Chapter 17: Guilt

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Third Person POV 




Y/N was shooting at his gun in a training room as the training robots charged at him. 


Y/N shot at a robot in the leg before seeing the ice form in the robot's leg, slowing it down as it walked towards him. 


Y/N shot the robot in the head before seeing it fall to the ground and aiming up at another running towards him. 


Y/N shot at its leg, causing the leg to come off before seeing it crawl towards him. 


The robot fell to the ground as Y/N turned his head to see Pyrrha walk in. 

Pyrrha: Didn't expect you to be in here. 
She said as she sees hold his gun in hand, aiming at a target. 

Pyrrha: How are you doing? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: I'm doing fine. 
He said as he continues to shoot his weapon, shooting another robot in the head.  

Pyrrha: You've been in here for a while. 
She said as she looked at him, seeing his dull E/C eyes. 


Y/N continued shooting at another robot as he ignored her. 

Pyrrha: Y/N... You need to move on. 
She said with sorrow in her voice as Y/N continued to shooting, ignoring her as tears formed in his eyes. 

Pyrrha: I'm sorry Y/N. It just been two weeks since they disappeared. 
She said before putting her hand on his shoulder. 

Pyrrha: I'm sorry. 
She said and kissed him on the cheek before leaving the room, leaving him there as he shot another robot. 

Gritting his teeth, Y/N continued to shoot as the bullet tore through the training robots. 




Y/N: Why. 
He said to himself in anger. 

Y/N: Why.
He said to himself as tears ran down his cheeks. 

Y/N: Why didn't I go with them. 
He said to himself. 

Y/N: If I went, they would be safe. 
He said to himself in anger, remembering how he lost his team. 

Seeing Sarah. 

Seeing Tony. 

Seeing Chris. 

Remembering the times they've spent together. The times they've argued. 

Y/N: Why am I so weak. 

To Pyrrha 

Pyrrha sighs as she walked into her room before seeing her team looking at her.

Jaune: How is he? 
He asked her. 

Pyrrha: H-H-He's been in there....
She said as she looked at the ground, feeling herself about to break down. 

Jaune: It's going to be okay. 
He said as he hugged her. 

Pyrrha hugged him tightly as she sobs into his shoulder while the other two teammates watched. 

Pyrrha: I just wish he'll get better. 
She sobs louder as she held onto him. 

To Y/N 

Y/N strolled into his room as he threw his guns onto the ground before climbing onto his bed, laying on it as he had his arm over his eyes. 

Y/N: Damn it. God damn it. Why. Why am I so weak. 
He cursed to himself. 

As he laid there, he slowly fell to sleep before hearing a loud knock. 

Y/N: Who would want to see me. 
He said to himself, still angered at himself. 


Y/N: I've failed them all. 
He cursed to himself. 


Y/N: T/N. 


Y/N: Who is it.

???: Open the door dolt. 

Here is chapter 17 of We Love You! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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