chapter 9

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James looked at his friends to see most of them smirking. "so this is dark fire?" one of James's friends asked smirking.

James rolled his eyes, "Yes, this is Dark Fire. My friend Dark Fire.". Dark fire was a bit confused by what was going on but he shrugged it off.

James sighed and crossed his arms. "you alright?" dark fire asked looking at james

James blushed and nodded. Dark fire smiled softly and ruffled James's hair.

James blushed more and smiled. Dark fire chuckled and smiled more

James looked away smiling. "why won't look at me?" dark fire playfully pouted.

James blushed more and looked at Dark Fire. Dark fire smiled, "I'm glad you had a nice time, I hope I didn't make anything too boring or awkward" he joked at the last part.

James shook his head, "It was fun". Dark fire nodded, "anyways I gotta go, I'll see you later" he said smiling softly

James felt a bit sad that Dark Fire had to go but he nodded anyways, "See you later". Dark fire turned around and started walking away from James and his friends

James sighed and looked at his friends. Most of his friends were still smirking

James rolled his eyes and sighed, "I'm really tired, so I'm going home.". "alright, go and get some rest" Rosie said softly

James nodded and walked to his apartment. Dark fire was in his bedroom, laying on his bed. He soon fell asleep

James walked into his apartment and went straight to his room. Dark fire was still asleep

James laid in bed. James's phone went off meaning he got a text.

James sighed and grabbed his phone to see he had a text from Adrian, one of his friends. 'I know you like dark fire' Adrian texted James.

James frowned, 'I do not like him.' . 'yes, you do. You were blushing a lot and you were staring at him' Adrian texted back

'No, I wasn't' james texted. 'yes you were, and you were smiling like crazy' Adrian texted.

James sighed. He did feel happy around Dark Fire... And his heart skipped beats and his stomach did flips whenever Dark Fire smiled at him or said something about him... So... He admits he has a small crush on Dark Fire. And he hates telling people, especially his friends about it, but Adrian isn't gonna give up or shut up on this so, 'Fine. I have a SMALL crush on Dark Fire. There, I said it. Don't tell anyone.' . 'Yes! I knew it! And I won't tell anyone' Adrian texted back

'Whatever, I'm going to bed.' He put his phone on the nightstand and closed his eyes.* time skip*  Dark fire woke up and sat up in bed

James slowly woke up. Dark fire got out of bed and sighed

James sat up. Dark fire started to get changed into new and clean clothes

James went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once dark fire was changed, he walked out of his room and into the living room

James took a shower and got dressed. Dark fire started to watch a bit of tv

James sat down on the couch and sighed. He wanted to hang out with Dark Fire. Dark fire took out his phone and texted James 'hey'

James heard his phone going off in his room, so he stood up and went to get his phone. Dark fire fixed his black hair a bit

James saw that Dark Fire texted him and he immediately texted back, 'Hi'. Dark fire smiled when he got a text back, 'what are you doing?'

'Nothing much. I'm bored' James texted back. 'what do you wanna do?' dark fire texted

'I wanna hang out.' james texted back. Dark fire blushed and smiled at James text, 'alright, do you want me to come over Your house and hang out or no??' he texted back

'Come over. My address is **insert address here >:v**' James texted Dark Fire his address. Dark fire nodded, 'alright, I'll be right over' he texted. Dark fire turned off his phone and out it away before he got off the couch and walked out of the living room

James' Phone went off, Ally was calling. He sighed and picked it up, "Hello?". "Hey, James. What's up?" ally said. "Not much. Adrian texted me yesterday night telling me-". "That you liked Dark Fire! Yeah, he told me" Ally cut James off. James stared at the floor both shocked and upset, "He... He told you?? I told him not to tell anyone!".  "Yeah, I know. He bragged about it in a group chat that you told him who you liked, but that you said you didn't want anyone to know and I asked him who you liked and he told me." Ally said casually. "If he said I didn't want anyone to know, why would you ask!? And why would he tell you!?" James was really upset. How could his friends do this??"Calm down, James. It's not that big of a deal." Ally rolled her eyes. "... Not that big of a deal!? I didn't even wanna tell Adrian who I liked! But he wouldn't stop insisting about it! And I thought he'd at least keep a secret! I am not comfortable with having a crush on someone and I don't feel comfortable with people knowing!" James wanted to cry. First, he has to tell his "friend" who he likes, then his friend tells someone else despite James telling him not to and now they're belittling James' frustration!"So? It's just a crush. Not like everyone's gonna not find out.James sighed frustrated and hung up.Dark fire walked out of the house and started walking to James house

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