Chapter 34: Sister and Brother

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"So here we are."
I said as I looked at Asuka.

Asuka: You'll be okay Y/N.
She said as she looked at me.


Asuka: It's best that you get this surgery. 

"Why is that? Because I'm the one paralyzed from the waist down?" 

Asuka: No. It's to help you.
She said as I sighed. 

Asuka: Why are you like this. You wanted to do the surgery and now you're all moody. 

"It's because my team is dead. I failed to protect them. Tony, Chris, and Sarah. They are all dead. And now their families probably hate me too." 

Asuka: You don't know that. 

"As if they aren't grieving the loss of their sons or daughters." 

Asuka: Lighten up Y/N. You'll be able to walk and you can do everything normal again. 

"Maybe... Maybe not." 

Asuka: Hey! At least you won't stuck in a wheel chair. 
She said with hints of anger. 

"I suppose so." 
I said as I heard her growl. 

Asuka: Do you realize how much it hurt mom to see you like this. 
She said, standing up as she clenched her fists. 

Asuka: Do you. 
She growls. 


???: Mr L/N. Are you ready?
A nurse asked as she stood at the door. 

I said as Asuka walked out of the room. 

"Damn it." 
I cursed to myself. 

Nurse: That's good.
She said as she held a needle in hand and held my arm.

Nurse: This will only hurt a little bit.
She said as she pushed the needle into my arm.

"What was in there?"
I asked as I looked at her, feeling a little woozy.

Nurse: That's just to help us during the surgery.
She said as I slowly closed my eyes. 

To Asuka 

Asuka: Stupid...
She cursed to herself, sitting against a wall. 

Asuka: All this way and he's still like this. 
She growls angrily. 

???: Would have thought you'll be in there with them. 
A voice called out to her as she looked to see Olivia. 

Asuka: Leave me alone. 
She said, curling into a ball. 

Olivia: What happened in there? 
She asked as she sat down next to her. 

Asuka: Nothing happened. 

Olivia: Then why aren't you in there? 
She asked as Asuka remained silent. 

Olivia: Well...what is it? 

Asuka: He's being depressing as ever. 
She mutters. 

Olivia: What? 
She asked as she looked at her. 

Asuka: Being depressing as ever. 
She told her. 

Olivia: that is what this is about. 
She said as she looked at her, leaning against a vending machine near them. 

Asuka: Won't even lighten up. 

Olivia: I mean...can you blame him? Lost his team in that mission from what those girls told me. And the leader is the only one left and crippled? Surely he will be moody and depressing. 
She said before slamming her fist into the vending machine and grabbing a can. 

Olivia: Aside from that, you should be in there with him. 
She said as Asuka looked at her with tears. 

Asuka: B-

Olivia: Do you love him or not. 

Third Person POV 

Ozpin stood in a room, in front of a glass window as doctors readied the room. 

???: Headmaster. Are you sure you still want to go through with this? 
A man asked as Ozpin turned to see one of the doctors. 

Ozpin: Yes. I want to go through with this.

Doctor: We do not know the after effects of this. What if the material Ironwood sent us fails? 

Ozpin: It won't. James is the leader of the most advance kingdom on Remnant. The cybernetic will be ready. 
He said as he looked at the doctor. 

Doctor: I see. I just pray that this young student of yours will be able to regain the use of his legs. 
He said before walking into the room. 

???: Headmaster Ozpin. When will Y/N be doing the surgery? 

Ozpin: In a few minutes Ruby Rose. 
He said as the four girls walked into the room. 

Weiss: Are you sure this will work out? 

Ozpin: We'll see. 
He said as Ruby twiddled with her fingers. 

Yang: What is wrong sis? 

Ruby: Oh...nothing. It's just going to be weird. 
She said as she looked down. 

Blake: What do you mean? 

Ruby: Just going to be weird being able to see him walk again. 
She said as she continued to  twiddle with her fingers. 


???: Ozpin, they are ready. 

Ozpin: Bring him in. 
He said as a group of doctors slowly brought Y/N on a medical bed, laying on his chest. 

Doctor: Is he ready? 
A doctor asked as he looked at another while the others readied Y/N. 

Doctor 2: Yes. 
Another doctor said as the doctors looked at Ozpin. 

Doctor: Commencing surgical procedure. 

Here is chapter 34 of We Love You! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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