Chapter 1

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

We are currently at our house right now or what other's call as "Red Velvet's Mansion". It is already 2:00 in the afternoon, Joy and I are watching a movie at her room. Irene unnie, Wendy, and Yeri went down to the dining room after ordering something since Yeri said she's hungry.

"Do you think they're eating already?" Joy asked me while keeping her eyes on the TV.

"I'm not sure, but I haven't heard the doorbell yet. Maybe their food is not yet arriving." I said while looking at Joy.

After 5 minutes, I heard the doorbell rang. I went to the window to see who it was. I saw a man riding a motorcycle. Hmmm, maybe it's the food that they ordered.


Wendy's P.O.V.

Yeri is already laying down on the floor since she said that she was so hungry. Irene unnie told her that the food will come soon. After that, the doorbell rang. Yeri immediately stood up and went to peak at the window.

"OUR FOOD IS HERE!!!!!" Yeri said excitedly.

"Don't you mean 'your' food?" I said making Irene unnie and I laugh.

Yeri frowned and whined like a child. "You're a meanie." She said in a childish voice acting as if someone took her candy.

"Okay, okay, I'll get it." I said while standing up from the sofa. Before I reached the door, I pinched Yeri's cheeks and said "Stop acting like a child, it doesn't fit you." Yeri frowned even harder and glared at me.

I went outside and the man was already gone. I was confused for a second because I couldn't see the food that we ordered anywhere. I checked the mailbox to see whether the man left the food inside. Instead of seeing what we ordered inside, I saw two red envelopes. I read what was written and it both says "To: Red Velvet". I shrugged and went inside.

"Bad news Yeri, it wasn't your food." I said while looking at Yeri.

Yeri, once again, acted like a child and said "But I'm hungry." while stamping her feet on the floor.

"Go annoy your mother there and not me." I said while pointing at Irene. Irene glared at me.


I laughed at how Irene unnie always acted like a mom for the four of us. I wonder who will act as our dad someday. Hmmm...

Yeri disturbed me from my thoughts when she called my name. "Wendy unnieeee, if our food wasn't outside, what else did you find?" Yeri asked curiously.

"Well, I found these envelopes inside the mailbox. Maybe it was the mailman who came and not the delivery boy." I said while looking at the envelopes I am holding.

Irene looked up from her phone and asked me, "Whom is it addressed to?".

"I don't know, it just says 'To: Red Velvet'. I think it is addressed to the five of us." I said while giving Irene the other envelope.

Before opening the envelope, Yeri snatched it from me and opened it herself.

"Yahhh, the letter says 'To: Seulgi'." Yeri said while trying to contain her laughter.

Yeri was about to open the whole letter to read it, when Irene unnie spoke up. "Yah, Kim Yerim, don't read a letter that is not yours. Give it to Seulgi upstairs." She said emotionless.

Yeri frowned once again and slowly went upstairs to give it to Seulgi.


Seulgi's P.O.V.

The movie is about to end when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and saw a frowning Yeri giving me a red envelope. I was about to say something but Yeri was already nowhere to be found. I went back to bed and looked at the letter. Joy went to my side, curious of what the letter contains.

"Is that letter for you?" Joy asked.

"I don't know, Yeri just gave it to me so maybe it is." I said while opening the letter.

I continued opening the envelope and found a letter. I saw the first part of the letter and it was written 'To: Seulgi'.

"Omo, it is for me." I said as I looked at Joy.

"What does it say?" Joy asked me curiously.

"Dear Kang Seulgi, we would like to inform you that you are officially going to get married! You are chosen as one of the participants of a brand new season of 'We Got Married'. We are asking you to go to this address at 1:00pm tomorrow so that you can meet your partner! This is going to be a special season so better watch out for surprises! ;)"

"I knew that envelope looks familiar." Joy said after I read the letter.

My mind went blank. I don't think that I am fit for this kind of show. Who am I going to be paired with? Who will be my husband? What if everything becomes awkward between the two of us?

"Maybe they got it all wrong. Maybe the letter was for you Joy. Maybe they want you to appear again for the special season of their show." I said while panicking a little.

"Seulgi unnie, calm down, it's just a show. The letter clearly says 'To: Seulgi'. I don't think they wrote the wrong name." Joy said while patting my back.

My mind went blank once again. Questions kept on popping in my mind. Who could it be? Come on Seulgi, think of male idols that can possibly be your husband. Or is it a female? No, no, no that's impossible.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard Joy laughing.

"Yahhh Seulgi unnie, you look like a child who got lost in a playground. Don't think about it too much. Like what I said, it's just a show. There's no feelings involved and at the end of the show, you will not even notice that you did all those things." Joy said making me a little better.

"You're right. I shouldn't be thinking about that show too much. You know what, instead of worrying, I should be happy that they want me to become a part of their show." I said while smiling a bit.

"That's the spirit!" Joy said while smiling.

"But can I ask you a favor? Please don't tell the others yet about you know, about this. I don't want them to know not until I found out who will be my partner." I said.

"Okay, I promise I won't tell the others. By the way, where are you going to meet your partner again?" Joy asked me while looking at the letter to find the address.

"It looks like a place where you go ziplining. Huh, maybe my partner likes heights?" I said wondering.


Irene's P.O.V.

As Yeri went upstairs to give the letter to Seulgi, I opened the envelope and saw a letter; it says 'To: Irene'.

Wendy is already watching TV in the living room and I didn't bother calling her to read the letter with me so I went to my room to read it all by myself.

"Dear Bae Joohyun, we are pleased to inform you that you are officially going to get married! You are chosen as one of the participants of a brand new season of 'We Got Married'. We are asking you to go to this address at 1:00pm tomorrow so that you can meet your partner! This is going to be a special season so better watch out for surprises! ;)"

"Huh, who would've thought that they'll choose me for things like this." I said while chuckling.

I was surprised when Yeri went inside my room.

"Yahh, don't you know how to knock!" I said annoyed.

"Unnieee, what does the letter say and whom is it addressed to? Is it for me?" Yeri asked dreamily.

"'For you' my ass. The letter is for me." I said while looking at Yeri.

"Then, what does it say?" Yeri asked curiosity evident in her eyes.

"It says that I'll be a part of the show 'We Got Married'. You know, the show that Joy was featured in." I said.

"Yeah, I remember. Did they mention who is going to be your husband?" Yeri said, teasing me.

"YAHHH, don't use that word! It's making me cringe." I said though I don't know why Seulgi crossed my mind.

I didn't notice that Yeri was already reading the letter.

"Unnie, it seems like you're going to ride the zipline tomorrow in order to meet your partner." Yeri said without looking at me.

"Omo, but I'm afraid of heights!! Whoever that person is, he is so inconsiderate. He's not even thinking that maybe his soon-to-be-wife is afraid of heights!" I said a little bit annoyed.

"Don't worry, I'll tell Wendy unnie about this and maybe she can come with you tomorrow." Yeri said.

After that, Yeri left the room leaving me all by myself. A certain thought kept on lingering my head as I kept on looking at the letter.

This man better be worth it because I'm facing my fears for him!!!

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