Episode thirteen: I almost became a Cannibal

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As the restaurant Kazuya was in and it was night the costumers were enjoying their meal as then the chef comes out of the kitchen and hands his meal to Kazuya

Chef: "Here you go."

Kazuya: "Thank you." That was when he saw that the meal was "meat" string beans, and some potatoes to which he was fine until that was when one of patrons' Armlet glowed red as he then stops eating and left the restaurant as everyone else started eating but had a weird feeling where he wants to eat it but felt uncertain and that was when he was about to take a bite but he felt uneasy to eat it "Umm I hate to ask but what kind of meat is this?"

Random costumer: "What you're gonna eat is too slow down from you transforming?"

Kazuya: "Wait then that means..." When he looked at the meat and the other patrons and the owner he started hesitating as he places something in his mouth as he then "eats" the "meat" "I-it's good." He continues eating "Thank you." Then he finishes eating as he left the restaurant but before giving a nice gesture to the owner

Chef: "Come back anytime."


As he made it back home Irina was worried

Irina: "Kazuya where were you?!" Kazuya rushes to the bathroom and immediately vomits the human meat which he used a small bag to pretend that he digests the human meat "Kazuya? Are you alright?" He started crying

Kazuya: "Irina... what I just ate..."

Irina: "Huh?"

Kazuya: "It was... it was... IT WAS HUMAN MEAT!!! I ALMOST BECAME A CANNIBAL!!!" This shocks Irina

Irina: "What!?"

Kazuya: "Well it all started when I was walking back home. I was hungry and I saw this restaurant that was open so I enter inside. Then I found something different. The front looks like it was being repossessed but there was a chef who I think is the owner greeted me, and took me to another room where other people were there. But they were all Amazons 8 of them, well 7 now but I sensed the chef also being an Amazon. So when he brought up the meal I was hesitant but... one of the costumers said something about how it'll slow me down from transforming. At that moment I was scared and I couldn't refuse the meal so I used a plastic bag and put it down my throat and eat the human meat." He started vomiting again and again "I-I almost could have been." He continues vomiting as he was crying

Irina: "Kazuya..." Then she left to grab some water for him

Kazuya: He coughs "I-I need something to eat..." He left the bathroom

Irina: "Here." She gave him some leftover food as Kazuya eats "You ok?" When he eats he almost didn't feel like eating as the food was almost revolting as he looks at Irina "What?"

Kazuya: "I-I'm gonna go to sleep." He sleeps on the couch

The next day

Kazuya wasn't feeling ok so he stayed home as he just hides in a blanket as he cries

Kazuya: "Why...?" He continues kept thinking on the human meat "N-no... I don't!" He then ran out of the house as he went for a walk

Harmamo was already walking with Kuroka as they needed some fresh air

Harmamo: "Huh? Hey Kazuya!" He waves at him

Kazuya: "Huh...?"

Harmamo: "Hey! What are you do- why do you smell like shame and vomit with a side of meat?"

Kazuya: He tries not to screams "W-well..." He looked at Kuroka as he was close to pulling out his driver and was thinking on eating her alive but didn't as he learned to resist

Kuroka: "Eh? Is he alright?"

Harmamo: "I don't think so he has the sense of what a cannibal would start off but i'm not gonna risk it so..." Then he went up to Kazuya and the first thing he did was kneed him in the stomach and then knocking him out "With that he should be out cold for a few minutes or an hour."

Kuroka: "Why did you do that?"

Harmamo: "he smelled like he went through something terrible and the fact that he smelled like he ate a human plus chances are I don't want him to eat you."

Kuroka: "Aww that's sweet of you~" She hugs him "Although we should carry him back."

Harmamo: "Agree."


Kazuya wakes up in Harmamo's home as he has his hands tied up from the back

Kazuya: "Ugh...What happened?"

Harmamo: "You got knocked out I was worried for Kuroka because I smelled the scent of human meat from you. Tell me where did you go to eat last night?'

Kazuya: "A restaurant..."

Harmamo: "And what kind of meal did they serve?"

Kazuya: "Well it looked closed but the chef and the patrons were Amazons and they ate human meat with potatoes, and string beans."

Harmamo: "Wait a minute... how many?"

Kazuya: "Seven including the chef."

Harmamo: "Alright let me make a call and take me there in a couple of minutes." Then he made a quick call to the extermination squad

Shido: "Hey Harmamo."

Harmamo: "Hey Shido I have some Amazons you want to know where they are."

Shido: "Do tell."

Harmamo: "Kazuya knows where it is hold on." Then he passes the phone to him

Kazuya: "Yeah there are a total of 7 including a chef." Then he told them the address

Shido: "Got it. Thanks for the tip." Then Harmamo hangs up

Kazuya: "Ok so can you untie me?"

Harmamo: "Only if you don't try to kill and eat Kuroka."

Kazuya: "I promise in the name of god."

Harmamo: "Oh yeah by the way you should know that Kuroka is a devil and a neko so don't freak out."

Kazuya: "Yeah well this isn't my first time."

