Chapter 11: Haunting Past

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Third Person POV 

It's been a few days ever since Asuka and Alyssa dropped by to visit Y/N. Ever since then, they dropped by regularly to check up on him. 

Asuka telling him memories of times when they were children. 

Alyssa bringing him home cooked food to make him feel better. 

While this continued, his team kept coming back to him. The nightmares. His self anger. Right now, Y/N was in his dorm sleeping in his bed. 

Shaking his head around in bed. 

Shaking his head repeatedly. 

As if he was being haunted. 

Y/N's POV 


I felt the cold air as I looked around to only see the darkness. 

"Where am I?" 
I asked, only hearing my voice echo throughout the dark. 


???: Over here. 
I heard a familar voice from ahead of me. 

I slowly started walking over towards the dark as I only heard my footsteps echoing throughout the dark void. As I continued to walk through the dark void, I saw someone standing in front of me. Their back turned to me. 

"Who are you?"

???: You don't remember me? 
I heard a girl's voice.

The girl slowly turned around as my eyes widen. 


Sarah: Why Y/N? 

I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. Memories of her being dragged off and being killed. 

"I-I'm sorry." 

She yelled as she pulled out her sword and slashed at me. 


I pulled out my sword and blocked it as I looked into her eyes. 

Full of anger. 

Sarah: Why couldn't you protect us!? 

Sarah: You said you'll protect us!
She yelled as I struggled to hold her back. 

"I-I tried." 
I told her. 

Sarah: You TIRED!? You didn't try! You led us to our deaths! 
She yelled as she kicked me in the stomach, causing me to skid back from her. 

"That's not true!"
I yelled at her. 

Sarah: Oh really? 
She asked as she turned into me. 

Y/N: Did you try? Did you try to save your team? Or did you leave them to die? 

"I tried my best!"
I yelled as I charged at him. 


I felt my sword clash against his as he looked at me. 

Y/N: You were always weak. Depending on your semblance to stop others. Yet you don't practice on your skills as a leader. 

I yelled as I slashed at him. 


To Pyrrha 

Pyrrha slowly woke up as she heard whimpering coming from Y/N's room across the hall. 

Pyrrha: Is he okay? 
She said to herself before getting up. 

Pyrrha walked out of her room and knocked on the door.

Pyrrha: Y/N? 
She asked as she knocks on the door, to only hear more whimpering before cries. 

Hearing this, Pyrrha used her semblance to unlock the door and opens it to see Y/N sobbing his sleep. 

Pyrrha: Y/N? 
She asked as she touched his shoulder. 

Y/N: I-I'm sorry Sarah. 
He sobbed in his sleep. 

Pyrrha: Y/N. 
She said as she shakes him awake. 

Y/N's eyes open, revealing his E/C eyes as he looks at Pyrrha. Before Pyrrha could do anything, Y/N hugged Pyrrha as he sobbed onto her shoulder. 

Y/N: I-I-It's my fault. 
He sobbed into her shoulder. 

Pyrrha: Shh. It's okay. 
She said as she hugged him back. 

Y/N continues to sob into her shoulder as she hugs him, tears running down her cheeks as well. Seeing her friend hurt. 

Pyrrha: It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. 
She said as she hugged him. 

After a few minutes of calming him down, Y/N slowly fell asleep and Pyrrha laid him down before slipping under the sheet with him. 

Pyrrha: Good night Y/N. 
She said as she kissed his cheek. 

Here is chapter 11 of We Love You! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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