Chapter 17: Second Break-Up

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*Garroth's POV*

I sat in my desk, my head spinning. I think I went a bit overboard this weekend. Not fun...

Laurance sat beside me, occasionally glancing over. I tried not to make eye contact, and tried to focus on the stupid math class. I hate Math so much. I prefer literally anything, over this class. Creative writing; Art- even though I'm not artistic at all; P.E.; History; or even Science- even though the teacher hates my guts! But, Math... My Irene...

"Garroth..," Laurance whispered over to me. "Are you okay? You seem really out of it. Do you need to go the nurse?"

Great idea! We can get out of Math!

But what if Father questions us?

Oh...good point... He can get really strict...

"It's just a headache..," I lied, laying my head down on the desk.

"You're so pale..," he sighed, flicking his pencil. Repeatedly.

I really wanted to take that damn pencil, and snap it over his head. He's been frustrating me too much, lately. I just realized this... Is that my attraction? To fall for people, that hurt me? I hate myself, sometimes. Why am I so screwed up? Damn it...

"I'm fine!" I snapped at him.

Everyone's heads turned in my general direction. The teacher put her hands on her hips, glaring back at Laurance and I. Wonderful, I'm probably in trouble again. This school year, is just getting better and better.

Let's recap, shall we? First, my boyfriend broke up with me! Fun. Next, I met Stupid Laurance, and uncontrollably started crushing on him. Then, my ex-boyfriend bullied me! And, then I started getting in trouble a Hell of a lot more!

"Garroth, Laurance...what's going on back there?" The teacher made slow movements, walking over to our desks. I covered my face with my arms, my heart pounding. I hated being the center of attention. Which, happens quite a bit. "Is something that matter?"

"Garroth's sick!" Laurance chimed in.

Damn you, Laurance.

"No, I'm not!" I protested, holding my head. Everyone...was just too loud...

"Yes, he is, ma'am. Can you send him to the nurse, please," Laurance pleaded. I am going to freaking murder him.

"Hm..," the teacher bent down, looking me over. " do seem a little sick..."

"I-I'm fine... C-Continue your lesson, please... Sorry for interrupting..."

"Alright... But, if you feel like you need to see the nurse, please let me know," she nodded, returning to the front of the class.

"Garroth..," Laurance brought my attention back to him. "I hope you feel better. I care about you, bud."

He cares about me..? That's reassuring...and kind of comforting...

Does he truly care about me, though..?


*Laurance's POV*

"Hey, Lucinda," I met with my girlfriend, after the end of Homeroom.

"Laurance, can I speak with you for a moment?" She asked me.

"Hm? Oh, sure, Babe," I smiled, following her.

Lucinda lead me over to her locker, heaving a sigh. She looked up at me, biting her lip.

"Uhm...I don't think we can be together..," she mumbled, but I could hear her clearly.

"W-what..? Why..?" I stared at her with disbelief.

"Because...I'm just... I don't really feel a connection," she sighed, rubbing her arm. "Do you understand what I'm trying to say here..?"

"I hear you loud and clear!" I snapped, balling my fists. "Screw you!" I yelled, turning away swiftly. I heard people calling for me, but I merely shrugged them off.

"Hey, Laurance, you alright man?" Dante asked, sidestepping to in front of me.

I scoffed, pushing past him. I heard him calling for me, but I tried my best to block out the sounds. I quickly threw my books into my locker, keeping my notebook. I adored that notebook. It's original purpose was for any extra school work, but I littered it with doodles and short stories.

I held it close to my chest, storming down the hallway. I only slowed, when I heard a familiar voice calling for me.

"Laurance, wait up!"

I turned around, to see Garroth panting, as he caught up to me. I stared at him for a moment, as he was catching his breath.

"A-Are you alright..? You've been acting kind of weird..."

"I'm fine," I bluntly stated, earning a shocked look from him. "Don't worry about me, Garroth. Go to class."

"O-Okay..," Garroth sighed, slumping over. He turned around, almost dashing down the hallway. A ping of guilt sat in my stomach, but I just shook it off.

I continued down the hallway, tightening my hold on my notebook. The damned ringing of the school bell, signified I was late for the class I wasn't going to. It didn't even matter.

I made a corner, almost diving into the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me, going over to the far corner.

That's when the tears fell.

I opened my notebook to a random page, as the tears fell onto it. It stained all the drawings I had doodled onto that page, making the ink run- since they were recent. I shook my head, not caring at this point. One by one, I flipped through the pages, ripping out anything that reminded me of... her ... I crumpled them up, chucking them into the convenient trash can. Once it was rid of anything tainted by her presence, I held it back to my chest.

And just let my broken heart, figure out how to heal on it's own.


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