Chapter 22: Date with Yang

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Third Person POV 

Ozpin was sitting at his desk as he looked at Ironwood on his scroll. 

Ironwood: When is he going to be ready? 

Ozpin: He will be soon. 
He said as he pour coffee into his mug. 

Ironwood: How long til then. 

Ozpin: I'll give it 3 to 5 days. 
He said before sipping out of his mug. 

Ironwood: Hmm. I suppose so. Can't rush it. 
He said before hanging up. 

Ozpin sighs as he looks outside the window, overlooking the courtyard as the leaves flowed through the wind. 

Ozpin: I hope he will recover.
He said as he watched the bulkheads enter and leave. 

Ozpin: Because he does not deserve the consequence of my mistakes. 

To Blake 

Blake was sitting on her bed as she read her book while having a photo of Y/N. 

???: Hey Blake? 
She heard a voice before looking up to see Ruby. 

Blake: Hey Ruby. 

Ruby: Umm... Where is Y/N? 
She asked as she twiddled with her fingers. 

Blake: He's with Yang. Why? 
She asked as she tilts her head. 

Ruby: Oh...I just wanted to ask him something but I'll just ask him later.
She said before walking to her bed. 

Ruby: Damn it Yang. 
She said to herself before pulling out her scroll and scroll through her photos. 


Blake sighs before getting up and opening the door, seeing Asuka stand in front of her. 

Blake: H-Hey Asuka. 
She said as she looked at her. 

Asuka: Where is Y/n. 

Blake: He's with Yang. 

Asuka: Where. 

Blake: Going to Vale. Why? 

Asuka: Just wondering. 
She said before walking away, leaving Blake confused there. 

Blake: That was strange.
She said before closing the door. 

Asuka walked down the hall before seeing a girl with black hair in black leather clothing with metallic arms. 

???: Hey. Do you know a team with a kid named Y/N and Asuka? 
She asked as she looked at her. 

Asuka: I'm Asuka. 
She said as the girl smiled. 

???: Well that made my day easier. 
She said with a small smile. 

???: Name's Olivia. 

Asuka: Nice to meet you Olivia but why are you here? 
She asked. 

Olivia: Oh I was transferred from Atlas. 
She said to her. 

Asuka: Huh. Neat. Let's go to the dorm. 
She said before walking down to the room and opening the door, revealing the room. 

Olivia: Nice room. 
She said before seeing a photo of Sarah, Chris, and Tony on the desk. 

Olivia: Who are these guys?
She asked as Asuka took the frame out of her hand before putting it into a drawer. 

Asuka: Those were his former teammates. 

To Y/N 

Yang: What do you think Y/N?
She asked as she looked at him, he hand on her chin as she held a cup in her hand. 

Y/N: It's great. 
He said with a small smile. 

Yang: That's good to hear. 
She said with a smile before sipping out of her cup. 

Y/N smiled back before sipping out of his as well. 

Yang: So how is it being out of Beacon for a little bit. 
She said as she leaned closer to him, smiling. 

Y/N: Great. 

Yang: That's good. 
She purrs into his ear, making him blush a bit. 

Yang: What's wrong? Do you have a fever? 
She asked as she leaned closer to him, smirking at him. 

Y/N: W-W-What are you doing? 

Yang: Oh nothing pretty boy.
She said before putting her cup down and grabbed a fry. 

Yang: So what have you and kitty done so far? 
She asked before taking a bite out of the fry. 

Y/N: J-Just hang out so far. 
He told her before eating a fry. 

Yang: Oh really? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Yang: How is she? 
She asked as she took another fry. 

Y/N: She's great. 
He said with a small smile. 

Yang: That's great to hear. 
She said with a smile. 

???: Here is your receipt. 
A waiter said before giving them the receipt. 

Y/N: How much is it? 
He asked. 

Yang: Only 10 lien. 
She said before leaving 10 lien on the table. 

Yang: Come on. 
She said before grabbing his wheelchair and stroll out of the restaurant. 

Yang: How was that Y/N? 

Y/N: The food was great. 
He said with a smile, looking at her. 

Yang smiles before kissing his cheek. 

Y/N: W-W-What was that for? 
He asked, blushing darkly. 

Yang: Just a kiss for tonight. 
She said before leaning into his ear. 

Yang: There'll be more my boyfriend. 

Here is chapter 22 of We Love You! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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