Chapter 6

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

Since Irene and I still don't have our own house as a couple, we both decided to temporarily stay with the other members since we have no choice. When we came home after our little 'hangout' yesterday, you can probably tell that the other members are waiting at the door for us, smiling widely. I didn't know why, but Irene was blushing. I wonder why? Do they know already? About Irene and I? That's not possible, who could possibly told th--

"Seulgi-yah, get up, we're going somewhere." Irene said as she barged into my room.

"Where are we going?" I asked her, confused.

"Since you decided to take me out yesterday, it's now my turn. I'll take you somewhere and maybe we can grow a lot closer with each other." Irene answered my question while fidgeting with her fingers.

"Oh." That's the only thing that I said, still confused why she's acting shy when I'm around her.

"You don't need to rush though, we're going to leave in the afternoon."

"Huh? If we're going to leave in the afternoon, why did you tell me about this this early? And are you already wearing your casual clothes? Are you ready to g--" Irene cut me off.

"I was just trying some of my clothes, you know, if it still fits me." Irene said, trying to come up with excuses.

"You weren't gaining weight, so why would you try on your clothes? Ohhh, it seems like you're excited? Are you looking forward to our little 'date'?" I said, trying to tease Irene.

"Yah, that's not it! I said I was trying on my clothes! I felt like I was gaining weight so I tried some on! It doesn't necessarily mean that I am excited! And why would you say that it's a date? I wouldn't say that it's a date since it feels like we're just hanging o--"

"Yahhh, Baechu-ssi~, stop it. You're rambling." I held my index finger to her lips to make her stop talking.

Irene's now a blushing mess. She waited for seconds to pass before saying anything. She then slapped my arm so that my index finger wouldn't stop her from talking anymore.

"Who said that you could call me that? We're just starting to become a couple and you're already that flirty?" Irene said as she went to leave my room.

Before completely leaving, she turned around. "Seulgi, just be ready, okay? We don't have all day to hang-out."

When Irene closed the door, it left me smiling. I didn't know why, I'm just smiling. Maybe I'm happy. Maybe this whole husband and wife thing isn't bad at all.


It was already 1:00 in the afternoon and just like what Irene told me, I'm already ready ahead of time. Irene is a meticulous person that's why she really wants everything to go according to plan. I went down the stairs and saw Irene and Yeri talking.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them.

"Nothing. Come on Seulgi, let's go." Irene left a laughing Yeri. I looked at her weirdly.

"What?" Yeri asked me while trying to make a serious face.

I ignored her and went to catch up with Irene. I guess she's really in a hurry.

I went outside and saw Irene already riding her car. I hopped inside the passenger's seat and decided to put on my seatbelt. As I was trying to wear my seatbelt, I didn't know why, but I was struggling. I was struggling to wear it all by myself. Irene saw me and decided to help.

"Yesterday when we hangout, you we're acting all cool and now, you can't even put your seatbelt on." Irene said.

"Thank you hehe. I guess there's something wrong with this seatbelt?" Irene looked at me for a few seconds and decided to ignore me again. What's wrong with her? Is she on her period or something?


Irene didn't talk to me during the whole ride. I think she's mad at me or maybe she's just hungry since we're now parked at a restaurant. I hurriedly went down the car before Irene plans to leave me inside all by myself. When we entered the restaurant, Irene went to pick a seat wherein it is a bit far from the counter.

"Stay here, I'll go order our food." Irene said, walking towards the counter.

I let her decide the food that we are going to eat since I saw from the sign outside that this is a tteokbokki restaurant and because I also think that Irene is a regular customer here. She went back after a few minutes.

"It seems like you've been eating here regularly." I said as Irene took a seat in front of me.

"Yes, I took you here since this is the best place where you can eat tteokbokki. I haven't taken anyone here yet and I wanted you to be the first one. Maybe next time, we can eat here with the members too." Irene said, smiling at me a little.


Irene's P.O.V.

I looked at Seulgi, smiling a little. I was hoping for a reaction from her as if she was surprised, touched, or anything, but being the innocent bear she is, I didn't get to see the reaction I wanted from her. Instead, she was confused.

"Why didn't you take your family here first? You said that I was the first one, so why me?" Seulgi said.

I mentally slapped myself because of what Seulgi said. "Nothing. Forget it. Forget what I said."

Seulgi realized that I was mad at her since she was too innocent to be my husband. She then did an aegyo in order to get my attention and for me to forgive her.