Harmamo: "Alright." Then he unties him


As Kazuya, Harmamo, and the extermination squad were a few blocks away from the restaurant they decided on a plan

Shido: "Alright here's the plan Kazuya and Takai will go in."

Kazuya: "Give me a reason why."

Shido: "Because I told you now get going."

Misaki: "Also Takai you should smile you look like you were about ready to eat someone. Here." Then Mamoru shows her how to smile but when she tries it everyone laughed including Harmamo and Kazuya

Takai: "Alright enough!"

Kazuya: "Yeah I mean she has the face of a cold-hearted killer." Then everyone laughs harder

Takai: "Oh you can all go to hell." Then she shuts the door of the van as both Kazuya and Takai sighed but followed directions as they both headed inside the restaurant

Chef: "Welcome back. I see party of two?"

Kazuya: "Yes."

Chef: "And I see you brought your own food fortunately the first course is already made. But follow me." Then the two went inside where the patrons as Kazuya went to take a seat but Takai was about to take a seat but the chef stopped her "Follow me please." Then Takai was taken to the back of the room

Random patron: "So you're back again." Then everyone was served the same meal as last time

Kazuya: "Y-yeah."

Random patron: "So how was it?"

Kazuya: "I don't know. How is anyone suppose to eat this?"

Random patron: "It's so that we can resist from awakening."

Chef: "Plus if anyone were to awaken then we would have to ask you to leave. I have manners for this restaurant." Then he went into the kitchen as Takai was looking into the fridge and that was when she finds a human corpse "Well then I guess it's time for me to cook you." Then he took a bow and then transforms into this

Then Takai and the crab amazon started fighting and that was when the extermination squad enters in as then Mamoru and Takai started fighting. Then Kazuya and Harmamo pulled out their drivers

Kazuya & Harmamo: "Amazon!/Amazon." They both twist the left rod




Then the two went out and fight the crab Amazon with Takai and Mamoru as the others went inside the restaurant and Misaki shot the ceiling

Misaki: "Alright listen up listen to what we say and you'll be detained instead of exterminated." Then Kazuya throws the crab amazon at Harmamo to which he kicks it to Mamoru to which he punches it and then one of the patrons tries to leave and run but was met with an electrical wire that was set up when the extermination squad was inside "I told you." Then the crab amazon cut the electrical wires

Chef: "Go now!" Then the patrons started to run as the others either fight the crab amazon or went after others


Sho was on his phone until he got an email from Kokabiel

Sho: "Oh hey look at that I got an email from someone from my past." Then he put on an act

Tsubaki: "Who?"

Sho: "Just someone I gotta take care of." Then he grabs his driver and rides his motorcycle "Wait am I forgetting something...? Oh yeah I forgot my goodbye kiss. Man I hope Tsubaki won't hit me with a ladle."

Then Kazuya, Takai, Mamoru, and Harmamo were at a different place and Kazuya managed to chop off one of its claws but that was when Mamoru went and punched it but the crab's armlet went red and than its claws reappear and that was when Harmamo put out three fingers

Harmamo: "I will beat you in three moves." Then his first move was to cut off its one arm "One." Then cut off another "Two." Then finally Kazuya pulls the right rod for him to pull a sickle

Violent Break!

Then Kazuya stabs him directly with the sickle in the heart and then continues going deep until the crab Amazon was now just black goo and a red armlet

Harmamo: "Three." Then they all went after the others but suddenly Kazuya stops them from going any further

Shido: "Hey Kazuya move out the way."

Kazuya: "NO! They haven't even awakened." Then the patrons ran away

Shido: "Crap they got away." Then He got a call from Reika

Reika: "Quick give Kazuya, Harmamo, and M to put on a gas mask." Then the guys put on the mask. Then two drones appear above to patrons as one of the drones drop some weird white stuff on the ground and then splashes water on them causing the white pebbles to dissolves into gas and as they scream in pain as it was harmful to them and the drones used the wind to surround them and as the scream ended as they see a black puddle and their armlets and left Kazuya in shocks

Kazuya: "Why?! They didn't even transformed?! They were just trying to live in peace!"

Misaki: "They were eating human meat. Plus it was either us or them."

Kazuya: "But..."

Harmamo: "It wouldn't matter remember they would gone Amazon one day or another."


Reika: "With this the elimination of the Amazons and with enough pellets and 50 unmanned drones that's enough to fill the whole city in gas. But we need a large amount of water so we'll use the rain.

Takaaki: "Rain?"

Reika: "Yes and the when it rains that's the time to strike operation: Tlaloc."

Meanwhile Sho was walking around the forest until that was when Kokabiel was standing their waiting

Kokabiel: "Finally you made it and I thought I was gonna have to break in your place and have to kill anyone whose in my way."

Sho: "Shut the fuck up. If you were to break in I would have killed you."

Kokabiel: He laughs "Really you think you can kill me?"

Sho: "I don't think. I know." Then he pulls out his driver and puts it on "Amazon." He twist the left rod


Roaming the Wild! Wi-Wi-Wi-the Wild!

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