Chapter 25

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

We decided to take a trip to our next destination, which is the Eiffel Tower. Everything was prepared, a car came to pick us up from the restaurant.

"Ahhhh I can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower. I already see it a lot of times but only in movies." I said, starting to begin a conversation.

"Me too. Since we're going to Paris, I wonder why they call it the 'City of Love'. Aren't you curious about it too?"

"Same, I'm also curious about it. Maybe we'll feel more attracted to each other when we get there." I jokingly said. Irene playfully slapped my shoulder.

"Or maybe we'll fall harder for each ot--" I wasn't able to finish what I was about to say because right now, Irene practically shoved me.

"Yah, that's enough. Let's just find out what this 'City of Love' will do to us.


The staffs dropped us off near the Eiffel Tower. They told us that the first thing we need to do is to stroll around Paris and if we reached the park near the tower, we would see a picnic mat that they have prepared for us.

"Shall we get going?" I asked Irene, extending my hand for her to hold.

She gladly took my hand as we started strolling around Paris.

"Wow, the sights here are really beautiful." Irene said as she looked around.

"Well, nothing can really compare with the beauty of this woman that I am holding." I replied, receiving a nudge from Irene.

"Yah, is this the effect of the 'City of Love'? You're being cheesier than I expected."

"I guess so. Who knows, maybe this is just me expressing my true feelings." Irene smiled at me after that. She didn't give me a reply after that. Instead, she held my hand tighter.

We continue strolling and after a while, we can already see the green grass and the Eiffel Tower in front of it.

"I can already see the picnic basket from here, babe." Irene blurted out.

I was about to react with what she said, when she suddenly dragged me towards where the picnic mat is located. By the time we got there, my cheeks are already flushed. I don't know why I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever Irene does something like that. We're already married, so that isn't a big deal anymore. Right?

Irene was the first to sit down on the picnic mat. I started to do the same when she started setting the foods from the picnic basket. I didn't realize that all the foods were in front of me already since I was still thinking about what she called me earlier.

"Yah, Kang Seulgi? Are you still here with me?" Irene waved her hand in front of me.

"Huh? Oh...yes. I'm sorry I just got a little distracted."

"Distracted with what? With what I called you earlier?" She asked me while smirking.

I gulped. "Uhmm...not really, I was just distracted by how the Eiffel Tower looks really beautiful from here." I lied. I didn't want Irene to become cocky 'cause that's my job.

"You were just telling me earlier that nothing can compare with my beauty and now that we're here, you're telling me that you are distracted by the beauty of the Eiffel Tower." Irene said. I don't know if I'm just assuming things, but the way how she said it, she sounded a bit disappointed.

"I'm just messing with you. Nothing can really compare with your beauty. You don't have to worry about it." I looked at her and saw her staring down.

"Come on honey, what are you waiting for? Let's eat." This time, Irene looked at me and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Yah, what's the matter? You said it yourself, I'm yours and your mine, so I can call you anything I like." Before Irene could talk, I fed her with a sandwich.

"Ah, ah, ah, chew first before speaking. You know the rule, don't talk when your mouth is full."


The picnic was quick since it was just a gourmet picnic. Nothing really happened when we started eating. It pretty much composed of Irene and I flirting with each other. That's nothing, right?

We headed to the Eiffel Tower and fortunately, the production crew provided us tickets with the direct and summit access at the Eiffel Tower. As what we expected to happen, most of the people surrounding us are also couples who seems to be enjoying the atmosphere here in Paris.

"Now we really look like a real couple." I said.

"What? Are we still not a real couple?" Irene asked me, sounding irritated.

"Well...yes we are, but back in Korea, people might think that we are sisters. Since we're here right now with other couples and we're holding each others' hands tightly, people won't look at us like sisters anymore." I pulled Irene gently and we went to the place where there is a better view of the sunset.

"It's so high here. You can practically see the whole word right here." Irene said, admiring the view.

"Well, for me, I don't need to come up here to see the whole world. I already have my world right here." I kissed the back of Irene's hand.

"Yah, I told you to sto---"

"Remember our date at Namsan Tower? We also watched the sunset there. We were really awkward back then since we haven't got married yet. But since we're married right now, I can confidently do this." I held Irene and kissed her on the cheek.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Yah Seulgi is really getting braver each day."

"Paris looks really beautiful. I wish that I can visit Paris in the future."

"Seulgi, you should've kissed her on the lips. It's the City of Love anyway, so I'm guessing that Irene won't mind that."

I was taken back when Irene pulled me and gave me a peck on the lips.

"What was that for?" I asked her.

"That's for being cute and maybe since we're in the City of Love, I couldn't help myself." Irene smiled cheekily.

What are you doing to me Miss Bae?


We ate at another luxurious restaurant after our trip to the Eiffel Tower. Everything at that restaurant looks really classy. Currently, we are heading towards the hotel that we are staying.

"I wonder how the hotel will look. I'm expecting of a luxurious-looking hotel since this whole trip is luxurious." Irene said.

"Yeah, me too. I guess that they will just surprise us with what the hotel looks like."

We were dropped off at the hotel and the place looks really really luxurious. It has a mix of modern and classy look which made the hotel really beautiful. A female staff led us to where a shuttle is located. I'm guessing that this will lead us to our hotel room since the staffs put our suitcases together with us on the shuttle. It led us towards this gate that is there is a modern house inside.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"The place must be really huge."

"It looks like a grand mansion which millionaires live in."

"Just by looking at it, there might have their own pool there."

As we got down from the shuttle, Irene and I explored the place. It was pretty big and even the bed is a king size bed. We were both astonished by how the place looks.

"This is like a villa for us." I said.

"This place looks as if we can do our honeymoon here." Irene said when we entered the bedroom.

I was about to head outside, when Irene suddenly pulled me and pushed me towards the bed.

"Stop with whatever you are doing." She huskily whispered.


A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit boring ^_^

Happy New Year everyone!! I hope that 2021 would be a better year for each and everyone of us.

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