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Cecilia Able is someone who's an entomophily. She's a girl who loves insects. She cares for them like if their her own family. Cecilia was always known as the weird kid because of her obsession with bugs. Kids in her school would call her 'Bug Girl', not that she cared because no one would get in her way of her obsession with the tiny creatures. She believed no one understood bugs as she does.

One day in 5th grade and it was recess time. Everyone was either playing on the swings, doing hopscotch, tag, hide and seek, or taking to friends. But the black haired girl had other plans. Searching for bugs. Worms, ladybugs, beetles, and ants. Cecilia and her cousin Charlotte or Lottie never really talked to each other that much in school. Not because they didn't like each other or anything, but they didn't really feel the need to, but they would talk to each other for someone's presence. She enjoyed the touch of the moist soil being pushed around with her bare hands. Her knees were on the ground with wet grass and dirt sticking to her kneecaps since it had rained the other day.

She was always fascinated with critters. No one understood why. Not even her parents knew why but they didn't care. She liked the way they moved, the way they eat, and how they lived in the ground. She's just a girl who loves bugs.

Two girls started walking up to, but little Cecilia was to busy searching for worms to notice them. "Hey freak!" the first girl said and that's what got Cecilia's attention and looked up. Not because of the nickname, but because of how many times people have called her a 'freak' or 'bug girl' to the point that it could be her new name. "Yea?" Cecilia asked questioning on what the two girls were gonna do to her.

"Why do you play with bugs, it's so weird?" the other girl asked. It looked like the girl in the middle was a leader and the other girl was a follower. Cecilia didn't know how to respond. She doesn't like being in the spotlight. It's like if she says something wrong they'll laugh at her for one tiny mistake she said or did. Like she'll fall into tiny glass pieces that can never be glued back together.

"Because I love bugs and I think they're cool." she replied but looking anywhere other then the two girls in front of her, nervous of what they'd say. "Well you shouldn't because, like that's what boys do." "Yea and your also weird." "That's probably why she has no friends!" they said and started to laugh like if they were the most funniest people in the whole world.

"Hey leave her alone!" a girl with brown hair shouted at the two girls. "Or what?" one said in a sassy tone. "Wanna find out?" the mysterious girl said. "Ugh, well you should be lucky bug girl that someone has your back!" one said. And with that the two girls left. It was just Cecilia and a beautiful brown haired girl. "Hey my name is Natalie but my friends Nat. What's yours?" Natalie asked wanting to know the quiet girl's name since people don't call her by her actual name. "Um, my name's Cecilia, but you can call me CeCe." "Ok we'll then CeCe would you like to join me and some of my friends in soccer? You don't have to or anything, not forcing you to do anything." Natalie said. Cecilia was surprised but happy. She's never had anyone ask her to play soccer with her other than Lottie.

She thought that no one would talk to her since she was a 'freak'. Her brown eyes widened with excitement and joy. "Sure!" she answered fast. Natalie reached her hand out for Cecilia to grab and pulled her walking hand in hand to introduce Cecilia to her friends. Her friends were Jackie, Taissa, Van, Laura Lee, Shauna, and Cecilia's cousin Lottie.

And that was the start to a beautiful friendship. Or maybe even something more.

bealvr's playground ~
and there's the intro to we'll meet again i hope you liked it!

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