised she was on stage she endeavoured to perform better, fans relaxing as they saw the Irene they knew and loved. They finished the song moments later. Irene crouching down as she made attempts to gather herself, the girls walking up to her, group hugging her to hide her from the view of everyone else before moving off the stage. Jackson ran up the stairs leading to the backstage corridor running up it frantically, Irene and the girls moving down the corridor as he was coming up it. Youngji opened the door to Irene's room crashing into Jackson who stared at her. Before he had a chance to even say anything her lips were attached to his pushing him up against the wall. The girls who had just turned into the next half stopping as they took a second to digest what was happening, the boys coming up on the other side. Irene froze. She felt herself become nauseous as she forced herself, more precisely her heart to watch the scene in front of her. Everyone watched in silence. Irene's heart breaking second after second, the cracks becoming bigger and bigger as the tears she held in all night finally fell. She bit back a sob, as Jackson finally pushed youngji away. His head turning to see Irene and the girls, his eyes softening as he saw the tears; his heart pounding furiously as he saw that look in her eyes. The look he never wanted to be responsible for. She stared at him for a minute, before shaking her head and turning, the rest watching the scene in silence as Irene walked away. Jackson moved forward trying to grab her wrist but she moved quickly running in the opposite direction, a hand on her mouth suppressing her sobs. "Irene!" He called out, his voice cracking as he watched her form fade from his sights.


Authors note:
Hope you all have had an amazing week and are keeping safe. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, sorry if your heart is broken at this point. Oops. I'll pay compensation 😂. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. I look forward to hearing back from you all. Lots of love and best wishes.

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