Chapter 20: New School Year

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*Garroth's POV*
~Later That Day~

Where is he?!

I stormed through the lunch room, scanning for Laurance. He purposely sat in a different seat, away from me, in all of our shared classes! I don't know what his deal his, but he has me pissed off! He was completely fine talking with me earlier, but now suddenly, he chooses to ignore me! Especially when I need to confront him, about his break-up with Lucinda!

I eventually spotted him, in the far corner of the cafeteria. I stormed up to where Laurance was seated, reading a book of some sorts. I ripped the book from his hands, slamming my hand down on the table. He glanced up at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Well...that's one way to say hello."

I rolled my eyes, taking a seat beside him. "How could you not tell me, you and Lucinda broke up?!" I shouted at him.

Laurance sighed, shifting his gaze to the floor. "You found out about that, huh?"


Laurance sighed once more, running a hand through his hair. I moved closer to him, grabbing his face. I made him look me in the eye, holding his head still.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked softly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He retorted, pushing my hand off of his face.

I rose an eyebrow, confused by what he was talking about. "What?"

"Why didn't you tell me, about everything you've gone through," Laurance narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. "You never told me, about Gene bullying you. You never told me, that you and Ivy weren't actually dating. And, you never told me why I found the state that I did- crying, and depressed."

"Y-you knew...Ivy and I...weren't actually dating..?" I bit my lip, folding my hands on my lap.

"I figured, ever since we went on that date. You were so awkward, and were repulsed every time she touched you. And don't act like I didn't notice, because I did! You mostly just kept staring at me, or playing with your food. Either, you two weren't dating, or you just weren't met to be together. I figured the former, and you just proved it," Laurance rested his case.

It was my turn to sigh, as I drummed my fingers against the table surface. I was going through quite a mix of emotions, right now. Laurance's expressions softened, and he rested his chin on the table.

"I understand all of your points," I played with a stray strand of my hair, kicking my feet under the table. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, bro. It's alright," Laurance chuckled a little, to himself. He sighed once more, flicking a stray crumb off the table. "I'm done with girls."

Join the club. I was done with women, years ago.

Man, I wish I actually had the confidence to say that.

"Laurance..," I traced my finger against the countertop of the lunch table. "Why were you avoiding me? You moved seats... Did I do something wrong?"

"You're acting like we're dating," Laurance chuckled, and I could tell I was probably blushing darkly. Oh, Laurance... Why do you mess with a small, gay boy's emotions like this? "I'm sorry, man. I was really just not feeling it today..."

"Why?" I pressed, staring into his dazzling blue eyes...

"Because...I found out why she broke up with me...and I had to contemplate it...I'm sorry, for seeming like I was ignoring you..."

That's a dumb reason...

But, if he isn't lying...I feel kind of selfish...

"Oh,'s okay..," I sighed, feeling terrible. I tried to look around, in search of a change of topic. "'s almost the end of the school year... We'll be in High School, next year..."

"Oh, we will," Laurance lightly chuckled. "Damn, how the days go by."

"Yeah..," I lightly smiled, glancing over his features. A moment like this, had my heart racing. Why must he do this to me? It hurts...knowing that we can never get together.

It's one of the worst feelings in the world...

*Laurance's POV*
~Start Of The Next School Year~

"Bye, Hayden," I waved goodbye to him, as I followed my older sister, Cadenza, out the door.

"So, Laurance, are you excited to be a Freshman?" Cadenza giggled, as we began our walk to school.

"I guess so," I shrugged, my eyes scanning around the area.

I was more-so excited to see my friends, if anything. Like, Dante, Travis, Garroth... I didn't see them, over the entirety of summer vacation.

"Say, Laurance," Cadenza stopped in her tracks, giving me a puzzling look. "I must ask...why do you call dad, 'Hayden'?"

I sighed, figuring that this was going to come up sooner or later. "I dunno, Cadenza. I guess, I'm just...still not used to having parental figures in my life...or any family, for that matter. I'm just used to...being alone."

"Is that why you hung around Garroth so much?" Cadenza giggled, playing with her hair.

"Maybe...I-" I blankly stared at her for a moment. " know Garroth?"

Cadenza gave me a 'duh' expression, shaking her head. She let out another giggle, starting her walk again. I followed behind her, holding onto my bookbag.

"Yes, I know Garroth. I've met him, as well. He would sometimes come up to the High School... Let me tell you, Laurance...he is the sweetest thing I've ever met," Cadenza giggled once again. She sighed softly, continuing her rant, "he's so small, and cute. And, not only that, but he is a complete sweetheart. He's thoughtful, and has respect for everyone- boys and girls. You could learn a few things from him, Laurance."

"Geez, Cadenza. Make your crush on Garroth anymore obvious, why dont'cha?" I rolled my eyes, at my older sister.

"Wow, aren't you jealous?" Cadenza teased, playfully hitting my shoulder.

Once again, I rolled my eyes. "Why must you always assume, that I'm gay?"

"Gay and straight, aren't the only sexual orientations, brother," Cadenza scoffed, probably fed up with me. Stupid sisters... "Anyways-!"

Cadenza let out a small gasp, her eyes widening. Her disappointed frown, contorted into a smirk, as she jogged ahead of me. Her annoying heels clicked against the sidewalk, as she ran up to someone. Running to my sister's side, I spotted that she was talking to Garroth... He seems...different. Did he grow over the summer, or something?

"Hiya, Garroth! We were just talking about you!" Cadenza chimed, grabbing my arm, and pulling me closer to them.

"O-Oh, you were?" Garroth glanced over at me, his face a light red. He was probably embarrassed at my sister. I am, as well... She's a bit...excessive. "W-Well, uh...hey, guys. It's nice into you... H-Haven't seen you in a while..."

"More like months, Garroth!" I teased, playfully hitting his arm.

He flinched a little, biting down on his lip. "U-uh...well..."

"Garroth!" Cadenza gasped again, she grabbed a hold of Garroth's shoulders. "You and Laurance must hang out this upcoming weekend!"

"What?" Garroth and I said in unison.

"You heard me! Laurance, has been ranting on and on, about how much he missed you!" Cadenza lied. See?! This is why I hate having her as my sister. "You did go the entire summer, without even talking to each other."

"Sis, I dunno if-" I started.

"Well, my p-parents...won't be home this weekend..," Garroth said, tapping his chin. "I-If you want, I c-can ask Dante and Travis...i-if they want to come over, too... M-Maybe we c-can have like...a bro...sleepover thing...or s-something..."

"I don't-" I tried to start once again.

"That sounds like a great idea, Garroth!" Cadenza interrupted me. She looked over at me, giving me a wink. My Irene.... "Laurance would love to!"

"O-Oh, um...alright..," Garroth nervously chuckled. "W-well, I'm g-going to head to s-school. S-See you there!"

Garroth waved to my sister and I, as he jogged off. When he was a decent distance away, I crossed my arms, glaring at Cadenza. She rolled her eyes, obviously holding in another one of her stupid giggles.

"Brother," Cadenza smirked, looking down at me. "He's so into you."

"Oh my Irene, Cadenza!" I groaned, wanting to pull my hair out of my head. "Can you, like, stop assuming that I like other dudes!"

"I didn't say you did. I said that he obviously had a thing for you," Cadenza pointed out, poking my cheek with her pointer finger. It hurt. Mostly because she has long, sharp nails.

"Seriously, Cadenza...I hate you," I scoffed, beginning the walk once again.

"Feelings mutual, Brother."


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