chapter 15

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James rested his elbow on the table and looked out the window as he put his chin on the palm of his hand. He thought about Dark Fire and him. The waitress came back with their food and gave it to them.

James didn't notice, he was too deep in thought about Dark Fire. He thought about him and Dark Fire doing things that couples did like holding hands... cuddling...Dark fire noticed James was in deep thought but decided not to bother him so he started eating his (own) food

James blushed when he thought of them kissing and decided not to daydream any further, so he snapped out of his thoughts to see the food was already there. Dark fire continued eating his food.

James started to eat. Dark fire looked at james, "are they good?" he asked smiling

James nodded quickly. Dark fire smiled and soon finished eating.

James continued to eat. Dark fire stared at James and smiled

James blushed and finished his food. Dark fire smiled more.

James smiled back shyly. Dark fire noticed how nervous and shy James was acting, "why are you nervous" he asked curiously

James blushed and let out a nervous laugh, "N-nervous? Pffft! I'm not nervous haha!". "James, its ok if you are nervous. I just want to know why" dark fire said.

James shook his head. Dark fire nodded and sighed happily

James sighed and smiled shyly. Dark fire thought of a song he use to sing sometimes, "Fly me to the moon, Let me play among the stars. " he sung softly

James blushed and stared at Dark Fire, listening. "Let me see what spring is like, On Jupiter and Mars. " dark fire sung

James stared at Dark Fire with a look of pure wonder and awe. "In other words, hold my hand" dark fire sung softly

James felt his heart skip a beat at Dark Fire's soft voice singing. " In other words, baby, kiss me" dark fire sung softly, he smiled a bit.

James' cheeks turned pink. "Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more" dark fire sung smiling

James smiled softly. "You are all I long for, all I worship and adore" dark fire sung

James smiled more. "In other words, please be true" dark fire sung.

James smiled widely. "In other words, I love you" dark fire sung softly before he stopped singing.

James grinned happily. Dark fire looked over at James

James was grinning. Dark fire smiled, "what are you grinning about?"

"You" james said smiling. "Why" dark fire asked curiously

"You've got a really calming voice" james said smiling. dark fire blushed and smiled, "thanks"

James grabbed Dark Fire's hand gently. Dark fire blushed more and smiled more

James smiled gently. dark fire smiled and gently squeezed James's hand.

James blushed and smiled. He felt tingly. Dark fire stared at james

James blushed and smiled softly.  Dark fire gently pulled james closer to him

James blushed more and smiled widely. Dark fire held james close.

James leaned into the touch. Dark fire wrapped his free hand around james waist

James blushed, his heart skipping a beat. Dark fire gently squeezed James's hand again

James blushed madly and smiled. dark fire looked at James and smiled.

James smiled back shyly. "You're such a cutie" dark fire said smiling

James blushed madly and looked away shyly. Dark fire chuckled, "see! Adorable" he said smiling

James giggled, "Stop". "Stop what?" Dark fire asked smiling

"You know" James pouted. "What? I am telling truth!" Dark fire said smiling

James blushed, "Stahhp". Dark fire chuckled and hugged James

James hugged back. "Hey james" dark fire said smiling

James looked at Dark Fire, "Yeah?"." Roses are red, my face is too, that only happens when I'm around you" dark fire said smiling

James blushed madly and giggled, "Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you". Dark fire smiled more, " Are you a camera?" He asked

James smiled, "No, why?" He played along. " Because every time I look at you, I smile. " dark fire said smiling

James blushed and giggled more, "When I'm around you, I can't think straight.". Dark fire chuckled, " Do you have a name or can I call you mine?"

James blushed more, "Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?". Dark fire blushed a bit and smiled, "only if I get to take you home" he joked

James blushed and looked away shyly. Dark fire smiled proudly.

James is safe to say that he has never wanted to kiss anyone more in his life. Dark fire looked at the blushing cutie, he stared at james up and down

James blushed and looked down. Dark fire noticed they were still holding hands, so dark fire held onto James's hand tightly

James smiled. Dark fire smiled back

James lifted their hands up and placed his other hand on Dark Fire's.  Dark fire chuckled, James was acting so adorable

James looked at Dark Fire curiously with big innocent eyes. Dark fire smiled and rested his head against James'

James blushed and took a deep breath. Dark fire smiled warmly at james as he blushed.

James bit his lip a little nervously. Dark fire stared into James's red eyes

James looked away shyly. Dark fire smiled and took his hands away from James's hands

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