1. lullaby

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After watching Frozen II early last year, I was actually inspired to try and write a lullaby for some of my own characters, so that's how this came about! This doesn't have a tune or anything, so I guess it might be more of a poem, but I did write it as a lullaby for my Ninjago fanfic series. 

In the story, Evelyn Brookstone is the one who's written it, and she sings it to Cole and Lyla when they're younger. I wanted the lyrics to be meaningful, and also wanted it to be something that was important and special to Cole and Lyla, something that they'd carry with them for the rest of their lives and maybe even sing to their own children one day.

So yeah, that's the backstory behind this little lullaby! It was my first time attempting something like this, but I'm actually really happy with the way it turned out in the end, and I hope you enjoy it!

» — ♪ • ° • ♪ — «

Close your eyes and sleep, my love

As the moon and stars shine up above

It's quiet now, and darkness falls

Upon the land, and a lone wolf calls

She sings her song for all to hear

Be they far, or be they near

But don't be afraid, just close your eyes

And know that in the morning, the sun shall rise

Even after the darkest night

It still will come, bringing hope and light

So don't be afraid, be still, and rest

The strength you gain will carry you through every test

You face tomorrow, and whatever trials the day will bring

You can still choose to be joyful, be kind, and sing

A song of hope, as together, we face the day

As long as I'm able, I'll guide you along the way

Though a day will come when you must walk the path set before you on your own

Know that whatever happens, you'll never be alone

So close your eyes and sleep, my darling dear

And know that though I'll not always be here

My love will guide you all the way

Until we meet again one day

» — ♪ • ° • ♪ — «

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