Chapter 47: Break

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Third Person POV


Asuka slashed through a small beowolf as Olivia threw a small dagger at another.

Olivia: Is this what you do all morning?
She asked as Asuka slashed through a large beowolf, her silver blade cutting through it's shoulder and towards its left side.

Olivia: Hey, did you hear me?
She asked before throwing another dagger at a beowolf's head, looking at Asuka as she slammed her sword through another's beowolf's skull, stabbing into the ground below it. 

Olivia: Must you be so aggressive about this?
She asked as Asuka ripped her sword out of the grimm's head before swiping it, swiping its goo off her sword.

Asuka: It doesn't matter as long the job is done.
She said as she looked at Olivia.

Olivia: Hmm, wish you weren't so serious about everything.
She said as Asuka hummed in response.

Olivia: Have you thought about our last discussion?
She asked as Asuka stopped in her tracks, turning her head towards her.

Asuka: Yes.
She answered as the two looked at each other.

Olivia: And what are you going to do about it? 
She asked as Asuka looked at the ground. 

Olivia: What is the answer going to be Asuka. 
She said as she walked up to her. 

Asuka: How do you expect me to ask him? 
She asked, looking at her as Olivia rolled her eyes. 

Olivia: Do you really have no idea on what to do? 
She asked as she looked at the swordsman before her. 

Asuka: I-I-I thought my actions would speak for itself. 
She said as Olivia facepalmed. 

???: Asuka. Olivia. I've made lunch. Come and eat. 
A voice called out as the two continued to look at each other. 

Olivia: Once Y/N comes back, I'll be sure to make sure there's something between you and him. 

Y/N's POV 

???: Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Come on, wake up!
A voice screamed as I groaned loudly, slowly opening my eyes to see Ruby staring at me with her silver eyes, pulling at my arm. 

"W-What is it?" 
I asked, groaning loudly as I rubbed my eyes. 

Ruby: Come on! Come on! Come on! The food's ready! 
She yelled excitingly. 

"W-What food?" 
I asked as I looked at her, seeing her jump up and down excitingly. 

Ruby: Hmm, Yang's barbecuing outside and Coco's getting drinks! 
She yelled as I slowly stood up. 

"Great. Another day of drinking." 
I thought to myself before dragged down the hall by her. 

"Ruby, slow down, I just woke up." 

To Coco 

Velvet: Coco, are you sure you should be buying this type of stuff? 
She asked, looking at a pack of drinks in a car. 

Coco: Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? 
She answered as she looked at her. 

Velvet: Coco, you know exactly what could go wrong. 

Coco: Relax bun-bun, we're on break. Let's enjoy it while we can. 
She said as Velvet face-palmed.

Coco: Relax bun-bum, everything would be fine. Now let's go get some more food for the others. 

Y/N's POV 

???: How are you feeling Y/N? 
Her voice boomed through my head as her head leaned against my chest. 

"I'm doing better Blake." 
I said, feeling a sharp pain eating away at the back of my head. 

Blake: Drink a little too much yeste-CANNONBALL! 
She said before seeing Ruby jump into a pool. 

Ruby: IT'SCOLD! 
She screamed as I chuckled while hearing a small giggle from Blake. 

"Is it really?" 

Ruby: YES! 
She yelled, hugging herself as she looked at us. 

???: That's what you get for jumping in early Rubes. 
I heard another as Ruby pouts. 

Ruby: It's hot Yang! 
She yelled, pouting as she looked at her older sister. 

Blake: Want to go in? 
She asked as I looked at her. 

I answered as she smiled happily before standing up, dragging my hand with hers. 

Yang: Look Ruby, looks like the love birds are going to be joining you. 

Ruby: Aye! I'm not the only one in the pool! 
She yelled excitingly. 

???: Hey guys, we're back. 
I heard another voice before turning around to see Coco walking inside with a small pack of drinks. 

"Where do you go?"
I asked as she looked at me with a small smile. 

Coco: Velvet and I went out to go grab food and drinks.
She said as Velvet looks at her with a small glare. 

Coco: Since we got a few days left of the week. Let's enjoy it as much as we can. 
She smirked, holding a can in her hand. 

Coco: Let's all enjoy ourselves.

Small time-skip 

???: Y/N? I thought you weren't able to get in the pool with us. 
A voice called out to me as I slowly turned around to see Velvet. Seeing her feminine figure in a swim suit as she sat down on the side, her legs dipping into the pool as I felt my head swirling around. 

"Oh, doctor said I can. Just taking it slow right now." 
I said as she smiled. 

Velvet: That's nice to hear. 
She said with a smile as I sat by her, still feeling my the swirling effect in my head. 

Velvet: Drank a little too much?
She asked as I slowly nodded, struggling to keep my attention as I saw the others. Seeing Ruby splash water at Coco while Yang stood at the grill. 

"Hopefully Coco didn't buy too much." 
I muttered to her before feeling a pair of arms around my chest, feeling a pair of hands rubbing my chest. 

"What the?" 
I asked myself before turning to see Blake, seeing her amber eyes staring at me with a small blush, seeing a small smirk. 

"Oh, hey Blake." 
 I said as she pressed herself into my back, feeling her breasts against my upper back. 

"Blake, what are you doing?" 
I asked before feeling her hand around mine. 

I asked before being pulled up the stairs, seeing that she was leading me back inside the house. 

???: Y/N, where are you going with Blake? 
I heard another voice as I turned to see Ruby. 

Yang: Ruby, let the two have fun while I cook food for all of us. 

Ruby: But I'm not hungry. 
She pouts as she looked at her before feeling Blake pull me into the house. 

"Blake, what are you doing?" 

Blake: Let's have fun. Just the two of us. 

Here is chapter 47 of We Love You! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

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