"Yahhh, is my baeby mad at me? I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you meant at first. I now know why you said that and I'm really happy about it." She said while clinging into my arms.

I tried to push her away slightly but I couldn't do it. She was acting all cute and when Seulgi does something, you would really want to keep your eyes on her. Seulgi noticed that I was smiling a little when I was trying to push her so she smiled and kissed me on the cheek. It caught me off guard so now, I am red as a tomato.

"You look cute when you're blushing." Seulgi blurted out then laughing a little.


Before I could finish my sentence, the cashier called our number.

"I'll go get it, you can stay here." Seulgi said, standing up.

"Wait, I ordered a lot. Don't you need any help?" I asked her, worried that she might not be able to bring all the food at our table without spilling it.

"Don't worry my wife, I work out. I can do this on my own." She said and then she winked at me. My face never came back to normal because of Seulgi, it was still red. When did Seulgi learn how to wink?!

After a few seconds, Seulgi came back holding a tray filled with food. I tried to help her when she was about to put the tray down since it looks like that she was struggling a bit, but she insisted that she can do it all by herself. Surprisingly, she did everything without my help.

"Yay! Our food is here. I told you I can do it on my own." She said while showing me her 'muscles'.

I chuckled a little since Seulgi looks like a fool.

"Ohh I almost forgot, we still don't have our utensils." Seulgi said.

"I'll get it." I suggested since Seulgi already did all the work.

"No, no, no, stay here. Like what it is written on my resume, I will take care of you. I'll get it, stay here and wait for me." Seulgi said then she pulled my chair, making me sit down.

I don't know why, but I'm feeling this weird sensation in my stomach. I'm feeling all these butterflies. I'm I falling in love with Seulgi? Is that even possible? No Irene, it's still too early to fall...


Seulgi's P.O.V.

I said 'Thank you' to those people who gave me our food a while ago. I came back with the utensils that I am now holding. As I sat down, I wiped our utensils before giving the other pair to Irene. I saw Irene staring at the floor, blankly. She looks like she's in deep thought. Is she thinking about something?

"Joohyun-ah, what are you thinking about?"

"Huh? What? Ohhh, no worries. It's nothing." Irene said while smiling.

"Hey, we're now a couple, so we shouldn't keep secrets from each other." I said.

"Ohh, I'm just thinking about how you were acting lately. You've been acting like a gentleman and that's great since you're really good at taking care of me." Irene said, giving me a thumbs up.

"As your husband, that's how I should take care of you. Don't think about it too much, you'll only fall for me." I said, winking at Irene again. Woahhh, when did I learn to do that?

"Yahhh who said that I was gonna fall for you? Maybe you're the one who's going to fall for me. Stop saying nonsense Seulgi." I laughed at how Irene was rambling.

"Yeah, yeah, who knows? Maybe someday we'll both fall for each other." I said while looking at Irene intently.

"Yahhhh I told you to stop talking nonsense. Let's just eat. You're only hungry that's why you're saying all those nonsense." I didn't know why but I was just staring at Irene, watching her get the food from the tray so that she can eat it.

"What are you waiting for?" Irene asked me, her mouth full of tteokbokki.

"Ohh, uh, I was just waiting for you to eat first since you're the one who paid for our meal." I now started to eat since I don't want Irene to catch me staring at her again.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Seulgi was definitely staring at Irene."

"They're both going to fall for each other soon."

"I'm sensing some gay vibe here..."

Irene and I didn't speak to each other since we were both busy eating. It was the first time this day that I saw Irene smiling widely, and that is when she was eating tteokbokki. I guess why she was acting moody all day is that because she was hungry.

"Irene?" I called her name. Irene still didn't looked at me. She was busy eating.

"Irene unnie." She immediately looked at me, her mouth still full of food.

"Yahhh, what did I told you? That's against the rules. I'm your wife and you couldn't call me 'unnie' anymore."

"I was just trying to get your attention. And you know that you shouldn't talk when your mouth is full." I said, smiling at the sight of a cute bunny in front of me.

"By the way, Joy told me something." I started to start a conversation since I'm already done eating.

"What did she tell you?" Irene asked me, now that her mouth is now empty.

"She told me that they knew about this whole 'We Got Married' thing, well except for Wendy of course. She told me that her and Yeri signed us up for this. Didn't Yeri tell you that already? I saw you talking with her before we leave?" I asked Irene since she looked confused when I was telling her everything.


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