|O N E| ~ New Year

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A girl clad in her baggy T-shirt and simple jeggings was relishing her drink with caffeine calming her nerves as she looked out of her window. People cheering, crackers roaring, snow falling, and music blaring out loud from someone's porch.

New Year.

Resolutions and new hopes for many and she was brimming with anticipation of what surprises this year would bring. With absolutely no one by her side and her boyfriend suddenly disappearing in the morning she was feeling the same loneliness again as it was last year and the year before.
She sighed as her espresso was over, and she couldn't help but think about the love of her life. Her memory shifted back to the time when they met and fell so deeply in love that now the solitude seemed unbearable. The names Hailey and Mark seemed incomplete without each other. Her mind drifted to their beginnings. The beginning of an unforgettable beautiful tale.


This is the first day of my third year in college. I have managed to hide in the shadows of the crowd, keeping myself out of the spotlight. While I'm relieved that I've never provoked trouble, sometimes I feel that someone is watching my every move. I shrug it off as I find no proof to support my conscience. I was currently trying to concentrate on the bald professor when a voice shouted "Hailey Ford- Master's of Business Administration third year". I raised my eyes from my notes and saw the teacher and the peon looking at me expectantly. This was common as the principal called me frequently to represent our college in competitions and events.

Huh!!! Too much for staying out of the public eye.

My principal Edward Miller has become a father figure to me who loves to irritate me. I quietly got up from my seat, collected my notes, and walked out of the room. Marching towards the principal office, a boy intentionally bumped into me making me fall straight on my back with my notes flying all around. I got up, dusted my jeans, and ignored the people laughing at me. It wasn't something novel. Before I could pick up the papers scattered around, I saw the silhouette of a man clouding me. I could only see the white shoes of the man as my eyes were on the floor.
I raised my eyes to see the college hotshot, the Greek god 'Mark Anderson' standing in front of me. His eyes were glued to mine and he had this huge smile on his face. WAIT! I have heard that he doesn't smile often, so why is he giving me this gentle smile? I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he suddenly bent down and started tying my shoelace. As 'Mark Anderson' never bends in front of anyone, the crowd around me gasped loudly. From anyone, it means anyone. He is another name for perfection. I stood there numb, unable to understand why he was behaving this way. After ensuring that the threads were tied properly, he stood up and I just dumbly kept looking at him. Why did he just bend down on his knees for me? For a nerd, for the most boring personality in college who knows nothing except books? Being socially awkward, I just gave him a small smile and a quick nod. I started picking up the sheets. Knocking the breath out of everyone and especially me he started collecting the papers for me and handed them over to me. I hurriedly took them from him muttering a "Thank You" and briskly walked away without glancing back at him. This would make headlines and I am afraid of the consequences.
In an effort to calm my nerves, I stormed into the washroom instead of heading toward the principal's office. Everything can wait, but my anxiety cannot. It alarmed me to think that I would become the center of attention.

Splashing cold water on my face I waited for the liquid to do its job and leave a soothing impact. Wiping my face I marched towards my desired destination.

As I reached the principal's cabin, I released the breath I had held for so long. I entered the room to find the biggest shock of my life. He was sitting there in the cabin with a smirk playing on his lips. He looked like a hot piece of meat. Oh god! Save me, please.

My eyes did not meet Mark's as I greeted the old man sitting in the chair. Sitting in the chair, I squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze.

"You both have to participate in the Investor's Fest as a team which is after 2 days in Italy," Sir said, and I was beyond shocked. Firstly, I was going to participate in an event enveloped by paparazzi competing with famous businessmen and secondly, I was teamed up with this dashing popular man. Everything screams danger.

"Can you select someone else instead of me?" I squeaked nervously.

"NO," the principal answered.

"Now tell me the start-up strategy," Edward asked. I looked at Mark through my peripheral vision to find him looking at me, amused.

"I have an idea," he said. Damn his husky tone!

His business model sounds elaborate and distinct. I am currently sitting with the most handsome man ever.

Grades. Check

Looks. Double check.

Cash. Triple check.

I have absolutely no idea what I am doing over here.
"Where is the cost efficiency? The proposition and features of the program are unique, but at the same price, it is possible to run more than 5 similar programs simultaneously. It will lead to lower profit prospects" I replied and cupped my mouth with both hands after realizing I had asked all those questions aloud.

I looked at them horrified. I just questioned the idea of the luminary, and now he will never let me go easily. Instead of glares, I received full-blown laughs. Am I hallucinating?
"You are a gem, dear," Edward said, smiling.

