Episode eleven: We're gonna be on a rough ride

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As usual Kazuya was with the extermination squad to eliminate some more Amazons which then ended with them killing off the last one

Kazuya: "Phew it's over." Then he reverts to normal "Ok I'm this close to goin-" Then Harmamo appears as Amazon Sigma "On second thought hold up." Then he twist the left rod


Kazuya: "AMAZON!"


Kazuya and Harmamo fights against one another with Kazuya using the blades to kill him and as Harmamo dodges every strikes

Harmamo: "I'll beat you in two moves." Then he was going for his first attack which was to break Kazuya's legs "One."

Kazuya: "GAH!!" Then that was when the others fired at Harmamo and then Mamoru helps Kazuya and attacks Harmamo

Harmamo: "Pathetic." Then he threw Mamoru out of his sight and that causes Kazuya to scream to where it can be heard around town as he twist the right rod which then he pulls a sickle

Violent break!

Then he uses it to attack Harmamo but with his broken leg Kazuya is barley able to catch and then Harmamo was about to deal the final blow but Kazuya saw that one coming and then Kazuya dodges as he used his blades on his arms to cut his throat which caused Harmamo to fall to the ground as blood as leaking out as then he reverts back to normal which the extermination squad recognize him

Mamoru: "Wait is that...?" Then he reverts back to normal as everyone surrounds him and knew it was Harmamo "Harmamo?!"

Shido: "No way is it really him?"

Misaki: "Son of a bitch... it's really is Harmamo Su." Then Mamoru hugs him as he started crying and then

Harmamo: "Hey why are you crying?"

Mamoru: "Because I thought you were dead!"

Harmamo: "If you want to get logical then yeah I'm dead but revived with the Amazon cells."

Shido: "Well i'll be so how do you feel?"

Harmamo: "Honestly I have to keep up with my mission."

Mamoru: "And that's?"

Harmamo: "Trying to act like a teenager and to kill Alpha for good."

Kazuya: He reverts to normal "Look I get you were ordered to kill someone but your mission was to act like a teenager so you don't have to act like a soldier because he'll kill you without worry."

Harmamo: Then he started smiling "Honestly I think you're right for once i'll leave him alone but when the time comes i'll eliminate him."

Kazuya: "Good luck with that also you now know who I am and vice versa."

Harmamo: "Ok then. If you need me I gotta deal with a cat." Then he walks home

Shido: "He has a cat?"

Kazuya: "Maybe he needed a companion." Everyone agrees "Hey Takai can you teach me on hand to hand combat?"

Takai: "What?!"

Kazuya: "Yes you heard me correctly I need some training."

Takai: She sighs "You are a piece of work. Fine."


After Sho has killed about 7 or 9 fallen angels he then was about to leave until that was when he heard someone as he hide

???: "DAM IT WHO THE FUCK KILLED THEM!? Eh whatever because i'll be the one to kill every one of the devils." Then Sho takes a quick peak until that was when he sees a fallen angel with 10 wings

Sho: "Well shit." He then ran as fast as he can

???: "Huh? Who goes there!" Then he chases after Sho until he lost him "Well whatever probably some nobody."


Sho was back home as he lays down on a pillow

Sho: He sighs "Why does it happen today?"

Tsubaki: "What happened?"

Sho: "Well I was killing some fallen angels which in my defense I was taking a afternoon stroll walk at the forest and then suddenly about 9 of those crows surrounded me and then one of them told me."

Fallen angel 1 (flashback): "Got on your knees so that we'll kill you easily!"

Sho: "And then I was like."

Sho (Flashback): "Bitch I ain't your mother last night!"

Sho: "And then I killed about 8 of them." Then he has a flashback of them fighting him as Sho was in his Alpha form and kill them one by one

Tsubaki: "And the last fallen angel?"

Sho: "Well..." Then he had a flashback of how the fallen angel killed himself "Pussed out like a bitch." Then she went to grab a ladle and then smacks him in the head "Oww. Son of a bi-" Then she smacked him again "Oww!"

Tsubaki: "Watch your language."

Sho: He groans "Ok mother. Also by the way I may or may not have seen another fallen angel which had a total of 10 wings, pointy ears, red eyes, and probably who looks like Alucard from Hellsing."

Tsubaki: "Wait did you say a fallen angel with 10 wings?"

Sho: "Yeah why do you know him because he looks like the type of guy i'll eat for fun and then maybe eat you." (A/N: "...Don't ask me I don't know if that's and innuendo or not.")

Tsubaki: "Whatever you do don't go near him!"

Sho: "Why?"

Tsubaki: "That man's name is Kokabiel and trust it's best you stay away from him. This man has a fetish for war."

Sho: "Man hope he loves world war II."

Tsubaki: "This isn't a joke."

Sho: "Ok ok i'll promise not to go again that bi-" Then another hit with a ladle by Tsubaki "Oww."

The next day

Harmamo was asleep as usual until that was when he felt his neck getting licked which was making him have to get up immediately to find it was Kuroka

Harmamo: "Umm Kuroka why are licking my neck?"

Kuroka: "You had a neck wound and I was trying to heal it~"

Harmamo: "Kuroka I can heal just fine."

Kuroka: "But still you almost died."

Harmamo: "Hey i'm fine plus also can you stop licking my neck?" Then she stops "Ok good now then get off of me for the love of god."

Kuroka: "Fine. You can really be a stick in a mud."

Harmamo: "Look the more you try to get me the more i'll just resist."

Kuroka: She giggles "Oh so it's a challenge isn't it~?"

Harmamo: "Call it whatever you wanted to be called because you'll know it won't work." Then he looked at a mirror to find he was blushing and thought it might be some sort of paint "What the hell is this?"


As class was already starting and as it was the middle of the class the teacher was acting strange

Teacher: "And so if..." Then he wasn't feeling right

Kazuya: "What the?" Then suddenly the teacher then got on the ground as everyone backed up as then smoke appears as he turns into an Amazon and the students except Kazuya ran away from the class as the Amazon screams and was about to go and kill some students, Kazuya then pulls out his driver and twist the left rod


Kazuya: "AMAZON!"


Then the first thing the Amazon did was to throw Kazuya out the window until Kazuya then punches it to where it lets go of him and then he throws him into a room which then he screwed as it was the Student council room and then Sona was shocked to see the Amazon in by crashing in

Sona: "...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Then Kazuya enters in as he grabs it but the neck with one hand as he throws it out the student council room and then the Amazon tries to leave until it was cornered and then Kazuya used his blades from his arm to decapitate the head for good as it dies and becomes a black goo and then Kazuya grabs it's armlet "Wait a minute... red-eyes... your-" Before she could finish her sentence he covered her mouth

Kazuya: "Shh..." Then suddenly Tsubaki came in running to see Kazuya in his Amazon form and then he jumped out of the window

Tsubaki: "Lady Sona is that?"

Sona: "Yes it's that Amazon."

Kazuya then ran somewhere to hide and reverts back to normal and sits down

Kazuya: "Phew that was over with." Then he started relaxing

Irina: "Umm Kazuya why are you outside?" He then shows the armlet to Irina "Ohh..."

Kazuya: "Yep."

Sho: "Hey!" Then he walks towards them

Kazuya: "What do you want?"

Sho: "Oh nothing but umm you know that you almost got yourself caught."

Kazuya: "Again how should I know the teacher was an Amazon."

Sho: "Right also again watch out also if you're gonna chop people's arm off then do it on a devil except Tsubaki."

Kazuya: "Alright but I almost got caught."

Sho: "I know." Then more Amazons appears to them "Great."

The end

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