"See, I have got the perfect partner. I know that if you have a doubt, you would have found a solution by now," Mark said, making me doubt my ears. Did he just praise me?
I gave a curt nod and explained the solution, receiving impressed smiles from the men.
As they seemed satisfied, I asked "Sir, you have got a perfect idea and anybody from the college can represent it. Can I be spared now?"

Edward glared at me which I was about to royally ignore when I looked at Mark who seemed to be angry. I gulped and looked at Edward to let me run away.

"No way! I am going to participate only if you are my partner" Mark said and I looked at him half amused and half horrified. Edward smirked at me as I had no option but to move ahead with the representation myself. I muttered a 'fine' and we were dispersed. I was crossing the lobby when I was surrounded by a group of hot chicks as the students call them. I have actually stepped into trouble. They are gonna murder me for speaking with Mark.

"Hey, nerdy! How dare you look at what's mine?" Lisa shouted and I just looked down. I knew what was coming next.

"Stay away from my mark" she ordered and her assistants started to bully me. They snatched away my glasses. I just looked away as I sucked making a scared face. I will buy a new one tomorrow. My bag was no longer on my shoulders, and its contents lay on the ground. Her girl gang kept pushing me and making fun of me.

Lisa was about to slap me and I closed my eyes waiting for the impact which never came. I opened my eyes to see Mark holding her hand and throwing it away. She fell due to the force and became a laughingstock. Mark looked at me and his expressionless face turned into a smile. Not again.

Why is he getting involved in this mess? What's wrong with this morning? Instead of standing there and waiting for these people to open their mouths, I preferred walking back home. I was done with everything.

Not caring about the people gathered around looking at the unfolding I quietly strode towards the exit gates not caring about the pair of glasses and the bag that I left behind. People are generally concerned about their things and I am no exception but standing there under the scrutinizing gaze of people made me feel sick. It made me remember things I didn't want to remember. My home wasn't close to the premises but walking the distance seemed habitual to me. Greeting Gerald and his twins, patting the head of brownie, the dog sheltered by an old lady who lives in the lane, and getting warm hugs from Clara made the distance seem shorter.
Putting on my earplugs and keeping my hands in my pocket, I lost myself in the melodies while strolling. Reaching my place, I plunged my hand into my other pocket and caught the pair of keys having their nap. Jingling the pair of keys and smiling to myself I opened the door. My warm and cozy space welcomed me and the first thing I did was drop on the sofa with a thud after removing the device from my ears. After a minute the warmth dwindled and loneliness crept in. I missed them. I sighed.

Dragging my lazy self to the room, I pulled out a set of PJs and decided to take a shower. After a relaxing warm bath, I searched my cupboard for a frame that held too many memories. The situation was ironic. I wanted to keep looking at the picture, but I also wanted to hide it back in the drawer and never see it again. It came along with haunting memories and sad smiles.
Walking towards the kitchen I foraged for any sort of snack that could fill my growling stomach. I groaned when I found only a packet of chips and some biscuits. I was in the mood for a meal. Curse Mrs. Kane for scheduling the due date for the submission of all the assignments for the end of this week only. Double curses to Stacy for foisting all her work on me. Jake must be cursed thrice for making me his target again and telling me at the last minute that he was no longer in the mood to complete his part of the work.

Stomping my foot on the floor with a huff I glared at the wall ahead which seemed to be giving me a what's-my-fault-look. Grabbing whatever could satisfy my famished ass I skipped towards my room and put on a rom-com on my laptop. After chilling out for 10 minutes I looked at the pile of papers stacked on my table and quickly started working on them. I don't know when the chilly night faded away and the radiant sun gleamed because I was too busy completing work. As my alarm rang I came out of my world and separated the files, clipping them properly. I rushed to get ready for University. While ignoring the handsome man who had taken over my thoughts since yesterday I put on a white shirt, a brown cardigan, and loose pants. In my haste to wear my brown converses, I tripped and fell. Groaning, I stood up and muttered profanities at the floor, which I considered my all-time enemy. I pulled out my old bag from the cupboard and stacked all the folders safely inside.

As I reached the kitchen to put some breakfast in my stomach I remembered that I was out of groceries. A message appeared on my phone screen, grabbing my attention. It was from an anonymous person and sent chills down my spine. Who could write something like this to me?
'I've been waiting for so long, sweetheart'
I brushed it off for the moment, assuming it was someone pulling a prank on me or texting me by mistake. I rushed as the clock indicated that I was late. As I opened the door the view left me spellbound.


Hey guys!

I know many of you have read this story as a one-shot but now its no longer limited to a chapter. So read it with a fresh mind because now it's going to be a roller coaster ride. To read the next chapter right away visit Goodnovel and search for this story or you can click on the link given below. If it's not working then go to Goodnovel and search for 'We complete each other' to read the next chapter right away.


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~Ms. Bhatia

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